Kung Fu Jedi said:So ready for Chuck to return tonight. The wait has been short after last year's months of anticipation. One of the few shows I actually sit and watch, and I still love it. Looking forward to tonight!
Screaming_Gremlin said:It was really nice not having to wait until January like year. I actually had completely forgot how close we were until I saw one of Cornballer's post in the S3 thread saying we were three weeks away from the first new episode.
Screaming_Gremlin said:It was really nice not having to wait until January like year. I actually had completely forgot how close we were until I saw one of Cornballer's post in the S3 thread saying we were three weeks away from the first new episode.
Yes, it airs at 8pm on NBC.Domino Theory said:So Chuck airs at 8pm PST, correct?
Are they rehashing old interviews or is Fedak sticking to the same script for every interview? I could swear I've seen these answers in the exact same words before.Cornballer said:
I think he's just sticking to the script, but it's entirely possible that a few of these were from the same conference call or something like that. I haven't been reading them very closely as I'm trying to go into this season at least somewhat unspoiled.RevoDS said:Are they rehashing old interviews or is Fedak sticking to the same script for every interview? I could swear I've seen these answers in the exact same words before.
Are you happy with your antenna? (besides not getting ChuckApoc29 said:Well, my HD antenna has been picking up CHCH since I installed it, but one day before the Chuck premiere the channel just plain disappeared, leaving all my other channels intact. It's official; God hates me.
GoutPatrol said:Did I miss all the Chuck summer info? When the hell did Linda Hamilton become Chuck's mom?