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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2


soundwave05 said:
The "word on the street" is that around early 2001 Miyamoto and Iwata went to Capcom.

This is quite rare since Nintendo simply doesn't grovel at the feet of third parties. Even if they've lost a bit of their stature, it's still something if the British Royal Family comes to visit your house for example.

Apparently Okamoto, concerned at the time over the PS2's difficult to code for architecture and sold on Miyamoto/Iwata's wining and dining agreed to the heavy GCN support.

Later on, when it became evident that GameCube wasn't even going to come close to sales estimates, there was interal pressure on Okamoto by some "suits" who wanted him out. So he resigned.

I don't know if that's 100% accurate, but it seems like this just a deal that went really sour.

Sounds about right... but what's confusing (and this is a problem with Capcom as a whole) is that their games are under performing on the huge userbase of the PS2. Capcom is slowly becoming irrelevent as Nintendo is IMO... they still ahve some strong brands (RE, Megaman) but they market seems to be dwindling. Hopefully both companies can find their spark again.
I think it's just a time difference.

They delayed Zelda: Ocarina of Time by like a full year, ditto for practically every other N64 title, even the smaller ones like F-Zero X and Yoshi's Story took forever to come out.

I remember when they did unveil "Celda" it ended with a "winter 2002" at the end and everyone scoffed at the release date, but it actualy did make it out right on time for the Japanese release anyway.

But this is kinda off topic.

Capcom seemed to start the generation off well with Onimusha (the first PS2 million seller IIRC) and Devil May Cry selling well, but things sorta went downhill after that. Capcom comes up with so many new franchises and ideas though, I think it's just a matter of time before something else they make catches on.
Mashing said:
Sounds about right... but what's confusing (and this is a problem with Capcom as a whole) is that their games are under performing on the huge userbase of the PS2. Capcom is slowly becoming irrelevent as Nintendo is IMO... they still ahve some strong brands (RE, Megaman) but they market seems to be dwindling. Hopefully both companies can find their spark again.

Are you saying Nintendo is more irrelevant than Capcom? The fact that you could even call Nintendo irrelevant is a reflection of the rampant idiocy invading this board :\ Hell, saying SCEA or MGS is irrelevant would be more credible.


No, I just meant that they are both slowly becoming irrelevent as far as the mainstream consumer (as much as I hate to admit it--I hate mainstream games for the most part) is concerned.

Nintendo as the #2 worldwide publisher is certaintly not irrelevent to the gaming industry... anyone who thinks that is off his rocker. It's only a matter of time until they are #3, #4 and so down the line. They'll alwasy have their hardcore fanbase though which can still buy their games in the millions.


Mashing said:
No, I just meant that they are both slowly becoming irrelevent as far as the mainstream consumer (as much as I hate to admit it--I hate mainstream games for the most part) is concerned.

Nintendo as the #2 worldwide publisher is certaintly not irrelevent to the gaming industry... anyone who thinks that is off his rocker. It's only a matter of time until they are #3, #4 and so down the line. They'll alwasy have their hardcore fanbase though which can still buy their games in the millions.
I don't know about that. I think that they can still pull some magic out of their ass, right when you least expect it. I wouldn't even put it past them to hit #1 (publishing, that is, not hardware) again. It's all about what they want to give to the industry.
The honest truth is any single publisher would have trouble selling an entire platform largely just off their own games.

EA, maybe, but not everyone likes sports games, and they probably wouldn't get all those movie licenses if they couldn't gauruntee the movie studios that they would put those said franchises on every platform (after all -- the movie studios don't give a crap about console wars, they just want their movie merchandise accessible to as many people as possible).

Square-Enix .. well aside from the 4-5 million hardcore fanbase they have, they'd have trouble outside of that.

Nintendo is just in a very, very uphill battle here.
Mashing said:
No, I just meant that they are both slowly becoming irrelevent as far as the mainstream consumer (as much as I hate to admit it--I hate mainstream games for the most part) is concerned.

Nintendo as the #2 worldwide publisher is certaintly not irrelevent to the gaming industry... anyone who thinks that is off his rocker. It's only a matter of time until they are #3, #4 and so down the line. They'll alwasy have their hardcore fanbase though which can still buy their games in the millions.

