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Cincinnati braces for footage release in campus cop killing (Up: Murder charge)

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The officers that lied to cover up the murder need to be made an example of in the court of law.

Need to start to show others the consequences of lying to cover other cops. So freaking sickening whats going on in the US.

And this distancing from the whole thing since they were university cops... Makes me wanna puke, get a spine and accept that this sort of events is an systematic cancer that needs to be carved out regardless how much it hurts in the short term.


WTF is going on with police lately in USA? Was it always like this and it just gets reported more nowadays thanks to body cams, smartphones etc? Or did this escalate for some reason recently?

Yes and no. Police have always been thugs in the US, but it's gotten particularly brazen recently due to the militarization that comes with military surplus gear. That's more related to SWAT teams and protest smashing though; the kinds of things going on with these regular officers have always been going on.


He likely wouldn't have gotten shot if he hadn't turned his engine on. He likely wouldn't have been shot if the cop hadnt tried to open his door which started the following events. He also wouldn't have been shot if the police officer didn't have a gun on him.

I'm not saying the guy deserved it. It was a tragic series of events that led to his unlawful murder by the cop.

I know how you feel. I said something here that wasn't complete, 100% "Fuck this as whole cop I hope he rots," and was also called a victim blamer.
The logic of "comply and everything will go fine (maybe)" sure is interesting! It's like, if you're getting mugged, complying will keep you alive (maybe).

I tried to figure out why he turned his car on. Never did I say "well if he would've done this he wouldn't have gotten shot."

If he did what he did because he had a corpse in his trunk, the cop would be exactly as in the wrong.
WTF is going on with police lately in USA? Was it always like this and it just gets reported more nowadays thanks to body cams, smartphones etc? Or did this escalate for some reason recently?

In the past it was probably more like the cop would say, "well he tried to run me over with his car." And people would say, "Oh OK. He was black anyway so you're probably right. Stay safe out there officer."

Now everyone has a camera in their pocket and are a click away from national news.
In the past it was probably more like the cop would say, "well he tried to run me over with his car." And people would say, "Oh OK. He was black anyway so you're probably right. Stay safe out there officer."

Now everyone has a camera in their pocket and are a click away from national news.

Right. Things have always been bad, we just know more than we used to.


I tried to figure out why he turned his car on. Never did I say "well if he would've done this he wouldn't have gotten shot."

It's the norm to label cops on gaf as "hateful vile scum pig murdering racists". If you go against that grain, you too support ALL actions committed by some bad police.

It's like how in society most people view racist stereotypes & hate speeches as being awful. To summarize a group of people based on their employment however is acceptable and open to hate and wanting to see them "rot in prison and be shot" is logical and acceptable reasoning.

It's abnormal to say; the suspect while being detained for driving without a license & not complying, started his car while the officers arm was in the car proceeded to put it in drive and then attempted to drive away. This person didn't do anything wrong that would/could be viewed as actions resulting in deadly force. Saying that is victim blaming, it's taboo, illogical and blasphemous.

The officer was in NO danger by the actions of the suspect. No victim blaming allowed! (He is an "evil" police officer and can't be the victim remember). Starting your engine and trying to drive away while being detained with an officers arm in your car doesn't amount into something that could result in the death of the officer or civilians. Driving away from the police when detained results in safe car pursuits not endangering the public.
It's the norm to label cops on gaf as "hateful vile scum pig murdering racists". If you go against that grain, you too support ALL actions committed by some bad police.

It's like how in society most people view racist stereotypes & hate speeches as being awful. To summarize a group of people based on their employment however is acceptable and open to hate and wanting to see them "rot in prison and be shot" is logical and acceptable reasoning.

It's abnormal to say; the suspect while being detained for driving without a license & not complying, started his car while the officers arm was in the car proceeded to put it in drive and then attempted to drive away. This person didn't do anything wrong that would/could be viewed as actions resulting in deadly force. Saying that is victim blaming, it's taboo, illogical and blasphemous.

The officer was in NO danger by the actions of the suspect. No victim blaming allowed! (He is an "evil" police officer and can't be the victim remember). Starting your engine and trying to drive away while being detained with an officers arm in your car doesn't amount into something that could result in the death of the officer or civilians. Driving away from the police when detained results in safe car pursuits not endangering the public.


Amazing how some people still defend the cop. It's crystal clear that the guy was executed for no reason. You don't shoot someone for not cooperating.

You arrest the person, he gets a trial or not. That is how democracy works, and that is how civilized societies work. You don't just kill someone. The cop was not even threatened, not a single second.

the people defending the cop are a part of the problem, no wonder this shit still happens.


