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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |OT| The MercurySteam has Vanquished the Horrible Night

jett said:
Sweet jesus this second titan battle...this is OFFENSIVE game design. Fumito Ueda is rolling in his bed.

they're really easy, once you learn the ropes the titan battles are extremely easy and fast to take down. So fast, in fact, the first titan trial is to take it down in one minute and thirty seconds :lol


Combos flow nicely for me. PS3 version, combining the a normal attack combo, ending with the hold square attack, continuing with a few more after that, and maybe a launcher or two.

Gabriel moves fast enough to out run/dodge enemies when surrounded.

When the greater werewolves rear back a little, they ground pound. Either that, or at the end of a 2 swing attack.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
DP? Really? Is it that hard to hit submit once?

Smart guy I see?

I quoted the wrong post, anyways...have your milk n' cookies, then have mommy and daddy tuck you into bed. Sell your copy and never look back scrub.


jett said:
Sweet jesus this second titan battle...this is OFFENSIVE game design. Fumito Ueda is rolling in his bed.

Or its a completely obvious homage.

GOW ripped off chain weapons from Castlevania OMG!
I played up until close to the end of Ch 2 yesterday. Can't wait to get past Ch 2 where the game supposedly gets a lot better, because so far it's just okay. Does not feel like Castlevania to me, but the combat is pretty good. Also, I have not experienced any detectable framerate drops. Apprently I have a magical version or I am blind, but the game looks very smooth to my eyes.

I have my Xbox hooked up via component cables and therefore set at 720p. I wonder if this has any effect on the framerate, because I also didn't notice any major problems with Reach (just a few times in the campaign). I've tried hooking it up with HDMI, but the difference in picture quality was essentialy impossible to see (mayeb because my TV is only "42). So for anyone who is having problems with the framerate, you might want to try switching to component cables...it's just a theory I have, and it's not based on any kind of science, but it's worth a shot if it really bothers you that much.


Just finished Enslaved, so jumped into this. (Xbox 360 version)
So far so good. Visuals are incredible, no problems with framerate yet (though I'm really early), music and voice acting is great too

Is like a mix of God of War, with Shadow of the Colossus and Van Helsing. :lol
Papercuts said:
It's completing the mirror puzzle in a really strict time limit, 2:30 IIRC.
yeah, i just did that (with two seconds to spare). took a while to beat it though since your meters drain so fast on paladin.

there's another trial afterward where you have to break 100 objects that's giving me some trouble. most i got was 80 something right before the gate you have to crank. anyone got some protips?

edit: got it. didn't realize you could jump over the side and go around instead of cranking the door. invisible walls :|


Neo Member
NeoUltima said:
I'm not sure I'll ever be able to beat the final boss on Paladin :|

Don't worry, it's one of the easiest bosses on Paladin ;)
Just avoid his
earthquake attack
at all costs.

About DLCs, any chance we'll play as Zobek?


God fucking damn.

I'll tell you...my experience with the Castlevania series is probably not as deep as most people's. I played Castlevania I, II, and III on NES and Super Castlevania IV and Dracula X on SNES. I also played the steaming pile of shit that was Castlevania 64 and swore off 3D Castlevania games for good. I also got down with Symphony of the Night on XBLA.

When I saw this game was going to be 3D, I wrote it off almost immediately. My friend talked me into watching the trailers and other things prior to release and I ended up preordering (just the regular edition, even though the box art is a turd) and OMFG.

This game is fucking great. I hate God of War and Dante's Inferno/whatever style games, perhaps it's the Castlevania lore that grabs hold of me, but this is fucking excellent. This game rivals Uncharted 2 in graphical beauty in my eyes, and the combos aren't stupidly complex (looking at you, SotN), and the story is GREAT and the narration by Patrick "but I've already seen everything" Stewart is a fucking gold mine.

Nomnomnom. I can't get enough. I'm at Chapter 6, and I don't want it to end. I hope for DLC, but I doubt it will come. But holy ffffuu....I'm sorry, Red Dead Redemption, but get the fuck outta the way. My new GotY has arrived and it's got Belmont all up in it.


