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Civilization: Beyond Earth |OT| - The Future of Mankind

Fuck it. Bought from GMG. I'll post impressions later when it unlocks. Granted I never even finished one game of vanilla Beyond Earth (just got it on sale earlier this year and never sunk much time into it), so comparing it to the base experience I won't really be able to do.
The ending cinematics appear to be in the game as well, I just war-mongered the wrong Harmony Faction and lost to the Mind Flower.

No more Just...One...More...Turn! button at match end, just exit to main menu and there's still no post-game stats screen. I don't care about historical rankings but it would be nice to see how I stacked up to other Factions and the replay function would be nice to have as well.
Hybrid affinities are messy. Before you used to look at your starting area resources (Firaxite, Floatstone, Xenomass? Titanium and Oil?) and target specific techs to gain affinity tiers and chase your victory wonder as quickly as possible. Now rather than simply unlocking levels of affinity through researching specific branches and leafs, you unlock affinity experience. Some techs with affinity experience provide enough for an affinity level, some don't. A lot of formerly neutral technologies now offer affinity experience for two or all three affinities. Without trying you'll probably unlock 4 or 5 levels of each affinity in a single playthrough. Even if you're pursuing a single affinity. If you chase a hybrid affinity it's likely you will get multiple hybrid affinity units unlocked.

Even if you go for a Hybrid Affinity, you still have to hit Affinity tier 15 with a specific affinity to be able to build that affinity's victory wonder. Which just doesn't seem practical. I'm interested to see how this plays out in the higher difficulty levels.

Overall it feels like there are A LOT of resource pods, progenitor and colony ruins to find in BERT vs BEV. The chance you'll get free affinity tiers from explorers seems much higher.

Technology research costs felt a little higher at match start but before turn 300 all outer branch techs were taking 10 or less turns to research. Civ BERT, like BEV, has an early game, a mid game and then it's done by turn 300+ a few since you now need Affinity tier 15.

Aliens are more plentiful early but overall feel weaker now. For example Kraken and sea dragons would one shot the lower tier battleships in BEV. in BERT they just severely damage them, giving the unit a chance to get away. Alien hostility is ramped up to ridiculous degrees. Razing a single nest raises them an aggro level. Two nests destroyed and they are globally hostile. The new aliens, Makar and Hydracoral are neat but aren't threats for very long.

Water cities, melee boats and submarines are fun to play around with.

The new trade routes with factions are completely ridiculous. Strategic resources galore.

I don't know what to think of the new diplomatic system yet.


Hybrid affinities are messy. Before you used to look at your starting area resources (Firaxite, Floatstone, Xenomass? Titanium and Oil?) and target specific techs to gain affinity tiers and chase your victory wonder as quickly as possible. Now rather than simply unlocking levels of affinity through researching specific branches and leafs, you unlock affinity experience. Some techs with affinity experience provide enough for an affinity level, some don't. A lot of formerly neutral technologies now offer affinity experience for two or all three affinities. Without trying you'll probably unlock 4 or 5 levels of each affinity in a single playthrough. Even if you're pursuing a single affinity. If you chase a hybrid affinity it's likely you will get multiple hybrid affinity units unlocked.

Even if you go for a Hybrid Affinity, you still have to hit Affinity tier 15 with a specific affinity to be able to build that affinity's victory wonder. Which just doesn't seem practical. I'm interested to see how this plays out in the higher difficulty levels.

Overall it feels like there are A LOT of resource pods, progenitor and colony ruins to find in BERT vs BEV. The chance you'll get free affinity tiers from explorers seems much higher.

Technology research costs felt a little higher at match start but before turn 300 all outer branch techs were taking 10 or less turns to research. Civ BERT, like BEV, has an early game, a mid game and then it's done by turn 300+ a few since you now need Affinity tier 15.

Aliens are more plentiful early but overall feel weaker now. For example Kraken and sea dragons would one shot the lower tier battleships in BEV. in BERT they just severely damage them, giving the unit a chance to get away. Alien hostility is ramped up to ridiculous degrees. Razing a single nest raises them an aggro level. Two nests destroyed and they are globally hostile. The new aliens, Makar and Hydracoral are neat but aren't threats for very long.