Protect and serve who exactly? This officer should go to prison. Disgusting.

1. Government
2. Their own interests
3. Those who bribed them
4. white people
5. other minorities
6. black people

in that order, with some exceptions depending on how much money you bribed


Man, that video is just weird. I've watched it a couple of times and still don't quite understand how it escalated so quickly. Did the cop have an itchy trigger finger? Was he planning to shoot the guy for some strange reason all along?
It's the norm to label cops on gaf as "hateful vile scum pig murdering racists". If you go against that grain, you too support ALL actions committed by some bad police.

It's like how in society most people view racist stereotypes & hate speeches as being awful. To summarize a group of people based on their employment however is acceptable and open to hate and wanting to see them "rot in prison and be shot" is logical and acceptable reasoning.

It's abnormal to say; the suspect while being detained for driving without a license & not complying, started his car while the officers arm was in the car proceeded to put it in drive and then attempted to drive away. This person didn't do anything wrong that would/could be viewed as actions resulting in deadly force. Saying that is victim blaming, it's taboo, illogical and blasphemous.

The officer was in NO danger by the actions of the suspect. No victim blaming allowed! (He is an "evil" police officer and can't be the victim remember). Starting your engine and trying to drive away while being detained with an officers arm in your car doesn't amount into something that could result in the death of the officer or civilians. Driving away from the police when detained results in safe car pursuits not endangering the public.

Not only are you victim blaming with some fucking dumb hypothetical shit but you're also trying to imply that any of this, what was in the bottle, why did he drive away shit matters at all. It doesn't. You're not being observant or trying to piece together clues like this shit is Scooby Doo.

Everyone fucking knows you shouldn't drive with a suspended license, you shouldn't have open liquor in your car, you should not start your car while being questioned by an officer. People are getting offended because all this stuff is purely nothing but implying that if he complied with the police he'd be alive and he is also at fault for his own death. That is totally wrong, all this stupid shit is completely irrelevant to the man point which was he was shot in the head over a situation that had no fucking right to even be taking place.

Dude could have a trunk full of bodies and 10 kilos of cocaine under his car seat and none of that woulf suddenly add context to the executioner style murder in that video. Plain and simple. So if what you want to say is the man rightfully died because he did not comply with the officer just come out and say that. All this concern posting about how a high speed chase may have happened (speculation), how the officers arm may have been injured (also speculation and laughable that this is your defense to someone getting shot in the head over a trafic stop) purely exists to imply it provides a right for the officer to escalate to fatal actions.

It doesn't exist for ANY other reason and none of you are victims because the majority of the people on gaf recognize none of this shit justify someone being shot in the head over a none violent crime. Get over yourself.


Not only are you victim blaming with some fucking dumb hypothetical shit but you're also trying to imply that any of this, what was in the bottle, why did he drive away shit matters at all. It doesn't. You're not being observant or trying to piece together clues like this shit is Scooby Doo.

Paraphrase; fuck clues, look at the reaction. Not the action that lead up to that. Everything but what I want to focus on is irrelevent. A man died because he simply didn't provide a license! He complied and the guy shot him because he was black. End of story.

The guys actions had consequences, he didn't shoot him upon finding out he had no license. He didn't shoot him or seem to care about the bottle of gin claimed to be air freshener. The guy DRIVING OFF while he's trying to detain him is THE REASON he opened fire. In a span of 2 seconds he made a choice to open fire while the guy was trying to take off WITH HIS ARM IN THE VEHICLE!

You're saying the events aren't important yet he was calm and frank with the driver up until he tried to flee. Again WITH HIS ARM in the car putting him in danger.

if he complied with the police he'd be alive and he is also at fault for his own death. That is totally wrong
Did he open fire over the license, the display thing, the gin bottle OR the attemp to flee while being detained? Your logic implies that his actions had no result/outcome of the situation leading to deadly force. That's evidently nonsense.

All this concern posting about how a high speed chase may have happened (speculation),
He was starting his engine to not drive? Put it in drive to park?
how the officers arm may have been injured (also speculation and laughable
Yes, a car couldn't and doesn't ever result in injuries when operated recklessly! Great point.

I guess it's much easier to just go with: Holy fuck, hope the cop dies and rots in prison! He opened fire on him the moment he saw he was black!
Paraphrase; fuck clues, look at the reaction. Not the action that lead up to that. Everything but what I want to focus on is irrelevent. A man died because he simply didn't provide a license! He complied and the guy shot him because he was black. End of story.

The guys actions had consequences, he didn't shoot him upon finding out he had no license. He didn't shoot him or seem to care about the bottle of gin claimed to be air freshener. The guy DRIVING OFF while he's trying to detain him is THE REASON he opened fire. In a span of 2 seconds he made a choice to open fire while the guy was trying to take off WITH HIS ARM IN THE VEHICLE!

