Just picked this up today and played through chapter one. I'm looking forward to getting into it over the weekend.
brandonh83 said:Platinum'd at 43 hours.
My game of the gen so far without question, possibly my 2nd favorite game of all time right under Chrono Trigger. High praise, but that's my experience with this title.
Very interesting.brandonh83 said:Platinum'd at 43 hours.
My game of the gen so far without question, possibly my 2nd favorite game of all time right under Chrono Trigger. High praise, but that's my experience with this title.
I'm glad you had a good time.brandonh83 said:Platinum'd at 43 hours.
My game of the gen so far without question, possibly my 2nd favorite game of all time right under Chrono Trigger. High praise, but that's my experience with this title.
d0c_zaius said:Or its a completely obvious homage.
GOW ripped off chain weapons from Castlevania OMG!
brandonh83 said:It just met a lot of personal reasons why I play games. I don't suspect anyone else to share the same sentiments, but everyone has their own thing I guess.
Loved the atmosphere, art direction, music, gameplay, bosses, practically everything about the game was great to me. It had framerate problems and some of the platforming is finicky at times but these are extremely minor issues to me.
Castlevania is one of my all-time favorite series, and I consider this to be my favorite in said series, so yeah, personally it's right under Chrono Trigger on my list.
brandonh83 said:Castlevania is one of my all-time favorite series, and I consider this to be my favorite in said series, so yeah, personally it's right under Chrono Trigger on my list.
jett said:It's not offensive because it's a ripoff, but because it's fucking GOLD! The titan battles are FUN and the designers should feel GREAT. They clearly have a clue.
I think I'm in chapter 6 or something and at the moment I'd have to call this game AMAZING.
jett said:I think I'm in chapter 6 or something and at the moment I'd have to call this game average.
LiK said:altered.
I'm wondering if your opinion will stay the same once the hype wears off. That said, good to have you enjoy the game! I'm in Segata Sanshiro's situation: I don't think I could like this game. The environments look fantastic, but all the rest has me grimacing in pain.brandonh83 said:Also, I haven't really been that impressed with a lot of games this gen. A few, sure. Uncharted 2, Mario Galaxy, Bioshock, and a few others like that. But I'm not into FPS titles that much. Adventure/horror are my favorites, and this game effortlessly combined the two.
Maybe I should play fair and just call it my game of the year, but I really can't think of another game I've enjoyed more than this aside from CT. The few games that could have rivaled this for me, like Final Fantasy XIII and MGS4, ended up falling short of the mark.
jett said:It's not offensive because it's a ripoff, but because it's fucking garbage! The titan battles are bad and the designers should feel bad They clearly didn't have a clue and should not have attempted it.
I think I'm in chapter 6 or something and at the moment I'd have to call this game average.
Yea could've been better but they did nice job with the scale and they looked great. The second Titan was a very nice design.iconoclast said:Nah, the titan battles are really bad in this game, especially the final one. I was dying for that stage to end about 10% of the way through it. I guess now I understand why there haven't been any SotC clones - it's apparently very hard to do it right.
jett said:It's not offensive because it's a ripoff, but because it's fucking garbage! The titan battles are bad and the designers should feel bad They clearly didn't have a clue and should not have attempted it.
I think I'm in chapter 6 or something and at the moment I'd have to call this game average.
Dascu said:I'm wondering if your opinion will stay the same once the hype wears off.
I don't doubt your sincerity in the least. I wish I enjoyed it as much as you do.brandonh83 said:I was really hyped for the game, but I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. I know that hype can lead to blind opinions, but I really don't think that's the case here.
Perhaps my praise is premature, in that I'm saying it too early to be taken seriously, but I don't think anyone would take it seriously if I said it five years from now either.
Just sharing my thoughts while acknowledging that my love for the game definitely comes down to personal reasons.
noire said:For as nice as this game looks in general, they did a terrible job on the females. Skin textures feel too sterile.
Segata Sanshiro said:I don't doubt your sincerity in the least. I wish I enjoyed it as much as you do.
Don't blame the designers for your low health. :loljett said::lol WTF at this puzzle! Previous battle left me in really poor health, and if I mess up this rune shit just once I die. And by die I mean I have to push move all the stupid ass light thingies around AGAIN.
Who fucking designs something like this? Boneheaded game designers.
jett said:Previous battle left me in really poor health
Segata Sanshiro said:I'm glad you had a good time.
I wish I wasn't so stubborn. I fucking hate this game but I won't let myself walk away until I beat it.
