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Cincinnati braces for footage release in campus cop killing (Up: Murder charge)

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this is exactly why, along with other recent cases, police need fucking body cams. if that footage didn't exist, the cop would get away with the murder absolutely free

So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

versus him getting shot in the head immediately?

are you daft? there's a plethora of possible scenarios between headshot and a car chase


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Being "uncooperative" is a death sentence? Good to know since if I had to describe my interactions with police to date in one word then that would be it.
So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

First of all, who the fuck is GAF?

Second of all, nobody's life was in danger. Why are you presuming that because he was attempting to drive off, that was going to lead to a vehicle pursuit? He said he lived right down the street. For all we know, he was going to drive to his fucking house.

Regardless, he shouldn't be DEAD, and no amount of stupid hypotheticals would change that fact.
If he drives off, with the license plate on video and his face and voice on body cam, you have some options. Give chase or if the chase is a threat to others, hold pursuit and catch him later.

How about not try and pull everyone out of the car? There's three legitimate options that don't include shooting people.
This was all I was asking. 17 pages in and not a comment about how this particular situation should have been handled.

Should vehicle pursuits be an option based on their inherent danger?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
so why don't we just let officers shoot anyone who tries to flee from them? After all that person fleeing could get away and proceed to murder someone else. Didn't Spiderman teach us anything?

Maybe he believes real life is like Minority Report, where we can see that he will kill in the future if we dont execute him in his car.


Junior Member
It is impossible to determine if a vehicle pursuit would have led to a better outcome.
It's impossible for you to determine he would have driven off.

How about the officer shouldn't have tried to pull him out of the car?

How about the officer shouldn't have pulled him over for dumb shit?

How about the officer should have treated him like a human being?

Yeah, those options are way worse than what we got...
So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?
Oh, just saw this part. You're a pathetic troll. Never mind. You can disregard I ever responded because nothing gets through to people like you.


So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

Well, I don't think anyone said "they wanted a pursuit." In the U.S. if a pursuit of a non-violent offender endangers the lives of civilians it is not part of police protocol to chase them at high speeds.

So, if this guy took off running red lights and speeding the officer already had the plate number and description of his suspect so he could have just called it in and put out a warrant.

It is definitely not protocol to shoot someone in the head for driving away without a front license plate.


And this is why I have no clue what society wants from me. No matter what happens to me, as a black male, it's my fault.

Remember Jonathan Ferrell? A cop shot and killed him while he was running towards them for help after he got into a bad car accident.


Unconfirmed Member
It is impossible to determine if a vehicle pursuit would have led to a better outcome.

Well, shooting someone in the head does have a very foreseeable outcome as opposed to a vehicle pursuit, in which there didn't have to be any deaths. But that delves off into a hypothetical anyway.
It is impossible to determine if a vehicle pursuit would have led to a better outcome.

I'd appreciate it if you cut the shit and get to whatever point you're trying to make.

Next time a child finds his parent's keys and goes for a wreckless joy ride, cops should just gun him down. You never know who the kid could hurt if there was a pursuit, right?
It is impossible to determine if a vehicle pursuit would have led to a better outcome.

You can say this for literally any situation because you can always make up a worse case scenario. The fact is, we should all expect police officers to use better discretion than was shown in this video.


First of all, who the fuck is GAF?

Second of all, nobody's life was in danger. Why are you presuming that because he was attempting to drive off, that was going to lead to a vehicle pursuit? He said he lived right down the street. For all we know, he was going to drive to his fucking house.

Regardless, he shouldn't be DEAD, and no amount of stupid hypotheticals would change that fact.

Gaf is The hive.


Kills Photobucket
So don't follow him. They have the license plate. Call it in. Wait for him at home. Arrest.

This. Unless the guy was clearly a threat to the public (eg. drunk, or a murder suspect or something), there was no reason that he had to be taken down then and there.
This was all I was asking. 17 pages in and not a comment about how this particular situation should have been handled.

Should vehicle pursuits be an option based on their inherent danger?

Well no duh Vehicle pursuits typically don't end in deaths and if the man was to actually flee in car it still doesn't give cops the right to shoot instantly at the guys head.
So xDumpweedX wants deadly force used if resisting?
Quote the post I stated anything resembling that please :).

Establishing safe and fair police protocol is the solution to these types of incidents. Violating these agreed upon protocols should be charged 100% of the time.


I'd appreciate it if you cut the shit and get to whatever point you're trying to make.

I think he's beating around the bush that the officer shot him out of fear that an innocent family would get killed in a resulting pursuit, and thus chose the best course of action.
What's your point? He's wearing a body cam, as will all Cincinnati police in the near future, and is getting charged with murder and aggravated assault instead of being put on paid leave for a couple of months before getting cleared of all wrongdoing and resuming work. More and more of these incidents are being picked up by the media and the discussion has moved beyond the communities most affected.

My point is I remain extremely skeptical about the odds of this officer facing the same if not more of a penalty for shooting someone dead like that.

Oh he got charged. Good. He supposed to get charged. I'll be elated when he actually does the 10-20 years a Black man would get for murder. And actually does that time.


