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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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Oh my god.. I FUCKING HATE IT when somebody just chimes in on a movie saying "there was no plot lulz". It's the most asinine criticism you can give a movie. I mean shit, A FUCKING MONSTER is attacking NY and these people are trying to survive.


I agree w/ Polyh3dron and raise the fact why are these people thinking even remotely normal after everything they had been through. After that explosion..your goals become very simple.
Count Dookkake said:
I got a free Slusho t-shirt at a festival. Had no idea it was related to Cloverfield.

Do people care enough about the alleged "backstory" of this film to warrant me attempting to sell it at a high-price?
You can get the shirts online for 20 bucks.


MIMIC said:
For a crash that should have KILLED them, they seemed pretty fine to me, being able to walk away from it and all.

(not to mention the perfect condition of the video tape, which I just realized :lol)
It's not even a tape. AFAIK, the opening of the movie shows a watermark for a SD or something. If it's solid-state, that would explain why it held up so well.

I liked the movie. What the monster looked like ended up mattering little to me, b/c the actual chain of events that tell the story were good enough for me. Very predictable, but at least I wasn't disappointed. PEACE.
Crushed said:
I always assumed that that was the answer.
It just doesn't seem like the monster to just wait around staring at the helicopter. I also realized that the unconscious theory doesn't fly because as they are going down we here it is still "active" over the radio. So the idea that the monster was waiting there unconscious or just waiting is unlikely.

The only possibility left is that the monster was just walking towards the scene of the crash just as they were getting out and the gang didn't notice due to the trauma caused by the helicopter crash. Which is possible because the force of the crash coupled with the sheer loudness of the crash could have made it so they didn't notice the monster was approaching. I guess if the monster was already nearby as they were getting out, they wouldn't have had enough time to get over the trauma from the crash before the monster was right on top of them. I am pretty sure that the characters didn't notice he was there until Hud turned around to get the camera and Rob and Beth looked back to see where he went.


polyh3dron said:
Oh my god.. I FUCKING HATE IT when somebody just chimes in on a movie saying "there was no plot lulz". It's the most asinine criticism you can give a movie. I mean shit, A FUCKING MONSTER is attacking NY and these people are trying to survive.

People think that one of the requirements of plot is that the movie stop every ten minutes so characters can spew back story. It also helps to have a news reporter narrating events for the particularly dense. A scientist should explain everything in detail, then a just-the-facts soldier should tell Poindexter to tell us in English EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING ON. A three minute scroll before and after the movie that wraps every other retarded detail in a nice package is usually necessary as well.

And STILL people in the theater will whisper not so quietly to their friend "What just happened? Who's that guy?"

This tell all, show little, method of storytelling also happens to be the primary way that video game narratives are told.


Stinkles said:
Just saw it, and easily spotted the "explanation" in the 2nd to last shot.

As for the noise - there were concussion blasts going on the whole time. How woud you know the difference between bearby explosions and footsteps? I wouldn't. I would shit my pants and panic at every sound or start ignoring them.

I think you'd be able to tell the difference between background noise and the VIOLENT VIBRATIONS of something as large as a NYC skyscraper stomping around behind you.

Pimpwerx said:
It's not even a tape. AFAIK, the opening of the movie shows a watermark for a SD or something. If it's solid-state, that would explain why it held up so well.

It's totally unbelievable for a camera to survive a crash like that and still be able to record like nothing happened.
Interestingly enough an article about the figure reveals more about the monster:

The party may be over when this beast comes to town, but the fright inducing look of the creature lives on from the creepy people-sucking underbelly to the swath of parasites the beast lets loose to hunt citizens of the 'Big Apple.' The figure also comes with two interchangeable heads, each depicting one of the Monster’s moods: calm or agitated. The head of the Statue of Liberty, the iconic image which made the film’s much buzzed about and analyzed trailer so eerie and intriguing, is also included.

And if you look back to my description about there being
a nub on the second set of arms
. Rewatching it you see
The arms are attached to a circular stub which actually is a hole.


Here's the link which of course contains spoilers.:
Even though I loved Cloverfield, it's kind of funny that the film's most iconic image comes from the poster of Escape from NY, which in turn was referencing Planet of the Apes.

J2 Cool

I saw it today. I liked it a lot. They ran into a couple problems with the handycam, but overall it was really a fun film. I got a bit of motion sickness right about the last 5 minutes or so. Hud kicks Rob's ass at filming apparently.

Anyway, I really hope they add other captured handheld footage for the dvd. It would be cool to see like 3-4 other short films that give us a clearer idea of the whole event. I'd pay an extra $10-$15 to see that. Of course there's basically no chance of that, but I think it would be awesome. There's probably a better chance of a sequel though than a stacked, all-encompassing "Cloverfield" dvd.