Water cities, melee boats and submarines are fun to play around with.

The new trade routes with factions are completely ridiculous. Strategic resources galore.

I don't know what to think of the new diplomatic system yet.
I don't have an opinion formed about the hybrid affinities yet, but I have to say they make a lot more sense in the universe of the game: I mean, it's really hard to go down a single affinity path in a normal civilization, so I quite like that they are based on what you are researching, what you are trying to improve on your civ. Also, I had a huge problem with vanilla BE, as in, sometimes, I would focus on developing my civilization, without aiming for any of the affinity researches, so I would end up with a nice empire, but a weak army, because I didn't choose the leaf affinity branches (that a lot of times didnt give anything interesting besides affinity points). That gets rid of that.
Also, I quite like the new diplomacy system. Sponsors finally have a personality now, they feel like real leaders. Traits are also pretty good, as the best ones will allow some insane bonus to your enemies, adding a strategic layer (also, being an ally or being hostile towards another civilization now truly mean something, unlike in vanilla civ: you'll get huge agreement bonus from being an ally, but will automatically declare war towards someone if your ally decides so).
Another highlight goes to the new art direction: the world feels like an alien world now, and the new artworks give the game a much needed visual identity.
The only thing I didnt like is how much diplomacy they shove in your face: once you meet someone else on the field (thank GOD no more automatic diplomacy screen right after planetfall), you are bombarded every turn with agreements, opinions and everything else. Still trying to adapt.

Overall, I really, really like the expansion. And I hope Civ VI borrows a lot from the new diplomatic system.


I don't have an opinion formed about the hybrid affinities yet, but I have to say they make a lot more sense in the universe of the game: I mean, it's really hard to go down a single affinity path in a normal civilization, so I quite like that they are based on what you are researching, what you are trying to improve on your civ. Also, I had a huge problem with vanilla BE, as in, sometimes, I would focus on developing my civilization, without aiming for any of the affinity researches, so I would end up with a nice empire, but a weak army, because I didn't choose the leaf affinity branches (that a lot of times didnt give anything interesting besides affinity points). That gets rid of that.

I hadn't heard this part - they put affinity points into more mainline researches rather than leaf nodes? that's a pretty big change. I would do the same thing, avoiding affinity points until I needed them for warfare or a victory.

I need to look at the patch notes to see what was changed in the base game. I may consider investing in the expansion. Most of the changes sound like they're for the better.


I hadn't heard this part - they put affinity points into more mainline researches rather than leaf nodes? that's a pretty big change. I would do the same thing, avoiding affinity points until I needed them for warfare or a victory.

I need to look at the patch notes to see what was changed in the base game. I may consider investing in the expansion. Most of the changes sound like they're for the better.

I just compared the two tech trees and it looks like they are still in the leaf nodes, but it seems easier to get the points through other means. In my recent game It didn't feel like the problem it used to be in vanilla. :T
EDIT: Disregard what I said above, for some reason the game launched with the DLC turned off LOL. Yeah, affinity points are now scattered across branches and leaf nodes. No wonder it felt so much better :p.

Here is the comparison between the 2 tech trees:

Rising Tide:
The Affinities conferred specific playstyle bonuses. Early game expansion? You want Purity as the Gene Garden only requires two levels of Purity and that means having one city before anyone else can without tanking your health. Planning on having a small empire? Harmony provides amazing bonuses for smaller armies. Want a sprawling army to warmonger with, Supremacy offers amazing bonuses for a massive army. With how Hybrid Affinity experience is currently handled, it does away with that.

Hybrid affinity experience on previously neutral techs basically grant everyone access to everything. You don't even have to aim for specific Affinities, too many tech branches and leaves grant experience. Technology and research is kind of broken in Rising Tide. I had like 16 Harmony, 5 Purity and 15 Supremacy by the 300th turn in my first game.

