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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |OT| The MercurySteam has Vanquished the Horrible Night

Just beat the game. Awesome ending. There were a few frustrating parts in the second half of the game where it wouldn't checkpoint you before a danger area. The game did feel long but I'm not sure what they would've cut out either because most of the areas had unique puzzles and distinct monsters. Maybe the first half of the game could have been tightened up because it seems like thats where there was a lot of repetition early on. I think its a good game and people are doing themselves a disservice by not playing it... Its a shame Konami couldn't release this during another period of the year where there just wasn't such a glut of games. I myself just came off Dead Rising 2 and now have Civ V and Fallout New Vegas to play.
Amir0x said:
Yes, you probably have vision problems. It is OK to be blind. However, saying the framerate is only a "minor" issue says more about you than the framerate. It says "Hello, my name is Host Samurai, and if I'm commenting about a framerate, you can safely ignore my opinion! I don't know shit about framerates or worse, I have glaucoma and who the hell knows I can even see the screen to play videogames! I am commenting about framerate only as a gut reflexive borderline fanboy reaction to how much I love Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which due to my almost religious fanaticism for the game, has rendered my ability to cast a critical eye toward one of the titles most fundamental failings useless!"

Look, the point I'm trying to make is that all the people here who love the game and keep making terrible comments like this need to STOP commenting on the framerate. It's clear you either have become intentionally ignorant because it doesn't serve your purpose or you simply never were impacted by framerates to begin with. Again, for the millionth time, it is OK to not give shit about framerate. It is not OK to act like the game does not have significant framerate problems, when it is a fact it does.

Let me highlight why we keep responding:

Let me be as completely clear about this as possible.

There is no "IF" in this discussion. If you have the urge to act like the problem isn't a fact, do not comment on it. In fact, do everyone a favor and never comment about framerates again.

The issue of the framerate here is not some subjective thing open to your warped interpretation. It is something that has been demonstrated and proven to be a horrific problem on both platforms, through actual verifiable methods. And anyone who isn't blind can feel how bad it is within seconds of booting the game up, and it's consistently awful throughout the entire game. We're talking 24fps or less for the vast, vast majority of the game.

So, i hope this explains why this reaction elicits in me this sort of requirement to keep commenting on it.

I do not approve of people trying to ignore facts because they like a game. It is up to those who have this factual information to decide whether it's worth buying the game or not - but they can only make an educated decision if they HAVE THE TRUTH. Many have said they love the game DESPITE the framerate problems, which is a perfectly respectable opinion.

You're belittling people and calling them blind for not giving a shit about framerates? Dude, relax. Perhaps you're the one with a vision problem if you're going to continue to act like you were raped by a 15 fps dick in the ass.

Pardon the harshness but this is what you've been acting like. You go on and on about how the majority of the people are ignorant if they find this framerate acceptable but have you ever stopped to question that maybe it's the "all knowing few" who actually may be stubbornly ignorant to what can be acceptable? I get that you've been spoiled by higher framerates. I get that. But what exactly qualifies that as the norm in your mind? What if it's not always attainable? What if the consoles aren't powerful enough?

I know a bad framerate when I see it. If it kicks down to a chug because of a few hectic things happening on screen, then that's shit. But if the game was designed to have a consistantly low (but not terrible) frame rate, then your eyes will adjust and you won't notice it throughout the course of the game. That is, of course, if you don't constantly go back and forth between it and something that is smoother.

You still have never mentioned what makes you the fps expert besides (from what I gather) that you just prefer 60 fps games on your PC. Is that really it? I really don't think you're opinion should be so harsh and prominent in these threads. Don't play the game, ignore the thread, and leave us alone. As a mod, I'm sure you realize that's the best thing to do in these situations. To mirror your statement: It's ok if you have a problem with framerates, just don't come into threads and shit on everyone who doesn't.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
You're belittling people and calling them blind for not giving a shit about framerates? Dude, relax. Perhaps you're the one with a vision problem if you're going to continue to act like you were raped by a 15 fps dick in the ass.

More reading comprehension failure.

Not giving a shit about framerates != blind. Saying a framerate problem doesn't exist for Castlevania = blind.

Simple distinctions are your friend. Conversational nuance is not scary, MoonsaultSlayer. Embrace it!

MoonsaultSlayer said:
What if it's not always attainable? What if the consoles aren't powerful enough?

Not only are consoles easily powerful enough to attain a consistent 30fps, but games in this SAME genre have done this AND more with better graphics. Making excuses does not become you.

