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Cincinnati braces for footage release in campus cop killing (Up: Murder charge)

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You know the scary thing? How many other people in this country have been unjustly/recklessly killed by cops overall. It's got to be in the hundreds if not in the thousands, which is fucking scary.

I'd say hundreds of thousands. Black Americans have bee complaining about police brutality and murders since at least the 1920s.


cop opens the car door
victim shuts it
cop stick his hand in the car to grab the keys
shoots him in the face

Man, that video only says to me clearer than ever that the officer went for him rather than the ignition. Defense might argue that it looks that way because the victim went for the cops arm though. Whatever the case, disgusting, unjustifiable, murder.


His reaction when someone starts their car up is to immediately shoot them in the head?

His life wasn't in danger. Cop literally escalated that situation to the worst level.


Junior Member
I'd say hundreds of thousands. Black Americans have been reporting police brutality and murders since forever.
Your date was way off.

"Complaining" is a misnomer. It's not a complaint. It's reporting. No one believes them when it happens, though.


Wow, that's crazy. That was some straight-up murder.

Man, Pennsylvania v. Mimms was an awful SCOTUS decision. Maybe if cops had to have a reasonable basis for suspecting that a man is a threat before ordering him out of his car, they wouldn't feel entitled to try and yank people out of their cars and kill them or get them killed in the process.

Not that, you know, the fault isn't entirely with the murderer in this case. I just mean that PA v. Mimms is one small feature of our justice system that contributes to this stuff.

I don't think that court decision is particularly relevant. To defend his actions the officer basically has to say any reasonable person in his shoes in the moment would agree it was the right call (Graham v. Connor). I don't think that'll be a successful defense in this case.

I had no idea those murder charges in Ohio didn't require premeditation, though. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2903.02


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
what the fuck.........................


Glad he's going to jail that piece of shit.

Don't get your hopes too far up.
Nobody knows the asinine defenses, they now have time to come up with before trial, that certain people with eat up without second thought.
I don't think that court decision is particularly relevant. To defend his actions the officer basically has to say any reasonable person in his shoes in the moment would agree it was the right call (Graham v. Connor). I don't think that'll be a successful defense in this case.

I had no idea those murder charges in Ohio didn't require premeditation, though. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2903.02

Oh, I agree that it probably won't be very significant in the case, and obviously I agree that it's no defense of the cop morally.

It's just that we've seen at least two high profile cases recently where a cop got very aggressive after a black person refused to get out of a vehicle, and the black person soon wound up dead. Maybe if PA v. Mimms hadn't pounded into officers' heads for several decades that they have the right to order anyone out of a car for any reason or no reason at all, fewer cops would be so aggressive, and we would see fewer such cases.


Shot in the head over a very minor traffic violation? Wow. Unfortunately, until cops are held accountable, they'll feel they're above everyone.

I'm part of the upper middle class white community. For me this isn't about race, it's about giving ego maniacs a gun and a badge.
Why hasn't every police chief in the country sat down with all his cops and just said "ok guys, stop pulling people over for minor shit. Busted lights, maybe expired tags, not signaling, not completely coming to a stop, jaywalking, smoking weed, whatever. We are all looking like idiot racist retards - lets try to get to at least 30 days without killing an innocent person, ok?"


Man, that's some terrible, senseless killing.

Now that I see the clearer video, it does seem apparent that the officer got dragged (there is a car in the background that is visibly closer when the officer gets back on his feet).

My feeling is that a police officer is senselessly throwing themselves in danger's way by trying to hold onto a moving car (what could possibly be accomplished that way?), but I feel like this is going to be a sticking point for the defense.

Whether or not he was dragged, though, shooting the driver is neither humane nor effective.


REQUEST: Someone's going to do it, but when it happens, can people please make sure to warn us before linking to the inevitable "image stabilization" version of the body cam. I don't want to see that.

Its true. I was on the officers side based on original report. I heard about the bottle of booze and assumed he was drunk. Assumed he sped off, and the officer shot him to stop a drunk driver from possibly harming the public.

All bullshit.
Now you know to weigh the words of officers less. They always lie, it's part of the game.

A deputy at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office tells about planting evidence, lying in reports and testimony under Sheriff Ric Bradshaw
“I have a method for getting people off the street that should not be there. Mouthy drivers, street lawyers, assholes and just anyone else trying to make my job difficult. Under my floor mat, I keep a small plastic dime baggie with Cocaine in residue. Since it’s just residue, if it is ever found during a search of my car like during an inspection, it’s easy enough to explain. It must have stuck to my foot while walking through San Castle. Anyways, no one’s going to question an empty baggie. The residue is the key because you can fully charge some asshole with possession of cocaine, heroin, or whatever just with the residue. How to get it done? “I asked Mr. DOE for his identification. And he pulled out his wallet, I observed a small plastic baggie fall out of his pocket…” You get the idea. easy, right? Best part is, those baggies can be found lots of places so you can always be ready. Don’t forget to wipe the baggie on the persons skin after you arrest them because you want their DNA on the bag if they say you planted it or fight it in court.”
The article is from February but I don't think it is well known. It should have made national headlines. There is a LOT more in the link.


