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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow |OT| The MercurySteam has Vanquished the Horrible Night

I find myself wishing the levels were shorter, I'm not really a marathon player I like to get in and progress a little and get out before the wife starts complaining. It seems the further into the game I get, the longer it takes me to get to the point where I can save it. It's not too bad, but some of them are dragging on. It also feels like I'm doing the same thing over and over again thus far.

Is it just me or is blocking kind of broken? With the block button being used for so many purposes, mainly dodge, I find it hard to just use it as block and always end up just rolling around the playfield like crazy instead. Synchronizing block also seems difficult to pull off because either you're getting attacked by 10 different guys all at the same time, or being attacked by one or a few guys that can just smash through your block anyway.
teiresias said:
I don't know why I suck at this game so bad. I can't block anything in this game. I keep dodging instead of blocking, and so I can never build up my focus and get any massive doses of magic. I can't stand that dodge is active when you block and isn't on a separate stick, it's so damn frustrating.
Take your finger off of the left stick


gketter said:
I had the same issue. I'm not sure why. Bad framerates have been annoying but not to the point i'd loose interest in the games. Maybe its the constant choppiness and not sudden dips and then recoveries? I didn't even make it through the whole demo. I plan on renting the full game at some point and giving it another try.

I was in borderline impulse purchase territory but after playing the demo it's a definite renter/discounted game for me.


I, too, loved the
battle. It was just epic, actually, I use epic a lot when talking about this game. It really is.
NeoUltima said:
About to do the final mission of Ch 8. This shit is so epic.

the environmental framing around those areas... just... they are seriously unmatched.

might want to spoiler tag that, burgerdog :D


Papercuts said:
Is there a trick to gremlin fighting that I was completely missing? On 2-6 I had a hell of a time fighting the huge groups of them, felt like I would get hit no matter what I did.

When they're grouped together, I usually switch to using the Y button (I'm on the 360). That does an area attack. Its weaker, but the are weak little bastards so it does some good damage.


CaptYamato said:
Take your finger off of the left stick

Great idea, how is that supposed to work? I still have to move around, particularly since, as ScrabbleBanshee points out, you frequently are fighting one big enemy with a group of smaller ones.

Furthermore, alot of the combat skills require you to push the skill in the direction you want it to fire or aim. Taking the finger of the stick isn't really an option under those circumstances. I'm just really starting to dislike the game's controls.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
linkboy said:
When they're grouped together, I usually switch to using the Y button (I'm on the 360). That does an area attack. Its weaker, but the are weak little bastards so it does some good damage.

Yeah, I was trying a few things like that. Even with light magic and dark magic I still got my health destroyed from them.


teiresias said:
I don't know why I suck at this game so bad. I can't block anything in this game. I keep dodging instead of blocking, and so I can never build up my focus and get any massive doses of magic. I can't stand that dodge is active when you block and isn't on a separate stick, it's so damn frustrating.

Just stand still. Blocking negates pretty much all damage, unless you're surrounded and getting beat on from all sides. Just keep your left thumb still and dont panic.
Teknoman said:
Just stand still. Blocking negates pretty much all damage, unless you're surrounded and getting beat on from all sides. Just keep your left thumb still and dont panic.

It's mostly about learning enemy attacks. The patterns are very easy to pick up on, but what's great is that even when you know what they're going to do, it can still be very challenging.

Also, I rarely find myself simply blocking, for me I have better luck simply anticipating attacks, rolling away, and recovering with a couple of weapon lashes. Trying to deliberately block during boss battles will result in a sure-fire ass beating.


Almost done with CH2. Holy shit, this game is awesome. I was initially frustrated with the platforming and but once you get used to it I have no problems. Also I can deal with the framerate now.

Mercurysteam has a lot of talented people and I'm definitely buying the DLC.

Also fuck you brandonh, for getting me hyped and not wanting me to do my homework! :D
ZeroRay said:
Also fuck you brandonh, for getting me hyped and not wanting me to do my homework! :D

Blame it on the batshit insane developers, if you think the first few chapters are awesome, I mean you're basically playing refried dog ass compared to chapter 5 and on. Seriously, once you get up to ch. 5, 6, 7 & 8 your jaw is constantly going to be floored.

in fact, so far the second half of the game makes the first half look like they were just dicking around for no reason.


Yeah, I rarely block. I only really do if the attack is totally predictable or I'm fighting one on one with a big enemy. Usually just roll and then attack.


NeoUltima said:
Yeah, I rarely block. I only really do if the attack is totally predictable or I'm fighting one on one with a big enemy. Usually just roll and then attack.

Me too.

Although I did block against
the butcher (since I needed the health)


brandonh83 said:
Blame it on the batshit insane developers, if you think the first few chapters are awesome, I mean you're basically playing refried dog ass compared to chapter 5 and on. Seriously, once you get up to ch. 5, 6, 7 & 8 your jaw is constantly going to be floored.

in fact, so far the second half of the game makes the first half look like they were just dicking around for no reason.