I'd say Nintendo's home consoles haven't been important to the mainstream since OoT. But I can't see any reasonable situation where they'll drop past 4th place in publishing next gen. But really, there's no way to speculate well on the future of any company when we haven't even seen any future home consoles. Nintendo might be able to pull it out of a hat. I think the consumer trends of this gen and their failures are slowly being beaten into them. The SP, DS, and their games as of late have made me believe they are stressing quality games and marketable hardware seriously. Making the Gamecube a winner is a lost cause, but I don't think it has negatively impacted them to where a quality Revolution will be skipped over because its a Nintendo console. I'll just wait and see, and try to avoid as much fanboy bickering as possible.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
captainbiotch said:
I'd say Nintendo's home consoles haven't been important to the mainstream since OoT. But I can't see any reasonable situation where they'll drop past 4th place in publishing next gen. But really, there's no way to speculate well on the future of any company when we haven't even seen any future home consoles. Nintendo might be able to pull it out of a hat. I think the consumer trends of this gen and their failures are slowly being beaten into them. The SP, DS, and their games as of late have made me believe they are stressing quality games and marketable hardware seriously. Making the Gamecube a winner is a lost cause, but I don't think it has negatively impacted them to where a quality Revolution will be skipped over because its a Nintendo console. I'll just wait and see, and try to avoid as much fanboy bickering as possible.



Junior Member
sonic4ever said:
what does POTD mean?

Post of the Decade!

Also, I like the guy, but is Shinji Mikami now officially the most owned game designer around? Looks like Capcom executives have put their foot down. Let's just hope that with him(and Kamiya) moving to Clover studio that the next Resident Evil games are still good.


soundwave05 said:
The "word on the street" is that around early 2001 Miyamoto and Iwata went to Capcom.

This is quite rare since Nintendo simply doesn't grovel at the feet of third parties. Even if they've lost a bit of their stature, it's still something if the British Royal Family comes to visit your house for example.

Apparently Okamoto, concerned at the time over the PS2's difficult to code for architecture and sold on Miyamoto/Iwata's wining and dining agreed to the heavy GCN support.

Later on, when it became evident that GameCube wasn't even going to come close to sales estimates, there was interal pressure on Okamoto by some "suits" who wanted him out. So he resigned.

I don't know if that's 100% accurate, but it seems like this just a deal that went really sour.

What I know...

Mr. Mikami is pro-Nintendo anti-Sony. Even when CAPCOM pretty much didn't support N64 at all...he insisted that RE2 be ported to it anyways. Even though it took more work than it was arguably worth and in the end CAPCOM probably took a hit to release the game it came out 'cos Mr. Mikami wanted his game on N64 'cos he wanted N64 only owners to be able to enjoy his game. Later on down the road when DC came along he worked with Sega to bring Code Veronica onto the platform "exclussivly", but CAPCOM higher-ups made him make RE3 Nemisis for PlayStation to show Sony they were still in good faith. I dunno if Mr. Mikami liked this, and he obviously didn't like the fact that Sony had an almost monopolistic influence in the industry worse than probably Nintendo did back in the NES era. I think he wanted to "balance the scales" and "even things out". HE was the one to call Mr. Miyamoto before GAMECUBE released and asked him if the series would be appropriete for GAMECUBE. Thus the "exclussivity" deal began...too bad CAPCOM managment didn't like it. There was no contract and no money knowingly exchanged...this was announced just right before the GAMECUBE launched in Japan. Nintendo was also working on another "coupe" by working out a deal with Square to make games for GAMECUBE...but that was thwarted when Sony bought a big stake in Square to prevent it. It inevitably happened later on, after Mr. Yamauchi pulled some strings and Brownie Brown & GDS were formed as a bridge for Square games on Nintendo systems, but it originally was meant to be announced around the same time as the RE exclussivity was announced to sorta stick it to Sony. Mr. Mikami was very vocal towards his anti-Sony (and anti-Square) mentality, but CAPCOM itself continued to support PS2 much more even thru Production Studio 4's "CAPCOM 5" announcement. Mr. Mikami is a GAMECUBE evangelist and it's even rumored that he convinced Mr. Kojima to let MGS onto GAMECUBE.

