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Charlie Hebdo attacks - Hostage situations ended, 4 hostages reportedly killed

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Looks like the police got pretty damn lucky, especially in avoiding friendly fire. Particularly the first and weirdly only cop to enter who was lucky not to receive friendly fire in his back or get hit by the terrorist in front.

I find it amazing how the terrorist managed to just about make it outside the shop after being shot what must have been dozens of times.

Also imagine if the terrorist had pulled the pin of a grenade before he made his suicidal dash for the doors. He could have easily blown up a huge amount of police.
How is it that a man shot that much can still run. Crazy.

Because it's not the movies and this is how real life works. Unless you get a head or midspinal shot, a highly motivated individual can stay in the fight after being shot multiple times.

This is a perfect example why shooting people in arms and legs as a non-lethal deterrent to a lethal threat is not a good policy.


So what effects will this have on the society in Europe? Islam already had a bad reputation, but what happens now? Will there be even more hate?

What about the Jews? They've pretty clearly been targeted in this case - Kosher grocery, and the incident where they shot a cop was perhaps a planned attack on a Jewish school that was disrupted by the cop

I imagine more of them will be moving out of Europe because they seemingly aren't safe there.
Because it's not the movies and this is how real life works. Unless you get a head or midspinal shot, a highly motivated individual can stay in the fight after being shot multiple times.

This is a perfect example why shooting people in arms and legs as a non-lethal deterrent to a lethal threat is not a good policy.


this is also why law enforcement use higher caliber small arms weapons as opposed to .22mm guns.

That said, better and more widespread non-lethal weapons FTW.
So what effects will this have on the society in Europe? Islam already had a bad reputation, but what happens now? Will there be even more hate?

I don't think so. Current movements like PEGIDA in Germany will feel vindicated over the next 2-3 weeks, but that's it.
Though it could have a bigger impact in France itself because the people didn't like Hollande in the past and parties like the Front Nationale gained popularity.


one guy probably has to run in with shield and tons of armor to draw the targets attention and bullets while the guys at the opening try to get a clear shot..

i dont think the rest of the guys chickened out lol...

certainly wasn't my intention to insinuate that, more of an observation really


Is there footage of when they gun downed the two brothers like the one from the market?

Freaking glad they were killed but sad they took away 4 more innocent people :(


I called it yesterday. These people don't surrender

They also aren't in it to kill civilians though. I was reading about the air France hijacking and the pilot said the hijackers had many opportunities to kill the hostages during the raid but chose not to do so


I don't think so. Current movements like PEGIDA in Germany will feel vindicated over the next 2-3 weeks, but that's it.
Though it could have a bigger impact in France itself because the people didn't like Hollande in the past and parties like the Front Nationale gained popularity.

This attack will have a larger effect on France than wider Europe. But this is new normal, an attack every 2-3months, with 1 to who knows how many casualties. Can and will eventually turn public opinion to the dark side. Out of fear mostly, but these attacks are not going to stop. They are going to continue for years.
Some responses from members and leaders of Turkey's ruling AKP party:



It's easy for these fuckers to spray this bullshit because Turkey is removed from the true horrors that Islamism can bring upon a society. In their First World bubble these people ignorantly sit.

Thankfully the Turkish opposition and satirical magazines have been just as vocal in mourning the killings.


Turkey is at a real crossroads between it's extremely conservative Eastern/rural population and more modern/urban West. I think the East will win out eventually. Demographics are on their side. Religious people multiply in much greater numbers than progressives.


Turkey is at a real crossroads between it's extremely conservative Eastern/rural population and more modern/urban West. I think the East will win out eventually. Demographics are on their side. Religious people multiply in much greater numbers than progressives.

That's sadly true everywhere in the world ... Same thing is happening in Israel.

This is one of the biggest problems in some of our democracies. I know my young turkish friends are sick of the party in power but they know they'll keep winning every fucking vote cause half the country will keep voting for them.


you can't put a price on sparks
That's sadly true everywhere in the world ... Same thing is happening in Israel.

This is one of the biggest problems in some of our democracies. I know my young turkish friends are sick of the party in power but they know they'll keep winning every fucking vote cause half the country will keep voting for them.

Almost sounds like America...
That's sadly true everywhere in the world ... Same thing is happening in Israel.

This is one of the biggest problems in some of our democracies. I know my young turkish friends are sick of the party in power but they know they'll keep winning every fucking vote cause half the country will keep voting for them.