I'm going to try and go tall in my next game and see how long it takes to research the entire tech web. The costs of the outer branches and leaf techs seemed ridiculously low around turn 300. I mean lower than they were in BEV. I also want to see how busted affinity experience, technology and research are on Soyuz and Apollo.
They've really messed up with the technology and research costs. An affinity victory wonder may be tied to two higher affinity levels now in Rising Tide but I'm hitting Affinity level 15 and having all of the necessary techs researched to build the Mind Flower 50 turns sooner in RT than I would have in Vanilla. I've noticed the Mind Flower no longer tells you how many turns are required to process before it pops and even with Mind Stems and the Xeno Sanctuary (or whichever building gives you the points towards the wonder victory) built in every city in a 7-9 city empire it feels like it takes a bit longer versus the 20 turns it used to.

Exoplanets Map Pack on Sale at GMG. Worth it at $1.15?

If you're going to keep playing, sure. If not, save that buck and put it towards a coffee.


So, as somebody in the US, what is the best way to get a good price on the Base Game + Expansion? I'm liking what I'm seeing from this expansion, but I don't want to pay the full $60 it is on Steam.
So, as somebody in the US, what is the best way to get a good price on the Base Game + Expansion? I'm liking what I'm seeing from this expansion, but I don't want to pay the full $60 it is on Steam.

GMG has the base game on sale for $20. No longer a discount on Rising Tide, but 23% off voucher currently on their front page: 23PERC-AUTUMN-SAVING - should work for both. Steam keys.
It's turn 320. I have the Mind Flower constructed, I have the Beacon constructed and activated. I make nearly 500 energy a turn and have 20k stocked away. I have completely filled out both the Knowledge and Industry Virtue tracks and have started to work on Prosperity. I have every Virtue tier synergy bonus activated. I generate almost 500 culture a turn. If I was playing Franco-Iberia I would probably have filled out every Virtua Policy track by now. I generate over 500 science a turn. I have 18 levels in Harmony, 13 in Purity, 14 in Supremacy. I have every core branch and leaf technology researched, only the outer branches and leaf techs are mostly left un-researched. The average time to research the very outermost techs, be they branch or leaf, is 8 turns. If I could keep the game going I would have every tech in the game researched before turn 400. I generate over 100 diplomatic capitol a turn because I have wonder spammed in the last 80 turns or so.

If this was BE vanilla I would have 13-15 Harmony Affinity, maybe 3 points in Supremacy and would have just finished constructing the Mind Flower. If I was playing as Elodie I would have Knowledge and most of Industry filled out, but not all of both. If was another faction I would've had Knowledge filled out and maybe the first tier of Industry.

This is not balanced. At all.


Rodent Whores
It's turn 320. I have the Mind Flower constructed, I have the Beacon constructed and activated. I make nearly 500 energy a turn and have 20k stocked away. I have completely filled out both the Knowledge and Industry Virtue tracks and have started to work on Prosperity. I have every Virtue tier synergy bonus activated. I generate almost 500 culture a turn. If I was playing Franco-Iberia I would probably have filled out every Virtua Policy track by now. I generate over 500 science a turn. I have 18 levels in Harmony, 13 in Purity, 14 in Supremacy. I have every core branch and leaf technology researched, only the outer branches and leaf techs are mostly left un-researched. The average time to research the very outermost techs, be they branch or leaf, is 8 turns. If I could keep the game going I would have every tech in the game researched before turn 400. I generate over 100 diplomatic capitol a turn because I have wonder spammed in the last 80 turns or so.

If this was BE vanilla I would have 13-15 Harmony Affinity, maybe 3 points in Supremacy and would have just finished constructing the Mind Flower. If I was playing as Elodie I would have Knowledge and most of Industry filled out, but not all of both. If was another faction I would've had Knowledge filled out and maybe the first tier of Industry.

This is not balanced. At all.
What difficulty are you playing it on? Back when I used to play the game, the fastest I could win on the hardest difficulty was around turn 230 or so.
What difficulty are you playing it on? Back when I used to play the game, the fastest I could win on the hardest difficulty was around turn 230 or so.

This is just on Normal/Mercury while I figure out the new Factions, units, mechanics and what not. On Apollo you gotta have your victory wonder lined up by 200. On Soyuz and lower it's 300. I've been playing the game regularly on Gemini leading up to Rising Tide's launch and the tech/research costs in RT are wacky. I'm getting things 50 turns sooner on average without even trying.


that puzzling face
Is it true that PAC went live with "get one wonder per city"? Not deriding, genuinely curious and if so how that pans out.