You're saying the events aren't important yet he was calm and frank with the driver up until he tried to flee. Again WITH HIS ARM in the car putting him in danger.

Did he open fire over the license, the display thing, the gin bottle OR the attemp to flee while being detained? Your logic implies that his actions had no result/outcome of the situation leading to deadly force. That's evidently nonsense.

He was starting his engine to not drive? Put it in drive to park? Yes, a car couldn't and doesn't ever result in injuries when operated recklessly! Great point.

I guess it's much easier to just go with: Holy fuck, hope the cop dies and rots in prison! He opened fire on him the moment he saw he was black!
The officer brought out his pistol in response to non life-threatening events. The gun at that point was being used as a compliance tool, which complicated the situation when the officer reached inside the vehicle. Upon seeing the weapon, the victim reeled back in a defensive posture and the officer fired one shot. The vehicle did not move until after the shot, which caused the victim's body to either slip off the brake or depress the accelerator.

The focus on minute details prior to the shooting either derails the focus on the unjust shooting, or attempts to lessen blame of the officer.
Amazing how without the video footage the guy would've easily gotten away with it.
Time to equip every cop with a bodycam, there are excuses for not doing it.
The US spends billions on military operations all over the world to retaliate for terrorists killing 3000 people. But when police is killing about 1000 people every year we aren't even willing to pay for bodycams to do something against that?

Its time to put threats into perspective. And there is no argument about it that cops in the US are a bigger threat than terrorism, especially when you are black.
Amazing how without the video footage the guy would've easily gotten away with it.
Time to equip every cop with a bodycam, there are excuses for not doing it.
The US spends billions on military operations all over the world to retaliate for terrorists killing 3000 people. But when police is killing about 1000 people every year we aren't even willing to pay for bodycams to do something against that?

Its time to put threats into perspective. And there is no argument about it that cops in the US are a bigger threat than terrorism, especially when you are black.

Police exist to protect wealth. The poor are seen as a threat to wealth. The current status is not a problem, it was intentional.


I'm sure everyone is justifiably calling this a murder because there's no reason why a cop should shoot a person unless their is a legitimate danger. However, the videos are crap and I can't tell for shit what is actually happening or what the dude in the car is saying. So bad in fact, that knowing absolutely nothing about this case I would say the cop pulled the trigger accidentally due to being pulled down by the car.

But this is observational only.
Police exist to protect wealth. The poor are seen as a threat to wealth. The current status is not a problem, it was intentional.

Yes. And as the lowest rung in our class system, black people are the most likely to lash back at the wealthy. Therefore, the police use force and the threat of force excessively against black people to keep them in place.


The officer brought out his pistol in response to non life-threatening events. The gun at that point was being used as a compliance tool, which complicated the situation when the officer reached inside the vehicle. Upon seeing the weapon, the victim reeled back in a defensive posture and the officer fired one shot. The vehicle did not move until after the shot, which caused the victim's body to either slip off the brake or depress the accelerator.

He goes for the ignition the momet he's asked to take off his seatbelt, left hand to prevent the door from being opened right hand on the ignition.That seems to be the cause for the officer pulling his gun. Guessing that meets criteria for using it as a compliance tool? It escalated so quickly.

The focus on minute details prior to the shooting either derails the focus on the unjust shooting, or attempts to lessen blame of the officer.

Not saying it's not shocking. Not saying it's a good example of quality police. It's brutally horrible. The details do matter though. The whole picture is vital in explaining why he reacted like that. It's fucked up but it's going to be the all the details that matter in court.

'all cops love killing people mentality and should all die' bandwagon is dangerous line of thought & is accepted hate speech on Gaf. That seems odd


WTF is going on with police lately in USA? Was it always like this and it just gets reported more nowadays thanks to body cams, smartphones etc? Or did this escalate for some reason recently?

Yes and no. Police have always been thugs in the US, but it's gotten particularly brazen recently due to the militarization that comes with military surplus gear. That's more related to SWAT teams and protest smashing though; the kinds of things going on with these regular officers have always been going on.