Mr. Okamoto left CAPCOM due to upper-magerial disputes, but I don't think over Nintendo...otherwise he'd either be with Nintendo now or the company he headed up afterwords would be supporting Nintendo. He became close to Nintendo 'cos he and Flagship wanted to work on a Zelda series, they got the chance and this started alot of idea's within Nintendo to do more collaborations...including Mr. Mikami's RE Zero (at the time, planned exclussivly for N64). Then this openned up relations between CAPCOM & Nintendo furhter before this generation started and that led to RE exclussivity. While I'm sure Mr. Okamoto had a slight hand in the whole RE exclussivity and the "CAPCOM 5"...I don't think that was the reason he left the company in the end. He was invited to Nintendo HQ soon after he left CAPCOM though, and they gave him a limited edition SP as a gift! =D

CAPCOM, the company, probably never wanted to piss off the market leader, nor did they want the creator of the RE series to badmouth them, let alone bring the series "exclussivly" to a non-Sony platform. While the creator's of the RE games on GAMECUBE were pumped for it, CAPCOM, the company...was not. Sony even had thier hand in the RE movie, making it hard for CAPCOM not to say "oh yeah...don't worry, the games really aren't exclussive, we're just fuckin' with 'em Sony...don't be mad, Mr. Mikami was just joking when he said PS2 sucks...really...don't hurt us!" They did alot to "soften the blow" to "fans" of the series and the original "home" (Playstation) of the series...and I would even go so far as to say that they never wanted the GAMECUBE versions to sell well so as to justify porting the games later. I mean, even now...why wouldn't they wait until AFTER the GAMECUBE version is released before say it's also coming to PS2? Sabatoge! Probably Sony's idea to do it before this holiday season in order to undermind Nintendo altogether (a one-two-punch with the PSP pricepoint announcement) and I will be SHOCKED if Mr. Mikami is remotely involved with the port or even still with CAPCOM after the GAMECUBE version is released. If he truly was anti-Sony & pro-Nintendo and CAPCOM's higher-ups are forcing his game onto other platforms after he promissed Nintendo fans that it was exclussive time and time again, then this should be the straw to break the camel's back. He should already be packing for Nintendo, which would give CAPCOM even more reason to announce the PS2 port now, just to spite him and Nintendo.

Hopefully Nintendo is smart enough to pick him up and give him his own studio so they can have thier own in-house mature games ready for Revolution. Maybe Mr. Mikami can convince Mr. Okamoto to come along for the ride? Hey...didn't the long time FF composser leave Square? Man...I know I'm reaching, but it's been rumored for a while now that Nintendo was beefing up it's Tokyo studio with industry veterans.
Well it looks like the Capcom business execs left Mikami out to dry. He must be a bit embarrassed after making all those statements.

I haven't heard anything about him resigning or anything like that though. Maybe he would join Okamoto's new company or something. I wouldn't be surprised. Clover Studios seems more like Kamiya's deal.

As for Nintendo, yes obviously, they need to expand their internal resources to make games like Resident Evil (not direct rip-offs, but games with that sort of appeal) internally. Hell, they honestly needed to do that about six or seven years ago.
Devil May Cry orginally started off as RE4 but became so different that they made a seperate franchise out of it.

Apparently, development was really rough on this title as Capcom's programmers tried to come to grips with the PS2. Several programmers were dumped in the process apparently.

Ever since then Mikami has basically ripped the PS2 every chance he gets.

It is possible that he is either gone from the company or will leave as soon as RE4 GC wraps. That doesn't mean he'll "join" Nintendo though, he didn't neccessarily seem thrilled with how his software on the GameCube was selling either.
"Mr. Mikami is pro-Nintendo anti-Sony."

He's more pro GC and anti PS2. He doesn't like how hard it is to program for the system. He never took any shots at Sony before that since the PSone was the easy system to develop for last gen.

" Maybe Mr. Mikami can convince Mr. Okamoto to come along for the ride? "

I doubt that. Okamoto just formed his own company earlier this year.
Well I don't see Sony changing Mikami's mind too much with PS3 (multi-processor CELL infastructure). It'll probably be similiarily complex to the PS2, hopefully with better tools this time though.