Horsebite said:
Nomnomnom. I can't get enough. I'm at Chapter 6, and I don't want it to end. I hope for DLC, but I doubt it will come. But holy ffffuu....I'm sorry, Red Dead Redemption, but get the fuck outta the way. My new GotY has arrived and it's got Belmont all up in it.

They already talked about two planed DLC packs.


Since I am not interested at all to replay any of the levels (not even for the upgrades and other stuff), I am wondering if the game become much harder with such an approach, or if the upgrades and extra experience are not that much of a necessity?
andymcc said:
At least that lasted 10 minutes. the bad parts of this last wayyy longer

Are you talking about the titan battles? I cannot recall one section of this game having a longer, more drawn out sequence of terribleness than the Space Harrier levels in Bayonetta.


Horsebite said:
God fucking damn.

I'll tell you...my experience with the Castlevania series is probably not as deep as most people's. I played Castlevania I, II, and III on NES and Super Castlevania IV and Dracula X on SNES. I also played the steaming pile of shit that was Castlevania 64 and swore off 3D Castlevania games for good. I also got down with Symphony of the Night on XBLA.

When I saw this game was going to be 3D, I wrote it off almost immediately. My friend talked me into watching the trailers and other things prior to release and I ended up preordering (just the regular edition, even though the box art is a turd) and OMFG.

This game is fucking great. I hate God of War and Dante's Inferno/whatever style games, perhaps it's the Castlevania lore that grabs hold of me, but this is fucking excellent. This game rivals Uncharted 2 in graphical beauty in my eyes, and the combos aren't stupidly complex (looking at you, SotN), and the story is GREAT and the narration by Patrick "but I've already seen everything" Stewart is a fucking gold mine.

Nomnomnom. I can't get enough. I'm at Chapter 6, and I don't want it to end. I hope for DLC, but I doubt it will come. But holy ffffuu....I'm sorry, Red Dead Redemption, but get the fuck outta the way. My new GotY has arrived and it's got Belmont all up in it.
My hero.
brandonh83 said:
Are you talking about the titan battles? I cannot recall one section of this game having a longer, more drawn out sequence of terribleness than the Space Harrier levels in Bayonetta.

There was only one Space Harrier level.
Stampy said:
Since I am not interested at all to replay any of the levels (not even for the upgrades and other stuff), I am wondering if the game become much harder with such an approach, or if the upgrades and extra experience are not that much of a necessity?

I can see it being more difficult if you don't get most of the life/light/shadow upgrades, then again, if you're playing through on normal or easy, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get through the game without any of them and I'm sure that some crazy mofo out there is going to record a no upgrades paladin playthrough eventually.
I backed up my save on both an SD card and memory card. No way in hell am I going to redo some of this shit.

Only a few stages to beat on Paladin, and the Platinum is mine!


jett said:
Finally got the game today, I'm in Chapter II, about 3.5 hours in.

You know, so far, it's kinda there. Battle system hasn't opened up yet like I was hoping for, the light/dark mechanic is really not that interesting, and having to stop in the middle of battle to collect those orbs is annoying. The combos don't flow all that well, it's like a less polished God of War. A much less polished GOW. I'm playing on knight(hard) btw. Visually, the game took a nose dive after the demo area. Everything looks extremely bland, and the hideous image quality coupled with a truly worse-than-I-imagined framerate results in unpleasantness. I do not understand why does it run like crap. It also looks like the motion blur was super toned-down after the first couple of levels. And for god's sake patch some MLAA in this thing. Those jaggies are just the worst, and they are borderline ruining the game's graphics.

I'm really trying to love this game, but I don't. If things don't pick up soon I'll just end up selling the thing after I'm done with it. Guess I'll trade it for Vanquish.
I'm scratching my head here. I posted pics a few pages back. Just keep playing Jett.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
jett said:
Finally got the game today, I'm in Chapter II, about 3.5 hours in.

You know, so far, it's kinda there. Battle system hasn't opened up yet like I was hoping for, the light/dark mechanic is really not that interesting, and having to stop in the middle of battle to collect those orbs is annoying. The combos don't flow all that well, it's like a less polished God of War. A much less polished GOW. I'm playing on knight(hard) btw. Visually, the game took a nose dive after the demo area. Everything looks extremely bland, and the hideous image quality coupled with a truly worse-than-I-imagined framerate results in unpleasantness. I do not understand why does it run like crap. It also looks like the motion blur was super toned-down after the first couple of levels. And for god's sake patch some MLAA in this thing. Those jaggies are just the worst, and they are borderline ruining the game's graphics.

