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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |OT| The MercurySteam has Vanquished the Horrible Night


Teknoman said:
What I want to know is why are some people complaining about the game's early section being outside castle walls?

How many Castlevania games, aside from Symphony of the night, placed you inside the castle from the start? None that I can remember...

I thought Lament of Innocence did..... but I mean that was a crappy hub system, but still I thought it was in the castle.

Also, didnt CV (NES) start you in the castle, well technically right outside the front door...


Tokubetsu said:
Why'd you have to say this when I just pre-ordered?

I wouldn't trust gamespot or ign when it comes to technical issues. We need a direct comparison between both consoles. FPS Analysis chart, texture quality, loading times, etc is what we need from DF or LoT.


brandonh83 said:
I agree with what he says, though. I agree that if you like action games you should play it, and I agree that the combat feels more satisfying to me than GOW does.

I'm not sure if I said what I was trying to say made sense. So I'm just going to leave it as that. :lol


aparisi2274 said:
I thought Lament of Innocence did..... but I mean that was a crappy hub system, but still I thought it was in the castle.

Also, didnt CV (NES) start you in the castle, well technically right outside the front door...

Valkyr Junkie said:
All of the previous 3D ones?

Well yeah thats true (dunno about all the 3d ones, since I only played 64 and Lament)...but the majority of them have you progressing to the point. All i'm saying is that if anything, Lords of Shadow shouldnt have any "points" docked from it for making you progress through outdoor areas/ruins to the main castle are.
Teknoman said:
All i'm saying is that if anything, Lords of Shadow shouldnt have any "points" docked from it for making you progress through outdoor areas/ruins to the main castle are.

Well yeah because that would be an extraordinarily dumb thing to list as a negative. I prefer making my way to the castle and a lot of Castlevania games start way outside the castle. It's common in the series and provides excellent buildup to actually entering the castle.


bish gets all the credit :)
How could you even think the combat is better than GOW3 from this demo? It runs at around half the frames (Gow3 runs at around 46) and has all of two moves unlocked.
alr1ghtstart said:
How could you even think the combat is better than GOW3 from this demo? It runs at around half the frames (Gow3 runs at around 46) and has all of two moves unlocked.

The way it actually feels is a big component.


burgerdog said:
I wouldn't trust gamespot or ign when it comes to technical issues. We need a direct comparison between both consoles. FPS Analysis chart, texture quality, loading times, etc is what we need from DF or LoT.
Kinda true, I remember Gamespot said AC1 was better on ps3.
The fact that I can dodge with the shoulder button makes the combat more enjoyable.

Aside from that, I am very surprised, and in a very good way. Lovely looking game, excellent presentation, combat, while nothing tremendously exciting, is enough to keep me interested.

Which version performs best? 360 or PS3?


Imo it just seems a little more timing/rhythm based than God of war. Not as button mashy...and it takes the Ninja Gaiden style of pitting you against 1-2 moderately difficult opponents. Also that the enemy you are attacking cant interrupt your attacks, unless you let up on them.

At least from what i've seen so far.

Then theres making werewolves explode by embedding a silver dagger in their face :D
brandonh83 said:
PS3 was lead development platform and some reviews are saying the PS3's framerate is steadier.

Oki doke. Will need to change my order! Tis a shame really. I normally go 360 but thankfully I don't care too much for achievements.


benevolent sexism
CcrooK said:
Blah blah blah. So what? I see a demo being better than a final product.

Edit: Actually. Let me put this into more fair terms. When I first played God of War 3 as a demo, I knew what I was getting into. We all did who played the previous games. When we got to play it, it was "yep, God of War. Awesome".

Playing the demo of Castlevania, there's something different in the way it works. The pace is the same in terms of battles and possibly platform stages (which is a guess on my part. Also factoring in the demo shown from a Konami presentation and Cox's demo).