So the complete opposite of GOW3? :lol
NeoUltima said:
Yeah, I rarely block. I only really do if the attack is totally predictable or I'm fighting one on one with a big enemy. Usually just roll and then attack.

I like blocking during mob encounters, you almost have to because of all the shit coming at you constantly but for big one-on-one battles, blocking will generally result in a quick game over. Sure, you're rewarded for actually blocking, like your focus bar getting some good attention at times and a few other things, but performing certain combos against certain enemies will yield awesome results.

One thing I fucking love doing is starting up a (PS3 ver.) series of square attacks, and then holding the button down/releasing/holding down/releasing for some hefty whip lashing, really makes me think I'm making the enemy my bitch for the night.

ZeroRay said:
So the complete opposite of GOW3? :lol

Pretty much :lol


Some of the relic powers are really great/handy. Holy Cross and Shadow Flames or w/e are GREAt if you can line enemies up a bit.


brandonh83 said:
Blame it on the batshit insane developers, if you think the first few chapters are awesome, I mean you're basically playing refried dog ass compared to chapter 5 and on. Seriously, once you get up to ch. 5, 6, 7 & 8 your jaw is constantly going to be floored.

in fact, so far the second half of the game makes the first half look like they were just dicking around for no reason.
Goddamn, I'm at the boss of the 3rd act, and I really, really want to not be at work so I can go home and play. A really cute girl offered to buy me a drink after I get off though, sooo... I think I'm going to take a while to get home. :lol
Dartastic said:
Goddamn, I'm at the boss of the 3rd world, and I really, really want to not be at work so I can go home and play. A really cute girl offered to buy me a drink after I get off though, sooo... :lol

Acceptable excuse, but make it short.


brandonh83 said:
Pretty much :lol

When I was in the
Bog and I had to avoid the hands coming out of the water
, I was like: "Fuck yeah, this is Castlevania!"

Also, I saw before the edit. :p


One complaint I have with combat is that I don't think enemy attacks are too subtly telegraphed at times, especially when you're dealing with packs of enemies.
burgerdog said:
God, is
from previous Castlevanias? I continue to spoil shit for old time fans in this thread if so :(

Yep. You didn't know, so it's cool, and it doesn't look like anyone got hit with the spoiler missile.

edit: except Tekno! :lol


I imagine some of these bosses would be a lot cooler of I knew them from previous games. I still thought most of them were really cool, but could've had a bigger impact if knew them from the 2D CV days.


The amount of detail they put into Gabriel's model is pretty amazing. From the way his clothes kinda hang and sway when he moves to the bits and pieces and items that get added as you go away. I'm at that puzzle the GT guys hated and the amazing lighting in the room made me notice.

Balancing walk is cool looking.
burgerdog said:
I imagine some of these bosses would be a lot cooler of I knew them from previous games. I still thought most of them were really cool, but could've had a bigger impact if knew them from the 2D CV days.

well, they're kind of similar in name only,
Olrox is a vampire in Symphony of the Night but he looks a lot different, and Brauner is a vampire in Portrait of Ruin, I think

Carmilla is from Bloodlines.


Loves Robotech S1
Tokubetsu said:
Yea, once you hit the castle everything takes a nose dive straight into bleak city. Especially their use of gore and horror themes.

I definitely feel like they nailed the castle. The interior really looks like horrible monsters and creatures of the night live there but more importantly, that they're not SUPPOSED to be there. That the castle was taken over and changed. It's kinda like looking at old ruins and seeing how nature has taken them over...only with evil :lol

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I got there and started working through the castle. The art design is unreal and really conveyed that sense of corruption and decay. I mean it sounds cliche, but most developers just can't seem to nail the same kind of atmosphere they managed here without literally spelling it out for you. It's amazing.

Some fights have been extremely brutal for whatever reason. I died a lot againt Laura's deadly toys, and any area with more than 2 swordmasters, especially that one small room in the outer wall where the camera is extremely tight and makes it hard to track and counter them. And yes, the flying gremlins are assholes.

Haven't really had any trouble on the bosses though. I beat Brauner,
Olrox, Carmilla, and Pan
without dying once. Very predictable patterns with large windups that are easy counters. Basically counter > 3 hit > counter > 3 hit > dodge unblockable > counter, etc. The
was actually pretty damn hard however, and it was tough predicting his attacks.

One minor complaint I have is the fucking chupacabras. Now conceptually I don't have a problem with them - take your powers away when you reach a new area until you can solve a puzzle/find a secret. It works well enough. The problem is those assholes are goddamn ANNOYING. Trying to solve a fairly large puzzle involving crystals and light beams in an expansive area while the most obnoxious voice you've ever heard keeps shouting "OVER HERE! COME GET MEEEE~!" over and over and over made me want to smash my speakers. Thankfully that was the only area in the game where it became that problematic, but holy crap.


burgerdog said:
I imagine some of these bosses would be a lot cooler of I knew them from previous games. I still thought most of them were really cool, but could've had a bigger impact if knew them from the 2D CV days.