I agree with this, it's always been like this, to an extent. It seems like it's gotten worse due to lack of training combined with deadlier and more militarized gear, combined with a "circle the wagons" mentality that some cops are having now where they think they're the victims. People are out to get them. Furthers an us vs. them mindset.
Okay 8 pages and we got the Apologists, i'm surprised it took that many

someone above mentioned driving off got him shot, no watch that video again, the campus rentacop says remove your seatbelt, then goes to open the door - he did not legally order him out
DeBose places his hand on his own car door and holds it shut, and goes for the ignition
Campus cop immediately leans in the car to get the keys, and his hand goes to his gun
DeBose starts the car, then goes to push the cops arm away
Campus Cop by this point already has his gun in the car aimed at Debose's head
DeBose sees the gun, recoils, raises both arms in a surrender gesture
Campus Cop pulls the trigger
DeBose's corpse either releases the foot break or his dead weight falls on the accelerator

Driving off didn't get him shot, if we really want to attribute some 'blame' his action of going to stop the cop illegally ceasing his car keys got Campus cop mad enough to go in gangland style and execute him, he was one step of tilting his gun sideways like a 'gangsta', so please watch the video before going on the police statement and saying he was driving off, DeBose never did, his corpse drove off


He goes for the ignition the momet he's asked to take off his seatbelt, left hand to prevent the door from being opened right hand on the ignition.That seems to be the cause for the officer pulling his gun. Guessing that meets criteria for using it as a compliance tool? It escalated so quickly.

Not saying it's not shocking. Not saying it's a good example of quality police. It's brutally horrible. The details do matter though. The whole picture is vital in explaining why he reacted like that. It's fucked up but it's going to be the all the details that matter in court.

'all cops love killing people mentality and should all die' bandwagon is dangerous line of thought & is accepted hate speech on Gaf. That seems odd

You've created a real nice straw man.

The reality is that law enforcement have systematically been groomed to behave with itchy trigger fingers. The average GAF member doesn't believe they're all monsters or all should die, that's batshit crazy. I see some people wishing some Hammurabi shit on this one guy who is clearly a murderer, but those voices are not the loudest.

We do need police reform. We don't need apologists for the police force. The guy's gun should have never been drawn. You don't kill people if you think they're going to drive away fast.
Very shocking how quick he pointed the gun and shot the poor guy in the head. There was so little time to react or evaluate the situation. Have no clue what the police officer was even thinking to act this quick?


Paraphrase; fuck clues, look at the reaction. Not the action that lead up to that. Everything but what I want to focus on is irrelevent. A man died because he simply didn't provide a license! He complied and the guy shot him because he was black. End of story.

The guys actions had consequences, he didn't shoot him upon finding out he had no license. He didn't shoot him or seem to care about the bottle of gin claimed to be air freshener. The guy DRIVING OFF while he's trying to detain him is THE REASON he opened fire. In a span of 2 seconds he made a choice to open fire while the guy was trying to take off WITH HIS ARM IN THE VEHICLE!

You're saying the events aren't important yet he was calm and frank with the driver up until he tried to flee. Again WITH HIS ARM in the car putting him in danger.

Did he open fire over the license, the display thing, the gin bottle OR the attemp to flee while being detained? Your logic implies that his actions had no result/outcome of the situation leading to deadly force. That's evidently nonsense.

He was starting his engine to not drive? Put it in drive to park? Yes, a car couldn't and doesn't ever result in injuries when operated recklessly! Great point.

I guess it's much easier to just go with: Holy fuck, hope the cop dies and rots in prison! He opened fire on him the moment he saw he was black!

Get a grip dude; all that stuff is irrelevant - the cop is a murderer. Caught on video. He executed the someone, at point blank range, and he's been charged appropriately.

Now we need to find out who the other cops are who lied to cover it up, as they've also committed a crime.


Okay 8 pages and we got the Apologists, i'm surprised it took that many

Just rewatched, and to me it appears that the guy starts the engine before the cop reaches in to the car. Doesn't change much though. Unfortunate event and hopefully the cop serves a long sentence.
God damn at the full video. The cop telling that bullshit story over and over and other cops going along with it. "I almost got run over. I got dragged by him. I think I'm okay though. My thumb hurts a little bit." "Yeah, I saw that."
The cop and his two cop friends all lied because they knew this wasn't justifiable in any way. Anyone trying to argue what the victim should have done is ignoring that the cop himself knew that he unjustifiably murdered someone. This is why people are telling you to stop victim blaming; you're arguing nothing for no one.


A psychologist will have a heyday with this video.

The way he continuously tries to reinforce what happened to anyone that will listen, subconsciously trying to reinforce his version of the events that transpired. Then, once people start asking him if he's ok, that becomes his primary focus, going from "I feel fine" to "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to get checked out, my arm does hurt", As if he's the victim here, and it will keep him out of trouble.

I don't even think he realized he was doing it, but it's fairly obvious in hindsight.

I'd really love to see the dashcam video from his cruiser.
What a disturbing reaction from the officer, that looked extremely fast and precise... for a sitaution that was in no way calling for deadly force.
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