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CNN: Inspector General opens new probe into Flynn/Russia

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Flynn was apparently warned by the pentagon not to take foreign payments in 2014 as he entered retirement.


(CNN)Former national security adviser Michael Flynn was warned by the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 against accepting foreign payments as he entered retirement, according to new documents obtained by the House oversight committee.

The inspector general of the Department of Defense also opened an investigation of Flynn earlier this month, according to an April 11 letter released by the oversight committee Thursday.
"These documents raise grave questions about why General Flynn concealed the payments he received from foreign sources after he was warned explicitly by the Pentagon," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee, in a statement.


Jesus, can they arrest him now??? And how can the White House say they didn't know? They had to vet him to become the NSA. Makes me think Trump really is behind all this. Maybe finally bringing Flynn down will take Trump with him.


Jesus, can they arrest him now??? And how can the White House say they didn't know? They had to vet him to become the NSA. Makes me think Trump really is behind all this. Maybe finally bringing Flynn down will take Trump with him.

Either they were complicit or incompetent. Probably incompetent.


Democrats are speaking now. Elijah Cummings is going over a letter from the Pentagon to flynn explicity forbidding him from taking foreign payments.
Jason Chaffetz has super conveniently just announced that he'll be gone for a month because of really important foot surgery. I'm not kidding.

E: This is going to burn the fuck out of Trump right before his 100th day milestone.
Jesus, can they arrest him now??? And how can the White House say they didn't know? They had to vet him to become the NSA. Makes me think Trump really is behind all this. Maybe finally bringing Flynn down will take Trump with him.

They didn't vet anyone. They rushed in as many slimy assholes as they could and hoped no one would ask questions as anyone who would would be a republican and run cover for them. Party over country.


If you think Trump's team is just a bunch of dummies, then you are falling for the ruse.

Umm no im paying very close attention and they show themselves pretty consistently to be a bunch of idiots.

The idea that Trump is actually masterfully playing 3d chess is dumb. If it turns out he was colluding with Russia then they were the most obviously guilty criminals ive ever seen


So if they actually charge and convict him, are we looking at probation? Ankle monitoe? Cushy Martha Stewart prison?


Either they were complicit or incompetent. Probably incompetent.

This would be why the Yates testimony is interesting, because we'll get to find out what she told Trump weeks before he got around to firing Flynn.

On a side note, why did the Pentagon explicitly forbid Flynn from taking foreign payments? Is that something they normally do with retiring generals, or did they feel like he was at high risk for being a corrupt moron?


More leverage to put on Flynn when he goes fishing for a deal. No wonder they didn't take his offer earlier

Jason Chaffetz has super conveniently just announced that he'll be gone for a month because of really important foot surgery. I'm not kidding.

E: This is going to burn the fuck out of Trump right before his 100th day milestone.

It's really interesting that that slimy dude is now doing everything he can to rush out of the way, other than a quick note to say basically that Flynn did some illegal shit.
This would be why the Yates testimony is interesting, because we'll get to find out what she told Trump weeks before he got around to firing Flynn.

I think the big thing that is going to shake the GOP is that Yates probably told Pence as well, showing how he was complicit.


Trump constantly defended Flynn too. Saying all this was a political witch hunt.

If you think Trump's team is just a bunch of dummies, then you are falling for the ruse.

I wonder how they keep getting the benefit of the doubt around places. I do. They're not even turning over documents concerning the dude.

This would be why the Yates testimony is interesting, because we'll get to find out what she told Trump weeks before he got around to firing Flynn.

On a side note, why did the Pentagon explicitly forbid Flynn from taking foreign payments? Is that something they normally do with retiring generals, or did they feel like he was at high risk for being a corrupt moron?

Holy shit im just speaking in terms of probability. You can believe its all intentional and you already know hes treasonous and guilty if you want but its not a fact, you dont have to argue with me for saying Trump and his team are incompetent. Come on.


Holy shit im just speaking in terms of probability. You can believe its all intentional and you already know hes treasonous and guilty if you want but its not a fact, you dont have to argue with me for saying Trump and his team are incompetent. Come on.

You posted on a forum and it allows people to respond. No one is arguing with you. I don't know why you got all bothered.
Umm no im paying very close attention and they show themselves pretty consistently to be a bunch of idiots.

The idea that Trump is actually masterfully playing 3d chess is dumb. If it turns out he was colluding with Russia then they were the most obviously guilty criminals ive ever seen

I don't think Trump is playing 8-th dimensional chess or something, but the general idea of Republicans being stupid is part of a game they play.

