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CNN: Inspector General opens new probe into Flynn/Russia

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Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey)
This is affirmatively false. Everyone has 5 year periodic re-investigation and there is always re-investigation after being out of access. https://t.co/QyvafVgwkD
Former IC Attorney in regards to:
.@PressSec: "We trust that when you are cleared the first time... that your background check is still clear."

Spicer being extra spicy today. I mean seriously guys did you see what he said about 401k on the tax plan? WH literally had to clear up that retirement plans would not be impacted by the tax plan cause spicer went out and shit the bed with:
Eamon Javers (@EamonJavers)
I asked @PressSec if the president's tax plan will protect tax deductions around 401(k)s. He said no.

who does this shit, don't know if it's lies or just blatant ignorance half the time.




Article from tweet: www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-flynn-idUSKBN17T26Q
Holy shit this is escalating in a matter of days

I hope something drops tomorrow that puts a huge fucking cloud over the administration since his 100 day mile mark is on Saturday

The only thing he's really achieved-if you can call it an achievement is long list of executive orders trying to erase Obama's time in office


Looking for meaning in GAF
He's made a lot of achievements in the wrong direction.

Most days spent on vacation in the first 100 days of office

Fastest spending on personal vacation

Most conflicts of interest

Most scandals

Most times a US president has been publicly corrected on simple matters by leaders of other countries

I hope something drops tomorrow that puts a huge fucking cloud over the administration since his 100 day mile mark is on Saturday

The only thing he's really achieved-if you can call it an achievement is long list of executive orders trying to erase Obama's time in office

you understand that the "100 days" mark is meaningless right?
Tell that to captain orange that brought it up constantly. Even drew up a fucking contract over it with his signature.

it's meaningless but considering our idiot in chief cares how he's perceived in the media, it does to him

Trump is a product of the media, the 100 day countdown clock bullshit has been perpetuated endlessly by the media so it's not shocking that Trump makes a big deal out of it

I'm not defending Trump, but it's worth noting it's as arbitrary as his first 56 days in office
Trump is a product of the media, the 100 day countdown clock bullshit has been perpetuated endlessly by the media so it's not shocking that Trump makes a big deal out of it

I'm not defending Trump, but it's worth noting it's as arbitrary as his first 56 days in office

if it gets under his skin like with the whole President Bannon thing, i'll take it


you understand that the "100 days" mark is meaningless right?

At the end of the day, yes it is. It's funny though, I was listening to NPR the other day and a guy from the Heritage Foundation was explaining how important it is, and how it sets the tone for the rest of the presidency and always seems to. Of course he gave Trump a B grade for his first 100 days and also implied he was on track to be one of the greatest presidents ever.


Given how slowly the wheels of government turn, the fact that Trump has faced legal and legislative defeats in his first 100 days is staggering.

He wanted to repeal Obamacare and ban Mus- er, people from "certain" countries as main promises of his platform and he fucked those up inside of a quarter.

The first 100 days are generally a transition time and the report card is a "getting to know the new administration" kind of thing. That Trump keeps banging on himself about wanting to achieve so much in his first 100 days is the surprising bit.

It's like scoring double-bogies on the first 4 holes. Like, slow down, lay up, learn the speed of the greens, it's day 1 of a 4 day tourney and instead of trying to make the cut you're trying to win the whole thing on Thursday.
At the end of the day, yes it is. It's funny though, I was listening to NPR the other day and a guy from the Heritage Foundation was explaining how important it is, and how it sets the tone for the rest of the presidency and always seems to. Of course he gave Trump a B grade for his first 100 days and also implied he was on track to be one of the greatest presidents ever.

From a pro-business perceptive he will be a great president if his tax reform policy does go through, which I'm not confident of that happening. I do however see a healthcare bill being passed in the next few months though
It's like scoring double-bogies on the first 4 holes. Like, slow down, lay up, learn the speed of the greens, it's day 1 of a 4 day tourney and instead of trying to make the cut you're trying to win the whole thing on Thursday.

But trump is the kinda golfer thatll hit it into the trees, have his caddy take a crow hop and throw it onto the green, then ask everyone to tell him how good a shot it was

hes also the only one signing off on scorecards
Trump is a product of the media, the 100 day countdown clock bullshit has been perpetuated endlessly by the media so it's not shocking that Trump makes a big deal out of it

I'm not defending Trump, but it's worth noting it's as arbitrary as his first 56 days in office

The first 100 days as a measure of an early Presidency is not a new thing invented just for Trump. It's generally seen as a time period that will give the best idea of how he'll govern, what he'll try to push, and what he can accomplish with Congress. It's, of course, no definite and solid measure, but it's not something that just popped out of nowhere lol.
Which is why he made dozens of promises specifically targeted at that mark and is now going out of his way to walk them back and challenge the worth of it?