Man, that's some terrible, senseless killing.

Now that I see the clearer video, it does seem apparent that the officer got dragged (there is a car in the background that is visibly closer when the officer gets back on his feet).

My feeling is that a police officer is senselessly throwing themselves in danger's way by trying to hold onto a moving car (what could possibly be accomplished that way?), but I feel like this is going to be a sticking point for the defense.

Whether or not he was dragged, though, shooting the driver is neither humane nor effective.

He got dragged because when he shot Sam the car started going forward. The car didn't move before the cop shot Sam.
Man, that video only says to me clearer than ever that the officer went for him rather than the ignition. Defense might argue that it looks that way because the victim went for the cops arm though. Whatever the case, disgusting, unjustifiable, murder.
The victim clearly does not go for the cops arm at any point.

In this shot, the cop has already reached across the victims body, his arm moving from left to right, and the victims arm has only just begun to retract from resting on the car door. To me it looks like the cop is either reaching for the guys seatbelt or attempting to grab the victim himself.


"Complaining" just comes off as condescending in this regard especially considering the circumstances.

Yes because I was totally trying to be condescending about the circumstance. Unlike your posts.

“Complain - 'state that one is suffering from'”

Go somewhere with your nonsense mate.
So, does the footage cut off at the end just in this released version so we don't see anything too graphic, or did the cop turn his camera off? Sorry if this has been answered.
Updated gif of shooting:
This job, along with the military, is always going to attract assholes who want to use and abuse power over other people due to its nature. You can weed some of them out (Zimmerman's multiple failed attempts to join are an example of the system doing its job correctly), but people will always be able to lie and cover for themselves. 24/7 monitoring via cameras is a huge step in getting even the assholes to behave- but it won't help a department like the NYPD which is rotten to is core.

Yup. 24/7 monitoring while on the job is imperative.
What?! The majority of the military are paper pushers. Also, there a lot of people serving in the medical field in their respective branches. I don't think you understand how large the Nurse Corps, Medical Corps, and Dental Corps are in the armed services.

We get it, you don't like the military, but to make bullshit generalizations like this needs to be called out.


is now taking requests
Yep, it's the whole point of the cameras. Ideally you reach a point if you were one often enough, you forget it's there. Just like this jackass did.

No, ideally you don't forget it's there and therefore don't shoot people for no reason.


He got dragged because when he shot Sam the car started going forward. The car didn't move before the cop shot Sam.

Whether the car moved at all (even idling) before the gun fired is unfortunately not 100% clear in the video, and it's probably going to be something the defense will focus on.

I think it's plain to see that firing the weapon (whether or not the car moved, and even if the shot hadn't been fatal) was very wrong, and I hope that the jury doesn't get caught up in the inevitable "if the car moved, you must acquit" argument


Honestly looks like he fired the gun, Dubose was probably close to dying, scared for his life and decided to try and get away but died moments later.

I mean in that situation who WOULDN'T floor it after being shot? If anyone says they wouldn't...they're lying to themselves.

Updated gif of shooting:

Clear cut case of murder. I don't see how anyone would be able to defend this. Honestly kind of looks like he holds Dubose so he can get a good shot.
What?! The majority of the military are paper pushers. Also, there a lot of people serving in the medical field in their respective branches. I don't think you understand how large the Nurse Corps, Medical Corps, and Dental Corps are in the armed services.

We get it, you don't like the military, but to make bullshit generalizations like this needs to be called out.

He's probably referencing the high ratio of aggressive/violent people who join the military vs other occupations. Can't find the study itself, sorry--it was reference in The Invisible War (the first time I'd heard it).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is a pretty good argument for cop cameras.
Coupled with strict penalties for non-compliance.


Fuck, if you slow it down to .25 it looks like he even pins him down with his left arm to shoot him.

damn. it really does.

Whether the car moved at all (even idling) before the gun fired is unfortunately not 100% clear in the video, and it's probably going to be something the defense will focus on.

slowdown the video to 1/2 or 1/4 speed when you watch it. It is nearly certain the vehicle isn't moving until after he has been shot


Homeland Security Fail
So, does the footage cut off at the end just in this released version so we don't see anything too graphic, or did the cop turn his camera off? Sorry if this has been answered.

Graphic, I think. If you look at the "cleaner" video, they blur out the shot.


Probably, but at least the cop is getting a murder charge instead of internal investigation and administrative leave.

Body cams are leading to slow progress.

EDIT: Also, is it common for American universities to have their own police departments? My campus had like 3 security guards in a little house, armed with flashlights.

not only common but they have the authority to do their own investigations into rape. And not report to anyone beyond the school


Junior Member
Yes because I was totally trying to be condescending about the circumstance. Unlike your posts.

