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Cincinnati braces for footage release in campus cop killing (Up: Murder charge)

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That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.

Do as you are told or die.

ED 209 is real life folks


I really hate that how no matter what happens, we'll never all be able to all agree that it's the coo's fault no matter what. There's always SOMETHING.

Well, to be precise, there's always one thing, which is the societal agreement for two hundred years that black people don't have the right to life.

As long as that right is not acknowledged, or as long as it's hemmed in with restrictions and expectations of behavior that are required in order to deserve to exist, there will always be a reason that a cop did the right thing in shooting a black man.


Sorry this argument goes both ways. We can only discuss what we know. If you say there are more people who complied but were killed but dirty cops covered it up, I can say the opposite and we can both be true because we have no idea.

And either way the vast majority of police interactions.. people comply, and nobody is harmed.

People either have a fundamental misunderstanding of statistics or are being willfully obtuse if they think running from the police, particularly in a vehicle, is "safer" than compliance.

It's horrifying that compliance isn't enough to guarantee safety in this country, but downright dangerous to start suggesting it isn't the safer option.


Junior Member
This has nothing to do with police given statistics. We're talking about what we see in the media.

The amount of police shootings where a suspect is handcuffed and lying down and then shot vs the amount of suspects not complying and shot is less.
Oh, the ones you see? What about all the ones you don't see? What about all the times cops have been caught in lies? Your "statistics," which you haven't sourced, are bullshit and spurious.


That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.

Or perhaps a cop, someone whose responsibility is to uphold the law, should react appropriately?


That cop needs to serve time for extremely poor judgement using deadly force. That was murder.

But on the other side I have no idea why the driver didn't comply, especially in the current climate we're in...

It's really a bad idea to:
A) Not have your ID on you/refuse to show ID which then makes the cop think you're a criminal.
B) Refuse to obey the cop's commands of taking off your seat belt and exiting the vehicle
C) Hold the door closed (resisting the cop)
D) Saying you "didn't do anything" when driving without an ID is actually doing something illegal.
E) Starting your car (which is a pretty indication you're going to flee) when the cop wants you out of the car and is actively fighting with you to open your door while the cop believes you not having an ID = criminal.

Again this doesn't excuse the cop's behavior. What he did was very wrong, and I'm sure he'll be convicted of murder, but the driver should have used better judgement knowing there's trigger happy cops targeting young black men out there right now.

And yes... sure can the cop shoot him in the back while hes' laying on the ground handcuffed? Yes it's happened before. Does your risk of death decrease/injury if you comply? Also yes.

Maybe he was scared shitless. Maybe he is mentally ill. Maybe he just didn't feel like being dehumanized that day. Who cares, he was murdered.


That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.
That's a nice euphemism for shooting you in the face.
That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.
Yes, but it's the escalation that needs to be looked at. Even if the Officer went only hands on, pepper spray, taser, etc. there has to be a better option than even that.

No physical confrontation should be justified for this type of noncompliance, in this particular situation, because it significantly raises the chances of someone being hurt.


Kills Photobucket
That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.

That's the problem though. Cops shouldn't be able to ask you to exit your car without just cause. Like Sandra Bland. Should she have followed the cops instructions? Yes. And it's really, really sad that she should have had to comply with some asshole on an ego trip because she wouldn't put out her cigarette. Police should NOT have the ability to ask someone to exit a vehicle for no legal reason at all. But they do. And that's the problem.

Remember doing as you are told can also get you shot


Why did I click that. I knew what video it would be, and it never fails to disturb me.

That guy survived though, right?


Real talk, the cop deserves life in prison. But, what should the cop that lied about the shooter being dragged by the car get?

While its equally possible he lied, it is entirely possible that the second cop really thought he saw the first being dragged. Perception and memory is a funny thing, which is why you can have five different versions of a single event without anyone intentionally lying. Often we see a scene that makes no sense and/or forget details of a scene, and our brain then fills in the gaps for us based on assumptions, prejudices, other accounts, etc.

If the second cop came onto the scene as the first was against the side and shooting into a car that continued down the street in the manner we know it did, he may think he actually saw the first getting dragged. Would be very interested to see his body camera if he was wearing it.
That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.

Like a traffic violation or being black, or gee no fucking reason at all?


Oh, the ones you see? What about all the ones you don't see? What about all the times cops have been caught in lies? Your "statistics," which you haven't sourced, are bullshit and spurious.

See above post.

Maybe he was scared shitless. Maybe he is mentally ill. Maybe he just didn't feel like being dehumanized that day. Who cares, he was murdered.

So we agree then, since in that post you quoted I said "that was murder." in my first line.
I really hate that how no matter what happens, we'll never all be able to all agree that it's the coo's fault no matter what. There's always SOMETHING.