Spotless Mind said:
Marlena was the best character the movie had going for it.

Agreed. Which made it sad to see her leave the film, more than anyone else.


all that he wants is another baby
RE: The Collectible Figure

No smallish city-dwellers for it to feed on included in the box? Lame.


aka surume
“They’re like little whirling dervishes that just destroy anything in their path. They’re totally deadly.”

Except to the main characters.
CS: Any possibilities for a "Cloverfield" sequel?

Reeves: This was so fun 'cause we'd never done anything like it, and I think we'd want to find a similar challenge, to find a way to have its roots in this but be fresh and new, otherwise you're just repeating yourself. There's a moment on the Brooklyn Bridge, and there was a guy filming something on the side of the bridge, and Hud sees him filming and he turns over and he sees the ship that's been capsized and sees the headless Statue of Liberty, and then he turns back and this guy's briefly filming him. In my mind that was two movies intersecting for a brief moment, and I thought there was something interesting in the idea that this incident happened and there are so many different points of view, and there are several different movies at least happening that evening and we just saw one piece of another. That idea sort of tickled me. We'll have to see if anyone would want a sequel. If the movie does well and we find a compelling reason to do so then it would be fun to do a sequel.


Ok, so I just saw this, and I really loved it, thought it was VERY intense and badass. Can someone who has been following the whole viral marketing campaign and "[knows] more about it than I do" give me a rundown on what is the seemingly conclusive origin of the monster? As much as I know,
the Tagruato company was mining near the coast of Connecticut and found some sort of drug that they can market as "Slusho!" and in turn awakened the monster, who's been asleep or incubating for thousands of years. But how does TIDO Wave connect to the awakening? Was the footage on the news clip of the "TIDO Wave terrorist attack" actually the monster? I assumed it was due to the debris flying out of the ocean. And what's the whole deal with something falling into the ocean in the last shot? I missed that when I saw it, but if the Tagruato mining incident woke the creature, then what would something falling into the ocean off the coast of Coney Island have to do with the monster? Sorry, I feel kind of noob right now.


HeartAttackJones said:
“They’re like little whirling dervishes that just destroy anything in their path. They’re totally deadly.”

Except to the main characters.

I believe they managed to kill off one of the main characters.
Cranehand2ndComing said:
Ok, so I just saw this, and I really loved it, thought it was VERY intense and badass. Can someone who has been following the whole viral marketing campaign and "[knows] more about it than I do" give me a rundown on what is the seemingly conclusive origin of the monster? As much as I know,
the Tagruato company was mining near the coast of Connecticut and found some sort of drug that they can market as "Slusho!" and in turn awakened the monster, who's been asleep or incubating for thousands of years. But how does TIDO Wave connect to the awakening? Was the footage on the news clip of the "TIDO Wave terrorist attack" actually the monster? I assumed it was due to the debris flying out of the ocean. And what's the whole deal with something falling into the ocean in the last shot? I missed that when I saw it, but if the Tagruato mining incident woke the creature, then what would something falling into the ocean off the coast of Coney Island have to do with the monster? Sorry, I feel kind of noob right now.
There's a bit of conflict with time, but we know that
When TIDO Wave got to Chaui Station site there was nothing there. So assume they came late. They were accused for it. Tagruato is the mining company, but there was no oil at Chuai. The common theory is that they were drilling for either A: Deep Sea Nectar (The not so secret ingredient used in Slusho), or B: Finding the monster for themselves. In a Jamie and Teddy video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx73FecqJgk), Teddy says that they've either Found, or are Making something. In the Cloverfield Manga thing it appears there is a boat dragging the creature behind it. You could connect that with the pictures of the dead boat on 1-18-08.com

So let's see. Something falls from space, but I don't think its the monster. What ever it is could have washed out to where Tagruato set up the Chuai station. They go mining for it, but find something else. It attacks, and eventually the military come and knock it out. A Tagruato ship begins dragging it's body behind it. But as we've seen in the movie, explosions don't have much effect on this thing. It kills the ship and starts swimming. Shows up in Manhattan, and the rest was history.

What fell? Was it a Parasite that merged multiple sea creatures (Angler Fish/Snake, Whale, etc.) to create one big monster? Or was it Deep Sea Nectar? Or are the two the same?

I don't know. Hopefully the DVD sheds more light on it.
Thank you Buttonbasher for your awesome summary. One question I have is
that if Tagruato was actively trying to find the monster for themselves, how did they know it existed and where it was?


well not really...yet
Apparently there's been mention that the DVD might be out in April.

Not official or anything, so take that with a grain of salt.
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