“Complain - 'state that one is suffering from'”

Go somewhere with your nonsense mate.
Now you're just getting angry and dismissive for some reason when I was never condescending to you or the situation.

I'm well aware of the denotative meaning of "complain."

I was referring to the connotative way people can interpret the word "complain."

People "complain" about a lot of things, a lot of them minor and petty. Black people's suffering at the hands of law enforcement is well beyond that.
Why hasn't every police chief in the country sat down with all his cops and just said "ok guys, stop pulling people over for minor shit. Busted lights, maybe expired tags, not signaling, not completely coming to a stop, jaywalking, smoking weed, whatever. We are all looking like idiot racist retards - lets try to get to at least 30 days without killing an innocent person, ok?"

Because so few people in their system or out hold them accountable. Rather, too many people are willing to praise or excuse their actions so there's no reason for a sit down. At the very least they seem to get is some bad press for a month before their officer gets off or shifted to another department , or at worse they fire one cop (who gets hired at another PD) and by the time everyone's forgotten the offending officer's name, another PD across the country screws up and the cycle goes on. PD's can't lose customers in the traditional sense of a business of any kind so they stay insulated and guided by their own rules and without harsh consequences for these unarmed killings, they can stay insulated and just treat these events as "one offs that are not a reflection of how this department conducts itself, etc."


On the FOX19 stream, at the ~14:45 mark, before the officer's lawyer speaks, one of the news anchors whispers (before their mics are cut) "this should be good."

On one hand they should be more professional, but on the other, good on them for not being robots and being human. Everyone from every walk of life should be condemning this and accepting it as a crystal clear indicator of police brutality in America.
Yeah it'll be best to focus on the excessive use of force. Which is clear and should be murder.

However, at a traffic stop, you are required to exit the car if ordered. I don't know why the Supreme Court ruled that way, but they did. So ignoring that order is going to give a cop an excuse to be an asshole.


video was more akin to execution than anything. Reminds me of those brazillian videos I watch on liveleak all the time. RIP Sam, you may have been the catalyst for your own death by turning the car on but it was a completely undeserved over reaction that did you.


Now you're just getting angry and dismissive for some reason when I was never condescending to you or the situation.

I'm well aware of the denotative meaning of "complain."

I was referring to the connotative way people can interpret the word "complain."

People "complain" about a lot of things, a lot of them minor and petty. Black people's suffering at the hands of law enforcement is well beyond that.

No, ideally you don't forget it's there and therefore don't shoot people for no reason.

Well ideally cops should do their job correctly with or without cameras. It's almost like what people say about religion. If you are just doing good things because fear of punishment or for your eternal reward then you aren't really a good person. Same could be said about cops with cameras. If they are following procedure, protecting, and serving just because they are being watched they are not a good cop.


Tagged as I see fit
Man, that's some terrible, senseless killing.

Now that I see the clearer video, it does seem apparent that the officer got dragged (there is a car in the background that is visibly closer when the officer gets back on his feet).

My feeling is that a police officer is senselessly throwing themselves in danger's way by trying to hold onto a moving car (what could possibly be accomplished that way?), but I feel like this is going to be a sticking point for the defense.

Whether or not he was dragged, though, shooting the driver is neither humane nor effective.

You do realize the car started moving after he killed the guy, right?


Whether the car moved at all (even idling) before the gun fired is unfortunately not 100% clear in the video, and it's probably going to be something the defense will focus on.

I think it's plain to see that firing the weapon (whether or not the car moved, and even if the shot hadn't been fatal) was very wrong, and I hope that the jury doesn't get caught up in the inevitable "if the car moved, you must acquit" argument

That's why having dash cam footage would make it much clearer, if it exists.

I don't think even saying "I was dragged at low speed for a second" is enough to make it a reasonable shooting for a jury though. Makes sense he might have panicked, but when you have other options in the situation like just letting go, it's hard to defend shooting the guy.


That's why having dash cam footage would make it much clearer, if it exists.

I don't think even saying "I was dragged at low speed for a second" is enough to make it a reasonable shooting for a jury though. Makes sense he might have panicked, but when you have other options in the situation like just letting go, it's hard to defend shooting the guy.

I would think that, but considering how these particular cases have gone down (if they've gone down at all), the jury could practically believe anything.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Just awful. But if my city can somehow someway be the tipping point for police brutality and cover up in this country then it seems fitting. There has been a long history of police abuse on the black community of Cincinnati. Hope we are able to finally realize some semblance of justice this time around.
He's probably referencing the high ratio of aggressive/violent people who join the military vs other occupations. Can't find the study itself, sorry--it was reference in The Invisible War (the first time I'd heard it).

I need to see the receipts.

Anyways, the cop was a fool to think that he was going to get away with it considering the body cam footage.


Saw the .gif. That's an execution and I don't see how a defense lawyer can spin it otherwise. I'd like to think Officer Tensing is proper fucked, so I just hope the officers who lied for him don't get away with light punishments themselves.
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