Other reviews seem generally positive. I'm still personally holding out on a sale.
Yup, the PAC get to make one wonder, per city in one turn. It's not particularly over-powered given the wonders in Beyond Earth.

Rising Tide is fun, it's just kinda messy.

Water cities and how they acquire territory is interesting and opens up the maps a lot. It makes the Atlantean and Archipelago maps fun to play because water is no longer just an obstacle to cross, it's filled with resources to exploit.The new melee aquatic and submarine units are a lot of fun to use. Leashing aliens is a great new mechanic and a neat way to get an early army as a Harmony player. With how the aliens have been tuned it's possible to not attack them, not be attacked by them and successfully explore large parts of the world with a few scouts an patrol boats or two. A lot of the aquatic wonders are situationally really powerful, if you can get your city in a bay, there are two wonders that will monsterously ramp up your production and science per coastal tile. There are more orbital units in the game and they show up sooner. The orbital layer is a thing that actually matters more, beyond spamming Solar Collectors and the occasional Lasercom Satellite. The new factions are pretty interesting, I really enjoyed my game with Chongsu and Al-Falah. North Sea Alliance are kinda fun with how mobile their water cities are.

The new diplomacy system is interesting, leaders are constantly chattering at you each turn and you can see why your status is rising or falling with them based off of the traits they have chosen. With the diplomatic agreements and strategic resources coming through Faction trade-routes cooperation can be in your best interest...for a while.

The downside of the diplomatic system is you can get pretty snowball-y based off of who you're playing, who is in the match and what agreements they choose. It'll be interesting to see how nutty things will get in Soyuz and Apollo. The tech web has been reworked, everything is color coded now and it's kinda too easy to get too much of each affinity without really trying.


Playing on Soyuz I didnt notice any major imbalance, at least not on my first playthrought(went for a supremacy victory). Thank God for the new Paeon (or something like that) orbital unit. Feels like a good, balanced way to gain health. So far, feels like the expansion is what I wanted BE to be since the beginning. I'll play on norMal now to see if it is indeed easier to win.
The difficulty level doesn't really impact the player beyond health penalties. I didn't blow up as ridiculously with as NSA as I did with in my Al Falah and Chongsu. It seems to take the right factions, traits and diplomatic deals in a match to get that ridiculously out of control.


What's the consensus on the Xpac? I haven't played Beyond Earth since the first week it came out and I've probably played more Civ5 than BE in that time. Is it worth the $23? Does it make the game a lot better?
It makes the game playable and there's an actual choice between Civ BE and Civ V as discrete experiences rather than Civ BE feeling like a lousier Civ V.
It's all-in Knowledge/Industry. Once you start generating large quantities of excess health you get into that feedback loop of increased health equaling increased science and culture, spamming low level wonders for the Monomyth +7 culture bonus and culture output being converted to science. With Al Falah I had 4 cities, with Congsu I had several. I think blew up larger in the Al Falah game because I had built taller, feeding better into the tier 3 industry virtues, versus a slightly warmonger-y Chongsu. I've always found it to be a strong combination of Virtues but it's stronger in RT with the obscene amount of resource pods and excavation sites in the game as well as the new traits and diplomacy system.

With NSA I went Prosperity, with Intergr I went Might and haven't steamrolled quite as ridiculously. It's been more of a regular paced match.

Spy satellites and Supremacy is fun. Big brother literally is watching everyone on the planet. I love the new diplomacy system, I just made another faction uncomfortable with my aggressive orbital infrastructure :D
BE wasn't panned when it came out, it reviewed quite highly. It was when people started to sit down and really play it that the negative sentiment grew. That could still happen with RT.


BE wasn't panned when it came out, it reviewed quite highly. It was when people started to sit down and really play it that the negative sentiment grew. That could still happen with RT.

Yep, my point earlier - the expansion is getting the same scores as the original, and we all know how that panned out. I don't think reviewers really have the capacity to put enough hours into these games to test them properly, and as they are also a niche market don't think they spot some of the things we notice.

