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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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DaCocoBrova said:
Here's she is!


Pretty damn cool, and terrifying at the same time.

Isn't that old and been proven to be fake?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The fuck if I know. I haven't followed this thread all that closely.


Tr4nce said:
Isn't that old and been proven to be fake?

Yes, DaCocoBrova is stupid. If you go to this thread (warning major spoilers and not just the monster): http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23357 it'll describe the monster in detail. No good shots of it yet.

Monster spoilers only below:
The monster isn't green, it's grey.
-It has 4 legs and 2 really small, crab-like legs on it's torso (the crab legs might've been vestigial).
-It's approx. 30-40 stories tall
-It's front "arms" are "backwards" (as if you're elbows protruded in front of you) The arms are pretty long.
-It has 3 LONG fingers on each hand (like, index finger middle finger and thumb.
-Has 2 back legs, walks upright, but it appears that the front "arms" are significantly longer than the back legs.
-Has a long tail.
-Human-like head.
-Has these 2 red, puffing (possibly lungs) lobes on it's head. It's jaw looks like a bulldog (where it's "fangs" are over it's lips)
It's face is human/snake-like.
Slit nose, 2 slit-ish black eyes, 2 upper and 2 lower "fangs" protrude over it's "lips" like a bulldog (haha).
Round, bald head. It actually looks like a combo of Voldemort and a Bulldog haha.

It's got a somewhat short-looking torso, the tail makes it look way longer. The tail is definitely longer than the length of the torso, neck, and head.

The front arms are "backwards" where the elbows come out in front. Three REALLY slender and REALLY long fingers on each hand (like a "grey" alien) The arms appear MUCH thicker than it's legs. At one point, it appears to walk like a gorilla using it's front arms to propel itself, but it mostly appears to walk on it's back legs (mostly when it's being shot). It moves kinda fast, but not overly fast.

It's surprisingly short (on it's back legs, but with it's arms outstretched it has the capability to be really, really tall) and not as wide as you might think. I think it's no more than 35 stories tall

The legs are slender too, but the feet are THICK and stump like, bigger than one of the tanks it steps on.

Overall, the monster is a dark grey.

The monster itself is about 30 stories tall, and has grayish, transparent skin, like a deep sea creature. You can see THRU it just a little bit. It walks sort of hunched over and has two HUGE arms that bend forward at the elbow kind of like a spider. It moves upright in most scenes but when it does use its front arms, It actually walks a lot like how a Bat walks around in a cave. It has a slightly humanoid face ( but in a very cool way) where it has slits for its eyes and the mouth kinda reminds me of a Predator's mouth. Its fangs hang over its lips giving it a bulldog look. It has breathing sacks right next to where its ears should be which is common in animals like lizards and stuff.

No tentacles BUT it has a long tail that is oddly reminiscent of a tadpole tail or something close to it. Other than it being just as long as the body, it does not drag and is VERY flat at the end. While you don't get to see a WHOLE lot of the monster you DO get to see it up close a few time and it's VERY VERY cool.

That's as much as a visual we can get without a pirated copy online I guess heh


Iceman said:
Can you compare it to the Host (if you've seen it)?

Sorry, I've never seen it.

I guess I wasn't as clear as I should have been. The love story is so crazy and over the top, but
The reason they go back to the city when they're being evacuated is so robert (the one going to japan) can rescue a girl from her apartment.
The monster reveal wasn't nearly as epic as I expected it to be, since that is what a lot of the hype of the movie is. I did think it was a water monster first because
its very long tail hit the bridge. i thought the tail was a tentacle.


Fry Daddy
Okay, those who have seen the movie say that this picture is EXTREMELY close to the monster; keep in mind it was made by someone who read the descriptions, not someone who actually saw it.


My own (suck) attempts:



Crushed said:
Okay, those who have seen the movie say that this picture is EXTREMELY close to the monster; keep in mind it was made by someone who read the descriptions, not someone who actually saw it.


My own (suck) attempts:


Looks too muscular and plated. It looked smoother to me.
JCX9 said:
I'll prefeace by saying there will obviously be spoilers

It starts off pretty slow and focuses on the character relationships. Whern the monster finally first attacks, the focus is still on the love story. The shaky cam wasn't as annoying as I expected it to be. It definitely got better as the movie went on. You could tell that the monster wasn't really the focus of the movie because the reveal happens towards the middle of the movie instead of the end. I think that picture of the monster posted on the page before is pretty good, but from what I saw, it looked thinner. The smaller, zergling-like monsters appear after falling off the main big monster.

