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My sympathies dude, that sounds horrific.
At least it was for medical reasons though and they didn't just cut your dick up for no reason.

Thanks mate. But it was absolutely nescessary. It was actually a bit 'late', but my parents only wanted to have it done if there was no other option. And even though it was painful I am grateful for that.
My opinion on this is simple:

Never do it to kids out of religious regions
Never do it to kids out of 'hygiene' regions
Do it to kids out of medical reasons
If you are an adult, do whatever the fuck you want.

That being said I am not really comfortable comparing it with female circumcision. While I agree it shouldn't be done on both sexes, female circumcision is an entire beast altogether. Male circumcision is done out of (outdated) hygenic reasons, and a relatively small procedure. Female circumsion is cutting everything away and sowing it up so the woman will never ever have any form of sexual pleasure.


The HIV thing is extremely questionable, it's like one study which wasn't particularly well done. Btw, Africa has by far the highest rate of circumcision and also the highest rate of HIV transmission.


They put a bunch of references at the bottom of the youtube link. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here's a link to Kellogg's book on the matter: -

Yeah, I know about the Kellogg thing. It strikes me as a simplistic analysis when circumcision is even more prevalent in Africa than in the U.S.

Also, I'm not sure the science is as unclear on the benefits of circumcision as some make it out to be. I'm not qualified to evaluate any of it, and any study for or against can be assumed to be carrying a certain amount of bias.


Authorized Fister


Yeah, I know about the Kellogg thing. It strikes me as a simplistic analysis when circumcision is even more prevalent in Africa than in the U.S.

You know Muslims practice circumcision as well right? Not just the Jews and overzealous 1020s American puritans. The conquered quite a lot of Africa, back in the heyday of the Caliphate, and they had a very no-nonsense attitude when it came to conversion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, I'm not sure the science is as unclear on the benefits of circumcision as some make it out to be. I'm not qualified to evaluate any of it, and any study for or against can be assumed to be carrying a certain amount of bias.

What kind of impotent post is that exactly? It took us 5 billion years to get where we are today. The amount of time some branches of the human race have been mutilating their kids is barely a blink of the eye in the great scheme of things. The idea that somehow doing so is 'a heath benefit' is most certainly up for debate. Antibiotics, demonstrable. Lopping off a kids foreskin because Mr Kelloogs told you to, much less so. :unsure:


The amount of time some branches of the human race have been mutilating their kids

C'mon, this isn't arguing in good faith. Are piercings "mutilation"? Nose jobs? There's a whole panoply of elective surgeries no one blinks an eye at. Perhaps, at bottom, baby boys get circumcised because their families prefer it that way -- and maybe that's okay.


The people that say “it’s for hygiene purposes and so you don’t get diseases!” are mind numbingly stupid. Why don’t you cut your hands off so you don’t get gangrene? Foreskin has millions of nerve endings and it keeps the glans moist so it’s not a dry salami. Circumcision is a scam to make hospitals an extra couple grand.


C'mon, this isn't arguing in good faith. Are piercings "mutilation"? Nose jobs? There's a whole panoply of elective surgeries no one blinks an eye at. Perhaps, at bottom, baby boys get circumcised because their families prefer it that way -- and maybe that's okay.
Yes, they are. What an adult does with their body is up to them.


Rodent Whores
Yeah, I know about the Kellogg thing. It strikes me as a simplistic analysis when circumcision is even more prevalent in Africa than in the U.S.
That is not a good reason why the Kellogg explanation is simplistic. It just means that there's another explanation for Africa. It's unreasonable to expect that the Kellogg explanation is the overwhelming force in the world.

C'mon, this isn't arguing in good faith. Are piercings "mutilation"? Nose jobs? There's a whole panoply of elective surgeries no one blinks an eye at. Perhaps, at bottom, baby boys get circumcised because their families prefer it that way -- and maybe that's okay.
There is a difference when it comes to those procedures. Female circumcision is more extreme than male circumcision is more extreme than a nose job is more extreme than an ear piercing. Each comes with different levels of modifications and consequences and risks.

The other salient point is the word you said. "elective". That is a big point to consider. Child circumcision isn't elective. It is forced. The child does not consent to it, and it does not fall under the umbrella of medical procedure since there is no medical benefit to it.

Should parents be allowed to perform painful and traumatic non-medical surgery on their child without the child's consent that involves cutting off a piece of their dick?


C'mon, this isn't arguing in good faith. Are piercings "mutilation"? Nose jobs? There's a whole panoply of elective surgeries no one blinks an eye at.

LOL. You're talking about things people elect to do when they're adults. There's a big difference between that and an adult deciding for a child. I mean would you be cool if someone decided to get their kid tattooed? Or branded or some such? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Should parents be allowed to perform painful and traumatic non-medical surgery on their child without the child's consent that involves cutting off a piece of their dick?

Yes, absolutely it should be allowed. Consider the alternative: outlawing a religious practice that's fundamentally important for Jews and Muslims. I don't think you want to go down that road.

