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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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El Papa

layzie1989 said:
Hmm here in the South Bay of CA all we gotta worry about is fires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis from hawaii and sunburn. Glad we don't have any monsters like that :lol
PV or SP?

El Papa

Nice, I've been up and down the Cali coast, and I have to say that Redondo Beach is one of the prettiest, nicest, cleanest beaches I've been to. Love RB, good memories there.


hirokazu said:
Can someone give a quick round-up of what this Slusho and secret ingredient nonsense is? I can't be stuffed with the viral marketing.



temp said:
You expected her to explode?

I figured it was going to happen when blood came out of her eyes and everyone started freaking out, yeah. I didn't see it in a preview or anything, I never saw previews for this film.


lacks enthusiasm.
Spotless Mind said:
The marketing department was stupid enough to show it in every teaser and trailer. Not a problem with the writing or anything, but yeah, really dumb move.

Er, no. They just show the part literally a split second before she explodes. It was sufficiently ambiguous enough that it looked like an alien was lifting someone up or something.
XMonkey said:
Er, no. They just show the part literally a split second before she explodes. It was sufficiently ambiguous enough that it looked like an alien was lifting someone up or something.
Er, no. It quite clearly shows her stomach expand and even has a kind of splat sound effect over it. It was obvious it was going to be her from the moment she was injured.


lacks enthusiasm.
Spotless Mind said:
Er, no. It quite clearly shows her stomach expand and even has a kind of splat sound effect over it. It was obvious it was going to be her from the moment she was injured.



Animal said:
The last godzilla remake with the pdiddy song was more entertaining.

XMonkey said:

I knew something was going to happen to her. Whenever an alien/zombie/creature bites you there is usually some kind of ill effects later on. That was the best part of the movie. Things sort of felt like they were coming together and we are going to expand our scope of the situation. But, no, we get sucked back into the stupid boyfriends POV and everythings boring.

If you take the movie as an experiment with shaky cam where the audience only knows as much as the characters in the movie do then, yeah, i guess the movie works. But as an entertaining Hollywood movie? It fails. There was absolutely no payoff in the end. No resolution. It was like Halo 2 all over again.
awesome movie A+

but i found something odd if someone can explain to me at the ending:

at the ending after the explosion when the couple are shown on a merry go round ride , the camera is pointed towards the atlantic ocean and a big splash is made in the distance in the water at some distance, what was that
artredis1980 said:
awesome movie A+

but i found something odd if someone can explain to me at the ending:

at the ending after the explosion when the couple are shown on a merry go round ride , the camera is pointed towards the atlantic ocean and a big splash is made in the distance in the water at some distance, what was that

the alien coming to earth like superman


artredis1980 said:
awesome movie A+

but i found something odd if someone can explain to me at the ending:

at the ending after the explosion when the couple are shown on a merry go round ride , the camera is pointed towards the atlantic ocean and a big splash is made in the distance in the water at some distance, what was that

Tagruato satellite.
artredis1980 said:
awesome movie A+

but i found something odd if someone can explain to me at the ending:

at the ending after the explosion when the couple are shown on a merry go round ride , the camera is pointed towards the atlantic ocean and a big splash is made in the distance in the water at some distance, what was that

dammit i didn't see that!!!

I didn't know anything about the hype until Friday. Saw the movie Sunday night and loved it, aside from all the scene kids everywhere yelling and screaming through the movie.

I'm glad I didn't drown myself in hype as I probably would have been dissapointed. However, for what it was, I really liked it.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Spike Spiegel said:
Don't know if this one's been posted yet, got it off of Newsarama:


The color's a bit off I think, but that's pretty damn close. Needs to be paler.
Those front hands don't seem to make sense. I agree that they looked like that, but how could those limp wrists possibly support that things body weight? Wouldn't the hands be smaller and resting forward?


Saw it this weekend. I've mixed feelings about it. The scenes with the monster(s) and general calamity were amazing--the firefight in the street they get caught in for example--but I was too annoyed by the characters to care about them. Every time the characters had scenes just by themselves all I kept thinking about was the next time all hell would break loose.

I had zero interest in the lives of these people and at one point even wished the main guy would get chomped due to his incessant whining.

Still. Some of the scenes blew me away. If they had cut out the extended scenes of the characters speaking--the subway station for example--and the movie had only been 40 minutes long of monster bad-assness, it would have been the best shit since sliced bread.


Teh Hamburglar said:
If you take the movie as an experiment with shaky cam where the audience only knows as much as the characters in the movie do then, yeah, i guess the movie works. But as an entertaining Hollywood movie? It fails.
So if I take the movie for what it was, and not what it wasn't, it works.

Len Dontree

Animator. Respect knuckles.
Saw it last night and enjoyed it. I really wanted to see the monster scooping people up in his maw and chomping them down though; after all, Marlena said that it was eating people out on the street.

