I don't think this will delay the consoles at all. Limit supply perhaps, but not delay. Time to get those pre-orders into GameStop!
Thank you!![]()
“Let us suppose that the great empire of China, with all its myriads of inhabitants, was suddenly swallowed up by an earthquake, and let us consider how a man of humanity in Europe, who had no sort of connection with that part of the world, would be affected upon receiving intelligence of this dreadful calamity. He would, I imagine, first of all, express very strongly his sorrow for the misfortune of that unhappy people, he would make many melancholy reflections upon the precariousness of human life, and the vanity of all the labours of man, which could thus be annihilated in a moment. He would too, perhaps, if he was a man of speculation, enter into many reasonings concerning the effects which this disaster might produce upon the commerce of Europe, and the trade and business of the world in general. And when all this fine philosophy was over, when all these humane sentiments had been once fairly expressed, he would pursue his business or his pleasure, take his repose or his diversion, with the same ease and tranquillity, as if no such accident had happened.
The most frivolous disaster which could befall himself would occasion a more real disturbance. If he was to lose his little finger to-morrow, he would not sleep to-night; but, provided he never saw them, he will snore with the most profound security over the ruin of a hundred millions of his brethren, and the destruction of that immense multitude seems plainly an object less interesting to him, than this paltry misfortune of his own. To prevent, therefore, this paltry misfortune to himself, would a man of humanity be willing to sacrifice the lives of a hundred millions of his brethren, provided he had never seen them?
Human nature startles with horror at the thought, and the world, in its greatest depravity and corruption, never produced such a villain as could be capable of entertaining it. But what makes this difference? When our passive feelings are almost always so sordid and so selfish, how comes it that our active principles should often be so generous and so noble? When we are always so much more deeply affected by whatever concerns ourselves, than by whatever concerns other men; what is it which prompts the generous, upon all occasions, and the mean upon many, to sacrifice their own interests to the greater interests of others? It is not the soft power of humanity, it is not that feeble spark of benevolence which Nature has lighted up in the human heart, that is thus capable of counteracting the strongest impulses of self-love. It is a stronger power, a more forcible motive, which exerts itself upon such occasions. It is reason, principle, conscience, the inhabitant of the breast, the man within, the great judge and arbiter of our conduct.”
Not sure where you are getting the skinned alive part from. I don't think that makes any sense when they usually just kill them brutally fast. But there has been videos of dogs being boiled alive so maybe in certain places this does happen. Better askYou have to. And are you really comparing this to dismember and skinning a live fucking dog before cooking it?
WTF happened? Looking at the thread you could be forgiven for thinking that you logged on to ResetEra by mistake: the dogpiling, the virtue signalling, the trying to score points by dunking on others and therefore displaying one's own moral superiority...all we need now is an accusation that the OP being racist and maybe even a ban for "racism, playing down concerns affecting Asian people of color, false equivalence, history of previous infractions" and we have Era bingo!
This is the view from my apartment in northern China. If you look closely at the bottom right hand of the picture, you will notice the police car guarding the entrance to one of the buildings in my apartment complex. That's because the whole building (and everyone living inside) have been quarantined for 14 days, due to a lady coming back from Wuhan with the Virus and subsequently infecting her son (who lives in a separate apartment in the building next to mine, which is also now under quarantine). So far, they are the only two in my little area, and the city as a whole has only had a couple of hundred cases and 1 death, so the we are nowhere near Wuhan in terms of the damage the pandemic is causing but it still strikes close to home when you can see the effects outside of your window (and, in common with most Chinese people, I have been pretty much confined to my apartment and immediate neighbourhood for the past 2 weeks).
Now, if the OP had written a really whiny and self-unaware post, fair enough, go ahead and criticise (to a fair degree), but he didn't and doesn't deserve some of the fake outrage he has been getting. Come on, we're not Era, we are better than this.
As an antidote to the moralising, here is a classic Adam Smith quote from The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Before casting any stones at the OP, can anyone here honestly say that this doesn't apply to them?
I would personally find losing my little finger a pretty big fucking deal (maybe having a slight headache would be a more apt comparison for modern times - those 18th century people were tough!), but Smith's thought experiment is very apt, especially as it also concerns China.
To answer the OP's original question, I don't think it will delay the release of next-gen consoles. Outside of Wuhan, the actual number of infected is pretty small (China does have a population of almost 1.4 billion after all), and some factories have already started going back to work (albeit at staggered intervals). However, I do think it is possible that there may be shortages, so it might be wise to pre-order early on if you want your console by Christamas.
Holy fucking shit........ so on the positive I guess you got a lot of downtime on your hands for games, what have you been up to under quarantine?
theres really a simpsons gif for everything huh
What is this bastardization? Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.As an antidote to the moralising, here is a classic Adam Smith quote from The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Before casting any stones at the OP, can anyone here honestly say that this doesn't apply to them?