Whether it ought to be done in any particular situation is a separate question and would be better handled as such, rather than conflating the two.

There's a big difference between that and an adult deciding for a child.

This is the root of it: do we believe that parents should be able to make decisions on behalf of their underage children. For me, that's an easy "yes" while for others it seems to be an absolute "no." (Perhaps some would prefer to be more granular, and allow for some parental decisions but not others.)

I also tend to assume that parents generally love their children and want good things for them. I wonder if that's a less easy premise for others.


Rodent Whores
Yes, absolutely it should be allowed. Consider the alternative: outlawing a religious practice that's fundamentally important for Jews and Muslims. I don't think you want to go down that road.
Cool, I also lean on the side that it should probably be allowed because prohibiting it will probably cause more problems than it solves.

Whether it ought to be done in any particular situation is a separate question and would be better handled as such, rather than conflating the two.
OK then. I will change my question to, should parents perform painful and traumatic non-medical surgery on their child without the child's consent that involves cutting off a piece of their dick?

This is the root of it: do we believe that parents should be able to make decisions on behalf of their underage children. For me, that's an easy "yes" while for others it seems to be an absolute "no." (Perhaps some would prefer to be more granular, and allow for some parental decisions but not others.)
Is there a line? Would you be okay with a parent making a decision that they should tattoo their child's name on his dick?


I will change my question to, should parents perform painful and traumatic non-medical surgery

Thanks for clarifying.

I find I can't even rise to the level of "should" or "shouldn't" when considering what another family does here. If a parent asked me directly for my advice, I simply wouldn't have any except to do as he thought best.

Would you be okay with a parent making a decision that they should tattoo their child's name on his dick?

No, I think tattoos are a bad idea in general. I'd advise parents not to tattoo a child and, importantly, not to let a child who wanted a tattoo to get one. Again, parental authority over underage children.

I realize your point here is that they are analogous, and I think my response to that is ehhhhh...kinda. Not really.


Rodent Whores
No, I think tattoos are a bad idea in general. I'd advise parents not to tattoo a child and, importantly, not to let a child who wanted a tattoo to get one. Again, parental authority over underage children.

I realize your point here is that they are analogous, and I think my response to that is ehhhhh...kinda. Not really.
What is the big difference, in your point of view, that renders the analogy invalid?

They're both painful, permanent, non-medical body modification procedures.


They're both painful, permanent, non-medical body modification procedures.

I don't grant the "non-medical" part, for one. As I said, I'm not the one to sort through the studies but there are physicians who believe circumcision offers medical benefits. I'm not in a position to say that's absolutely certain, but neither am I going to write that off as "mind-numbingly stupid."

We're in agreement about legality, so all that's left are the theoreticals: given situation A, what does family A₁ do? I don't find those terribly helpful, myself.
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Yes, absolutely it should be allowed. Consider the alternative: outlawing a religious practice that's fundamentally important for Jews and Muslims. I don't think you want to go down that road.

Because? Is it outlawing either religion? I mean if tomorrow from the dead sea scrolls they unearth some hither too unknown judaic law about gouging the eyes out of every 3rd child would you say 'seems legit.gif' and wave that through as an acceptable practice?

Earlier on I talked about tradition being the tyranny of dead men and you rather wantonly scoffed at that suggestion with your 'democracy' BS, but here you are defending these traditions as if they are fixed absolutes. You're all about the tyranny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

At what point exactly do we say enough with these outmoded things? :unsure:

This is the root of it: do we believe that parents should be able to make decisions on behalf of their underage children. For me, that's an easy "yes" while for others it seems to be an absolute "no." (Perhaps some would prefer to be more granular, and allow for some parental decisions but not others.)

I also tend to assume that parents generally love their children and want good things for them. I wonder if that's a less easy premise for others.


That's the most retarded statement I've read on this board this year (Bravo I guess, you beat out even some of TLOU2 posters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). The underlying conceit that Children are somehow property and that parents are entitled to do with them as they please on the basis of 'they know best' and therefore anything they do to them is acceptable is so utterly asinine I have to wonder how it is you even manage to look yourself in the eye in the mirror. JFC. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Don't bother posting a response, you're a waste of oxygen.
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That's most retarded statement I've read on this board this year (Bravo I guess, you beat out even some of TLOU2 posters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). The underlying conceit that Children are somehow property and that parents are entitled to do with them as they please on the basis of 'they know best' and therefore anything they do to them is acceptable is so utterly asinine I have to wonder how it is you even manage to look yourself in the mirror. JFC.

I can't imagine why you're so skeptical of well-functioning families or why you're so worked up about this particular issue. Feel free not to circumcise your sons. Are you hoping to have any?


Unconfirmed Member
Yes, absolutely it should be allowed. Consider the alternative: outlawing a religious practice that's fundamentally important for Jews and Muslims. I don't think you want to go down that road.
Fine by me as I am neither, however all some people asked was that the kid make his own choice as an adult since it is irreversible.