Mind you, I'm not sure how Firaxis didn't notice Trade Routes being broken in the base game either and they presumably played it quit a bit...


that puzzling face
Well, the general sentiment coming from people, not reviews, seems a lot more positive, and this is keeping in mind it's a slightly uphill battle w.r.t. how people want to believe BE will continue to suck (Yay internets)

Granted, things still could change as the days/weeks go by, and admittedly there's a bit of a positive bias here since the more critical subsection of the potential playerbase might be waiting for a sale.
One of the best changes Rising Tide brings is you don't immediately know who makes planetfall, you have to explore.

All of the new orbital units actually make the Stellar Codex worthwhile. Before I only used to build it when I had Monomyth (adds +7 culture for every wonder built) but Stet Mining appeared near my capital city, beyond my orbital coverage. With the Stellar Codex it's now within my orbital coverage and I can build a Station Sentiel, an orbital unit (same leaf tech as Stellar Codex) which doubles traderoute output and its defensive capabilities.

It's all in Knowledge/Industry that's bonkers in RT. Playing a game on Gemini and earning a Virtue every 6 turns now because my culture output is 617 a turn currently and still climbing. Sitting on 22k energy, earning 500+ a turn, science output of 700. Outer techs cost 5-6 turns ot reseach.
This was on Gemini.

780 culture per turn. I was earning virtues every 6 turns at this point, the rising cost of the next virtue was completely nullified by my wonder and culture building output. Also I built both the Mind Flower and Beacon. A little race I was having with myself.

I conquered the ARC, but they started it!

I ended up with every virtue tier synergy bonus again and pretty much grabbed every key virtue in Prosperity and Industry along with going all-in on Knowledge.

Knowledge/Industry was always a pretty powerful combination in Beyond Earth, at least I found it to be, but it seems kind of ridiculous in Rising Tide. The lowest I saw the outer techs go for in BEV was 8-10 turns. In BERT I'm getting them down to 4-6 turns and nearly solving the entire tech web. Since I'm playing on Gemini I could probably delay building my victory wonder to see if I can solve the entire tech web before another Faction gets close to their wonder. But first I wanna see how high I can go with this. I imagine only Apollo level A.I. will challenge this. I can see Soyuz A.I. getting rocked by this, but I might have some victory wonder competition.

It feels weird complaining about the only thing, the Knowledge Virtue track, that rewards building tall in this game. Civ V has Golden Ages and national wonders throughout the eras to reward you for building tall. BE has nothing outside of Knowledge and even then it takes 200-250 turns to start seriously coming online. It sort of depends on how many shots of culture you can get from ruins and resource pods.

Edit: First crack at this in Soyuz didn't go off quite as well. Partially because of my start on a piece of shit frozen tundra hill covered continent that I stuck with because I unlocked my first Artifact Wonder, Machine Assisted Free Will (30% reduction in all science costs), partially because every A.I. Faction had absurd militaristic traits and I was sanctioned by 4 factions before turn 100. I ended up warmongering for half the game and absorbing Intergr and the ARC before I could focus on my own empire building--which made every faction like me, even the ones I kicked the shit out of. Wat. Won a Harmony victory at roughly turn 300. Didn't have quite the culture or science monster I did in the previous game but my early game growth sucked because of the tundra start and all of the sanctions. I was 3/4's of the way towards just blowing up with all of the wonder, culture, health and science spamming feeding into each other.

Edit's Revenge: The diplomatic trait system is broken and stupid without casus beli on Apollo. Broadly speaking the diplomatic trait system is great for players, you can change up elements of your playstyle on the fly with different traits and diplomatic deals. But as a basis for liking or disliking someone else and having that be grounds for war is so stupidly broken, dumb and game-y in Soyuz and Apollo. Everyone will sanction you and declare war for the most ridiculous reasons. You don't make enough food...WAR! You don't have enough people...WAR! (wat) You don't wage war enough...WAR! Your units don't have enough military experience...WAR! Some of the traits are a great foundation for diplomatic relations and it makes sense for one Faction to sanction another--block trade, not have any diplomatic interactions with--over differing traits. But waging war with someone because you don't like their food or production output is insane. The old list of relationship modifiers made some sense, the new trait system doesn't. The game on Apollo is literally just war after war after war for the most spurious reasons.
So I caved in and bought the expansion after some podcast people (whom I can no longer trust on their judgement) said that the game became much better with the DLC as the Civ-games did.