But between the games, one takes a shorter time than the other. So that pace is either going to be too long for Castlevania and drag, or continue to build as the player continues to play. Either way, for what I see, the pace between these two games seem to fit in certain areas or the other. So if you liked God of War, there's no reason to not like Castlevania.

I should have been more clear. It wasn't really the GOW comparison that I was hung up on. You're perfectly entitled to like one more than the other. I was more questioning the wisdom of making judgments about the combat system after being exposed to the absolute minimum number of moves available and fighting only the most basic enemies (for like 5 minutes).


hey_it's_that_dog said:
I should have been more clear. It wasn't really the GOW comparison that I was hung up on. You're perfectly entitled to like one more than the other. I was more questioning the wisdom of making judgments about the combat system after being exposed to the absolute minimum number of moves available and fighting only the most basic enemies (for like 5 minutes).

I was just basing my judgment from what I've played from the demo and the game play vids out there. I'm probably a little too early to make wild assumptions but there's just something different between the two that makes me believe Castlevania has the better combat.


I also think the combat is more satistying than GOW's. If it's better overall, only time will tell.

There's something off in GOW's combat. It's like it lacks weight or something. Ninja Gaiden is the king of satisfying combat, too bad almost everything else is subpar in that game.
heringer said:
There's something off in GOW's combat. It's like it lacks weight or something. Ninja Gaiden is the king of satisfying combat, too bad almost everything else is subpar in that game.

this game feels very heavy in comparison, I find myself putting a bit more "physicality" on the controller and that's nice, especially fighting the huge lycans. just something about the way everything comes together, the timing, dodging being on L2, the timed QTE sequences, the freeze during the heavier attacks, and etc. all contribute to what I'm trying to say.


heringer said:
Ninja Gaiden is the king of satisfying combat, too bad almost everything else is subpar in that game.

Ninja Gaiden Black? That game was near perfect except for the dumb story, but that didn't really bother me. Oh, and the ghost piranhas also, fuck them.


Looking at the review videos (which all make like outside areas are some sorta new thing to Castlevania...) the framerate seems alot better in the final version (better than the demo anyway), and theres those additional hud elements too.
Teknoman said:
Looking at the review videos (which all make like outside areas are some sorta new thing to Castlevania...) the framerate seems alot better in the final version (better than the demo anyway), and theres those additional hud elements too.

Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice the missing HUD elements. And yeah, the game seems to run better than the demo. If I liked the demo so much I can't even imagine what I'll think about the full, finished product.


depths20XX said:
Ninja Gaiden Black? That game was near perfect except for the dumb story, but that didn't really bother me. Oh, and the ghost piranhas also, fuck them.
Eh. Only thing that grabbed me was the combat (and the camera sucks, by the way). Everything else is just... there. I dunno, kinda bland and forgettable. The combat is brilliant enough to carry the game though.


Played the demo. I will not buy this game.
It looks good and the frame rate didn't bother me. The rain hurt my eyes.

God of War is a brilliant game and I understand that it will influence many games. What I don't understand is why those games end up being total rip offs.
Everything (combat , level design ,set pieces, qte)makes you think "it's like GoW, but not as good".
Also what's with the guard? If you don't release the stick before pressing L2 you evade...

Overall it seems like decent game.
The game is called Castlevania. And what I played is not Castlevania at all. The music and atmosphere are wrong. It doesn't evel look like castlevania. I'd take the ps2 games (which are awesome) over this any day.

Kojima pro is 0/2 this gen.


Loves Robotech S1
Even though it's the same 2 areas we've seen several times, I thought the demo was fantastic. Abhorrent framerate aside, the motion blur and camerawork is some of the best I've ever seen. You really notice it even in subtle movements like the pages turning in the book. It just looks really, astonishingly good.

I'm also in the camp that feels the action is much more satisfying than GoW. The combat is more simple and straightforward and it feels right for a Castlevania game, somehow. Too bad we didn't get much platforming or exploration here, but it definitely cemented my excitement.

protonion said:
Overall it seems like decent game.
The game is called Castlevania. And what I played is not Castlevania at all. The music and atmosphere are wrong. It doesn't evel look like castlevania. I'd take the ps2 games (which are awesome) over this any day.