And yeah, Mikami would be going to work for Okamoto, not the other way around.


Hey GAK :p, do you happen to know if Mikami is responsible for "Demons Crest" on the SNES? I've always been under that impression, and have always lamented the fact that he has never made a sequel in that case.


I don't understand why Nintendo should hire Mikami. He made one decent-but-totally-unpolished game nearly a decade ago, and has managed to rehash it five or six times over......rarely trying to fix any of the original's problems. Without the "Resident Evil" brand backing him, it's difficult to say if he could produce anything that would sell well, much less anything that meets Nintendo's "polish" standards.

It's like saying that Nintendo should buy out Neversoft, but let Activision keep the Tony Hawk license. Not only has each subsequent sequel sold less, but it's near impossible to say if they are valuable beyond their most high-profile franchise.
Well one thing Mikami does have is a very, very cool sense of style.

It may be a case of "too little, too late" but seriously Nintendo needs to get some designers that can think outside the "pastel colors" box. And I enjoy those types of games from Nintendo, but after the successs of GoldenEye and the unveiling of Perfect Dark/ Conker's BFD, I was really looking forward to seeing Nintendo expand outwards, but they seemed to have reverted backwards or still unwilling to make a serious play for older consumers.
border said:
I don't understand why Nintendo should hire Mikami. He made one decent-but-totally-unpolished game nearly a decade ago, and has managed to rehash it five or six times over......rarely trying to fix any of the original's problems. Without the "Resident Evil" brand backing him, it's difficult to say if he could produce anything that would sell well, much less anything that meets Nintendo's "polish" standards.

It's like saying that Nintendo should buy out Neversoft, but let Activision keep the Tony Hawk license. Not only has each subsequent sequel sold less, but it's near impossible to say if they are valuable beyond their most high-profile franchise.

Mikami wasn't the main man behind any of the REs after the first and before the remake.


Date of Lies said:
Mikami wasn't the main man behind any of the REs after the first and before the remake.
So if that's true, then he made one good game and sat on his ass for about 7 years....never creating anything new or innovative or marketable. That makes for an even less impressive resume to hand to Nintendo.
Mikami is not a director, he's more of a producer. He has been involved in numerous projects over the years, including the various Resident Evil sequels, Dino Crisis, and Devil May Cry.

Miyamoto hasn't directed many games either (the last one being Super Mario 64 in 1996).
soundwave05 said:
Well it looks like the Capcom business execs left Mikami out to dry. He must be a bit embarrassed after making all those statements.

I haven't heard anything about him resigning or anything like that though.
Well RE4 is his 'baby', so I'm sure he's going to want to finish working on and promoting the game before he even thinks about moving on from Capcom.
DrGAKMAN said:
Mr. Okamoto left CAPCOM due to upper-magerial disputes, but I don't think over Nintendo...otherwise he'd either be with Nintendo now or the company he headed up afterwords would be supporting Nintendo.

I believe Okamoto company, Gamer's Republic, is creating "Oni" for the PS2.

DrGAKMAN said:
Hey...didn't the long time FF composser leave Square?

He Joined a new enterprise called, "Smile Please." <----According to Magicbox


I don't know if I could be wrong or not, but I read DMC was originally planned for GCN, because Mikami liked the GCN hardware, not as what Jarrod stated as a better version for GCN.


I wonder if Nintendo has anything to say about this whole mess? I didn't stay up last night so I don't know if anyone like IGN has contacted them to get a reaction. It would at least be in their best interest to soften the blow by lettiing people know if they cut deal of some kind at the very least.


border said:
So if that's true, then he made one good game and sat on his ass for about 7 years....never creating anything new or innovative or marketable. That makes for an even less impressive resume to hand to Nintendo.
No... he made one game then went on to managing his own software R&D department. He recently stepped down because be wanted to actively make games again. Also he had a strong record before in making NES/SNES games (Goof Troop, Aladdin, Sweet Home, etc). PN03 was the first game he was really directly involved in since forming Production Studio 4, otherwise he's been mainly a producer for various series (Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Objection Court, Black Black, etc).