MoonsaultSlayer said:
You still have never mentioned what makes you the fps expert besides (from what I gather) that you just prefer 60 fps games on your PC. Is that really it? I really don't think you're opinion should be so harsh and prominent in these threads. Don't play the game, ignore the thread, and leave us alone. As a mod, I'm sure you realize that's the best thing to do in these situations. To mirror yor statement: It's ok if you have a problem with framerates, just don't come into threads and shit on everyone who doesn't.

If someone says that people who are not happy with a consistently 24fps and lower framerate are "overreacting", I'm going to call them on their bullshit. If you don't like it, don't participate in the thread. This is the last time I'm going to tell you or anyone else to learn to deal with the negativity.

And to boot, you guys can solve the problem by not making factually false statements about the framerate. If you do that, you'll get a thread with less negativity, since my only motivation for continuing the discussion is the amount of ignorant, borderline religious fanatics making false statements about the framerate. There is no "if" about Castlevania's horrendous framerate. It DOES fluctuate, it is consistently 24fps OR LESS. So even if your commentary was "oh well if it's locked at a low framerate that's better than if it was fluctuating" is bullshit.

You claim to know framerates, but cannot even be consistent with your own low standards.


The Facts Are Here

It's not something up for debate.


formerly nacire
Amir0x said:
the only way it's gonna stop is if people stop acting like the game doesn't have problems with framerate and that people commenting on it are overreacting

i hereby promise to end all framerate discussion as soon as the last person who says this bullshit concedes.

You know every time it's brought up I just keep seeing you flying in hear all quick like to tell everyone how unarguably factually abysmal it is. You're full of back handed compliments that I would say border trolling this game, thread and the people who are enjoying it. Have you even played the game in it's entirety? So the game runs sub 30 on average. I wish it was 60, but it's not. Is the game less enjoyable for it, maybe. How much you ask? That is completely subjective and can only be answered by each person for himself/herself.

In my opinion, you are overreacting.


nacire said:
You know every time it's brought up I just keep seeing you flying in hear all quick like to tell everyone how unarguably factually abysmal it is. You're full of back handed compliments that I would say border trolling this game, thread and the people who are enjoying it. Have you even played the game in it's entirety? So the game runs sub 30 on average. I wish it was 60, but it's not. Is the game less enjoyable for it, maybe. How much you ask? That is completely subjective and can only be answered by each person for himself/herself.

In my opinion, you are overreacting.

Because it's not up for debate. It's not up for fanboys comical rationalization. We have the hard numbers, based on verifiable data. The only people left who are are making comments like "people who say this game have a bad framerate are overreacting" are the ones who

1.) Are blind to framerate problems
2.) Being intentionally ignorant

There is no other in between. This games framerate is so terrible that it is a standard for which we can safely say "if this doesn't bother you, nothing will."

And that's fine. Nobody is saying you have to be bothered by it. We are saying you should keep a can on your factually inaccurate bullshit, since saying the framerate isn't bad is not something up for debate. In other words, if a framerate this bad doesn't bother you, don't bother commenting or calling out people for which framerates ARE a problem. It doesn't get much worse than this without the game being a literal power point slide presentation (and Castlevania already reaches near that at times with its dips to 15fps).

You'll notice that if you don't have problems reading, you'd see that in all my posts about this controversy, I have made it a point to say it is perfectly ok if framerates don't bother you. Nobody is saying it has to make you like the game less at all. The distinction, the nuance that certain hard-at-reading individuals keep missing, is that it's NOT ok to say the game has no framerate problem. That is a fact. It's as much a fact as the sun being hot. It's not something to be bandied about on some debating stage, like a far right conservatives obsession with some scientific cover up over climate change.


formerly nacire
Amir0x said:
More reading comprehension failure.
First off you're starting your post by insulting people's reading comprehension. The does not make a good start for an adult, open minded debate. Stop littering you posts with it and you might get more adult like discussion.

Amir0x said:
Not giving a shit about framerates != blind. Saying a framerate problem doesn't exist for Castlevania = blind.

You are the one defining it as a problem, when obviously for some it is not a problem. So again, it's subjective as to whether or not the player considers it a problem.

Amir0x said:
If someone says that people who are not happy with a consistently 24fps and lower framerate are "overreacting", I'm going to call them on their bullshit. If you don't like it, don't participate in the thread. This is the last time I'm going to tell you or anyone else to learn to deal with the negativity.