Dat economy though. The problem with left-wing parties in poorer/newly-developed countries is that their economic platform is basically to throw subsidies to this group or that group to placate them, and then nationalize industries. Socialist days are tough days. Not sure about the situation in Israel though.
Guys don't waste your time with conspiracy theorists and other nutbags. Is in their nature to not believe in the media and say stupid shit.


What's sad is that even after all this, it could happen all over again any minute. Add to this how much far-right parties will continue to benefit from this throughout Europe. I don't see the EU managing to live through this, the situation is not improving. In some countries like Greece there are even bigger conflicts coming because there are very left and very right-wing groups, similar to how things have been in Turkey. But in places like France, if FN wins FN will steamroll their opposition; in countries like France the right-wingers are minorities that can be loud enough to hold power through the complacency and idiocy of the "undecided" and the easily fooled. Even if Sarkozy was to come back and win, it will just make Le Pen even bigger.

Even in Germany things are turning around. Mix the economic, politic, immigration and Islam issues and you have very bad times ahead of Europe. Won't be long before the right-wing parties establish links throughout Europe, and then here and there the EU will fall apart. The issue of Islamic extremists is just one ingredient among a few others that will be used to continue to mobilize the fools, enough for the right-wingers to take power.

Major Russian TV network says US intelligence carried out the Charlie Hebdo attack

Russia-GAF please tell me that this is deluded fringe and not maisntream...

Makes no sense considering Russia has their own problems with Islamic extremism. Not like the US is doing this to undermine Russia or one of their allies. Makes no sense to make this assertion from their standpoint.

What's sad is that even after all this, it could happen all over again any minute. Add to this how much far-right parties will continue to benefit from this throughout Europe. I don't see the EU managing to live through this, the situation is not improving. In some countries like Greece there are even bigger conflicts coming because there are very left and very right-wing groups, similar to how things have been in Turkey. But in places like France, if FN wins FN will steamroll their opposition; in countries like France the right-wingers are minorities that can be loud enough to hold power through the complacency and idiocy of the "undecided" and the easily fooled. Even if Sarkozy was to come back and win, it will just make Le Pen even bigger.

Even in Germany things are turning around. Mix the economic, politic, immigration and Islam issues and you have very bad times ahead of Europe. Won't be long before the right-wing parties establish links throughout Europe, and then here and there the EU will fall apart. The issue of Islamic extremists is just one ingredient among a few others that will be used to continue to mobilize the fools, enough for the right-wingers to take power.

You're always predicting the collapse of something. Still waiting for a prediction to actually come true.


The shop was rigged by explosives and the guy had molotov bombs with him too.

This was about to become an absolute blood bath if he hadn't left the phone ON and they heard him pray, which is why they knew he was distracted and didn't have time to make stuff explode.. Not sure about the grenade launchings tho...
This is new normal, an attack every 2-3months.

Can and will eventually turn public opinion to the dark side. Out of fear mostly, but these attacks are not going to stop. They are going to continue for years.

I doubt that tbh.

They seem desperate to validate mayhem and murder somewhow to make it righteous. With the press too scared to draw prophet Mohammed I doubt they'll have anything else anytime soon.

So what effects will this have on the society in Europe? Islam already had a bad reputation, but what happens now? Will there be even more hate?

Personally I don't think it will affect anything significant much.

But I might be wrong here. ppl will just say it's a "isolated incident" and the kneejerk attack on mosques will subside quickly. Some posturing from politicians but that's it.
video of the assault (uncensored)

Looks like the RAID even threw a grenade inside.

that one terrorist got fucked up.


Major Russian TV network says US intelligence carried out the Charlie Hebdo attack

Russia-GAF please tell me that this is deluded fringe and not maisntream...

We (the world in general) should probably stop giving russia an outlet to spew their shit at this point.


The shop was rigged by explosives and the guy had molotov bombs with him too.

This was about to become an absolute blood bath if he hadn't left the phone ON and they heard him pray, which is why they knew he was distracted and didn't have time to make stuff explode.. Not sure about the grenade launchings tho...

What an absolute cretin. He actually thought his actions would be in line with what his god wanted.


The shop was rigged by explosives and the guy had molotov bombs with him too.

This was about to become an absolute blood bath if he hadn't left the phone ON and they heard him pray, which is why they knew he was distracted and didn't have time to make stuff explode.. Not sure about the grenade launchings tho...
WTF. That is pretty insane! It really is like out of a plot of one of the NCIS's or movies. Guy gets distracted and the cops open the shutter while he is praying. I was wondering why there didn't seem to be much commotion inside the store as the shutters were opening.

