After the tepid opening chapters, I was thrilled to find this game ramping up, taking on a more traditional CV flavour, and becoming more and more memorable. From chapters 3 to 9, this game had me hooked and I was ready to declare it my favourite of the year.
But, then, chapters 10, 11, 12 and the epilogue had to come along and dampen things a tad. The final boss in particular was simply lousy, and one of the lesser encounters in the game. From visual, design, and story standpoints, it was quite below par in comparison to the rest of the game which boasted some truly great boss fights.
And the ENDING? Well. Hmmm. Obviously this is not the thread to comment on that. But I don't know if I really care for it.
Overall, though, this is in my top few games of the year. It's right up there with God of War 3, Red Dead Redemption, and Super Mario Galaxy 2. Not perfect, but a pretty great stab at the action-adventure genre by a relatively inexperienced developer.
Bravo, Mercurysteam. All I ask is that, next time, you give us just a tiny bit more of that Castlevania essence.