So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

Not that I think a missing plate is worth a pursuit in a congested area, but if the cop thought the offense was significant enough to not tell him get it fixed and get lost, then he should have pursued instead of shooting him in the fucking head. There is no right to shoot someone because they wont give you their license and willingly let you pull them from their car.


Tears in the rain
It's as if that moment were your first time on YouTube . . . or the Internet for that matter.

Oh God no, I've seen some shit on YT but for this, we are talking straight up "Good riddance" messages and genocide advocacy. It's like worse that anything I've seen. Usually people always say the typical racist-lite shit like "Oh blacks need to stop trying to resist cops..." or "People are race baiting again, cop did his job. But it's like since this is not justifiable at all, all pretenses of not being a racist jackwad went out the window.


we already know from deconstruction of the events of Sandra Bland's stop - if the suspect is uncooperative, you call for backup and wait for it.


there is joy in sucking dick
Maybe if it went to a pursuit he would have crashed into another drunk driver who was about to hit a pedestrian


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I hope they throw the book at this cop, but it has to be said, if you are a black person in America dealing with the cops, don't try anything. They have all the power - you really have no choice but to be totally compliant. They will fucking shoot you in the head.
He did not try anything. He was compliant. He pulled over, gave the cop the bottle, turned the car off, took off his seat belt when asked.

The cop then suddenly reached into his vehicle, tris to open the door, grab him, take his keys away, while reaching for his sidearm. Do you know why that guy touched the cop then? Why he turned the car on? Because suddenly this unprovoked cop was trying to take his keys away and get into his car. when a cop started attacking him, this is what he felt, as a black man: "I need to get out of here. He's going to fucking shoot me in the head." As you perfectly stated.

There is no "but." This man complied and found a cop suddenly forcing his way inside his vehicle and executing him at point blank range.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
What does GAF think should have happened?

Not sure what your intent was with this question, but anytime someone asks something like "what would YOU have done differently [than a cop who unjustifiably shot an unarmed person]?" I respond by asking if the asker believes that supposedly trained police officers should be held to the same standard as some random civilian off the street.
Dumpweed prefers instadeath to police during their job.
Quote any post I say anything remotely close to this please.

Also, quote any post I advocate getting shot.

I simply posed the question what does GAF think the proper protocol should have been. My intent was to get police protocol discussion going. What is fair, and safe, for the community. Every single one of my posts show this.

There is now an entire page of defensive posters about this question now.
My point is I remain extremely skeptical about the odds of this officer facing the same if not more of a penalty for shooting someone dead like that.

Oh he got charged. Good. He supposed to get charged. I'll be elated when he actually does the 10-20 years a Black man would get for murder. And actually does that time.

100% agreed.


Junior Member
Oh God no, I've seen some shit on YT but for this, we are talking straight up "Good riddance" messages and genocide advocacy. It's like worse that anything I've seen.
Yeah, that sounds exactly like most YouTube comments on anything related to a minority.
My point is I remain extremely skeptical about the odds of this officer facing the same if not more of a penalty for shooting someone dead like that.

Oh he got charged. Good. He supposed to get charged. I'll be elated when he actually does the 10-20 years a Black man would get for murder. And actually does that time.
What about the same situation with a black cop and a white victim? Haha.


Quote any post I say anything remotely close to this please.

Also, quote any post I advocate getting shot.

I simply posed the question what does GAF think the proper protocol should have been.

You said:
So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

The guy you were responding to offered various alternatives to murder that you'd imagine would be protocol.

You seem to disapprove. The disgusting murder lust is implied.


Quote any post I say anything remotely close to this please.

Also, quote any post I advocate getting shot.

I simply posed the question what does GAF think the proper protocol should have been. My intent was to get police protocol discussion going. What is fair, and safe, for the community. Every single one of my posts show this.

There was no legal authority to draw a weapon.

Man, wtf is going on? It's either mass shootings, or police shootings.

BTW, have the cops always been this bad? It's like this generation of cop is paranoid.

Yes the cops have always recklessly killed black people, we just have the technology to record it now.
You said:

The guy you were responding to offered alternatives that you'd imagine would be protocol.

You seem to disapprove. The disgusting murder lust is implied.
LOL ok. You implied you read none of my posts.

Vehicle pursuits are extremely dangerous and I don't think should have been an option in this situation. The police already had the guys information. Protocol should be to let this guy go, IMO.

I'm not approving or disapporoving of any comments on this matter. Constructive communication on police protocol was the goal.

But please, proceed with the hyperbole governor :)
Jesus christ it never ends. We're going to have to fix this issue ourselves when that is someone else's job.

r.i.p and condolences to the family.


LOL ok. You implied you read none of my posts.

Vehicle pursuits are extremely dangerous and I don't think should have been an option in this situation. The police already had the guys information. Protocol should be to let this guy go, IMO.

He said to "call it in/pursue". Did you read his post?

You objected outright suggesting there wasn't an alternative.

It's good for your sake that you clarified now though.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The drunk driving danger angles have me wondering if people think he was going to run, then stop at a liquor store, (to get the alcohol he didn't have), get back in his car somehow, chug it and flee again.
Also, does this mean we shoot up any car that is weaving? Why not shoot up any car that's on the road after midnight, just to be safe?
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