So many games out this October and November? For you, maybe. I've got nothing else on my calender until Sonic Colors DS next month. And I'm sticking with it because that's what I do. That alright with you?keltickennedy said:Why waste your time playing more if you completely hate it? Especially, with so many games out this October and November. Or are you just playing to gather more material to bitch about?
Segata Sanshiro said:So many games out this October and November? For you, maybe. I've got nothing else on my calender until Sonic Colors DS next month. And I'm sticking with it because that's what I do. That alright with you?
d0c_zaius said:Well considering you can't play it without actually puking, maybe you should try something else :lol .
I paid my hundred bucks, I am going to see the bloody ending. Getting save-glitched basically ensured that. Plus, my nausea is okay if I take dramamine, which I bought a bulk bottle of when I got the game.d0c_zaius said:Well considering you can't play it without actually puking, maybe you should try something else :lol .
Segata Sanshiro said:So many games out this October and November? For you, maybe. I've got nothing else on my calender until Sonic Colors DS next month. And I'm sticking with it because that's what I do. That alright with you?
Segata Sanshiro said:I paid my hundred bucks, I am going to see the bloody ending. Getting save-glitched basically ensured that. Plus, my nausea is okay if I take dramamine, which I bought a bulk bottle of when I got the game.
My stubborn nature is the stuff of legends. If I like a game, I'll probably finish it. If I'm so-so on a game, I'll rarely finish it. If I hate a game, I'll always finish it.keltickennedy said:It was just an honest question, not looking to pick a fight or anything. Personally, I fucking hate black liquorish. I know I hate it cause I tried it once. If I were hungry and offered something to eat, and the only thing available was black liquorish....Fuck that, I still wouldn't eat it.
keltickennedy said:It was just an honest question, not looking to pick a fight or anything. Personally, I fucking hate black liquorish. I know I hate it cause I tried it once. If I were hungry and offered something to eat, and the only thing available was black liquorish....Fuck that, I still wouldn't eat it.
Segata Sanshiro said:My stubborn nature is the stuff of legends. If I like a game, I'll probably finish it. If I'm so-so on a game, I'll rarely finish it. If I hate a game, I'll always finish it.
Yeah, it's totally my ego. Fuck off.d0c_zaius said:Yup, unfortunately some people are more controlled by their ego than by logic.
Thanks for the offer, Peff, but I'd feel like I was cheating. I'm almost back to where I was anyway.Peff said:Can't you download a save file and keep going from there? I'm not far from where yours was erased...
d0c_zaius said:Yup, unfortunately some people are more controlled by their ego than by logic.
d0c_zaius said:Really?..............Reallly?
Camera placement is not the best, ill agree with that.jett said:? I'm playing on hard, the game is kind of a decent challenge, frustratingly so sometimes. Camera has worked against me so many times. :|
Segata: hundred bucks holy crap I hope you can return it.I traded in a game and paid only 40, fortunately.
Import fees are a bitch, unfortunately. Especially with the fastest shipping.jett said:? I'm playing on hard, the game is kind of a decent challenge, frustratingly so sometimes. Camera has worked against me so many times. :|
Segata: hundred bucks holy crap I hope you can return it.I traded in a game and paid only 40, fortunately.
Segata Sanshiro said:Yeah, it's totally my ego. Fuck off.
Dascu said:I'd buy a PC version and finish it, even though I think it's a gross example of everything wrong with gaming these days.
nacire said:I must have a weird taste in games. Games like Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption and Demon's Souls all piqued my interest enough to buy them and while I've enjoyed all 3 quite a bit, I find it hard to get the motivation to put them in the tray and actually finish them.
However, Castlevania:LoS and Darksiders are two games this year I absolutely could not get enough of! I devoured Darksiders on PS3, got all of the trophies and recently just replayed it on PC and enjoyed it equally all over again. Castlevania is in the same boat for me. I imagine I'll have the platinum very soon if time permits.
I'm not really sure what it is of the former vs. the latter, but I know it sucks wanting to play a game, having good games on your shelf to finish and just not feeling bothered enough to put them in.
thetrin said:With Vanquish still 5 days away, I'm contemplating going through the game on a different difficulty. I only played through on normal, but I have all the gems now. Not to mention all the moves I wanted.
Does Paladin give you more exp per enemy, or is it the same?
Darksiders is far and away a much more enjoyable game than both Mass Effect 2 and RDR. They just have better publicity and more exposure.
(I own all three of those games, and enjoy them, but Darksiders was AWESOME)
...of course Demon's Souls is like, magical...