5 people is everybody?Holy triggered gaf Batman. Is the stalling of manufacturing electronic and gaming consoles / products not a relevant topic ? Everyone in hear acting like OP said that the Chinese are terrible people for dying.
Not sure where you are getting the skinned alive part from. I don't think that makes any sense when they usually just kill them brutally fast. But there has been videos of dogs being boiled alive so maybe in certain places this does happen. Better askChairman Tickles about this shit and to see if he has eaten dog while in China. There are also activists trying to stop people from eating pets but the Chinese feel like they are shitting on their culture. Which is stupid right? Shit is regional either way but the country does eat a shitloads of dogs yes. It doesn't mean Chinese people aren't "human" braaaaap.
WTF happened? Looking at the thread you could be forgiven for thinking that you logged on to ResetEra by mistake: the dogpiling, the virtue signalling, the trying to score points by dunking on others and therefore displaying one's own moral superiority...all we need now is an accusation that the OP being racist and maybe even a ban for "racism, playing down concerns affecting Asian people of color, false equivalence, history of previous infractions" and we have Era bingo!
This is the view from my apartment in northern China. If you look closely at the bottom right hand of the picture, you will notice the police car guarding the entrance to one of the buildings in my apartment complex. That's because the whole building (and everyone living inside) have been quarantined for 14 days, due to a lady coming back from Wuhan with the Virus and subsequently infecting her son (who lives in a separate apartment in the building next to mine, which is also now under quarantine). So far, they are the only two in my little area, and the city as a whole has only had a couple of hundred cases and 1 death, so the we are nowhere near Wuhan in terms of the damage the pandemic is causing but it still strikes close to home when you can see the effects outside of your window (and, in common with most Chinese people, I have been pretty much confined to my apartment and immediate neighbourhood for the past 2 weeks).
Now, if the OP had written a really whiny and self-unaware post, fair enough, go ahead and criticise (to a fair degree), but he didn't and doesn't deserve some of the fake outrage he has been getting. Come on, we're not Era, we are better than this.
As an antidote to the moralising, here is a classic Adam Smith quote from The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Before casting any stones at the OP, can anyone here honestly say that this doesn't apply to them?
I would personally find losing my little finger a pretty big fucking deal (maybe having a slight headache would be a more apt comparison for modern times - those 18th century people were tough!), but Smith's thought experiment is very apt, especially as it also concerns China.
To answer the OP's original question, I don't think it will delay the release of next-gen consoles. Outside of Wuhan, the actual number of infected is pretty small (China does have a population of almost 1.4 billion after all), and some factories have already started going back to work (albeit at staggered intervals). However, I do think it is possible that there may be shortages, so it might be wise to pre-order early on if you want your console by Christmas.
Not really though. It has a significantly lower mortality rate and is far less widespread than the common influenza strands this season.
Don't worry. They are either idiots or drama queens.Yeah @Mod of War kill this thread please. I guess it was too hard for anyone to understand it.
Finally some good news about this whole sordid event.There may be good news. A San Diego lab is saying they have created a vaccine for the coronvirus:
San Diego lab discovers COVID-19 vaccine in 3 hours
Inovio Pharmaceuticals created a vaccine that is going through pre-clinical trials.www.kvue.com
Is that really true? I’ve never heard of anyone dying from the common flu.
Are those numbers being pulled from third world and anti-vaxxors to get that high?
Yep. That was my immediate thought coming into this thread and reading the first 10 or so responses. Can these outraged sacks kindly fuck off out of the thread?Are we ResetEra now? Trying to twist people's words to shame them and be outraged.
He never said that. But this is the gaming section, so it makes sense to discuss how world news can effect video games.
Why not just go into every thread and tell everyone to stop talking about video games because there's a bunch of bad shit going on in the world.
Do they let you out every second day for shopping? A friend in Shenzhen says that's how they do it there. The security is a joke though, he's already left the housing estate consecutively day after day when the guards change they don't know who's been out the day before. The quarantine is no joke, the spread of the virus has seriously stalled outside of Wuhan. It should be stricter but they don't have the manpower to track everyone coming and going.
That's what you're worried about?
A lot of people dead and you're worried about consoles getting delayed?
Not to be insensitive to your console plight, I would consider the losses of life in China far more significant than the console creation/distribution crisis.
Fuck all those people dying from it, give me my electronics, amiright? Disgusting.
Can ya'll bitches kindly fuck off out of the thread with your bullshit.That's off topic discussion, here we care and mourn about the effects people dropping like flies has on our precious gaming hardware releases. Smh.
It kills 10's of thousands every year.
Thats because they didnt read the OP, but only the title.Yep. That was my immediate thought coming into this thread and reading the first 10 or so responses. Can these outraged sacks kindly fuck off out of the thread?
OP explained himself yet you stil have people willing and eager foaming at the mouth ready to tear into him..
Last year, Nintendo moved Switch production to Vietnam.