You've really got to go back and play some then, especially III, IV, and Rondo.

I wish Bloodlines was available on VC.
I'm playing on Knight and I'm getting my ass handed to me right now. I just fought a Greater Lycanthrope and it took me like 6 tries. :lol Maybe I'm doing it wrong.


Just finished the game, massive spoilers below, don't read unless you've finished the game. Just my impressions(rant).

Satan as the last boss fight, really? I could tell they were setting up Gabriel to become Dracula but then they switched it to a modern setting as well, so much fucking with the Castlevania story. I was so happy with the game up until that final boss fight and the ending. I kinda want to pretend those didn't happen, really disappointed with how they handled the games two decades worth of history even though it's not canon. Making a Belmont into Dracula was really disappointing as well as the modern twist.
DarknessTear said:
I'm playing on Knight and I'm getting my ass handed to me right now. I just fought a Greater Lycanthrope and it took me like 6 tries. :lol Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

You will... adapt. Eventually. I'm on chapter 9 on Knight, and if I can do it, shit, anyone can.


Gotta love Amazon.

Just got a 3 cent refund for pre-ordering the game @ $59.99 and it selling for $59.96.

Shopping spree



Loves Robotech S1
Cynar said:
Just finished the game, massive spoilers below, don't read unless you've finished the game. Just my impressions(rant).

Satan as the last boss fight, really? I could tell they were setting up Gabriel to become Dracula but then they switched it to a modern setting as well, so much fucking with the Castlevania story. I was so happy with the game up until that final boss fight and the ending. I kinda want to pretend those didn't happen, really disappointed with how they handled the games two decades worth of history even though it's not canon. Making a Belmont into Dracula was really disappointing as well as the modern twist.

I kind of think it's a cool idea, making
the Belmont's sworn enemy their own ancestor, but I think it would have been much more effective if they cut it off right after he says "My name is dracula!"
brandonh83 said:
You will... adapt. Eventually. I'm on chapter 9 on Knight, and if I can do it, shit, anyone can.

Yeah, that's how I got into Ninja Gaiden so hardcore, but this is a little less intuitive as Ninja Gaiden. I mean.. the first boss in that game beat my ass so hard.. and then once I really learned the game, it was the most fun and rewarding experience in gaming I've ever had.


linkboy said:
Gotta love Amazon.

Just got a 3 cent refund for pre-ordering the game @ $59.99 and it selling for $59.96.

Shopping spree


I think I got like 83 cents or something. YEAH GONNA SPEND THAT REAL QUICK!

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Price on order date: $59.99
Price charged at shipping: $59.99
Lowest price before release date: $59.13
Amount to be refunded: $0.86
Quantity: 1
Total Savings: $0.86
DarknessTear said:
Yeah, that's how I got into Ninja Gaiden so hardcore, but this is a little less intuitive as Ninja Gaiden. I mean.. the first boss in that game beat my ass so hard.. and then once I really learned the game, it was the most fun and rewarding experience in gaming I've ever had.

I've had like, 4-5 of those experiences with the bosses from this game so far :lol


formerly nacire
ScrabbleBanshee said:
I find myself wishing the levels were shorter, I'm not really a marathon player I like to get in and progress a little and get out before the wife starts complaining. It seems the further into the game I get, the longer it takes me to get to the point where I can save it. It's not too bad, but some of them are dragging on. It also feels like I'm doing the same thing over and over again thus far.

I stopped mid-level last night and when I restarted today it started at a way point and not at the beginning of that level. I think as long as you load the level you stopped on, it will load where ever you last got a way point save.


luka said:
I kind of think it's a cool idea, making
the Belmont's sworn enemy their own ancestor, but I think it would have been much more effective if they cut it off right after he says "My name is dracula!"

I sorta agree,
even that would've been better. It still kinda kills it for me that they turn the Belmont clan as the cause for origin of dracula, too many big changes happening at the ending and I really despise the modern setting


brandonh83 said:
You will... adapt. Eventually. I'm on chapter 9 on Knight, and if I can do it, shit, anyone can.

Yea, if you can do the Chapter 3 boss on knight, so far at least (Chapter 9), you can do the rest on knight.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Tokubetsu said:
Yea, if you can do the Chapter 3 boss on knight, so far at least (Chapter 9), you can do the rest on knight.

I finished Chapter 3 last night. Is
considered to be the hardest in the game?


Unlimited Capacity
DarknessTear said:
I'm playing on Knight and I'm getting my ass handed to me right now. I just fought a Greater Lycanthrope and it took me like 6 tries. :lol Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

You have to counter those guys. Counter, then turn on Dark Magic, then destroy.
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