I'm really trying to love this game, but I don't. If things don't pick up soon I'll just end up selling the thing after I'm done with it. Guess I'll trade it for Vanquish.

You don't have to stop to collect orbs. Just click the corresponding stick once and keep fighting. It's like, half a second. You don't have to hold down the button like in Onimusha.

Blast Processing said:
Just finished chapter 6 on knight. Save file puts me at almost 14 hours! Are the later chapters about the same length?

Afaik, Chapter 2 is the longest one in the game, at 7 levels. The last 3-4 chapters are relatively short. Chapter six isn't necessarily the halfway point.

Fimbulvetr said:
A flash drive maybe?

I have a 100GB MyBook attached to my PS3 at all times for exactly this purpose. (also, it was a god send for backing up my PS3 when I changed hard drives)
Horsebite said:
God fucking damn.

I'll tell you...my experience with the Castlevania series is probably not as deep as most people's. I played Castlevania I, II, and III on NES and Super Castlevania IV and Dracula X on SNES. I also played the steaming pile of shit that was Castlevania 64 and swore off 3D Castlevania games for good. I also got down with Symphony of the Night on XBLA.

When I saw this game was going to be 3D, I wrote it off almost immediately. My friend talked me into watching the trailers and other things prior to release and I ended up preordering (just the regular edition, even though the box art is a turd) and OMFG.

This game is fucking great. I hate God of War and Dante's Inferno/whatever style games, perhaps it's the Castlevania lore that grabs hold of me, but this is fucking excellent. This game rivals Uncharted 2 in graphical beauty in my eyes, and the combos aren't stupidly complex (looking at you, SotN), and the story is GREAT and the narration by Patrick "but I've already seen everything" Stewart is a fucking gold mine.

Nomnomnom. I can't get enough. I'm at Chapter 6, and I don't want it to end. I hope for DLC, but I doubt it will come. But holy ffffuu....I'm sorry, Red Dead Redemption, but get the fuck outta the way. My new GotY has arrived and it's got Belmont all up in it.

Just gotta say, your mirror my thoughts exactly. My favorite Castlevanias were the originals with IV being my absolute favorite. I enjoyed SOTN and the few that followed in its footsteps on the gba but I started growing extremely tiring of that style. Now this comes out, I'm on chapter 6 as well and Lords of Shadow is ranking up there with my fav and becoming one of my favorite games of all time. Its the game that just keeps on giving, the farther I get the more in love with it I become... Can't wait to play more!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Just gotta say, your mirror my thoughts exactly. My favorite Castlevanias were the originals with IV being my absolute favorite. I enjoyed SOTN and the few that followed in its footsteps on the gba but I started growing extremely tiring of that style. Now this comes out, I'm on chapter 6 as well and Lords of Shadow is ranking up there with my fav and becoming one of my favorite games of all time. Its the game that just keeps on giving, the farther I get the more in love with it I become... Can't wait to play more!

Chapter 8 is the highest point for the game, imo. That's when it feels the most like Castlevania.
thetrin said:
Chapter 8 is the highest point for the game, imo. That's when it feels the most like Castlevania.

Nice... well I've thought chapters 3, 4,5, and now 6 have done a good job of still feeling very Castlevania like. The first and second chapters, not so much. So would you say the chapters after 8 seem to go back more towards the feeling of chapters 1 and 2?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Nice... well I've thought chapters 3, 4,5, and now 6 have done a good job of still feeling very Castlevania like. The first and second chapters, not so much. So would you say the chapters after 8 seem to go back more towards the feeling of chapters 1 and 2?

The chapters after 8 go in a different direction. A really strange, and not very Castlevania direction, but it's still a ton of fun.
Platinum'd at 43 hours. :D

My game of the gen so far without question, possibly my 2nd favorite game of all time right under Chrono Trigger. High praise, but that's my experience with this title.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Tom Penny said:
How many chapters are there. I want to know because if I get a save error I will snap.

12 chapters. Each chapter has a different number of levels, though.
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