Always an excuse, always a justification.

This is why the system continues. This is why there's no significant change.

For every one poster in here pissed off about this happening repeatedly, there's 15+ people who are comfortable with the status quo and give no fucks at all.

It's depressing.


Wow, literally shot in the face then his body pushes on the pedal. In like 2 seconds. Fuck. Hope he goes to jail on a murder charged. Why are campus cops armed?

They are Police officers whose jurisdiction is the University and the surrounding neighborhoods.

They aren't "campus cops".. that's sort of a misleading euphemism in general. They aren't much different than a regular precinct would be if stationed near a major University. The purpose of making them a separate PD is that they have unique needs and a special relationship with the University.


Sorry this argument goes both ways. We can only discuss what we know. If you say there are more people who complied but were killed but dirty cops covered it up, I can say the opposite and we can both be true because we have no idea.

Sure. But I didn't make any assertions. You did! You asserted that your odds of survival are higher if you comply. Now you're saying that there's no way to know whether your odds of survival are higher. I agree with your new position!

And either way the vast majority of police interactions.. people comply, and nobody is harmed.

People either have a fundamental misunderstanding of statistics or are being willfully obtuse if they think running from the police, particularly in a vehicle, is "safer" than compliance.

It's horrifying that compliance isn't enough to guarantee safety in this country, but downright dangerous to start suggesting it isn't the safer option.

I don't think that fleeing the police is safer than compliance. For one thing, it is itself against the law.

I think that it is dangerous and inappropriate to respond to a blatant murder by a police officer by talking about how compliance is less likely to get you killed. I think it is a not-so-subtle attempt to shift the blame in a situation where it's totally absurd to do so.
That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.
After checking up on it, you're correct on one account. I apologize. You must exit. You still have the right to ask if you're being detained and why.


They are Police officers whose jurisdiction is the University and the surrounding neighborhoods.

They aren't "campus cops".. that's sort of a misleading euphemism in general. They aren't much different than a regular precinct would be if stationed near a major University. The purpose of making them a separate PD is that they have unique needs and a special relationship with the University.

When I went to Ohio State a campus police officer was killed by someone breaking into the wexner museum. They stopped the bus I was on to check for suspects. They're no rent a cops, that's for sure.
Saying people should comply to blatant injustice because complying reduces your likelihood of getting killed is akin to saying women should never go to bars, parties or wear nice clothing because it reduces their likelihood of being raped. Both statements are factually true, but you're missing the point.


There is a fundamental problem with police in this country where their first instinct is go for the gun. No type of verbal mediation, no non-lethal weapons. just straight to 2 to the dome and vacation time.
Would it be feasible to issue a citation for noncompliance instead of essentially being forced to go physical, as the current protocol currently is?

The whole traffic stop was recorded. I would rather the police not have to get physical and instead have a judge look at the evidence and make a ruling on either making the defendant pay the noncompliance citation or just throw the ticket out.


I don't think that fleeing the police is safer than compliance. For one thing, it is itself against the law.

Strange since you mocked someone over the topic and made strong arguments that it can't be proven. Actually you claimed nobody can have evidence.

How about 25-50 million traffic tickets being given out a year? That represents 10's of millions of instances of compliance where nobody is being harmed. It would take 10's of millions of instances of non-compliance leading to harm to prove that it wasn't safer to comply.

I think that it is dangerous and inappropriate to respond to a blatant murder by a police officer by talking about how compliance is less likely to get you killed. I think it is a not-so-subtle attempt to shift the blame in a situation where it's totally absurd to do so.

Then you should have said as much.


This is unfortunately wrong. If a cop orders you out of your car, you are required to follow that order.


The cop does not ask him to exit the vehicle at any point in time. He tries to open the door, arguably without any reason for search or seizure, which could be considered a violation of the 4th amendment.

As to the first point, police opening a door of an occupied vehicle is a search. “Even a small intrusion” can be an unlawful search under the 4th Amendment. Arizona v. Hicks, (1987). Even an officers act of sticking his head in a slightly ajar sliding door of a windowless cargo van is a search. See Commonwealth v. Podgurski.


Junior Member
That whole no obligation bullshit needs to stop being passed around. You're fucking wrong. If a cop tells you to exit your vehicle it's a lawful order. Just do it. Don't give a cop a reason to escalate the situation.
After checking up on it, you're correct on one account. I apologize. You must exit. You still have the right to ask if you're being detained and why.
It doesn't matter that he was right.

The murderer never asked the man to leave the car. He told him to take his seatbelt off, and then he opened his door for him.

Never. He never said "Get out the car." Coins's and the other guy who was saying the same thing arguments are bullshit.

They've probably never even watched the videos.


