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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2

Bob White

God bless you, List Wars. Desperate times, when a console is pitted against its predecessor.

Sell those fucking lunchboxes, it's all over. I sold mine and I've been HAPPY ever since.

mario 128......fuck you, nintendo
Can someone dig up some of those old fantasy lists Nintendo fans would use on the forum two years ago to sell each other on the system? Y'know, the ones that listed crap like "Mario 128", "100 Marios", "Marionette", "New Earthbound", "New Kirby Platformer" and all that.

Those would be so hilarious right now.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'd rather own just a gamecube than just an n64, purely by virtue of all the multiplatform games gamecube plays host to. it doesn't have the same gaping holes in its library. but where n64 had perhaps a dozen exclusive games of the absolute highest quality, gamecube has...er, maybe 2 or 3 if you're generous. and almost all the big first party games on gamecube are diminished sequels to classic n64 games. owning both systems was a matter of sitting through long droughts and waiting for the next "big game" to show up. but at least with n64, the "big games" weren't crushing disappointments. so in a real-world situation, where i wouldn't want to be stuck with just a gamecube or just an n64, the n64 is easily the more worthwhile console.


Ironic how all editions of RE4 are now on PS2.

RE4 as we know it today.
Demento - RE4 E3 2003
Devil May Cry - RE4 ver. 1


radioheadrule83 said:
What colour is the sky in your world? Nah, fair enough if thats your view... after all...

Racing games: N64 had sanfrancisco rush, ridge racer and F Zero. Gamecube has Need for Speed Underground I & II, Street Racing Syndicate, R:Racing, V Rally 3 (PAL), F Zero GX, Mario Kart Double Dash!! and more.

I think your list is bunk. You include Double Dash for GameCube but fail to mention Mario Kart 64 for Nintendo 64.

If you're trying to do a comparison of the two consoles, I'd recommend doing it accurately.

IGNCube said:
Capcom is not slamming the door on other, future ports, either. "The possibility of Resident Evil 4 coming to the Xbox has yet to be determined," a company rep replied when quizzed on the subject.


Jesus, if it ever gets ported over to the Xbox all hell would break loose. Pande-fuckin-monium.


hyperbolically metafictive
supposedly one of the reasons yu suzuki's been relieved of any real responsibility at sega is that he'd commission dozens of expensive tech demos and experiments that would rarely turn into full games. seems like miyamoto's gone the same way -- how many gamecube mario games has he cryptically mentioned at one time or another? and how few of them actually went into production? and does anyone else remember when miyamoto said that, in order to develop mario sunshine, he had several teams independently working on mario games? and that they simply went with the best one and scrapped the others? yet they still ended up with an inferior retread of mario 64! boy, i'm a little worried about miyamoto-saamaaaa. nintendo aren't as lenient as sega. he seems due for the gunpei yokoi treatment. :/


Hitler Stole My Potato said:

Jesus, if it ever gets ported over to the Xbox all hell would break loose. Pande-fuckin-monium.

While the shitter game, RE Outbreak is far more appropriate.
Seriously, all flaming aside...I don't care. All you Resident Evil fans who have yet to buy a GameCube are in serious question, whether they are Resident Evil fans by now anyway. I sure as hell won't wait a whole year to get the PS2 version. I'll be picking up the GameCube version, first day, as I've always intended.
Wow, that's a whole lot of whining for something that doesn't mean much, really.

PS2ers can have the much worse looking version a year later, and probably forget about it in favor of FF12 anyway. Me, I'll just play it in January on the system I prefer to play games on:My Gamecube.

To me, this is like Splinter Cell on the Xbox.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, so many N64 fans... :\

N64 is the REASON why I'm somewhat negative towards Nintendo. I LOVED the SNES and everything prior. N64 ruined my love of Nintendo...

Mario 64 was INCREDIBLE, but nothing really could match that experience. Ocarina didn't appeal to me like Zelda 3, I hated Goldeneye, and most everything else really did nothing for me either.