It's not the fact that you are not happy with a consistently 24fps and lower framerate that make me think you're overreacting, it's the manner in which you are addressing the people who don't see eye to eye with you on the issue. It's the manner in which you subtlely insult the people who are on the opposite side of the discussion. It's about the sheer dedication you have to making sure everyone in this thread knows exactly what you think of the frame rate, despite the fact we all know exactly what you think of the framerate.

Amir0x said:
And to boot, you guys can solve the problem by not making factually false statements about the framerate. If you do that, you'll get a thread with less negativity, since my only motivation for continuing the discussion is the amount of ignorant, borderline religious fanatics making false statements about the framerate. There is no "if" about Castlevania's horrendous framerate. It DOES fluctuate, it is consistently 24fps OR LESS. So even if your commentary was "oh well if it's locked at a low framerate that's better than if it was fluctuating" is bullshit.

The only person I see reacting fanatically is you. And the only "if" in your sentence there is the word horrendous and whether or not the player deems it horrendous. That is not a decision you get to make for anyone else.

Amir0x said:

The Facts Are Here

It's not something up for debate.

The results from DF are indeed facts based on collected data. That doesn't factually make it a problem that is 24fps on average. We can tell it's a problem for you when obviously for some it is not a problem. So again, it's subjective as to whether or not the player considers it a problem.


nacire said:
First off you're starting your post by insulting people's reading comprehension. The does not make a good start for an adult, open minded debate. Stop littering you posts with it and you might get more adult like discussion.

Not gonna coddle you or hold your hand. When someone has a reading comprehension problem, I'm gonna call it. It was a factual reading comprehension problem. Adults call it like it is. Coddling is for kids. This is neoGAF, I'm not going to hand out lollipops after a session.

nacire said:
You are the one defining it as a problem, when obviously for some it is not a problem. So again, it's subjective as to whether or not the player considers it a problem.

24fps and less consistently is a problem. Doesn't matter whether you personally let it bother you. It's a fact, not up for debate.

nacire said:
It's not the fact that you are not happy with a consistently 24fps and lower framerate that make me think you're overreacting, it's the manner in which you are addressing the people who don't see eye to eye with you on the issue. It's the manner in which you subtlely insult the people who are on the opposite side of the discussion. It's about the sheer dedication you have to making sure everyone in this thread knows exactly what you think of the frame rate, despite the fact we all know exactly what you think of the framerate.

It's a fact a fluctuating, consistently 24fps and under framerate is a problem. It's comical one would even try to deny that. If standards got any lower the game would literally stop working altogether and at that point we'd be discussing an entirely broken game, not just a shit framerate.

I also don't care to hold your hair back as you whine about perceived insults. Nobody is insulting you because they're being blunt. I'm not going to soften my words, nor cradle you in my arms as I tell you the way it is. Not gonna happen. If I was insulting you, you'd fucking know it. I don't mince my words for insults just the same way I don't mince my words for debates.

I know exactly what everyone feels about these issues. In fact, it is because everyone else keeps bringing it up that I keep returning. Yet, you didn't say nothing about them - because you're a hypocrite and it doesn't serve your narrative. The reason I'm calling out bullshit artists is because they're spouting factually incorrect bullshit.

Sorry that it's not something you like. Genuinely, I'm sorry. If people stop posting bullshit, I'll stop tearing it to shreds. You have my word.

nacire said:
The results from DF are indeed facts based on collected data. That doesn't factually make it a problem that is 24fps on average. We can tell it's a problem for you when obviously for some it is not a problem. So again, it's subjective as to whether or not the player considers it a problem.

The only people who don't think a consistently 24fps AND under fluctuating framerate is a problem is those for which it serves their purpose to be willfully ignorant or those who simply don't notice framerate problems AT ALL. The game fucking hits 15fps at times.

You cannot get much worse without a game simply failing to work altogether. And that'd be a different conversation indeed.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I never really saw a problem with Castlevania's frame-rate, it was fine to me, I can tell it's not 60fps, but other then that the frame-rate problems.......I just can't not see.
Now Assassin's Creed & Enslaved are noticeable to me, it's blatant
but hearing people say Castlevania's frame-rate is abysmal iis laughable, yeah the frame-rate drops are there, we know because a frame-rate counter told us, not because it's noticeably bad, I just don't get why people are making such a big deal about it.