Kojima pro is 0/2 this gen.

I don't think any sane person would ever call the ps2 games "awesome" in any measure except for music. They were somewhat enjoyable, but deeply, DEEPLY flawed. Even if LoS doesn't feel like a Castlevania game to you, calling it decent and the ps2 games awesome pretty much precludes anyone from taking you seriously.


protonion said:
Played the demo. I will not buy this game.
It looks good and the frame rate didn't bother me. The rain hurt my eyes.

God of War is a brilliant game and I understand that it will influence many games. What I don't understand is why those games end up being total rip offs.
Everything (combat , level design ,set pieces, qte)makes you think "it's like GoW, but not as good".
Also what's with the guard? If you don't release the stick before pressing L2 you evade...

Overall it seems like decent game.
The game is called Castlevania. And what I played is not Castlevania at all. The music and atmosphere are wrong. It doesn't evel look like castlevania. I'd take the ps2 games (which are awesome) over this any day.

Kojima pro is 0/2 this gen.

How exactly does it not look like Castlevania? I'll give you sound, but keep in mind, the recent Castlevania games sound alot different than the classics prior to Rondo.

Go listen to Castlevania IV or 64 music then think about replacing those with real instruments. It's not the exact same thing... but somewhat similar. Of course we havent heard the entire score, so who knows what will pop up.
jett said:
There's all kinds of framerate weirdness. The cut-scenes when you ride the magical horse thingy run at a pretty low fps, despite having the same graphics as the gameplay.

That is weird. I thought all of the cinematics were pre-rendered using in-game assets (ala Batman: AA).
Played the demo and man, you really don't get an idea of how great it looks until you see it on your own TV.
...and that fucking music, my god, that music! :D
Dabookerman said:
Which version performs best? 360 or PS3?

This is the only info I could find so far:
"It's also worth noting that while the PlayStation 3 version maintains a steady frame rate, the Xbox 360 version occasionally hiccups during action sequences and cutscenes. " - GameSpot review

I'm hoping for something more concrete in the next few days so I can finally pre-order. I don't want to miss out on that Amazon credit! (I'm hopelessly addicted to chaining those offers together...)


Teknoman said:
How exactly does it not look like Castlevania? I'll give you sound, but keep in mind, the recent Castlevania games sound alot different than the classics prior to Rondo.

If I didn't know what I was playing, I wouldn't know that it was a castlevania until I heared the name Belmont.


[Ignorant question] So this is more Action than adventure, or God of War than Symphony of the Night if you like? [/ignorant question]
Teknoman said:
How exactly does it not look like Castlevania? I'll give you sound, but keep in mind, the recent Castlevania games sound alot different than the classics prior to Rondo.

Ninja Gaiden's reboot for Xbox didn't feel like a 2D Ninja Gaiden to me, it felt like an awesome 3D Ninja Gaiden. That's how I feel about this new Castlevania. There have been 3D Castlevanias already, but they hosted a number of pretty terrible flaws. I think this is the first 3D Castlevania that won't have such problems as copy/paste level design and based on the demo it already has vastly superior gameplay. So no, it doesn't "look" like the 30 or so Castlevania games that were in 2D but if you were to take Super Castlevania IV and make it a 3D action title and crank up the epicness, you'd end up with something close to Lords of Shadow.

Pandoracell said:
[Ignorant question] So this is more Action than adventure, or God of War than Symphony of the Night if you like? [/ignorant question]

A bit of both really. It has GOW influenced combat, but some of us playing the demo don't think it's exactly alike, and there will be numerous platforming elements and some exploration.


luka said:
I don't think any sane person would ever call the ps2 games "awesome" in any measure except for music. They were somewhat enjoyable, but deeply, DEEPLY flawed. Even if LoS doesn't feel like a Castlevania game to you, calling it decent and the ps2 games awesome pretty much precludes anyone from taking you seriously.

