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CNN: Inspector General opens new probe into Flynn/Russia

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What is Chaffetz' involvement?

his non-involvement is more pertinent, he never misses a chance to be in the spotlight. he wants nothing to do with any of this and probably doesnt want to be affiliated for a reason. otherwise he would be there defending them
I fear the GOP is setting him up to be a fall guy so that the Congress committees might say "that's it! We're done! Nothing else to see here!" and leave the room

Flynn is so obviously compromised that it's not even a question at that point, at this point it's about looking beyond Flynn and see who else is compromised (and by the small bits and pieces of info trickling out there's plenty of people who might be).
I thought it was to be with his family..

Chaffetz like

Could he possibly be acting any more guilty right now? He's a known attention whore and just now is he making up every excuse he can to dip.
They'll try but Trump's inner circle was small and he was in there since day 1. Also Flynn isn't the only who stinks in Trump's circle. This is going to go far deeper.

Manafort, Paige, Stone...just to name a few Russian compromised individuals in Trump's inner circle, not to mention Trump himself.
So Flynn is the fall guy

The White House isn't acting like he is the fall guy. They are protecting him with everything they have. They have gone as far as to say that they don't have a single document pertaining to Flynn. You don't bald-faced lie like that to protect a fall guy.

If Flynn was the fall guy, they would offer him up to Chaffetz on a silver platter. Chaffetz would be more than willing to cast Flynn as a scapegoat and move on. Instead, they have cornered Chaffetz and forced him to ratchet up his rhetoric against them.


Link to this morning's video of Democratic senators covering the Flynn issue in addition to announcing a report on Trump's 100 most egregious violations of his administration:


Good stuff, they went all in and stopped just short of calling for impeachment. Wish they would've called for impeachment, though. Even though it won't happen anytime soon it's time prominent officials started a conversation on it.
They need to go beyond d impeachment and I validate the entire fucking election... But I'm drunk right now. Just dreaming.
The White House isn't acting like he is the fall guy. They are protecting him with everything they have. They have gone as far as to say that they don't have a single document pertaining to Flynn. You don't bald-faced lie like that to protect a fall guy.

If Flynn was the fall guy, they would offer him up to Chaffetz on a silver platter. Chaffetz would be more than willing to cast Flynn as a scapegoat and move on. Instead, they have cornered Chaffetz and forced him to ratchet up his rhetoric against them.

The White House and the GOP are two completely different things. The WH is protecting Flynn for no good reason and are only implicating themselves further, but the GOP investigating this to the fullest extent can and almost certainly would lead to an impeachment, which they don't want to do because they want to protect their shitty party.
I fear the GOP is setting him up to be a fall guy so that the Congress committees might say "that's it! We're done! Nothing else to see here!" and leave the room

Flynn is so obviously compromised that it's not even a question at that point, at this point it's about looking beyond Flynn and see who else is compromised (and by the small bits and pieces of info trickling out there's plenty of people who might be).

I don't know, this is the fear, but the problem is that we have at least two other people who are pretty much in the exact same position with Manafort and Page, not to mention others who are in compromising positions, even if not as badly. I feel like if they wanted him to be the fall guy, they would have put the focus on him earlier, and entirely.

We'll see, though.
As I've been saying for a while the question was clearly *how many* people were compromised, and how far up it goes. We've been well past the notion that no one was compromised.

Hilariously the White House continued to self implicate for no reason at all over Flynn, even after the basically fired him. Instead of putting as much daylight between them as possible, Trump would weigh in on Twitter complimenting him unprompted.
Sean Spicer just blamed Obama for Flynn's security clearence reknewl


That's the kind of nonsense they should have been doing all along. Like when they tried to claim Manafort was this minor player in the campaign.

It's nonsense, but the number of unforced errors over Flynn is comical.


They do nothing but blame Obama. I'm sick and tired of it. Someone just needs to stand up and call this out. For goodness sakes.
The White House and the GOP are two completely different things. The WH is protecting Flynn for no good reason and are only implicating themselves further, but the GOP investigating this to the fullest extent can and almost certainly would lead to an impeachment, which they don't want to do because they want to protect their shitty party.

I don't believe for a second that the White House is going out on a limb for Flynn for no good reason. If sacrificing Flynn wouldn't substantially hurt Trump, the White House would do it in a second. Both the GOP and the White House are motivated to deal with this a quickly and cleanly as possible. The fact that the White House is holding back is significant.
I imagine that in the year 2567 republicans (if they haven't destroyed the world yet) will still be blaming any wrongdoing on "the black guy who was president over 500 years ago".
They do nothing but blame Obama. I'm sick and tired of it. Someone just needs to stand up and call this out. For goodness sakes.

I wonder how long they think the majority of their base will let them get away with blaming Obama for their fuckups.

This. It's fucking pathetic that they still use it as an excuse and it's fucking pathetic that their base continues to buy it. 8 years of Obama is a Muslim Antichrist who will change the republic into a monarchy and bury all the white people rhetoric has never come to pass yet they still treat it as gospel. It's an administration and party of cop-outs, avoidance and shirking responsibility. I will continue to say that the people who voted Trump either because they bought into him or because of lame "Killary" bullshit should be fucking ashamed that they put these bellends in charge of the country. You voted for bigots who are incapable of owning up to anything they've done.


It's so damn predictable. As these people fall they are rapidly un-personed by the Trump administration. One day it'll be: "Jared who? Oh yeah, that guy who slept with Ivanka a few times."
Is there any possible crime that ties flynn to thr trump administration? Such as hiring someone that you know was a foreign agent, then lying about it?
Jesus, Spicer is an idiot. But it matches this President perfectly so there's that.

He knows what security clearance is. He's intentionally downplaying it to make the crime less serious.

His job is to spin, deflect and make the WH look good.

I don't even know why the press shows up to these BS sessions.
He knows what security clearance is. He's intentionally downplaying it to make the crime less serious.

His job is to spin, deflect and make the WH look good.

I don't even know why the press shows up to these BS sessions.

Yes, he has more than proven by now that he will lap up every drop of Republican spunk no matter how shitty and obviously corrupt it is. Just like the bossman. I think the (fake! dishonest!) press just loves cranking up the heat on him since he melts down at the slightest provocation.


He knows what security clearance is. He's intentionally downplaying it to make the crime less serious.

His job is to spin, deflect and make the WH look good.

I don't even know why the press shows up to these BS sessions.

As some of the recent judicial reviews of Trump executive orders show what they say and do is a matter of public record and can be used in the court of law. Get the BS on record.
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