TGO said:
I never really saw a problem with Castlevania's frame-rate, it was fine to me, I can tell it's not 60fps, but other then that the frame-rate problems.......I just can't not see.
Now Assassin's Creed & Enslaved are noticeable to me, it's blatant
but hearing people say Castlevania's frame-rate is abysmal iis laughable, yeah the frame-rate drops are there, we know because a frame-rate counter told us, not because it's noticeably bad, I just don't get why people are making such a big deal about it.

jesus fucking christ.

i swear people will fight tooth and nail to justify a $60 dollar purchase.
TGO said:
I never really saw a problem with Castlevania's frame-rate, it was fine to me, I can tell it's not 60fps, but other then that the frame-rate problems.......I just can't not see.
Now Assassin's Creed & Enslaved are noticeable to me, it's blatant
but hearing people say Castlevania's frame-rate is abysmal iis laughable, yeah the frame-rate drops are there, we know because a frame-rate counter told us, not because it's noticeably bad, I just don't get why people are making such a big deal about it.

Well what Amir0x is saying is that if you don't notice the framerate dips in this game then you don't notice framerate dips full stop. I understand that some people could become conditioned to the 24fps after playing for a while (I guess) but if you don't notice the dips that are easily sub-20fps then you just aren't the sort of person who notices them at all.
I found the frame rate to be fairly low through a good portion of the game, but it was at least a constant low, and I mean that in a good way. It didnt get in the way for id say about 90% of the game.

However! Near the end, mostly during the last mission or two, it wouldnt just slow down, it would down right stop during some "guard impacts", and flashy moves. It was jarring for sure.

For me though, coming from the days of playing so many N64 games, I dont really mind frame drops, or low frames, sometimes I even enjoy them, its almost as if its an added effect to convey crazy-ness.

Overall, the frame rate can get pretty bad at times, but I never once felt it ruined the game, and in no way would I say that people shouldnt play the game, because of its issues.


formerly nacire
Amir0x said:
Because it's not up for debate. It's not up for fanboys comical rationalization. We have the hard numbers, based on verifiable data. The only people left who are are making comments like "people who say this game have a bad framerate are overreacting" are the ones who

1.) Are blind to framerate problems
2.) Being intentionally ignorant

There is no other in between. This games framerate is so terrible that it is a standard for which we can safely say "if this doesn't bother you, nothing will."

And that's fine. Nobody is saying you have to be bothered by it. We are saying you should keep a can on your factually inaccurate bullshit, since saying the framerate isn't bad is not something up for debate. In other words, if a framerate this bad doesn't bother you, don't bother commenting or calling out people for which framerates ARE a problem. It doesn't get much worse than this without the game being a literal power point slide presentation (and Castlevania already reaches near that at times with its dips to 15fps).

You'll notice that if you don't have problems reading, you'd see that in all my posts about this controversy, I have made it a point to say it is perfectly ok if framerates don't bother you. Nobody is saying it has to make you like the game less at all. The distinction, the nuance that certain hard-at-reading individuals keep missing, is that it's NOT ok to say the game has no framerate problem. That is a fact. It's as much a fact as the sun being hot. It's not something to be bandied about on some debating stage, like a far right conservatives obsession with some scientific cover up over climate change.

Can you say that you have given people of the other opinion the same respect you're asking for? The framerate is not "bad" if someone experiencing it does not find it "bad". If it's bad for you, then so be it. You don't get to tell people what is bad or isn't bad. Until you can show me some concrete standard that specifically says 24fps can be defined as "bad" then I will stand by my opinion.

If you want to know exactly how I feel about it, I'll share. I think it's low. I think it can be quite distracting at times. I think Mercurysteam's inexperience has shown through on a technical level in this game. However, I don't feel the frame rate is reason enough not to experience this game. I feel the game is more than the sum of it's parts. I also feel coming in this thread and turning people off to game that I haven't actually played from beginning to end is the wrong thing to do. I feel a lot of things as do a lot of other folks and I'm certainly not in any position to tell people how they should be feeling towards anything.


Baloonatic said:
Well what Amir0x is saying is that if you don't notice the framerate dips in this game then you don't notice framerate dips full stop. I understand that some people could become conditioned to the 24fps after playing for a while (I guess) but if you don't notice the dips that are easily sub-20fps then you just aren't the sort of person who notices them at all.


it just means stop fucking commenting on it and trying to guide others to think it is not a problem.

The facts are it's at an extremely low level, so the only thing that matters is if it's important to you that it's that severe

nacire said:
Can you say that you have given people of the other opinion the same respect you're asking for? The framerate is not "bad" if someone experiencing it does not find it "bad". If it's bad for you, then so be it. You don't get to tell people what is bad or isn't bad. Until you can show me some concrete standard that specifically says 24fps can be defined as "bad" then I will stand by my opinion.