Saying people should comply to blatant injustice because complying reduces your likelihood of getting killed is akin to saying women should never go to bars, parties or wear nice clothing because it reduces their likelihood of being raped. Both statements are factually true, but you're missing the point.

Its borderline victim blaming in this case
White people (sometimes even armed) refuse to cooperate all the time and it doesn't end in death. There are countless youtube videos of this.

Refusing to cooperate shouldn't = death.

It doesn't matter.

If the standard is "full compliance or your life is forfeit", then there's a problem. We don't know why he refused. He can't tell his story. HE'S DEAD.

That goes without saying...

However, speaking generally - even if you are not legally obliged - a cop telling you to get out of the car doesn't seem unreasonable. Nothing about this incident or any other incident I have seen on footage justified a weapon being undrawn. But were we to analyse some of these videos and try to pinpoint moments that led up to the flashpoint, behaviour that can be construed as antagonistic or passive aggressive should be at least acknowledged.

Any cop can be a potential trigger happy, hot head. You can't give them any reason to get irritated, especially as a black man. If they tell you to get out of the car, or put out a cigarette, you respond with: "Yes, sir". Don't give them a reason.


Kills Photobucket
There is a fundamental problem with police in this country where their first instinct is go for the gun. No type of verbal mediation, no non-lethal weapons. just straight to 2 to the dome and vacation time.

I think this is pretty much the core of the problem. Obviously very closely tied to racial profiling, but the use of the gun as a normal tool, and not a last resort is the biggest problem I see.


That goes without saying...

However, speaking generally - even if you are not legally obliged - a cop telling you to get out of the car doesn't seem unreasonable. Nothing about this incident or any other incident I have seen on footage justified a weapon being undrawn. But were we to analyse some of these videos and try to pinpoint moments that led up to the flashpoint, behaviour that can be construed as antagonistic or passive aggressive should be at least acknowledged.

Any cop can be a potential trigger happy, hot head. You can't give them any reason to get irritated, especially as a black man. If they tell you to get out of the car, or put out a cigarette, you respond with: "Yes, sir". Don't give them a reason.

And you don't see a problem with that, we have to treat those that "protect and serve" like a rabid animal?


Saying people should comply to blatant injustice because complying reduces your likelihood of getting killed is akin to saying women should never go to bars, parties or wear nice clothing because it reduces their likelihood of being raped. Both statements are factually true, but you're missing the point.

No its fucking not even close There is a huge gulf between saying you asked for it to a woman in a revealing dress in a bar, and saying don't needlessly provoke the man with a gun either attached to his hip / in his hand who thinks the law allows him to use it if you get aggressive.
At what point does the murderer order him out of the car? He says "Take your seatbelt off," then opens the man's door. Maybe I'm missing it.

I'm sorry. I don't play charades with cops.

You're right actually. Granted I opened and closed that video as soon as possible, I'm not sure if he ever said to get out. I was conflating things with the Sandra Bland arrest and death in Texas.

Not that the penalty for not getting out is death, of course.


Saying people should comply to blatant injustice because complying reduces your likelihood of getting killed is akin to saying women should never go to bars, parties or wear nice clothing because it reduces their likelihood of being raped. Both statements are factually true, but you're missing the point.

BUT.... again there was zero injustice going on until cop took it to 100 and shot the guy. The guy was in the wrong. Driving without ID, refusing to open the door on a direct order. Those things are actually illegal. That doesn't mean the cop should have shot him. The cop murdered him. The cop had no right to shoot him. But the injustice happened in this case at the moment of shooting.

You apologists are pathetic.

Cop murdered dude. Not apologizing for him.


There is a fundamental problem with police in this country where their first instinct is go for the gun. No type of verbal mediation, no non-lethal weapons. just straight to 2 to the dome and vacation time.

they are told all the time "today is the day you might not make it home to your wife and kids" and it's stupid.
Some things that wouldn't exist of people just complied to government/police abuse:
1. Women's suffrage
2. The end of slavery
3. Gay marriage

The very fabric and creation of this very country hinges on a lack of compliance/tolerance for government abuse. People need to go read a book.


And you don't see a problem with that, we have to treat those that "protect and serve" like a rabid animal?
BUT.... again there was zero injustice going on until cop took it to 100 and shot the guy. The guy was in the wrong. Driving without ID, refusing to open the door on a direct order. Those things are actually illegal. That doesn't mean the cop should have shot him. The cop murdered him. The cop had no right to shoot him. But the injustice happened in this case at the moment of shooting.
Why are you even defending the person [you] say is a murder? Why are you defending a murder? What exactly is your point with saying that the guy did some illegal things? Murder is greater than all of those things combined, regardless of how you quantify. Should the cop die too?
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