And the after playing after a few hours I can say; nope, this game is still boring as hell. DLC is definately not worth the full cost. If you are curious, just wait until the DLC is at 75% off or something so you do not waste your money. If you thought the base game was boring you still will find the base game with the DLC boring.


This was on Gemini.

Knowledge/Industry was always a pretty powerful combination in Beyond Earth, at least I found it to be, but it seems kind of ridiculous in Rising Tide. The lowest I saw the outer techs go for in BEV was 8-10 turns. In BERT I'm getting them down to 4-6 turns and nearly solving the entire tech web. Since I'm playing on Gemini I could probably delay building my victory wonder to see if I can solve the entire tech web before another Faction gets close to their wonder. But first I wanna see how high I can go with this. I imagine only Apollo level A.I. will challenge this. I can see Soyuz A.I. getting rocked by this, but I might have some victory wonder competition.

It feels weird complaining about the only thing, the Knowledge Virtue track, that rewards building tall in this game. Civ V has Golden Ages and national wonders throughout the eras to reward you for building tall. BE has nothing outside of Knowledge and even then it takes 200-250 turns to start seriously coming online. It sort of depends on how many shots of culture you can get from ruins and resource pods.

Edit: First crack at this in Soyuz didn't go off quite as well. Partially because of my start on a piece of shit frozen tundra hill covered continent that I stuck with because I unlocked my first Artifact Wonder, Machine Assisted Free Will (30% reduction in all science costs), partially because every A.I. Faction had absurd militaristic traits and I was sanctioned by 4 factions before turn 100. I ended up warmongering for half the game and absorbing Intergr and the ARC before I could focus on my own empire building--which made every faction like me, even the ones I kicked the shit out of. Wat. Won a Harmony victory at roughly turn 300. Didn't have quite the culture or science monster I did in the previous game but my early game growth sucked because of the tundra start and all of the sanctions. I was 3/4's of the way towards just blowing up with all of the wonder, culture, health and science spamming feeding into each other.

Edit's Revenge: The diplomatic trait system is broken and stupid without casus beli on Apollo. Broadly speaking the diplomatic trait system is great for players, you can change up elements of your playstyle on the fly with different traits and diplomatic deals. But as a basis for liking or disliking someone else and having that be grounds for war is so stupidly broken, dumb and game-y in Soyuz and Apollo. Everyone will sanction you and declare war for the most ridiculous reasons. You don't make enough food...WAR! You don't have enough people...WAR! (wat) You don't wage war enough...WAR! Your units don't have enough military experience...WAR! Some of the traits are a great foundation for diplomatic relations and it makes sense for one Faction to sanction another--block trade, not have any diplomatic interactions with--over differing traits. But waging war with someone because you don't like their food or production output is insane. The old list of relationship modifiers made some sense, the new trait system doesn't. The game on Apollo is literally just war after war after war for the most spurious reasons.
I tried playing it on Gemini and going for the whole prosperity/knowledge tree (with some industry in between) and holy shit you're right. By turn 270-300 I was pumping 700 science, ~500 something culture and 80 health (with 7 cities). Health is really easy to get right now, between new agreements and buildings, and some of its bonuses are way too good at high levels. Feels kinda broken once you get past turn 200-250. Soyuz is still kinda hard, but that's because it's harder to go through the early game (late game is still just as easy).
I'm confused. Trying to go for victory by opening the Earth Portal, but I can't build the wonder. It's listed, it's white, and I have the prereq # of purity. But if I click the button it just turns off auto assignment of what hexes the city uses.

Actually does that with another victory wonder too. Not really sure how to win except to go to war...


I'm confused. Trying to go for victory by opening the Earth Portal, but I can't build the wonder. It's listed, it's white, and I have the prereq # of purity. But if I click the button it just turns off auto assignment of what hexes the city uses.

Actually does that with another victory wonder too. Not really sure how to win except to go to war...

You have to choose the hex it goes in - it is present on the map so that opponents have a chance to attack and destroy it.
Played a game on gemini till ~400 and don't feel like the other factions can do anything against me anymore.

I went for culture and energy and ended up with like 40k energy and getting a couple hundred per turn. Too much affinity for my taste and I don't like that not all units have hybrid options since that messes up the look of my army.

