Well, there's been two recent cases of prominent female stars committing domestic violence, Hope Solo and Brittney Griner(albeit Brittney was with her female partner) attacking her nephew and step sister. So I don't think their position is that indefensible The Hope Solo one is key as she did alot of damage to her nephew with punches only.
I don't think you can discount the amount of damage that a woman can do. However, in this case the response was clearly disproportionate (he tried to pull his punch, but he didn't do it nearly enough), I only think she should be charged as well.
I think the punch landed, but it was incredibly soft.
Well Hope Solo is a trainwreck and is an athlete so I'd expect her to be able to fight and probably hurt a lot of men. I'm just saying that at least in this instance, it doesn't appear that the woman posed much of a threat to him, though I absolutely agree she should have charges pressed. But he shouldn't have done anything but hold her back, and if he'd done so, we'd be talking about his amazing restraint after being antagonized by a drunk girl yelling racial epithets and hitting him.
How much you want to bet FSU gets criticized for cutting him prematurely?
In the OT yeah. In the real world, I don't think they will be. I absolutely agree with cutting him.