You have money ? Maybe you can loan broke people who are forced to close their business in these corona timesGamepass is nice if you don't have money. If you do, buying a PS5 and playing the best games and the best versions of the games you want looks like a much better choice.
I know what it offers, i simply dont care or want it. I like to own what im paying for, and i dont mind paying full price for something i enjoy, and if i want to pay less for something, i can just wait a few months and have an even bigger discount on physicial games, or hell, i get discounts just from pre-ordering those.These are some weak arguments made by someone that doesn't know what it offers. Im making an assumption that you haven't tried it.
Games stay on it for months. They also net you a bigger discount if you want the full game. Majority of games on there are less then 20 hours.
The idea is having choice in playing something you like.nobody forces u to play all 384 games on the service.
Both Playstation and XBGPass are great.
Wtf are you on about? I know you are probably sitting in your playstation underpants right now, but how is Gamepass not something that anybody who enjoys games would appreciate?This is when you realize CNN should stop having a go at gaming news.
Wtf are you on about? I know you are probably sitting in your playstation underpants right now, but how is Gamepass not something that anybody who enjoys games would appreciate?
Some of you are so stupidly brand loyal you lose touch with reality.
why because you dont agree? Thats pretty short sighted
I am currently subscribed to it.On account of Gamepass, I've played over a dozen amazing games that I wouldn't have otherwise touched in a million years. New releases like Haven for example, with which I'm absolutely smitten.
The only people who argue against GP are those who've never tried it and don't know how it works.
Because the majority of gamers are immature little cunts who just want to argue about who has the best toy.Both Playstation and XBGPass are great.
Because the majority of gamers are immature little cunts who just want to argue about who has the best toy.
Wtf are you on about? I know you are probably sitting in your playstation underpants right now, but how is Gamepass not something that anybody who enjoys games would appreciate?
Some of you are so stupidly brand loyal you lose touch with reality.
Hey PS underpants are COOL!
Very mature
Sure if you want to play old games
huh? There are thousands of units available right now. Just check eBay. More than 10.000+ units available right now and on stock.
Gamepass games are either old games or shit imo. Has no value for me whatsoever.
It's a waste of time, even with hard statistics showing the catalog people will still believe what they want to believe. Less than 15% of GP games are from the 360 generation or older.Control, Ori 2, MS Flight Simulator and Jedi Fallen Order would be in which category?
OldControl, Ori 2, MS Flight Simulator and Jedi Fallen Order would be in which category?
On account of Gamepass, I've played over a dozen amazing games that I wouldn't have otherwise touched in a million years. New releases like Haven for example, with which I'm absolutely smitten.
The only people who argue against GP are those who've never tried it and don't know how it works.
On account of Gamepass, I've played over a dozen amazing games that I wouldn't have otherwise touched in a million years.
That's called "settling".
Are you really comparing a physical disk rental service where you have to send and receive games one at a time with GamePass? You don't see any difference at all between the two, maybe in terms of how they work at a fundamental level? This is hall of fame level of bad faith take.If you like game rental i guess. Gamefly existed forever and has full game selection. I still don't get what is so exciting about game rental service with limited library . Same for ps now or gamefly.
There are lots of people who are perfectly happy to play a game and give it back when they are done. Not everyone wants the clutter of a game collection.If you like game rental i guess. Gamefly existed forever and has full game selection. I still don't get what is so exciting about game rental service with limited library . Same for ps now or gamefly.
Did he say it was exactly the same? That said how many games can you play at a time anyway? Gamefly let's you rent more than one at a time.. Does the extra convenience of not having to send out make much of a difference? Do you really need to play five or more games at a time?Are you really comparing a physical disk rental service where you have to send and receive games one at a time with GamePass? You don't see any difference at all between the two, maybe in terms of how they work at a fundamental level? This is hall of fame level of bad faith take.
As for PSNow, I don't think it's bad personally but you just don't get any Day 1 release whatsoever, be it first party or indie. So the "old games" argument applies even more there. PSNow also has a much higher ratio of PS3 to PS4 games compared to GamePass.
The game I responded to were all old. The only one denying reality here is you, someone who is incapable of accepting that not everyone see's game pass as a priority.Haven, The Medium, The Ascent (soon), Destiny 2 and its current and past DLC? Those are all old? Those are my recent and awaited picks. There's not liking the library and then flat out denying reality. You're doing the latter.
I would argue that yes, the extra convenience of not having to physically ship out games every time you want to try them on GamePass is a major difference yeah. And that saying the two are similar is a bad faith argument that makes no sense whatsoever.Did he say it was exactly the same? That said how many games can you play at a time anyway? Gamefly let's you rent more than one at a time.. Does the extra convenience of not having to send out make much of a difference? Do you really need to play five or more games at a time?