Also, what happened at the end when it
"eats" Hud? It looked and sounded like he was getting chomped pretty good (though it seems like he'd be swallowed whole) but then he's dropped and the others rush over as if to see if he's OK? Huh? Doesn't seem like there'd be much left. I really was expecting them all to be eaten right there.
Len Dontree said:
Saw it last night and enjoyed it. I really wanted to see the monster scooping people up in his maw and chomping them down though; after all, Marlena said that it was eating people out on the street.

Also, what happened at the end when it
"eats" Hud? It looked and sounded like he was getting chomped pretty good (though it seems like he'd be swallowed whole) but then he's dropped and the others rush over as if to see if he's OK? Huh? Doesn't seem like there'd be much left. I really was expecting them all to be eaten right there.

me too :(
So, how exactly did it knock off the statue of liberty's head?

well, if that scale is correct i guess it could have batted it into manhattan.


SaggyMonkey said:
I took it for what it was and pretty much totally hated it. What it wasn't was a film I could enjoy.

I hated only the protagonists and their corny emo ramblings. I'm shocked one of the Army guys didn't bitch slap Rob when bite-girl exploded.


Spotless Mind said:
The marketing department was stupid enough to show it in every teaser and trailer. Not a problem with the writing or anything, but yeah, really dumb move.
The trailers showed some unknown person behind a plastic sheet freaking out. Never showed that it was a principal character, or that they were going to burst....
Scopebob Sniperpants said:
It's a news article about a bloop. It's real I guess, not part of the arg. Unless they got CNN involved, but I doubt that.

the article is from 2002. That would be some serious early viral marketing. :D

Spike Spiegel said:
Don't know if this one's been posted yet, got it off of Newsarama:


The color's a bit off I think, but that's pretty damn close. Needs to be paler.

Looks pretty close. I don't remember it having back-legs though, for some reason?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
TheJollyCorner said:
Looks pretty close. I don't remember it having back-legs though, for some reason?

It definitely had back legs, but they're shorter and thicker than that.


I really liked and enjoyed the movie... the hand-camera look and feel was not bad...

The creature was cool... and I don't care what the director or producers say
when the object splashed into the ocean, for me that was the creature and that is why the government needed this video and why it is classified and so important. It shows when and where the monster arrived on Earth.
Teh Hamburglar said:
So, how exactly did it knock off the statue of liberty's head?

well, if that scale is correct i guess it could have batted it into manhattan.

Well, if you remember, there are teeth marks in the head of the statue.

I would presume it bit into the head, ripped it off, and then "spit tossed" it toward Manhattan.
A monster that large arriving on earth from space in that manner would have caused such a giant tsunami after landing in the ocean that the movie wouldn't have happened.
bob_arctor said:
I hated only the protagonists and their corny emo ramblings. I'm shocked one of the Army guys didn't bitch slap Rob when bite-girl exploded.

You only hated the protagonists? They were there the whole time! And no one would EVER shut up.

Let's relive a great protagonist quote...

"Hey Rob! Rob! ... Rob! Rob! Hey Rob! Rob! Rob! Rob! Hey Rob! Rob!... Rob! Rob!... Rob! Rob!.... Come on Rob!... Rob! Rob!"


Not if it landed perfectly in the ocean... like a Olympic diver... they almost dive with no splash or wake...

Maybe it is really a good swimmer and practiced for years before arriving on Earth...


i heard this movie sucked so bad... and i knew it would.

apparently a love story and that best characters are the monster and the rats.


SaggyMonkey said:
You only hated the protagonists? They were there the whole time! And no one would EVER shut up.

Let's relive a great protagonist quote...

"Hey Rob! Rob! ... Rob! Rob! Hey Rob! Rob! Rob! Rob! Hey Rob! Rob!... Rob! Rob!... Rob! Rob!.... Come on Rob!... Rob! Rob!"

Yup. And on top of all this, I work in real estate here in the West Village in NYC--I deal with young, annoying well-off jerks like the bunch in the movie pretty much on a daily basis. Basically, there was no reason for all the hand-wringing and set-up. Especially the extended party scene at the beginning. Start it off on the roof at least.

I eagerly await a compilation DVD of just monster carnage.
bob_arctor said:
Yup. And on top of all this, I work in real estate here in the West Village in NYC--I deal with young, annoying well-off jerks like the bunch in the movie pretty much on a daily basis. Basically, there was no reason for all the hand-wringing and set-up. Especially the extended party scene at the beginning. Start it off on the roof at least.

I eagerly await a compilation DVD of just monster carnage.

I can't see this thing going anywhere near my home theater. I can't take any more of the people, even accidentally.
bob_arctor said:
Basically, there was no reason for all the hand-wringing and set-up. Especially the extended party scene at the beginning. Start it off on the roof at least.

Without the set up, we would have zero context for the actions made by the characters in the movie. Because of the set up we know why every character did what they did.
I got a free Slusho t-shirt at a festival. Had no idea it was related to Cloverfield.

Do people care enough about the alleged "backstory" of this film to warrant me attempting to sell it at a high-price?


fistfulofmetal said:
Without the set up, we would have zero context for the actions made by the characters in the movie. Because of the set up we know why every character did what they did.

