ChocolateCupcakes said:Goddammit it was that easy, thanks!
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ChocolateCupcakes said:Goddammit it was that easy, thanks!
Segata Sanshiro said:Unsurprisingly for a series that has gone through a lot of different styles, whether or not it feels like a Castlevania game seems to vary from person to person. You've got your "not at alls" like jett and I, your "definitelys" like brandon and other people who aren't important enough to remember, and everything in between.
Victrix said:Is a patch out/coming out for the PS3 save erasing bug?
Producer said its in the worksVictrix said:Is a patch out/coming out for the PS3 save erasing bug?
Scythesurge said:So you're a "don't care" that it's a CV game as long as it is good? And what's your verdict?
Tom Penny said:Before I waste my time. In the Chromatic Observatory chapter 7:/do I really have to save up 25000 to buy a spell to run around the fucking square since normal dash doesn't work
Relix said:Well fuck I never knew that :lol :lol
mjc said:Oh.My.Christ.
I'm at theand I'm trying to turn this lever. They have this thing set so I have to fight against the controls to make it rotate. And when I got it moving they threw a fucking enemy my way. This is some gaming 101 shit they messed up with and it's really frustrating. Don't make a lever snap back to it's starting position!Clocktower
I was fine with it up until this part where you fight thethetrin said:I don't remember having any trouble at all with that level. I must know what other people think is so hard about it.
mjc said:Oh wow. So you're not supposed to hold in RT on this one even though EVERY other lever in the game you hold RT while rotating. My mind is blown. Jesus Christ what a stupid decision.
I take it that this is a common mistake then :lolbrandonh83 said:I really need to put this in the OP :lol
We're to used to holding it down from GoW games :lolmjc said:Oh wow. So you're not supposed to hold in RT on this one even though EVERY other lever in the game you hold RT while rotating. My mind is blown. Jesus Christ what a stupid decision.
Whoa. DSP had this same 'problem' on his play through. I thought he would be the only one. :lolmjc said:Oh wow. So you're not supposed to hold in RT on this one even though EVERY other lever in the game you hold RT while rotating. My mind is blown. Jesus Christ what a stupid decision.
mjc said:I don't know if I should feel angry or embarrased.
Yeah I think that's what conditioned me.LiK said:We're to used to holding it down from GoW games :lol
brandonh83 said:christ I need the DLC, my god come on guys, I know I shouldn't have gotten the Platinum in just over a week but I did and I cannot help that.
nacire said:I'm going to revisit past castlevanias that I missed. Mainly SotN, LoI and CoD.
nacire said:I'm going to revisit past castlevanias that I missed. Mainly SotN, LoI and CoD.
jett said:Limit your revisitations to SotN.
brandonh83 said:why give such horrid advice?
brandonh83 said:Did you miss Super Castlevania IV? If so, un-miss it.
jett said:Limit your revisitations to SotN.
jett said:wat, you want the guy to play LoI and CoD?![]()
jett said:wat, you want the guy to play LoI and CoD?![]()
jett said:Truthfully reflecting upon it I believe the game's technical issues affected my final impressions. If this game ran at 60fps or just a locked 30 I think I would have liked it a hell of a lot more. It's not really mediocre, that's too mean.It's good but flawed, considering the developer's inexperience in the genre, they did a pretty decent job for their first time. They aimed high and took bits and pieces from the best games in the genre. Can't fault for them for that. Let's hope for a vastly improved sequel, and maybe with a better engine.
For anyone interested in the difference between difficulty levels, I just re-played the Olrox fight in Knight and Paladin, for kicks.There is really none in terms of A.I. and attack patterns, you receive more damage and that's it. One thing this game does awesomely are the boss fights no doubt.
Segata Sanshiro said:Even if you don't visit Curse of Darkness (and probably, you shouldn't), make sure you visit its soundtrack, which is probably the best soundtrack in a series of great soundtracks.
I think I'm actually going to use its soundtrack for the rest of this game. I'm not feeling Oscar's score that much and every little bit helps at this point.
Yeah, I'm just not a big fan of the whole "orchestral ambient" style of soundtracking. I wish they would have just let Oscar go nuts. From the stuff he did, he sounds like he knows his shit.brandonh83 said:I found that playing older music with this game just doesn't fit all that well. I'd rather listen to Araujo's music, it really does fit the game much better.
Though, hold up, I understand why some aren't digging the soundtrack, and I don't think it has anything to do with the actual score.
While there are occasions where the music seems to be assigned to a particular boss fight or environmental cue, the problem is that it feels like the soundtrack was randomly implemented into the game.
During any given level, a lot of the time I notice several different tracks from the score just randomly playing. There are so many stages in the game, and while the score does add new music as you go, I don't think there's quite enough of it to cover how large the game is.
That's a problem with having orchestrated videogame scores. The quality is impressive and in the case of Araujo's music, extremely thematic, bold, and tonally accurate. However, as impressive as it may be, writing music like that for every stage, cinematic, battle sequence, etc. is relatively impractical.
Not impossible, but it would be a daunting undertaking for a music composer. I do think this is why some have reacted somewhat negatively to the music. I think it's an amazing score and one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard, but you can tell that they struggled with spreading his music out across the entire game.
Segata Sanshiro said:And it's not that daunting.Other composers make total soundtracks for games longer than this one. They just made a choice to go with what's trendy right now for game tracks. The problem is that music in Castlevania has always been a huge part of the series, so pushing it into the background the way they did just makes it feel... off.
Most RPGs do it. Just sayin'.brandonh83 said:I would be very hard-pressed to find an orchestrated game score, written and recorded as well as this one, for a game as long as this one. It is a pretty daunting task. I mean, film composers sometimes struggle to get a score out for a 2 hour film. This is a game with a heaping amount of stages, several cutscenes, action setpieces, etc. I'm not saying that those other games have bad scores, but it is rare that I hear a genuinely fantastic orchestrated score for a videogame, because a lot of them are incredibly half-assed.
I agree that pushing the score behind the gameplay is different for Castlevania, but this is a different Castlevania. The other 3D Castlevanias had far more energetic music but it fit the overall style of those games. Lords of Shadow is a game with a much bigger scope and slower level progression than what we're used to in Castlevania, which is why listening to the older, faster music of the older games doesn't work out too well while playing this one.
Segata Sanshiro said:Most RPGs do it. Just sayin'.
jett said:especially considering the immense variety in locales that the game has.