Turok was fun, Sin and Punishment was awesome (though it never saw US release), and there are probably a few other titles that I enjoyed...but most of them just didn't appeal to me.


drohne said:
seems like miyamoto's gone the same way -- how many gamecube mario games has he cryptically mentioned at one time or another? and how few of them actually went into production? and does anyone else remember when miyamoto said that, in order to develop mario sunshine, he had several teams independently working on mario games? and that they simply went with the best one and scrapped the others?
I think that's part of the process for developing great games. Sometimes they miss, like Sunshine, but when it works out, you get a really good game to play. Heck, even Sunshine has it's share of fans, though I'm not into it myself.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Jonnyram said:
I think that's part of the process for developing great games. Sometimes they miss, like Sunshine, but when it works out, you get a really good game to play. Heck, even Sunshine has it's share of fans, though I'm not into it myself.

Sunshine actually has excellent play mechanics and SHOULD have worked out beautifully, but the level design was pretty terrible when viewed as a whole. The first few areas were solid enough, but the final set of stages were consistantly terrible (yes, terrible).

Level and mission design ruined the game (OK, perhaps "ruined" is a bit harsh...).


Hey, I didn't see this coming.

(although since the Viewtiful Joe thing I guess I should have)

Oh well, still get to play it earlier. Late 2005 is some time away :)
Think about it...This whole thing is pretty dumb. The Sony fanboys are flaming GameCube fanboys...When the GameCube fanboys should be the ones flaming the Sony fanboys...They get the game almost a full year ahead of them. The Cubers are the ones laughing, as the PS2 fans are the ones waiting forever this time. Worst thread evar.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I guess you forgot when Capcom said numerous times that RE4 would never appear on a console other than Gamecube


ToyMachine228 said:
Think about it...This whole thing is pretty dumb. The Sony fanboys are flaming GameCube fanboys...When the GameCube fanboys should be the ones flaming the Sony fanboys...They get the game almost a full year ahead of them. The Cubers are the ones laughing, as the PS2 fans are the ones waiting forever this time. Worst thread evar.

In the perfect world, that would be true.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Yeah. This is like Halo 2 being announced for the GC and Ps2 in December of 2003.

No, wait... it's like Halo 2 being announced, um, about two weeks ago for the GC and Ps2.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
although, it's not like RE4 could have saved the cube in the first place. It would have sold a lot, but it wasn't going to sell systems. Only Zelda, I believe, can do that, and that's even a longshot.

All that can be done is make sure that the remaining games for the Cube are satisfactory.


ToyMachine228 said:
Think about it...This whole thing is pretty dumb. The Sony fanboys are flaming GameCube fanboys...When the GameCube fanboys should be the ones flaming the Sony fanboys...They get the game almost a full year ahead of them. The Cubers are the ones laughing, as the PS2 fans are the ones waiting forever this time. Worst thread evar.


RE4 exclusive to GC. No PS2 version ever.


RE4 on GC, but also coming out on PS2 (maybe even with extra content) a year later.

Does that make things clearer to you?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
if ps2 couldnt handle Viewtiful Joe i cant even begin to imagine what they'll cut down for RE4.
Hey, don't say that before you play VJ on PS2. Seriously, it's a very, VERY good port of a game that was probably never meant to be ported, and was made specifficialy for GC. I'm not saying they'll have the same kind of porting issues to solve with RE4, but it's very obvious that lots of effort and programming talent went into that VJ port, and seeing how important RE franchize is for them, I'd say they'll probably try even harder with this time. I wouldn't expect anyting half assed now, after seeing how well they handled VJ, and what kind of engine hey made for Oni 3...

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Deku Tree said:
Does anyone think we will ever learn the real reason why Capcom chose now to announce this news?

Well Ben Judd on Gfaqs forum, who is a capcom rep by the way, knows but he won't tell.

But he did say why Capcom was lying this whole time, apparently it was part of their strategy.