The first one was a step in the right derection. It had very well thought mechanics and personally I had blast playing it. It had level design issues of course. I'd like them to continue from there.


brandonh83 said:
A bit of both really. It has GOW influenced combat, but some of us playing the demo don't think it's exactly alike, and there will be numerous platforming elements and some exploration.

Cool, thanks. Does it feature an open castle, or is it level based?
protonion said:
If I didn't know what I was playing, I wouldn't know that it was a castlevania until I heared the name Belmont.

The more recent reviews mention this but claim that once you get 5-8 hours in it starts feeling more and more Castlevania like. Take that for what it is.
Pandoracell said:
Cool, thanks. Does it feature an open castle, or is it level based?

Based on reviews and videos, there is a "level-based" feel, but as far as I know there won't be an "open castle" like Symphony of the Night BUT you can still backtrack I think and explore some. It's really difficult to explain it at this point but they say the castle is reserved for the (time of castle appearance spoiler)
final third
of the game. Which considering how long the game supposedly is, that's still a decent amount of time.


They could have made it feel more 'Castlevania' if they would have gave the guy an actual whip instead of that 'multifunctional chain-whip' crap. They could have still had plenty of combos and what not by utilizing punches and various special attacks. Granted I haven't played the demo yet, but the way his weapon functions in the video just reminds me of Kratos.


protonion said:
The first one was a step in the right derection. It had very well thought mechanics and personally I had blast playing it. It had level design issues of course. I'd like them to continue from there.

Once you start fighting skeletons with scythes and whatnot and crazier enemies than just werewolves (then again werewolves riding bigger wolves is kinda crazy) i'm sure that same feeling will hit.

The combat system in LoS is really like a much improved LoI with additions from other great action games.

depths20XX said:
They could have made it feel more 'Castlevania' if they would have gave the guy an actual whip instead of that 'multifunctional chain-whip' crap. They could have still had plenty of combos and what not by utilizing punches and various special attacks. Granted I haven't played the demo yet, but the way his weapon functions in the video just reminds me of Kratos.

Everyone uses a chain whip at some point in Castlevania. Also looking at the menu screen, you'll eventually be able to change the element of the whip.
depths20XX said:
They could have made it feel more 'Castlevania' if they would have gave the guy an actual whip instead of that 'multifunctional chain-whip' crap. They could have still had plenty of combos and what not by utilizing punches and various special attacks. Granted I haven't played the demo yet, but the way his weapon functions in the video just reminds me of Kratos.

It's really just an expansion of the basic whip, you get chain whips in the earlier titles too. And I seriously doubt that Gabriel having a more traditional whip would go any way in changing the overall atmosphere and tone of the game as it stands.
brandonh83 said:

What a fucking ass. He is basing his opinion on the only two lower reviews compared to the dozen of other ones that gave the game higher scores. I bet this guy watches Fox News, where they also just find information that helps make them look right, and totally throwing away everything else that says differently.

I am not saying the game is bad or good. Why you ask? BECAUSE I HAVEN'T FUCKING PLAYED IT YET!


brandonh83 said:
Based on reviews and videos, there is a "level-based" feel, but as far as I know there won't be an "open castle" like Symphony of the Night BUT you can still backtrack I think and explore some. It's really difficult to explain it at this point but they say the castle is reserved for the (time of castle appearance spoiler)
final third
of the game. Which considering how long the game supposedly is, that's still a decent amount of time.

Gotcha, thanks. As my line of questioning suggested, I hadn't been following this at all but I may download the demo and read up some more, seems like it could be fun.
NeoUltima said:
Amazing, the game's only 3 7s are from the 3 most popular video game sites on the web. What bad luck for sales.

if you base your purchasing decisions on a couple of websites you're not a terribly bright individual.

thanks though, will add IGN to OP!
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