I doubt Nintendo had any say in this. The Nintendo/RE contract ends in 2005. Capcom just seems desperate to get the series moving again and please the higher ups.


Has problems recognising girls
Almost 20 pages, my god. This certainly deserves the toilet cleaner thread award for this week.



Insertia said:
I doubt Nintendo had any say in this. The Nintendo/RE contract ends in 2005. Capcom just seems desperate to get the series moving again and please the higher ups.
Where was it said exactly that the contract ends in 2005?


jarrod said:
Where was it said exactly that the contract ends in 2005?

I don't have any links, but I remember clearly when the deal was announced it was also stated that the Nintendo/RE exclusive contract ended in 2005.


Insertia said:
I don't have any links, but I remember clearly when the deal was announced it was also stated that the Nintendo/RE exclusive contract ended in 2005.
I'm afraid you'll have to prove it. I seldom trust my own memory 100%, much less yours. Clear or not.


I can't provide a direct source considering this was years ago. Regardless I'm almost positive that deal was 6 games and a exclusive term that ended in 2005.

soundwave05 said:
This is quite rare since Nintendo simply doesn't grovel at the feet of third parties. Even if they've lost a bit of their stature, it's still something if the British Royal Family comes to visit your house for example.

You'd be suprised. ;)
According to Capcom, Nintendo anxiously came to them for RE.

Deku Tree

TheGreenGiant said:
I asked/queried that in page 8 or 9. I do want to know what they're take this. I hope they don't keep silent on this.

I disagree. Nintendo need to keep silent. They can't have anything positive to say about this and they shouldn't go negative because Capcom is still giving them essential GC support.


Junior Member
Cimarron said:
I think Mikami would be a good match for Nintendo. I'd be sad because it would be a big loss for the RE Franchise.

Actually once RE:4 is done, Mikami is done with the series. It will up to PS4 to carry on that torch,


Insertia said:
I can't provide a direct source considering this was years ago. Regardless I'm almost positive that deal was 6 games and a exclusive term that ended in 2005.
I think you're wrong. I remember no amount of games numbers being given, only that the "main" line of RE games would be GameCube exclusive (not counting Gun Survivor & Outbreak obviously). I also remember no end date being given for the deal terminating, only alluding that it would be in place the entire generation. You're going to have to prove your claim here, I think you're entirely wrong on the details.

Insertia said:
You'd be suprised. ;)
According to Capcom, Nintendo anxiously came to them for RE.
Which he mentioned... that doesn't make the proposition any less rare though. Nintendo did seek out specific Capcom, Namco & Sega support early on though, which was something they'd never really done before. But I sincerely doubt "groveling" was involved on any end.


jarrod said:
I think you're wrong. I remember no amount of games numbers being given, only that the "main" line of RE games would be GameCube exclusive (not counting Gun Survivor & Outbreak obviously). I also remember no end date being given for the deal terminating, only alluding that it would be in place the entire generation. You're going to have to prove your claim here, I think you're entirely wrong on the details.

Capcom announced that remakes of Biohazard, Biohazard 2, Biohazard 3: Nemesis and Biohazard: Code Veronica would be released for GameCube exclusively. Additionally, the company said the upcoming Biohazard 4 would also arrive for Nintendo's next-generation console exclusively. Plus, the company will still bring Biohazard 0 to the console -- again, exclusively. Boom!


Those six games are the main series. It was never intended to be anything more.
As I said before, I clearly remember reading an article stating Nintendo only held those as exclusives until 2005. I could be wrong, you could be right. You haven't proved otherwise and I can't find the article to back my claim. :)

Which he mentioned... that doesn't make the proposition any less rare though. Nintendo did seek out specific Capcom, Namco & Sega support early on though, which was something they'd never really done before. But I sincerely doubt "groveling" was involved on any end

I'm going by what Capcom said: "Nintendo has been very, very anxious about pursuing this series. They approached us about it. "

Considering Nintendo wanted to brand Gamecube with a more mature image and RE was the standard for videogame maturity in the 90's, I wouldn't be suprised. ;)
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