Reseterror Resettler
I haven't read the entire thread, but I got snipped at birth and I don't have any Freudian complexes or violent aggression towards my parents. I like the look of it aesthetically and if there's a loss of sensation, barring the acquisition of a time machine, I wouldn't know the difference and during launch time I can certainly fire the rocket, so you know

Yeah, I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS or whatever, but if my folks could keep me clothed, fed, educated, sheltered and out of trouble for eighteen years, then I'd say that gives them the right to do whatever they want with my penis.


You know what I mean.


I can't imagine why you're so skeptical of well-functioning families or why you're so worked up about this particular issue.

Severe retardation generally does hinder the ability to think in the abstract so I'm told, so perhaps that's why you're struggling here at a guess. Especially when it comes to addressing questions raised that you pass over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Feel free not to mutilate your kids

Fixed that for you.

They're free to mutilate themselves when they hit 18 and qualify as adults.
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Around 2011, my girlfriend of the time bit my penis playfully, (she ask first, and I said yes) and let a small wound that wound't heal. So I went to see a doctor and the first thing the dick doctor sugested was to get a circumcision. I feel bad for all those poor souls that listened to that obviously circumcised professional.


No it’s not. Circumcised people by and large are happy with it. It’s uncircumcised people that are oddly passionate and unhappy about the subject. This is not a problem.
I don't think there is any way they can know. Either way. I've met people that were not happy that it happened to them.


Rodent Whores
I don't grant the "non-medical" part, for one. As I said, I'm not the one to sort through the studies but there are physicians who believe circumcision offers medical benefits. I'm not in a position to say that's absolutely certain, but neither am I going to write that off as "mind-numbingly stupid."

We're in agreement about legality, so all that's left are the theoreticals: given situation A, what does family A₁ do? I don't find those terribly helpful, myself.
Do you support surgically removing the tonsils and appenix of a newborn before they potentially become infected later in life?
So that’s all the Jews, Muslims and probably a significant proportion of Christians. You must be quite the stable genius by comparison.

triggered. most of the world doesn't support this procedure that you're so passionate about btw. since we are throwing out bitchy insults, nice avatar, cock cutting fetishist weirdo :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Imo it's a violent act that inflicts physical harm on a defenseless child.

In my book it's child abuse. I really don't understand how anyone can think it's in any way okay.

And I've read enough horror stories from men who've had physical and psychological damage from it later in life to not budge.


I’ve heard from many women how unattractive they find an uncircumcised penis to be, so I understand where the angst comes from for those who are uncircumcised.

This is depending on the country and culture. In Europe most women prefer a dick as it naturally is and not the mutilated downgraded version.
If an adult decides to do it it's whatever, although I can never understand why you'd want to.

Doing it to children when there's no need is child abuse and should be illegal, just like female genital mutilation.
As a Swede, I've never heard this (only on American forums), or even heard it brought up as a thing to discuss at all. It's just not a topic here at all.
and this...
I was circumcised when I was 35, because I got phimosis (Skin rash caused tightening of the foreskin).

It sucks. It has taken away about 20% of the sensitivity and sensual feeling. There is a reason you have a foreskin.

It should be illegal to perform this operation for non-medical reasons. PERIOD.

I would not even know how to masturbate without a foreskin.
Must be horrible.


Circumcision is linked to mental trauma which can cause men to be a bitch later in life, SIDS, actual death in children, and sexual issues. Sorry but anyone who’s willing to introduce all of those unnecessary risks to their sons...

Oh and to add, I don’t buy that women prefer it shit at all. Fact, uncircumcised penises feel better for women. It’s why uncircumcised men don’t need lube and other things to compensate, because the foreskin naturally provides that. It’s very easy, wash your dick. Also, I’m uncircumcised and my dick is beautiful. I got pics to prove it.

Eric Clopper is a Jewish kid who was circumcised and very angry about it.

Please to all you future fathers, get educated on the subject.

Gotta bump this because it's a really good talk. Definitely recommend it.


Unless there's a medical reason I don't get why you should willingly have a circumcision. There are no negatives, and people preferring a cut dick are probably used to it and don't know any better (with exceptions of course). Why the hell is this so common in the US anyway?


Golden Boy
I agree with you, OP. Circumcision does not make sense. The disadvantages of circumcision outweighs any minor advantages that it may have.
If you completely retract the foreskin it looks very similar to uncircumcised.

Also try to see it from a different perspective: someone with foreskin intact would never have it cut off because some chick thinks it doesn’t look good (at least most people wouldn’t, there are always thirsty loosers)


Authorized Fister
If you completely retract the foreskin it looks very similar to uncircumcised.

Also try to see it from a different perspective: someone with foreskin intact would never have it cut off because some chick thinks it doesn’t look good (at least most people wouldn’t, there are always thirsty loosers)
Say that to South Koreans.
I cannot believe we have people here bothering to protect this vile practice in defence of Muslims and the like. How utterly degenerate.

On the appearance front, how laughable that people are claiming it somehow "looks better", every cut cock I've seen whether in person or in porn looks butchered and unfortunate in general.

That someone would scorn a cock for being in its natural state should send warning signs.
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