Right? He's the one who cares about it so desperately. He's the one who talked about the end of Obamacare in the first day and all that other BS. He wanted to make a point of changing the US landscape in a few months to come off as stronger than Obama and powerful and all his other hypermasculine crap. And we judge him by the parameters he set. Trump or his supporters backing down just highlight his own self-inflation and incompetence.
I can't tell if Bruce is just trolling or is really just poorly, poorly informed about almost everything he talks about lol. I mean, honestly, it sounds like I'm being wrong, but I can't think of another user is just so consistently misinformed about almost everything
Trump is a product of the media, the 100 day countdown clock bullshit has been perpetuated endlessly by the media so it's not shocking that Trump makes a big deal out of it

I'm not defending Trump, but it's worth noting it's as arbitrary as his first 56 days in office

Dude he literally put out a list of things he was going to do in 100 days... and he did almost none of it


The first 100 days as a measure of an early Presidency is not a new thing invented just for Trump. It's generally seen as a time period that will give the best idea of how he'll govern, what he'll try to push, and what he can accomplish with Congress. It's, of course, no definite and solid measure, but it's not something that just popped out of nowhere lol.

Its actually something that started with FDR as far as I can tell (Ending the great depression in his first 100 days of office). Thankfully no president has yet needed to surpass his 100 day attempt, closest being Obama but only because he came into presidency under a nation in financial turmoil. The only reason we care about it with Trump is his own ego stupidly made promises during his campaign of 'day 1' and first 100 days etc. that he would get certain things done. Once again he only has his own words to blame for the damage to his ego. If he was smart he would have said he wanted to get a good deal of these things done by the end of his first term like most presidential candidates do.


you understand that the "100 days" mark is meaningless right?

Incorrect, it is nowhere near meaningless. Would you say it was meaningless if he managed to push most of that shit through? The fact he has not been able to, is not meaningless, and U.S citizens do have expectations of presidents keeping their promises even if its only a slight expectation.

Here we have a guy who bragged over and over how great he is how he will finish all of that in 100 days, yet he only managed to do a few of them through EO's. If I voted on a president who I thought was tough and some "great negotiator", I would expect them to be able to at least do half of that.

These do have a strong effect on elections if it keeps going like this.

EDIT: It wouldn't hurt to put some more thought into it you know.
For fuuuuuucks sakes. Public hearing with Sally Yates, Comey, Carter Page and Manafort.

Fucking do it already. Hey assholes the fucking White House may very well be breached.

How do you move fucking slowly on this. An agent of a hostile power was national security adviser for a week. And the administration knew about it.

Hmm yes, good idea let's slowball this thing.


For fuuuuuucks sakes. Public hearing with Sally Yates, Comey, Carter Page and Manafort.

Fucking do it already. Hey assholes the fucking White House may very well be breached.

How do you move fucking slowly on this. An agent of a hostile power was national security adviser for a week. And the administration knew about it.

Hmm yes, good idea let's slowball this thing.

Party before country. The republicans are the only ones that can do anything, and since the President is their party, party first. They're not going to do anything different.
Party before country. The republicans are the only ones that can do anything, and since the President is their party, party first. They're not going to do anything different.

But they're legally obligated to investigate of they're on oversight right? Otherwise it's obstruction of justice, right?! It better be.

You can't just do the Three Wise Monkeys if you are in oversight or part of the investigative team?

How does this make any sense. My God just do a public hearing. It's gonna get more views than Lost finale and a much better ending I think!!


I know our local twitter crazy John Schindler was going on about how him and fellow crazies were hearing news that the IC has the actual tape Carter Page had in transport to Russia which basically said 'hey hack the election in exchange for xyz'.

Who knows though, only half the shit they say seems to come out in the news.


Trump is a product of the media, the 100 day countdown clock bullshit has been perpetuated endlessly by the media so it's not shocking that Trump makes a big deal out of it

I'm not defending Trump, but it's worth noting it's as arbitrary as his first 56 days in office

you don't defend trump, a lot.

have you noticed this?


Unconfirmed Member
This is why I was "sad" when Flynn got pushed out so early. Would have been delicious if trump had burned political capital keeping him after the envoy call thing just to have more and more pile on.


the only reason I have to preface a statement with "I'm not defending trump" is because I'm continually accused of supporting him for just giving my opinion on various matters

All of the posts you have made in this thread seems to make it like you are side-stepping supporting him.

I mean just re-read some of your posts on here and ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish with your statements.

"that unicorn connection"?

"from a pro business perspective"

"100 days is meaningless"

1. We know it will take awhile for any connections to be proven true/false because GOP have been hampering any progress in investigations to the best of their ability. I do not see why you called it "unicorn connection" unless you are saying the connection is magical/imaginary or isn't there. Take time to read your post, because that is how I read it, but ignored it at first.

2. No one here cares about how businesses will succeed and the wealthy becomes more wealthy as the working class shrinks and the number of poor people grow. Even from this perspective, he will still be arguably the worst president in history due to the negative effects his "pro business" stance is having on the country.

3. I already explained about how you put too little thought into your posts with the 100 day post.

EDIT: If everyone here is seeing this, then there is some merit to their suspicion. If you support Trump, then just say so and stop sidestepping it (not saying you do support him) because I hate people who is too embarrassed to say what they believe while they dance around everyone. Maybe you just are not good at getting your point across though?
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