What about VJ? I bought it for PS2 despite having a GC... the extra content was more important to me. And I didn't have any problems with the graphics, I think it looks ace. No slowdowns either (maybe one or two like any other game).


Deepthroat said:
What about VJ? I bought it for PS2 despite having a GC... the extra content was more important to me. And I didn't have any problems with the graphics, I think it looks ace. No slowdowns either (maybe one or two like any other game).

I'd like to get the PS2 version, I own the GC one, but with all the stuff coming out I can't justify it just for Dante... I might get it later, though, maybe when it drops to $20.

Deku Tree

GSG Flash said:
Well Ben Judd on Gfaqs forum, who is a capcom rep by the way, knows but he won't tell.

But he did say why Capcom was lying this whole time, apparently it was part of their strategy.

I've actually spoken to him a few times before over there. Can you give me a link? Is he posting on the RE4 board?


Defensor said:
Yeah I know, that looks awesome, but I just dislike DMCs core gameplay, I tried to like the first one but just gave up after being bored and getting stuck, the way the game is set out and the graphics made it hard to know where the hell I was going. Okami looks really interesting though, it looks like a cross between Viewtiful Joe and Wind Waker, and it's the type of game that would do well on GC.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Deku Tree said:
I've actually spoken to him a few times before over there. Can you give me a link? Is he posting on the RE4 board?

I can't find the link, but he's posting on both the DMC3 board and the RE4 board


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
the way the game is set out and the graphics made it hard to know where the hell I was going.

Well, DMC3 offers a free camera AND a cinematic camera. You can toggle between the two during gameplay...
Yeah, I'm good friends with Ben Judd too. And yes, I understand the before and after thing that you guys are saying, but what I am saying, is that I don't care that it's coming to the PlayStation 2. I'm getting the Cube version in January. I'm not going to wait a whole year for the game. It's going to be a GOTY candidate and I want to play it as soon as possible, and so should everyone else.
Those quotes by Mikami are pretty hillarious now.

Honestly though by late 2005, no one on this board will really care about RE4 (lets face it) because most people will have played it on the GCN and everyone will be talking about Xenon/PS3/Revolution etc. I wouldn't buy the PS2 version even if they came out at the same time, simply because I don't see the PS2 running the game without taking a significant hit.

I'm a big Nintendo fan, but honestly, I really don't care if they drop the hardware thing and shack up with either Sony or Microsoft at this point. It saves me from having to pay for another set of platforms just to play Nintendo stuff on. And no, I really don't envision a lot of third party exclusives on the Revolution.

That's more of the impact of the announcement really, Nintendo shouldn't look for third parties to give them any favors because Nintendo's reputation in the console sector is totally shot. I don't blame Capcom at all, if the situation was reversed -- Nintendo locked into giving (arguably) their top franchise to a faltering Capcom platform, Nintendo would probably have bailed out even sooner.
soundwave05 said:
Those quotes by Mikami are pretty hillarious now.

Honestly though by late 2005, no one on this board will really care about RE4 (lets face it) because most people will have played it on the GCN and everyone will be talking about Xenon/PS3/Revolution etc. I wouldn't buy the PS2 version even if they came out at the same time, simply because I don't see the PS2 running the game without taking a significant hit.

Yeah, generally, ported games lose hype...And a year after, they definitely do. I wouldn't be surprised if the GC version of RE4 outsells the PS2 version. By the time the PS2 version rolls around, the game will be all talked out, and it won't make that much of a splash in the fall of 2005 on the PS2 most likely. Maybe I'm wrong, but historically speaking, I'm not. Viewtiful Joe is a prime example.


Deku Tree said:
Does anyone think we will ever learn the real reason why Capcom chose now to announce this news?

That's what I find suspect and THAT is what Nintendo should take exception to. Not a damn thing they can do about it though... they're just not a player anymore.

But he did say why Capcom was lying this whole time, apparently it was part of their strategy.