Overall, it was good, but not great. The opening states that the tape was recovered by the government from what was once central park, so you know when and where they die at. One of my friends thinks that cloverfield sequels will just be different audio recovered from NYC on that night. My biggest complaint is that you never know what exactly the monster is or why it attacks.

If anyone has a more specific question, I'll try to answer it.
wow, this sounds like the first most disappointing movie of the year and the forever.


it's so hard to stay away from this thread :/

must...fight...against the will...to...read spoilers...


I've lost! I just read the spoilers about the monster. i'm so weak :/
Blablurn said:
it's so hard to stay away from this thread :/

must...fight...against the will...to...read spoilers...


I've lost! I just read the spoilers about the monster. i'm so weak :/
Well, reading them is one thing. Seeing is Believing!


Fry Daddy
Buttonbasher said:
Supposedly art from someone whose seen the film.
No, based off of the descriptions of people who saw it.

Take the second monster's body, and the first monster's head. That's supposed to be closer.


That is one ugly mother fucker. I'm glad they actually designed something new instead of going for the Godzilla on steroids look.
-xBerserker- said:
Is this a gory movie? Just asking because if it is, I will not take my GF to it :lol
Well we know from a trailer, a girl most likely explodes. But other than that I don't expect it to be super violent.
Tim-E said:
It's PG-13 so it can't be too bad.
From people who have seen the movie on Unfiction, they say that theres about 2-3 really Gory parts. Everything else is assumed violence. For instance, if someone's about to be eaten or killed the camera looks away.


Somehow I have managed to read this thread without being spoiled, think I'm gonna bail out now till after Friday.
Aeon712 said:
Somehow I have managed to read this thread without being spoiled, think I'm gonna bail out now till after Friday.
Smart guy. With a lot more screenings this week, it's only a matter of time until someone snags an actual picture of the monster.


Aeon712 said:
Somehow I have managed to read this thread without being spoiled, think I'm gonna bail out now till after Friday.

Good for you! I have to wait till 1st of fucking February! I don't have the will power. ARGH
New picture up on 1-18-08.com:



I saw the movie last night. It's very strong. The hand-held stuff is frequently intense. If you get motion sick take a pill before you go.

All monsterage is awesome. The people stuff is fine if you suspend disbelief.

And, I believe, they snuck a audio little reference to Half-Life in the movie. There's a bit where you hear a military radio squawk and it sounds just like the combine soldiers.
Flynn said:
I saw the movie last night. It's very strong. The hand-held stuff is frequently intense. If you get motion sick take a pill before you go.

All monsterage is awesome. The people stuff is fine if you suspend disbelief.

And, I believe, they snuck a audio little reference to Half-Life in the movie. There's a bit where you hear a military radio squawk and it sounds just like the combine soldiers.
Damn, that's awesome. This and fucking Rambo. So much win.


Flynn said:
I saw the movie last night. It's very strong. The hand-held stuff is frequently intense. If you get motion sick take a pill before you go.

All monsterage is awesome. The people stuff is fine if you suspend disbelief.

And, I believe, they snuck a audio little reference to Half-Life in the movie. There's a bit where you hear a military radio squawk and it sounds just like the combine soldiers.

wow, nice. most of the first impressions were quite good. this movie is going to be so awesome!


Gold Member
Second said:

Given the art style the same person likely did both pictures, so why does one picture have an extra set of arms, and have the larger ones structured differently?

I mean if it's just a recreation of what someone saw in a theater, I'd think they'd at least keep accounts as to how many arms it had consistent.


Atrus said:
Given the art style the same person likely did both pictures, so why does one picture have an extra set of arms, and have the larger ones structured differently?

I mean if it's just a recreation of what someone saw in a theater, I'd think they'd at least keep accounts as to how many arms it had consistent.

I dunno. I liked his testicle cheeks, that's why I posted it.
There's another new pic up on the 1-18-08.com site. (Different than the one above) I'm starting to think that these last 2 pics are showing the military trying to kill the monster after it stomps the shit out of New York and is trying to leave. Just a thought.
Another new image on 1-18-08.com:


Also a Tagruato headline:

Yoshida Brings Happy Flavor to Big Apple
Ganu Yoshida left with much fanfare today as he boarded his private Tagruato jet that will fly him directly to New York city in the United States. He will be meeting with acclaimed CEO Glen Warner, owner of BevVo, the largest privatized water manufacturer in the world. "Glen has many ideas for distributing Slusho! through pre-established public waterways," said Yoshida, "I wanted to come here myself to discover them."

Yoshida will spend four days in New York before continuing across the United States on a tour of potential Slusho! manufacturing plants.

4 days. During 1-18-08...
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