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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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The scene with the tiny monsters! Do not watch if you don't want to be spoiled!



SpudBud said:
The scene with the tiny monsters! Do not watch if you don't want to be spoiled!


Watching that reminds me of the Antlions in Half-Life 2. Silly kids, why didn't they bring their Vortigaunt with them?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
or at least some crowbars and weak pistols.

Now, if they had Alyx with them...They'd be able to kill the big monster, no doubt.


I'd go see it because it looks like fun, but it's certainly not ZOMG GENRE REINVENTION material. I wish the monster was more interesting.


Jealous Bastard
71% is rock solid for what is ostensibly a monster movie. they've done a very nice job of building hype around it and cultivating some good will with critics.


TemplaerDude said:
more being when you agree with it and less being when you don't, right?
No, you inane douche. 'More or less' being merely a figure of speech. If I'm unsure about the quality of a movie I'll check RT plus read the reviews from a few of my favorite critics.


wow, I'm amazed at all the good press this movie is getting. I saw it last night and man was I disappointed. The film work was crappy (not commenting on the inherently crappy nature of shakey cam/pseudo home video). It was far too polarized between styles; you'd get iconic shots right after a "hey i'm an amateur so look at me fail at filming" shot. Probably only people who have done video production or camera work will notice that stuff though. It just bugged the hell out of me how the image quality ramped up ridiculously as the movie progressed too. There needs to be some sort of semblance of consistency throughout the movie.

Production and shots aside, special effects were freaking awesome. I'm still amazed it has a 71% though, I feel like this movie wouldn't be worth watching unless it was free.

-The movie is 85 minutes long.
-There is probably a total of 5 to 7 minutes of total monster screen time, if not less.
The monster kinda looks like a chimeran monster from resistance IMO


Maggot9 said:
my cursor is hovering over this link...i have no strength to click it :(

I envy you! I clicked the link, and I regret it now.

Oh man, it's like Transformers all over again. Before I went to the theatre, I had seen every leaked art design picture, trailer, tv-spot and more. I'm actually wondering if I can manage to NOT do that for part two :lol


I was pleasantly surprised to be honest when I clicked on the .GIF of the monster. I know this movie is going to be garbage, but at least now I know the monster doesn't look fucking retarded. Movie is still going to blow, my friends are making me go to midnight showing tonight =[ It kills me to hear them talk about this movie like a bunch of little girls :-[


Fry Daddy
FooTemps said:
It was far too polarized between styles; you'd get iconic shots right after a "hey i'm an amateur so look at me fail at filming" shot. Probably only people who have done video production or camera work will notice that stuff though.

Probably because Hud IS an amateur, meaning that, like most aspiring amateurs in any art, he's spontaneously trying to imitate camera work at times. He's running around, just filming whatever he sees, next he suddenly thinks, "oh man this shot would work so perfectly right now like in a movie," so he tries to do that.

Nearly every piece of artwork is a mishmash of good and mediocre; it's just that the mediocre usually gets edited out before release to create consistency. For some odd reason, a monster attacking the city preventing them from doing so.

jtardiou said:
I was pleasantly surprised to be honest when I clicked on the .GIF of the monster. I know this movie is going to be garbage, but at least now I know the monster doesn't look fucking retarded. Movie is still going to blow, my friends are making me go to midnight showing tonight =[ It kills me to hear them talk about this movie like a bunch of little girls :-[

You are just so cool and anti-anti-mainstream dude.


Subconscious Brolonging
76% positive on RT and rising. AICN just posted a shit ton of user reviews and the vast majority of them were positive as well.


Meh at the monster.

Reminded me of a cross between a preying mantis and...some kinda flappy thing I dunno


My friend wrote on my wall: ya i had to leave cloverfield much to my disappointment because of motion sickness. 30 minutes was all i could take :(



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
The last bit at the end of the credits, when play backwards....

...it's still alive...


Half Life 2 fans. Try and confirm that the radio sound towards the end of the movie is similar or identical to the combine police radios. I think it's a direct reference, but would like to get additional confirmations.