Jesus christ, if true that is pathetic
I'm guessing the timing of the announcement was probably to ease their shareholders for future financial reports.

Now they don't have to be badgered about why they're putting arguably their best looking game on the GC only.

Capcom wasn't lying. They do have new management (the head of Capcom at the time of the RE deal has since resigned to form another company).

They probably also went to Nintendo and honestly laid out the situation. Nintendo still has to think about DS/GBN too, they're better off keeping Capcom happy and getting a reasonable exclusive time frame on the game anyway.


rollin' in the gutter
ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah, I'm good friends with Ben Judd too. And yes, I understand the before and after thing that you guys are saying, but what I am saying, is that I don't care that it's coming to the PlayStation 2. I'm getting the Cube version in January. I'm not going to wait a whole year for the game. It's going to be a GOTY candidate and I want to play it as soon as possible, and so should everyone else.

I'm sure everyone realizes this, but it is always fun to blow things out of proportion :D


If I'm a shareholder I DO NOT want my investment's business strategy to include LYING to consumers. In this case, as a shareholder, it's good because of the massive PS2 userbase... but it would raise a red flag
Management changes.

Okamoto is gone from Capcom and he was largely seen as the architect of the Capcom deals with Nintendo. Many have speculated that he resigned because of internal strife over this decision.

Capcom's just looking out for themselves, its not like Nintendo is holding up their end of the bargain either. Iwata said there'd be 50 million GCs sold back in 2001. Nintendo can barely keep GCs moving at a decent pace even at $99 with a free game bundled with the unit. I don't think this is the type of situation that Capcom signed up for.


dark10x said:
Well, DMC3 offers a free camera AND a cinematic camera. You can toggle between the two during gameplay...
Interesting... i'll give it a try when it comes out, but i'm not dying to play it like I am with Okami.


soundwave05 said:
Okamoto is gone from Capcom and he was largely seen as the architect of the Capcom deals with Nintendo. Many have speculated that he resigned because of internal strife over this decision.
This doesn't make a lot of sense considering where Genji is heading. But who knows for sure... I don't think Capcom have been leading us on as much as Ben Judd is saying, though. He's probably just having a good time winding people up. And he should certainly be careful of what he says, being that he has VIP status and people know he is from Capcom. It's hardly cool to admit that Capcom have been lying all along.
Good point. What sort of third party relation would Capcom and Nintendo have if Capcom is having financial troubles...And they can raise them a bit by bringing RE4 to the PS2, and Nintendo says "No, suffer, and lose money". Not the way to make a publisher come back to you.
The "word on the street" is that around early 2001 Miyamoto and Iwata went to Capcom.

This is quite rare since Nintendo simply doesn't grovel at the feet of third parties. Even if they've lost a bit of their stature, it's still something if the British Royal Family comes to visit your house for example.

Apparently Okamoto, concerned at the time over the PS2's difficult to code for architecture and sold on Miyamoto/Iwata's wining and dining agreed to the heavy GCN support.

Later on, when it became evident that GameCube wasn't even going to come close to sales estimates, there was interal pressure on Okamoto by some "suits" who wanted him out. So he resigned.

I don't know if that's 100% accurate, but it seems like this just a deal that went really sour.


hyperbolically metafictive
Jonnyram said:
I think that's part of the process for developing great games. Sometimes they miss, like Sunshine, but when it works out, you get a really good game to play. Heck, even Sunshine has it's share of fans, though I'm not into it myself.

most ead games this gen have been undersized and underpolished, even though they're highly derivative of their trailblazing n64 predecessors. in the cases of mario sunshine and wind waker particularly, which have been padded out with tedium and repetition to hide their paucities of content, this has really been detrimental. and if i recall ead ninja's lists correctly, ead's output hasn't increased either. one explanation for this would be grossly inefficient development practices. perhaps i shouldn't infer too much from miyamoto's brief comments. but it's a theory.
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