I really wish there was a way one could make a one city challenge for all players including AI on a purely aquatic map. I could try and take out the settler unit and the virtue from the game but I never messed around with a Civ before.


Do they have some colorful looking maps this time? One thing that made really boring to me was how dull things look after a while. Civ5 is quite colorful in comparison. Here everything is brown or alien green...
Does anyone have a reliable fix for the refresh rate bug? Every time I start the game, it defaults to 50 Hz, and I have to change my settings to windowed and back to full screen for 120 Hz to stick. -noborders and -windowed doesn't help for the launch parameters.
Do people prefer this over V with the expansions? I tried a game of this, but the whole alien race thing just wasn't clicking with me. Civ V has been amazing.


Rising Tide has added some interesting twists, and I'm enjoying playing it. But Civ 5 (with expansions) is still the superior experience IMO. The main reason I'm playing RT rather than Civ 5 is that I've just played so much Civ 5 that I needed something different.

In a strange way I still have the suspicion that Civ BE is Firaxis platform for experimenting with different mechanics in the Civ series while another team works on Civ 6.

Overall, I feel that BE ends up with some ideas that are good. Just as a few examples - more thoughtfully designed virtues, ocean resources improved simply by workers, artifact system (that although hilariously imbalanced) really rewards exploration. At the same time, they have many decisions that are completely puzzling - removal of luxuries, religion, and ideologies, a single voice actor for techs when they are meant to be quotes from different leaders, the removal of all agency in diplomacy.

I enjoy playing it, but that is despite it's flaws.


Rodent Whores
At the same time, they have many decisions that are completely puzzling - removal of luxuries, religion, and ideologies, a single voice actor for techs when they are meant to be quotes from different leaders, the removal of all agency in diplomacy.

Now that you mention it, I kinda miss the added elements that luxuries brought to the table.

I can understand the single voice actor, out of budget concerns.

I've said this before, but I think that affinity probably would have made more sense tied into the religion and ideology gameplay mechanics from Civ5. The way it's tied into science and tech progression now still feels awkward.


New Patch was released yesterday
o Added the Spoils of War system – players will now be able to choose what spoils they will offer/claim when declaring peace.
o Fixed an issue that could cause old Agreements not to clear properly when switching traits.
o Fixed an issue with War declarations on Stations.
o Fixed an issue that prevented AI allies from joining a war if they hadn’t met the opponent and the war started before the alliance was formed.
o Fixed an issue where some AI leaders would send communiques inappropriately while at war.

o Quest update pop-ups now appear each time a new objective is received.
o Fixed several quests that were not always tracking objectives correctly.
o Olivia Ross quests will no longer choose tiles with an existing improvement.
o Fixed an issue that prevented the area of effect boarders to no show up around activated minor Marvel nodes on the Fungal biome.

Agents/Covert Ops
o Added new “Black Market” section in Covert Ops that allows you to assign agents to trade Diplomatic Capital for Strategic Resources.

o AI will now use Covert Ops better – better prioritization, raising intrigue, and using higher level ops.
o Increased AI desire for expansion via founding cities.
o Improved AI ratio of ranged-to-melee naval ships

Art & UI
o Fixed issues where multiple or incorrect units could appear in unit viewer and/or Combat Preview panel.
o Fixed an issue that could cause the Diplomacy screen to not close or not show a Leader.
o Planet description text now shows up in tooltip of Planet Type.
o Biome is now listed when looking at map type in game menu.
o FX now play appropriately for all Beacons and Gates.
o FX now plays appropriately for Creating a Coup
o FX now plays appropriately for activation of Frigid and Fungal Marvel Nodes.
o Fixed an issue where water-specific tile improvement visuals would disappear when pillaged.
o Kozlov’s extra strategic resources now show up correctly in top panel tooltip.
o Added sorting functions to Trade Route Overview.
o Added notification for when you are pulled into a war because of an alliance.
o Fixed several issues with incorrect font size.
o New Tech Web filter for “Aquatic”.
o Fixed an issue where the Artifacts Reward pop-up would reappear after having closed and reopened the window.
o Fixed an issue where certain expedition icons would not properly clean-up when completed.
o Attack Range changes now properly update in the unit upgrade panel.