It's almost like they saw it coming
I think MS and Sony still use Foxconn though.
Yep.WTF happened? Looking at the thread you could be forgiven for thinking that you logged on to ResetEra by mistake: the dogpiling, the virtue signalling, the trying to score points by dunking on others and therefore displaying one's own moral superiority...all we need now is an accusation that the OP being racist and maybe even a ban for "racism, playing down concerns affecting Asian people of color, false equivalence, history of previous infractions" and we have Era bingo!
This is the view from my apartment in northern China. If you look closely at the bottom right hand of the picture, you will notice the police car guarding the entrance to one of the buildings in my apartment complex. That's because the whole building (and everyone living inside) have been quarantined for 14 days, due to a lady coming back from Wuhan with the Virus and subsequently infecting her son (who lives in a separate apartment in the building next to mine, which is also now under quarantine). So far, they are the only two in my little area, and the city as a whole has only had a couple of hundred cases and 1 death, so the we are nowhere near Wuhan in terms of the damage the pandemic is causing but it still strikes close to home when you can see the effects outside of your window (and, in common with most Chinese people, I have been pretty much confined to my apartment and immediate neighbourhood for the past 2 weeks).
Now, if the OP had written a really whiny and self-unaware post, fair enough, go ahead and criticise (to a fair degree), but he didn't and doesn't deserve some of the fake outrage he has been getting. Come on, we're not Era, we are better than this.
As an antidote to the moralising, here is a classic Adam Smith quote from The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Before casting any stones at the OP, can anyone here honestly say that this doesn't apply to them?
I would personally find losing my little finger a pretty big fucking deal (maybe having a slight headache would be a more apt comparison for modern times - those 18th century people were tough!), but Smith's thought experiment is very apt, especially as it also concerns China.
To answer the OP's original question, I don't think it will delay the release of next-gen consoles. Outside of Wuhan, the actual number of infected is pretty small (China does have a population of almost 1.4 billion after all), and some factories have already started going back to work (albeit at staggered intervals). However, I do think it is possible that there may be shortages, so it might be wise to pre-order early on if you want your console by Christmas.
Not sure if serious but many people that treat the flu like nothing and keep going about their day die from it each year.Is that really true? I’ve never heard of anyone dying from the common flu.
Are those numbers being pulled from third world and anti-vaxxors to get that high?
Not sure if serious but many people that treat the flu like nothing and keep going about their day die from it each year.
CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S., highest death toll in 40 years
The U.S. government estimates that 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter — the disease's highest death toll in at least four decades.www.statnews.com
No. Why would I? So far 10,000 people have died from the flu but our population is around 330 million. The chances of me knowing said people aren't very high. To put it in perspective more than 90 people die every day via car crashes and even then I only know 2 people that have died via a car crash through other people.But my question was do you actually know of anyone who died from the flu?
Just give up. You lost this fight when you opened your mouth without fact checking first.But my question was do you actually know of anyone who died from the flu?
No. Why would I? So far 10,000 people have died from the flu but our population is around 330 million. The chances of me knowing said people aren't very high. To put it in perspective more than 90 people die every day via car crashes and even then I only know 2 people that have died via a car crash through other people.
Just give up. You lost this fight when you opened your mouth without fact checking first.
How do you estimate the mortality rate when it is a special case? There's still no successful vaccine produced (only tests) and even with quarantines+prevention methods being done tightly the death counts are still rapidly rising.Not really though. It has a significantly lower mortality rate and is far less widespread than the common influenza strands this season.
I've seen caged dogs ready for the kitchen in Guizhou and further south. Also gutted cats hanging off hooks ready for prep. At the same time I saw pet/family dogs prancing around the cages. The dogs in the cages are farmed and of a very specific breed. It's a cream/apricot coated breed with thick fur. They look like wild dogs, or really fury Australian dingos. They are popular cuisine in China's minority regions, the closer you get to Vietnamese border the more you see of the old 'exotic' cuisine. Maybe there's different breeds, but that's the only one I saw in the space of 2 months last time I was down south.
Do they let you out every second day for shopping? A friend in Shenzhen says that's how they do it there. The security is a joke though, he's already left the housing estate consecutively day after day when the guards change they don't know who's been out the day before. The quarantine is no joke, the spread of the virus has seriously stalled outside of Wuhan. It should be stricter but they don't have the manpower to track everyone coming and going.
wut@SLoWMoTIoN looks like you're another victim of his LARPing as a Chinese nationalist. He's Australian.
Like @OsirisBlack commented yesterday, things in China are pretty bad and the CCP has not been giving us convincing numbers... here's the update for today.
If this thing does not get controlled soon the consoles and probably a lot of electronics production will be affected.
They are on holiday rn I think.More people die from flu. But this still could get dangerous.
Stop acting like You all care about china. Ofc the consoles will be delayed because of this. I work with a china company and they straight up dont even respond to emails and never returned from their new year