If you want to know exactly how I feel about it, I'll share. I think it's low. I think it can be quite distracting at times. I think Mercurysteam's inexperience has shown through on a technical level in this game. However, I don't feel the frame rate is reason enough not to experience this game. I feel the game is more than the sum of it's parts. I also feel coming in this thread and turning people off to game that I haven't actually played from beginning to end is the wrong thing to do. I feel a lot of things as do a lot of other folks and I'm certainly not in any position to tell people how they should be feeling towards anything.

I am not commenting at all whether the framerate is bad enough for people to stop experiencing the game. I do not care either way. Your desire to try to defend the game "experience" suggests that the reason you're so hesitant to call a spade a spade is because you want people to play this game.

I am just commenting on the fact of Castlevania's poor framerate, and denying others the ability to call people who notice the grotesque framerate "overreactors."

For the record, I beat the game. If that makes you feel better. My brother-in-law let me borrow it so I didn't have to pay for it.


formerly nacire
Amir0x said:

it just means stop fucking commenting on it and trying to guide others to think it is not a problem.

Then why are you trying to guide other to think it is a problem? Seems like you're being a bit of a hypocrite yourself.

Amir0x said:
The facts are it's at an extremely low level, so the only thing that matters is if it's important to you that it's that severe
This I can agree with. It's factually "low" not factually "bad".

Amir0x said:
I am not commenting at all whether the framerate is bad enough for people to stop experiencing the game. I do not care either way. Your desire to try to defend the game "experience" suggests that the reason you're so hesitant to call a spade a spade is because you want people to play this game.

I'm not hesitant about anything. You just can't see that we disagree on what a spade is.

Amir0x said:
I am just commenting on the fact of Castlevania's poor framerate, and denying others the ability to call people who notice the grotesque framerate "overreactors."

I see what you did there. :D

Amir0x said:
For the record, I beat the game. If that makes you feel better. My brother-in-law let me borrow it so I didn't have to pay for it.

That does make me feel better. Now how about that lollipop?


How did we get back to the Frame rate. It bothers some people more then others. Personally I'm in the middle of chapter 5 and I've had no problems enjoying myself. It's a lot better then I was expecting. I kinda feel sorry for the people that cant play this because the frame rate drops often.


Amir0x said:
We're talking 24fps or less for the vast, vast majority of the game.

Amir0x said:
We have the hard numbers, based on verifiable data.

Really? In the Digitalfoundry comparison, the only evidence of low (gameplay) framerate they show (at least that I can find) is a pretty short clip from a few different stages in the game. The framerate is crap a lot of the time, that is true, but for me personally it seemed to get better in some of the later stages. It even says in the article that "we took a series of like-for-like gameplay scenes from the first couple chapters" Are there hard numbers on all the stages' fps to show that it's consistently <24 fps or are you extrapolating based on what's in the DF article?
The frame rate is pretty bad but I think it's the least among the problems I have with this game (which I'm enjoying quite a lot, by the way). Let's say you get used to it after a while:/


yeah there's plenty of legitimate reasons to love the game. Having a terrible framerate doesn't preclude it from being allowed on some BEST GAME EVER LIST, if you choose :)

Just don't say the framerate commentators are "overreacting" and we cool :)


TGO said:
I never really saw a problem with Castlevania's frame-rate, it was fine to me, I can tell it's not 60fps, but other then that the frame-rate problems.......I just can't not see.
Now Assassin's Creed & Enslaved are noticeable to me, it's blatant
but hearing people say Castlevania's frame-rate is abysmal iis laughable, yeah the frame-rate drops are there, we know because a frame-rate counter told us, not because it's noticeably bad, I just don't get why people are making such a big deal about it.

:lol Assassin's Creed II might as well be running at 120fps compared to Castlevania. It is noticeably bad, and Amir0x has every right to paint you and others who hold the same opinion as crazy people.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
In other news, I think this game has recaptured some of my youth. The game gives me memories of playing challenging games of yesteryear that constantly had me thinking about them when I was not playing them. I will say that Patrick Stewart's voice is the worst part of the game. I feel like he is already wearing his voice out and I am in the 5th Chapter!
Im loving the game so far. Framerate isn't up to snuff of some of it's peers, but it doesn't detract from the game for me. I feel like if I lived through the N64 era, now THOSE were bad frame rates, I can deal with anything. That shit was like FrameRate Vietnam.