Crushed said:
Probably because Hud IS an amateur, meaning that, like most aspiring amateurs in any art, he's spontaneously trying to imitate camera work at times. He's running around, just filming whatever he sees, next he suddenly thinks, "oh man this shot would work so perfectly right now like in a movie," so he tries to do that.

Nearly every piece of artwork is a mishmash of good and mediocre; it's just that the mediocre usually gets edited out before release to create consistency. For some odd reason, a monster attacking the city preventing them from doing so.

Dude, an amateur doesn't know how to use the rule of thirds nor would he know how to set up shots with incredible composition just by incidentally passing it for a split second and instantly deciding to stop. It doesn't work that way in shooting, unless the cameraman has some sort of innate god given talent for shooting, it'd never happen. Hell, stuff like planet earth took weeks just for minutes worth of video. You think a guy could decide in seconds to record something live that would take professionals weeks?

Not to mention Hud wasn't an aspiring amateur. His best friend's brother just shoved the camera into his hands and said "record some crap, okaythxbai". He didn't even know how to work the camera's features for crying out loud.

It's just stuff like that really took me out of my suspension of disbelief.


Subconscious Brolonging
Flynn said:
Half Life 2 fans. Try and confirm that the radio sound towards the end of the movie is similar or identical to the combine police radios. I think it's a direct reference, but would like to get additional confirmations.

Well JJ Abrams is a Half-Life fan, so it's possible. I'll listen for it when I see it tonight.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
FooTemps said:
It's just stuff like that really took me out of my suspension of disbelief.

But not the whole "monster has X-tasy attack, rubbing on buildings" part, right?
Flynn said:
Half Life 2 fans. Try and confirm that the radio sound towards the end of the movie is similar or identical to the combine police radios. I think it's a direct reference, but would like to get additional confirmations.
I know what you're talking about. It didn't sound exactly like it, but similar.

Also, the .gif of the monster does not do it justice. It's way too dark, and you're only seeing part of it. Thats a horrible shot.

Lonestar said:
But not the whole "monster has X-tasy attack, rubbing on buildings" part, right?
The whole Rubbing on building things is subtle. You can't really tell what its doing.


Lonestar said:
But not the whole "monster has X-tasy attack, rubbing on buildings" part, right?

I fully believe that monsters will eat you, your mother, and your girlfriend's best friend's brother in law but leave everyone else you know alive out of sheer dumb luck.

I mean wtf, c'mon... You're supposed to suspend your disbelief about the whole "monsters are affected by drugs" issue.

But seriously, if you go to a monster movie, you want to believe the monster is fucking the city up and you expect it.


FooTemps said:
It's just stuff like that really took me out of my suspension of disbelief.

I couldn't get over the fact that what we were seeing was just the illusion of motion -- a bunch of still images shown in succession to create a false sense that things are actually moving around on screen. And the whole audience was just sitting there believing it the WHOLE TIME!
Flynn said:
I couldn't get over the fact that what we were seeing was just the illusion of motion -- a bunch of still images shown in succession to create a false sense that things are actually moving around on screen. And the whole audience was just sitting there believing it the WHOLE TIME!
True story: Our showing started late because the film was loaded backward We were sitting and it started with credits going down. We ran up to the projector room, and got it corrected just before the credits ended. Otherwise we would have seen the ending first...:lol


I'd be in the dick
I'm going to a midnight showing tonight and I'm really pumped. I'm a sucker for monster movies and haven't seen a good one in a long time.
That gif is pissing me off. It looks ridiculous. You're seeing the head (which is too dark to see the features, unlike the movie), and its sped up so much that it looks like its flailing around.

Keep in mind that during that scene in the movie, the movement is slow, and that you're seeing little to none of the main feature of the monster in that. The arms.

What was an awesome shot has now been ruined. Don't let that put you off. It looks nothing like a guy in a suit or even human at all.

If something was to leak why couldn't it be as good as whats on the screen...


Flynn said:
I couldn't get over the fact that what we were seeing was just the illusion of motion -- a bunch of still images shown in succession to create a false sense that things are actually moving around on screen. And the whole audience was just sitting there believing it the WHOLE TIME!

Cloverfield defense force much?
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