I've seen movies in Laser there (Museum of Discovery and Science) and it's pretty great tbh. Second or third best viewing experience but it really depends on the movie. Sure I wish they'd brought out the
15/70 projector (especially for Nolan films) but Laser isn't too bad since it has the 1.43:1 aspect ratio, better contrast and brightness than film.
I did manage to see
Star Wars TFA in 70mm IMAX but only a few minutes were actually shot in the format whereas Dunkirk, 75% of the movie will be in 15/70.
1. 15/70mm IMAX
2/3. IMAX Laser / Dolby Cinema
My recent go to has been the Dolby Cinema theater in Aventura and it's been great for standard movies like GoTG2, Rogue One. I plan to watch Spiderman here as well.