Just finished the game, and I enjoyed it to bits. Sure the Chupacabras are annoying, the Ice Titan boring, the framerate is poor, the camera is jittery and the game doesn't always tell you where to jump
there is one part where you climb up a wall and you're supposed to jump away from it to finish the level, except that the ledge you're aiming for is hidden by the camera

But all the same I had a blast, I liked the combat from brawling with minions to boss battles, the art is very nice and the lore is decent.

The ending is interesting
At first I thought Gabriel had been torn, as the lords of shadow where. But then Maria's line about redemption popped up. Gabriel, feeling unworthy of redemption after his deeds, snaps and then most likely decides to try and challenge god instead and wrest Maria from him. This works out wonderfully, with Gabriel/Dracula getting his rear kicked by his own decedents / (son / Alucard ?) from time to time. After about a millennium of Groundhog day:esque rising up and getting whupped he's now decided to simply stop trying and instead sit and sulk in a New York cathedral, which is where we see him again.


Ok, finally finished this game tonight. Really enjoyed it, it has enough problems that I wouldn't begrudge any 7.5 scores and would probably be around there or 8 myself. Here's the thing though, this is Mercurysteam's first game in the reboot and I can see them only going up from here. If they take the core game and just polish it up and fix a few of the problems (imprecise controls making for infuriating platforming, framerate issues, chupacabras and get rid of QTE's goddamnit!!) and make sure to keep the good (music, great storytelling, capt. picard, overall gameplay and epic feel) the sequel will be just fuck awesome.

I am really getting tired of lazy reviewers bringing up over and over "oh this game is stealing gameplay from GoW" or whatever. Jesus Christ get over it all ready, its called gameplay genres and stop bringing it up like its a negative. GoW didn't even invent it, judge the damn games on their own merits. This gameplay is just well suited for bringing classic 2D games into the new generation and it's not a bad thing so stop degrading these games for doing it.

If there is DLC like I heard I really hope they go into depth about how the ending of game came to be. Save everything from the ending on for a sequel but I just want to know how it got there. If they were smart they should just add new chapters as episodic content explaining everything.

Love the music. A little disappointed they played the awesom epic "theme music"from the credits during a lesser boss battle stage and not the main one. Overall awesome, alot of replay value too so I wouldn't suggest this as a rental, definite buy if you are interested. Maybe wait till a sale or Black Friday or something.
I'm not blind to shit, dude. I notice what is there and I'm not going to cry over it. It is NOT game breaking. There was never a moment where it slowed down in the middle of combat or anywhere else that would ruin the experience. There were a few parts early on that felt chuggy while just exploring (the bog), but it never dipped into slow motion territory to kill the experience.

Why the hell are you in this thread if this is a game that you'll never play because of the frame rate? Oh, I know, because you know there are terrible fps issues and you want to rub it into people's faces who choose to ignore it and call people who focus on it crazy. The way you get over this issue is pretty scary and funny at the same time. Whatever, man. I just completed one of the better games this gen and it had nothing to do with frame rate, or graphics. Too bad you're choosing to miss out.

Maybe because I don't care to read every post but I wasn't aware people are saying there are no issues within the game. I'm more commenting on the attacks to individuals who choose to not care about framerate and seeing them called names for their ignorance and blindness when suggesting it's crazy thinking there are people who do care. This topic is so fucking lame yet I always get caught up in it. Why? I guess i like playing the other end of the douchebag stick for balance's sake.
Ponn01 said:
I am really getting tired of lazy reviewers bringing up over and over "oh this game is stealing gameplay from GoW" or whatever. Jesus Christ get over it all ready, its called gameplay genres and stop bringing it up like its a negative. GoW didn't even invent it, judge the damn games on their own merits. This gameplay is just well suited for bringing classic 2D games into the new generation and it's not a bad thing so stop degrading these games for doing it.
Rygar on PS2 did the returning-chain blade weapon and mythological monsters well before God of War and gets no credit at all for some weird reason, as if GOW itself wasn't influenced by anything. Now I think it would be fair to bag on Dante's Inferno for borrowing too much from GOW, but not Castlevania, which to me didn't feel like GOW much at all. It did borrow some elements, and outright copied SOTC for some bosses, but for the most part doesn't feel like a cheap imitation game.