1) Republicans act stupid.
2) Democrats call them stupid.
3) Republican voters feel insulted about their ideals.
4) Tribalism preserves the Republicans.

It's better to attack them in ways that make their supporters realize they aren't in the same bed.


Pentagon launches probe into Trump's ex-security adviser Flynn: letter

A Pentagon inspector general is launching its own investigation into whether President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn took payments from foreign entities without approval, according to a letter released by House Democrats on Thursday.

The inspector general of the Department of Defense is probing whether Flynn had "failed to obtain required approval prior to receiving any emolument from a foreign government," according to the April 11 letter to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-flynn-idUSKBN17T26Q


You posted on a forum and it allows people to respond. No one is arguing with you. I don't know why you got all bothered.

Ok? Im not that bothered and even if I was its irrelevant, for the same exact reason youre telling me.

I don't think Trump is playing 8-th dimensional chess or something, but the general idea of Republicans being stupid is part of a game they play.

1) Republicans act stupid.
2) Democrats call them stupid.
3) Republican voters feel insulted about their ideals.
4) Tribalism preserves the Republicans.

It's better to attack them in ways that make their supporters realize they aren't in the same bed.

Ok but were talking about the possibility of Trumps team not vetting the national security advisor, just because its a thing they do doesnt mean everything that happens involving politics is that.

They might have just been so incompetent that they didnt vet him, and it wouldnt be surprising. You're forgetting another very important factor of modern politics

1) Republicans actually are stupid.


It probably does annoy and worry the top brass 'that the military right?' that Russia have strong links with the administration. It may not bother politicians out for a quick buck it must the rustle the jimmies of military and security figures. You can't trust the administration, that's not a good way to live your day job. They are probably quite patriotic too as well as liking money.


Flynn would have known as a retiring career military professional not to accept foreign payments anyway. They know they may be called back to serve (e.g. serving in a president's administration!) at any point.


Tagged as I see fit
Umm no im paying very close attention and they show themselves pretty consistently to be a bunch of idiots.

The idea that Trump is actually masterfully playing 3d chess is dumb. If it turns out he was colluding with Russia then they were the most obviously guilty criminals ive ever seen

Hmmm...and yet....

Cummings just said WH denied requests for documents on Flynn.

He's definitely not playing chess, and yes, they're pretty dumb, but that doesn't mean they were colluding. They just did a horrible horrible job of it.


Ok? Im not that bothered and even if I was its irrelevant, for the same exact reason youre telling me.

Ok but were talking about the possibility of Trumps team not vetting the national security advisor, just because its a thing they do doesnt mean everything that happens involving politics is that.

They might have just been so incompetent that they didnt vet him, and it wouldnt be surprising. You're forgetting another very important factor of modern politics

1) Republicans actually are stupid.

Their actions don't speak of an administration that's incompetent when it comes to the people they picked. Their incompetence comes from not being able to cover tracks. Why else do you deny evidence?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Pentagon launches probe into Trump's ex-security adviser Flynn: letter

A Pentagon inspector general is launching its own investigation into whether President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn took payments from foreign entities without approval, according to a letter released by House Democrats on Thursday.

The inspector general of the Department of Defense is probing whether Flynn had "failed to obtain required approval prior to receiving any emolument from a foreign government," according to the April 11 letter to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-flynn-idUSKBN17T26Q

Given that this investigation was prompted by documents proving such and Flynn's own statements and admissions, this ought to be the easiest investigation ever. And of course the Whitehouse couldn't help but to Streisand Effect itself.

On day 99.

M-Theory doesn't have enough dimensions for this chess game.


I think it's likely that Flynn DID disclose his ties with Turkey/Russia in the vetting documents, and the administration ignored them, which is why they refuse to provide those documents to the oversight committee.

This is all part of a larger story, yet to come out though. At some point, if they run into a wall, they may take Flynn up on his immunity request to get some answers.


Link to this morning's video of Democratic senators covering the Flynn issue in addition to announcing a report on Trump's 100 most egregious violations of his administration:


Good stuff, they went all in and stopped just short of calling for impeachment. Wish they would've called for impeachment, though. Even though it won't happen anytime soon it's time prominent officials started a conversation on it.


I'm kind of surprised that they haven't arrested Flynn yet. With the amount of stuff piling up against him it seems like he might jump ship at some point.


Chaffetz letter to Army Secretary: “by all appearances” Flynn broke the law by taking Russia $ without permission; wants final determination
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