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CNN: Inspector General opens new probe into Flynn/Russia

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the only reason I have to preface a statement with "I'm not defending trump" is because I'm continually accused of supporting him for just giving my opinion on various matters

If you keep getting accused of defending Trump, do you think the problem is the content of your posts or the lack of a "I'm not defending Trump" caveat tacked on?
All of the posts you have made in this thread seems to make it like you are side-stepping supporting him.

I mean just re-read some of your posts on here and ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish with your statements.

"that unicorn connection"?

"from a pro business perspective"

"100 days is meaningless"

1. We know it will take awhile for any connections to be proven true/false because GOP have been hampering any progress in investigations to the best of their ability. I do not see why you called it "unicorn connection" unless you are saying the connection is magical/imaginary or isn't there. Take time to read your post, because that is how I read it, but ignored it at first.

2. No one here cares about how businesses will succeed and the wealthy becomes more wealthy as the working class shrinks and the number of poor people grow. Even from this perspective, he will still be arguably the worst president in history due to the negative effects his "pro business" stance is having on the country.

3. I already explained about how you put too little thought into your posts with the 100 day post.

EDIT: If everyone here is seeing this, then there is some merit to their suspicion. If you support Trump, then just say so and stop sidestepping it (not saying you do support him) because I hate people who is too embarrassed to say what they believe while they dance around everyone. Maybe you just are not good at getting your point across though?

1. I say it's a "unicorn connection" because intelligence agencies are already on the record saying there is no direct connection between Trump/Russia, I'm not saying that those around him are not involved, obviously Flynn was.

2. Me stating his tax reform proposal being pro big business was fact, everything you mention about working class and poor I agree with, that wasn't my point. I was simply stating big business likes it.

3. "100 days meaningless", I'm aware of it's history, the importance of Trump has given it, the importance the media has given it. I'm saying that is ultimately something that is completely arbitrary.

I don't support Trump, never once did, it's a very limited view that you have that you feel people who support and don't support Trump should all interpret the news in the same fashion.


TheHill: "Trump team did background check on Flynn, knew of Turkey ties: report"
The White House and President Trump's transition team reportedly did a background check on former national security adviser Michael Flynn in addition to his already approved security clearance, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reported Friday evening.

"NBC News has learned from sources close to the Trump-Russia investigation that both the Trump transition and the White House did do a background check on Flynn," Maddow said on her program, citing reporting from NBC's Andrea Mitchell.

"This is in addition to his already approved security clearance. They did a background check on Flynn specifically for him to become national security adviser."

Trump and other White House officials have blamed former President Barack Obama for authorizing Flynn's security clearance. Flynn served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama before advising Trump's campaign and joining his administration.

MSNBC Youtube: "Donald Trump Team Vetted Mike Flynn, Still Hired Him: NBC | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC"
Maybe he knew, but being able to prove in the court of law he knew something would be near impossible without proof
You're right, there would need to be proof to prove something. Have you never seen an FBI investigation unfold? You're declaring the mafia don innocent because so far they've only questioned the bookies.
Maybe he knew, but being able to prove in the court of law he knew something would be near impossible without proof
Didn't Sally Yates warn the White House in January about Sessions being compromised and Trump appointed him to the position anyway? Isn't she testifying tomorrow?

Edit: My bad she was warning about Flynn. Sessions was the one in 2015 grilling her on whether she would do her job regardless of what the president wants and she said yes.
Didn't Sally Yates warn the White House in January about Sessions being compromised and Trump appointed him to the position anyway? Isn't she testifying tomorrow?

Edit: My bad she was warning about Flynn. Sessions was the one in 2015 grilling her on whether she would do her job regardless of what the president wants and she said yes.

Sessions had connections but even that talk has all but faded


Why are you ascribing so much import to "talk"? Investigations aren't conducted in public.

Because Bruce does everything he can to discredit anything that may point to Trump knowing anything at all. Despite the post just up top stating they knew of his ties because why the hell else would Trump pick a bunch of Russian tied traitors to lead very important positions that could cover the whole thing up. Not to mention how they blatantly tried to discredit the media when they first got in office so that things like this could be spun as a lie.

Cause you know...no charges.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
But trump is the kinda golfer thatll hit it into the trees, have his caddy take a crow hop and throw it onto the green, then ask everyone to tell him how good a shot it was

hes also the only one signing off on scorecards

No need for matephors. He's a businessman that regularly stiffs his contractors for work completed as intended and then buries them in legal fees if they attempt to sue for the recompense they deserve.

The guy is fucking scum.


Professional Schmuck
the news isn't that they vetted him, the news is that they knew about his connections with Turkey and Russia. Because that means they -- Trump -- had no problem with him being a traitor.

That goes straight up the chain because Flynn was Trump's closest / only advisor for much and most of the campaign. This could very well be the smoking gun.


the news isn't that they vetted him, the news is that they knew about his connections with Turkey and Russia. Because that means they -- Trump -- had no problem with him being a traitor.

That goes straight up the chain because Flynn was Trump's closest / only advisor for much and most of the campaign. This could very well be the smoking gun.

I wonder if this was after considering him for VP or before? I mean you line up the guy you know is paid by foreign governments as potential president of the United States of America...


I wonder if this was after considering him for VP or before? I mean you line up the guy you know is paid by foreign governments as potential president of the United States of America...

A part of me wishes he'd made it to VP for all the damage it would do.


Doesn't this sully Pence since he was in charge of the transition too? He had stayed pretty clean since the Flynn stuff first broke. Goes against Flynn supposedly lying to him?


the news isn't that they vetted him, the news is that they knew about his connections with Turkey and Russia. Because that means they -- Trump -- had no problem with him being a traitor.

That goes straight up the chain because Flynn was Trump's closest / only advisor for much and most of the campaign. This could very well be the smoking gun.
Smoking gun for what? Impeachment?
I wonder if this was after considering him for VP or before? I mean you line up the guy you know is paid by foreign governments as potential president of the United States of America...

I think it's likely that it was before. I think Flynn knows enough to severely damage Trump. He needed to be kept close and happy.
Apparently, Pence was told about it but he chose to ignore it.

He pretended in March like the articles leaking this back then were the "first he's heard of it".

As head of the transition team in charge of vetting the hires, it's literally impossible for Pence to not have known about it. He lied in interviews.
He pretended in March like the articles leaking this back then were the "first he's heard of it".

As head of the transition team in charge of vetting the hires, it's literally impossible for Pence to not have known about it. He lied in interviews.

Yep. I don't doubt he'll be on the chopping block too once all this shakes out.
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