Just got to Chapter 6.3
where you rip the drapes down to keep the vamps at bay

This game is SO good. When I first started, I was more concerned with it being a "GOW ripoff" and whatnot. And to be honest, the game doesn't really shine until Chapter 3 or 4.

But then I realized I was being stupid.

This series has always reinvented itself - Action Platformer, then to Adventure Platformer, some crappy fighting game, etc.

I think this is a good direction for the series - I would like to see it focus a bit more on the adventure/platforming - and of course fix the camera, but as far as the "GOW/Uncharted" hybrid they are going for, I think it's perfect for Castlevania.

Anywaaaay - that's my rant. I hope more people give it a chance - it really is a great Castlevania game.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
There was never a moment where it slowed down in the middle of combat or anywhere else that would ruin the experience.

Only because it was consistently so low that you clearly couldn't tell the difference! It was 24fps and less with dips into the 15fps at times category.

I guess the game needs to be, what, 2fps for it to start being a problem and for you to stop classifying framerate people as "whiners"? I guess then it's considered "slowed" during combat? Christ... :lol

MoonsaultSlayer said:
Why the hell are you in this thread if this is a game that you'll never play because of the frame rate? Oh, I know, because you know there are terrible fps issues and you want to rub it into people's faces who choose to ignore it and call people who focus on it crazy. The way you get over this issue is pretty scary and funny at the same time. Whatever, man. I just completed one of the better games this gen and it had nothing to do with frame rate, or graphics. Too bad you're choosing to miss out.

It's amusing, but the only reason you're so deathly afraid to simply admit the game had a horrific framerate is because you're actually worried some people might miss out on a game you love. You're defense whoring. It's almost cute, in a way. But I don't begrudge you that. You like a game and you're passionate about it and you dislike when people are negative.

What you're NOT allowed to do is try to chase negative people out of the thread, or tell them to "shut up we've heard enough" or any thing else. Just as positive individuals are allowed to participate from the start of the thread until the end, so are negative ones.

And anyway, for the record, my brother-in-law lent me his copy so I would not have to pay for it. I played through it and yes, it was awful. So I didn't miss out on anything. Gladly, I just missed out on wasting my money. Felt sorry for my brother-in-law, though, who had similar feelings as I.

MoonsaultSlayer said:
Maybe because I don't care to read every post but I wasn't aware people are saying there are no issues within the game. I'm more commenting on the attacks to individuals who choose to not care about framerate and seeing them called names for their ignorance and blindness when suggesting it's crazy thinking there are people who do care. This topic is so fucking lame yet I always get caught up in it. Why? I guess i like playing the other end of the douchebag stick for balance's sake.

Hypocritical double standard, as always. You pick and choose when an action is not appropriate, but violently ignore it when it doesn't serve you narrative.

Again, I don't have time to waste on people who don't know what an "insult" is. I'm not gonna coddle you or hold your hand so you know the difference between an insult and a statement of blunt facts. All I can tell you is that they can avoid all this as long as they didn't post factually inaccurate bullshit things like "there is no framerate problem" or "people who complain about the framerate are overreacting." Gonna call people on the bullshit whether you like to hear it or not.

All problems solved if they DON'T try to call out people who don't have low standards when it comes to framerates as "overreacters."

Also, as a matter of point, this actually is an implied insult...

"I guess i like playing the other end of the douchebag stick for balance's sake."

And such behavior will be culled. So I hope you begin to learn the difference and quick. I'm a nice guy, so you get this one on the house.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Amir0x said:
Only because it was consistently so low that you clearly couldn't tell the difference! It was 24fps and less with dips into the 15fps at times category.
Are you basing this on the DF comments? If not, what is your source? I would love to read the full analysis of the framerate in this game.
Amirox, you keep stressing 24 FPS and below, but the Lens of Truth comparison video averaged 27.27 frames, and that DF article you linked quoted a low 20s to low 30s range for gameplay outside cutscenes.

I'm lucky enough not to notice or be bothered by the games frame-rate--does a drop in a cinematic bother you as much as one in battle?


Blast Processing said:
Amirox, you keep stressing 24 FPS and below, but the Lens of Truth comparison video averaged 27.27 frames, and that DF article you linked quoted a low 20s to low 30s range for gameplay outside cutscenes.

I'm lucky enough not to notice or be bothered by the games frame-rate--does a drop in a cinematic bother you as much as one in battle?

Um, the game is consistently in the low 24 and less during gameplay. Trying to pretend it's only cutscenes now? Absurd.