o Trade Vessels have been removed and Trade Convoys are now amphibious by default. (Thermohaline Rudder was moved to replace Amphibious Trade on the Tech Web.)
o Ultrasonic Fence is a stronger deterrent to keeping aliens away.
o Orbital units no longer receive inappropriate penalties/bonuses for land/sea production modifiers.
o On lowest difficulty only 1 AI will start a war with a player at a time.
o Disciplined trait perks increased to 20/40/60%.
o National Security Project wonder mod will no longer apply to Move City.
o Conquered/gifted cities will no longer inappropriately give free buildings or units.
o Machine Assisted Free Will now reduces the cost of Leaf Techs by 20%, and costs 1000 Production.
o Quantum Politics now increases Virtue acquisition by 15%, and costs 400 Production
o The Dimension Folding Complex now costs 300 Production.
o The Tessellation Foundry now costs 650 Production.
o Temporal Calculus now costs 650 Production.
o The Relativistic Data Bank now costs 400 Production.
o The Lush Marvel quest now requires the player to biopsy 5 alien remains (up from 3).
o Smart Grid agreement now has a 100 energy per-turn cap to prevent runaway energy gains.
o Fixed an issue that would prevent players from Razing a city after a capital has been transferred to another city.
o Fixed an issue where remote players could autoend turn before Planetfall.
o Fixed an issue in Domination victory when an alien destroys a capital.
o Fixed an issue that could cause hover units to stop automated exploration.
o Fixed an issue with the achievement “Silent Service” claiming to require 100 units killed, instead of the actual 10 needed.
o Moved the button to explore minor Marvel nodes to the upper unit action bar.
o You may now continue playing after being Defeated (except when defeated by Domination).
o Fixed an issue where a base-game Achievement wouldn’t trigger with DLC turned on.
o Fixed several reported crashes.
o Fixed many text errors.
Clearly the War Score system wasnt ready when they launched the expansion, so they are delivering what was supposed to come on launch day. Also, I really like trade convoys being able to do water trade routes, as the previous division felt more like an annoyance than a feature. Game feels more polished (between visuals and the quest system being more reliable). Played two games with the new patch (a contact victory on gemini and an emancipation victory on Soyuz), and I still find it kinda easy towads the end (never used the new black market system, as I got lots of resources from trading with ally nations). Overall, nice additions to the game.


This patch does make the game feel very good now. It's a shame the expansion launched without it, Firaxis got a lot of bad press they didn't need.

It's worth noting that the AI seems to have become more aggressive in the patch as well.

Not that BE doesn't still have some flaws, but there are some very interesting possibilities now, strategies that make me eager to start a new game. It's now possible to fight a war and get truly worthwhile plunder (tech or even cities) without ever actually having to take a city. Just killing a much larger proportion of military units can give you a warscore advantage sufficient to demand valuable peace deals. The '+% warscore' abilities that seemed super weak before now look very useful.

I like how this expansion now means that you should play several of the factions very differently - ARC should spam agents and other espionage buildings / tech. Al Falah should focus manufacturing and run as many trade routes as possible into one city. Brasilia can build itself up with non-expansionary wars if it chooses. Fun stuff.
Can anyone recommend some Let's Play videos for Rising Tides? I'm a CiV veteran, but can't seem to get remotely interested in BE:RT and was hoping some Let's Play videos may help enthuse me towards completing a game.
So, the game is on sale on Steam atm. Anyone still playing it? Was the expansion worth it?
As someone who didn't like the base but bought the expansion a couple of weeks ago, hoping it would resolve the issues, no.

The actual mechanics of the game have vastly improved, especially diplomacy aspects. But the blandness of the core game is still very much present sadly.


that puzzling face
Rising Tide's only 15% off.

Maybe next time I guess, Firaxis?

(Somehow I knew I'd be playing XCOM2 before BE:RT)


Rising Tide's only 15% off.

Maybe next time I guess, Firaxis?

(Somehow I knew I'd be playing XCOM2 before BE:RT)

I was very disappointed aswell, well maybe next sale. I haven't played the game for a long time and was hoping to return to the game with RT. Of course there's that big patch that I haven't tried yet, but maybe I'll keep waiting for a good RT sale.
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