It doesn't matter if we know all that same as we don't know anything about the monster and why it's doing what it does. Having the characters reveal less would have made them more anonymous and more sympathetic (simply by virtue of being less annoying). The audience would have been able to place themselves "in" the movie better imo (think why Link was named Link in Zelda for example).
Count Dookkake said:
I got a free Slusho t-shirt at a festival. Had no idea it was related to Cloverfield.

Do people care enough about the alleged "backstory" of this film to warrant me attempting to sell it at a high-price?


"Welcome, stranger!"
The amount of sympathy you have with a character is in direct proportion to the amount of detail you know about them and their lives. An anonymous, less-fleshed character gets much less sympathy than even a supposedly annoying one by being a flat representative of traits and fiction instead of a 3-dimensional, realistic "person."
bob_arctor said:
It doesn't matter if we know all that same as we don't know anything about the monster and why it's doing what it does. Having the characters reveal less would have made them more anonymous and more sympathetic (simply by virtue of being less annoying). The audience would have been able to place themselves "in" the movie better imo (think why Link was named Link in Zelda for example).

So earlier people were complaining that the motivation of the characters made no sense and that it was stupid for them to go back to save Beth.

Now you're complaining that there was a set up that explained it.

Crazy gaf is crazy
I was really hyped for this movie, but I came out a little disappointed. There's some big spoilers in this post, so if you haven't seen the movie, then don't read.

My biggest complaint was that the movie was a lot more gory than I expected it to be. I really hate horror films and I think meaningless deaths are uncouth in stories/movies, which is a big reason I hate horror films. There's a lot of that in Cloverfield - Rob's bro gets killed by the massive tail, and my biggest complain would be Orleana's death (it's spelled wrong I know). I was really interested in her character as opposed to Generic Hot Guy #1 and Generic Hot Slut #1. When she got bit I was hoping it wouldn't be one of those deals where someone gets bit by Generic Half Life 2 Monster #1 and dies/explodes/whatever because I really wanted to see her character developed more. But that's exactly what happened - she died/exploded/whatever. Then of course during the whole time you see all those victims with their guts hanging out. Also the cameraman gets chomped in half - leaving my two least favorite characters in the movie to live the longest (although they die too) (though admittedly I liked Rob's character).

I felt there were too many meaningless kill-offs and not enough monster action. That's what I came to see the movie for - for destructive monster mayhem. I was actually expecting the film to be less horror and gore and more suspenseful, which would have been great.

My other big problem was that there is essentially no plot. I guess it's hard when you tell the entire "story" through a video camera, but it's unsettling because of what we never find out - where does the monster come and why is it destroying New York? Because there is no plot, NOTHING IS RESOLVED either. That's especially bothering to me. What happens to all those victims and their families? What happens to New York? What happens to the monster - do the humans win or does it take over all of America? YOU NEVER FIND OUT. Generic Hot Guy #1 and Generic Hot Slut #2 die and the movie ends. The end. Some people say the plot is a love story, but it's an extremely simple and crappy love story if true.

Another small complaint I have is the monster's design. Maybe I've just seen too many monsters in my life or something, but it looked just like your typical Gears of War big guy. Also, the monster's crabs are STRAIGHT OUT OF HALFLIFE. They look exactly like the antlions from HL2. Another thing I personally found similar was the ending credits music - as a kid I was a HUGE fan of the Godzilla movies, and at the end of every movie, they played the same song for the credits. The credits theme in Cloverfield sounds a LOT like it. Now this I can't gripe with, I just thought it was really cool. :D

Other than that, it was a really great experience and I'm glad I got to see it. I thought the "camera work" was really brilliant and I'd never seen it been done before. Very, very immersive, and I'm glad I saw it in the theater (although at first I have to admit I got a little dizzy from all the shaking). Overall I'd give it a 7/10 and it's definitely worth a see.


fistfulofmetal said:
So earlier people were complaining that the motivation of the characters made no sense and that it was stupid for them to go back to save Beth.

Now you're complaining that there was a set up that explained it.

Exactly. This is why no set-up was needed. Rob's girl could have been Monica Bellucci and it still would have made no sense that he went back so why bother trying to explain/justify his motivation for doing so? Crazy shit happens, that's his girl, he's gonna get her. That's all I would need personally.
bob_arctor said:
Rob's girl could have been Monica Bellucci and it still would have made no sense that he went back so why bother trying to explain/justify his motivation for doing so?



I've asked this before but it bares repeating. Have you ever been in love? Ever cared about someone? The set up told the viewers that Beth wasn't simply "his girl". She was someone he's known all his life and feels strongly for. Do you really not understand why a man would try to save the woman he loves? :\


bob_arctor said:
Rob's girl could have been Monica Bellucci and it still would have made no sense that he went back so why bother trying to explain/justify his motivation for doing so? Crazy shit happens, that's his girl, he's gonna get her. That's all I would need personally.
IMO true love is when you're willing (or do) die for someone. Hell, Jesus thinks so, too.
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