Please, you guys are killing me with the bullshit. Like your game without the lies, nobody will think you any differently.
Amir0x said:
Um, the game is consistently in the low 24 and less during gameplay. Trying to pretend it's only cutscenes now? Absurd.

Pretty much the truth. The game's framerate does spike in very low task areas but on the other hand, it does stick around the mid twenties for the general duration of the game with dips throughout.

Them's the breaks.


FrostuTheNinja said:
Pretty much the truth. The game's framerate does spike in very low task areas but on the other hand, it does stick around the mid twenties for the general duration of the game with dips throughout.

Them's the breaks.

Anyway, just for clarity, it is ok if this doesn't matter to you. If you think this is a framerate you can live with. Just don't bother calling US out as the one with ridiculous standards. ;)

Night guys


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
FrostuTheNinja said:
Pretty much the truth. The game's framerate does spike in very low task areas but on the other hand, it does stick around the mid twenties for the general duration of the game with dips throughout.

Them's the breaks.
Where are people getting these numbers from? That is all we are asking. No one is challenging people for not liking framerates. For me, I am trying to compare what I perceive to a factual analysis of the framerate.
Amir0x said:
Um, the game is consistently in the low 24 and less during gameplay. Trying to pretend it's only cutscenes now? Absurd.

Please, you guys are killing me with the bullshit. Like your game without the lies, nobody will think you any differently.

Sorry, fraps doesn't work on my PS3! As for bullshit, the best factual numbers for framerate I've seen are cited in my post. I haven't been able to find yours, though.

And my question is open to anyone, does a bad frame-rate bother you in cut scenes, too, or is it mainly an issue during gameplay? I don't even perceive it, either way; I'm curious.


Blast Processing said:
Sorry, fraps doesn't work on my PS3! As for bullshit, the best factual numbers for framerate I've seen are cited in my post. I haven't been able to find yours, though.


So next up we took a series of like-for-like gameplay scenes from the first couple chapters, and compared overall performance levels. We don't see the same extreme performance lows in actual gameplay that we occasionally find in the cut-scenes, but the shifting frame-rate is still a problem - changing between anything from the low 20s to the low 30s. There doesn't seem to be any kind of frame-rate capping going on with either platform, but any journeys above the usual 30FPS console threshold are few and far between, although there is a nice section in chapter four where frame-rate goes through the roof in comparison to the rest of the game.

Let me highlight for you

the shifting frame-rate is still a problem - changing between anything from the low 20s to the low 30s. There doesn't seem to be any kind of frame-rate capping going on with either platform, but any journeys above the usual 30FPS console threshold are few and far between

Let me not just highlight for you, but define the meaning:

Outside of a short section in chapter four, the game RARELY EVER stays in the 30s. In other words, almost the entire game is in the 20s or lower.

Digital Foundry. Case closed. Excuses denied. Time to go to sleep.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I have come to expect framerate drops in cutscenes. I feel that most games, at some point, drift down into less-than-smooth framerates during epic points in the scene. However, it never ruins the experience; usually bad acting or writing does that.


With all due respect amir0x, why are you still beating the war drums on fps in here? You made your stance quite clear 50 pages back.


Amir0x said:

Let me highlight for you

Let me not just highlight for you, but define the meaning:

Outside of a short section in chapter four, the game RARELY EVER stays in the 30s. In other words, almost the entire game is in the 20s or lower.

Digital Foundry. Case closed. Excuses denied. Time to go to sleep.

Actually the entirety of chapter 4 runs at nearly 60fps. There are several levels that run at 60fps or near.


Jealous Bastard
Wait who was saying the framerate was consistent? I mean I love this game and I've finally platinumed it but it's framerate was all over the place at almost all times :lol
I just finished Chapter 3. That was an epic boss fight. First time I felt good about doing timed blocking and stuff. Playing this game on Knight difficulty is pretty tough for my first playthrough. I'm forcefully learning to play better, though.
DenogginizerOS said:
Where are people getting these numbers from? That is all we are asking. No one is challenging people for not liking framerates. For me, I am trying to compare what I perceive to a factual analysis of the framerate.

24fps is the average framerate of the demo area on PS3. Someone did an analysis on Youtube, the link is somewhere in the comparison thread. Fps on 360 are about 10% lower. DF analysis suggests a slightly higher framerate on later stages (And that's the impression I got from videos as well)

I thought the demo was crappy but watching videos of later chapters has me convinced of picking it up at some point. Yes, the framerate is bad but the game appears to be fun and the art direction/variety is excellent.
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