So thankful his plan didn't come to fruition. Those cops are real heroes who saved everyone.
What's sad is that even after all this, it could happen all over again any minute. Add to this how much far-right parties will continue to benefit from this throughout Europe. I don't see the EU managing to live through this, the situation is not improving. In some countries like Greece there are even bigger conflicts coming because there are very left and very right-wing groups, similar to how things have been in Turkey. But in places like France, if FN wins FN will steamroll their opposition; in countries like France the right-wingers are minorities that can be loud enough to hold power through the complacency and idiocy of the "undecided" and the easily fooled. Even if Sarkozy was to come back and win, it will just make Le Pen even bigger.

Even in Germany things are turning around. Mix the economic, politic, immigration and Islam issues and you have very bad times ahead of Europe. Won't be long before the right-wing parties establish links throughout Europe, and then here and there the EU will fall apart. The issue of Islamic extremists is just one ingredient among a few others that will be used to continue to mobilize the fools, enough for the right-wingers to take power.

If the Fn is rising, it's not because of terrorism but because french politics are a joke and are thinking only about themselves for more than twenty years now. They lie non stop and can't keep a straight line of thought. French people aren't racist, xenophobic or anti Islam. They just have enough of shitty politics. Marine lepen and Philippot are smart and aware of this fact, they rightfully get more and more popular, even amongst people who belong to the first waves of immigration from North Africa, because they don't treat people like fools. They are coherent in their speeches and very clear. They also don't hesitate to talk about sensible topics no other politicians have the guts to tackle, too afraid to turn away their traditional voters.

Sarkozy, Hollande, Valls, Bayrou etc... They are all the same and they say and do the same things. People aren't dumb, they know Sarkozy didn't do anything, they know he is responsible for the rise of radicalism Islam in France, they know Hollande is the same and will follow whatever Americans and Bruxelles will told him to do.

Melenchon could have been credible, but his stances on some topics make him inaudible and a joke.

It's sad because from my point of view and daily life, it would be easy to talk to the people and make things right. But no, only the fn are doing this and we all know they aren't build to rule. They have recruited some good elements and very competent people, but there's still lot of old fashioned dude who are as trust worthy as other sharks from the ps and ump I mentioned above. They don't agree totally with the new direction but they stay anyway because the party became very popular and is still rising.

French people are disgusted by French politics. What is sad is not that the fn is rising but the fact that there's no one beside Marine Lepen who know how to talk to those people.

A Man like Melenchon should learn from Marine and throw away all the communist history and make a new French party focused on the people and the future. He got some good ideas and isn't a puppet but his strong link with the communist party and dumb leftists is a total turn off for young people like myself. We don't care about the past alliances and ideas, we want fresh thoughts dedicated to the complete new issues we are facing now and tomorrow. That's what Marine Lepen is doing and one of the biggest reason she is popular.
According to the Free Gaza people it was the Jews.


Yes, that's why they attacked a Kosher shop... and perfect French accents of course leads one to blame Hebrew Speakers

video of the assault (uncensored)

Looks like the RAID even threw a grenade inside.

I'll obviously defer to the experts but those last shots look like they could have easily shot the fellow cops. They were shooting at a guy in the middle of them both, there is a clear muzzle flash after the guy is out the door

Dead Man

According to a Free Gaza person it was the Jews.


Unless you have that from an official Free Gaza source don't attribute the beliefs of an individual to a group just by virtue of their belonging to said group. Seems to be a bad habit that is easy to do. Been guilty of it myself.

And wow is her logic fucked up. Perfect French is no the sign of Mossad? Fucking idiot.


The "perfect french accent" excuse is ridiculous from these conspiracy theorists.

Of course they had perfect french accents...they were all french, raised and born in France. What do they think, that 2nd, 3rd gen from immigration are in a bubble and only speak Arab? They are french and nothing else.


Junior Member
According to the Free Gaza people it was the Jews.


Well great to see Palestine is now in an influential position with the UN. We really needed a voice of reason such as this to persecute the real enemy. The Jews.

There I said it. No nevermind, it is not the Jews, it is the Zionists, because putting a political or philosophical label on it removes racist connotations.

The Zionists can now be persecuted by the peaceful people of Palestine.

But it is all for not. Plus it is a continuing joke as far as the UN.

Oh wait, Russia is invading the Ukraine, China and Russia block intervention. Oh wait though, some evil scum is selling nukes yo other evil scum, Russia and China ate the sellers and the veto powers.

Oh wait, the West wants yo save a lone starving baby in Western Africa... Sorry, China and Russia will veto it. Fuck the UN. The United States should use it as a way to arrest all of the cunts of the world in one swoop.
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