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CNN: US drops its largest conventional bomb (MOAB) on ISIS target in Afghanistan

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Unless I am missing something, there seems to have been no pressing need to drop such a fuckton unexpectedly.

Seems to me that with the unexpected missile strike in Syria and the MOAB 'tunnel killer' bomb in Afghanistan, someone might well be signalling to NK in a not very subtle way.

I hope that fat knobhead in NK backs down. I think a pattern has been established in the past week that the US will use heavy ordinance for any provocation.

I am starting to get fed up of waking up to daily news about bombs.

Spicer denied the Holocaust.


Unless I am missing something, there seems to have been no pressing need to drop such a fuckton unexpectedly.

Seems to me that with the unexpected missile strike in Syria and the MOAB 'tunnel killer' bomb in Afghanistan, someone might well be signalling to NK in a not very subtle way.

I hope that fat knobhead in NK backs down. I think a pattern has been established in the past week that the US will use heavy ordinance for any provocation.

I am starting to get fed up of waking up to daily news about bombs.

Backs down? he has his own bunker! Probably filled with cake and other fatty foods! He also doesn't care one BIT about his inhabitants let alone the inhabitants of South Korea. He won't back down, he'll just go "pretty!" as he sees the mushroom cloud lighting up the sky.


Unless I am missing something, there seems to have been no pressing need to drop such a fuckton unexpectedly.

Seems to me that with the unexpected missile strike in Syria and the MOAB 'tunnel killer' bomb in Afghanistan, someone might well be signalling to NK in a not very subtle way.

I hope that fat knobhead in NK backs down. I think a pattern has been established in the past week that the US will use heavy ordinance for any provocation.

I am starting to get fed up of waking up to daily news about bombs.

No one cares about NK other than for strategic purposes. This is signalling to China and Russia, as always.
Trump just became an even better president than when he used missiles in Syria.

That is what's gonna happen on the pundit shows this evening


Well... I hope it worked as expected, at least. This thing's huge.

It obviously did. I think the greater talking point is the use and acceptance of high yield thermobaric bombs. They will completely eradicate terrorist strongholds instantly with zero fallout or radiation. The pressure wave, heat and then explosion literally will eviscerate anything in like a millisecond. Tunnels, mountains, caverns, bases and barracks. Anything living dies sort of like a nuclear bomb but without the environmental damage. Cruise missiles, JDAM's, pale in comparsion.

This might be the first time I've seen someone thinking ISIS is being defeated.

ISIS will be defeated during Donald Trump's presidency. They have lost almost all of their control in Syria thanks to Russia and Assad, and Iraqi and Kurdish troops have invalidated them in Iraq. The issue is people equate ISIS with all radical Islamic terrorism now, so anything happens and ISIS claims responsibility when in reality, the walls have closed in and they are barely functioning any more than Al Qaeda is now.

Islamic based terrorism is not being defeated but ISIS and ISIL as we know it are. Some other group will just fill their vacuum when they do go.


They want martyrdom? Good. The United States can help them with that. I hope that lots of ISIS soldiers died, and that this bombing spreads fear throughout their ranks.

You naive child.
You think that this will not inspire more? You are a fool.
You do not just drop a bomb and hope to prove a point, that is posturing.
You go all in or do not.
Not trying to defend Trump's actions, but Obama was responsible for orchestrating hundreds of drone strikes that were responsible for thousands of civilian deaths during his 8 years in office. All the posters exclaiming that "this is terrifying" and proclaiming that this is the start of WW3 probably need to gain some perspective on what the US has been doing for decades in terms of use of force and military intervention around the world. There's a reason why there is so much animosity to American hegemony, especially in the Middle East.


ISIS is being defeated thanks to conventional bombings right now. If you want to argue that terrorism won't disappear if only violence is used against it then I agree (but the last time I argue that the US could use something like a Plan Marshall for Middle East I was called a fool :/ ) but here we are talking about the caliphate, a state that won't exist unless it has territory under its control.

Maybe we should tell to the Peshmerga and the iraki forces that they should stop their offensives because it will only "embolden" ISIS.

Spicer is that you?
It obviously did. I think the greater talking point is the use and acceptance of high yield thermobaric bombs. They will completely eradicate terrorist strongholds instantly with zero fallout or radiation. The pressure wave, heat and then explosion literally will eviscerate anything in like a millisecond. Tunnels, mountains, caverns, bases and barracks. Anything living dies sort of like a nuclear bomb but without the environmental damage. Cruise missiles, JDAM's, pale in comparsion.


ISIS is being defeated thanks to conventional bombings right now. If you want to argue that terrorism won't disappear if only violence is used against it then I agree (but the last time I argue that the US could use something like a Plan Marshall for Middle East I was called a fool :/ ) but here we are talking about the caliphate, a state that won't exist unless it has territory under its control.

Maybe we should tell to the Peshmerga and the iraki forces that they should stop their offensives because it will only "embolden" ISIS.

You just can't defeat ISIS just by bombing them. You also have to destroy the ideas they have, they're super conservative ideas doesn't vanish by bombing them.
You naive child.
You think that this will not inspire more? You are a fool.
You do not just drop a bomb and hope to prove a point, that is posturing.
You go all in or do not.
If this does inspire more young men to join ISIS, I hope that they die too. ISIS is the worst patriarchy on this Earth. I don't feel a shred of sympathy for them. You don't protest US imperialism by teaching children to blow themselves up. Kill them wherever they are. Kill anyone who joins.


They don't disappear by pretending they don't exist and doing nothing.

Try cutting off their funding from Saudi Arabia..

oh wait, they're pretty useful for arming Kurds and having military presence in Iraq and Syria when their governments aren't friendly towards US.

boogeymen who made high-production videos showing how evil they are, appearing whenever you need a reason to go somewhere.

even carrying out chemical attacks in syria in attempt to blame Assad.

- British ex-ambassador to Syria talking about UN findings:


This might be the first time I've seen someone thinking ISIS is being defeated.

Maybe your echo chamber is too dense then because there's several news of them losing territory to the Peshmerga and the Iraki forces. And for the caliphate, territory is their priority.


Trump just became an even better president than when he used missiles in Syria.

That is what's gonna happen on the pundit shows this evening

Perhaps if he starts a nuclear war he will be their messiah. These warmongers are like:



They don't disappear by pretending they don't exist and doing nothing.

And bombing them is just gonna make things worse. How much have we bombed the middle-east and how good has the place become? What do you think civillians who got their families and loved ones killed by western bombings thinks about the west?


So are we gonna escalate further with regular air strikes or even grounds troops? I'm certainly no military strategist but it seems odd to have a couple of bombing events without escalation.


Spicer is that you?

Don't give me that crap, I'm not american and I've always been critical about US foreign policy, its not something that I discovered when Trump got elected like apparently some of you do now. If you are mad about Trump's decisions freaking out in a forum and accusing people won't do shit.

You just can't defeat ISIS just by bombing them. You also have to destroy the ideas they have, they're super conservative ideas doesn't vanish by bombing them.

I completely agree, like I said some time ago. A Plan Marshall for Middle East could do wonders IMO, last time I said it I was called a fool though but who knows, Barry was in power so opinions were different too.


And bombing them is just gonna make things worse. How much have we bombed the middle-east and how good has the place become? What do you think civillians who got their families and loved ones killed by western bombings thinks about the west?

Exactly. These war on terror and regime change policies have failed. All it does is destroy countries, kill innocent civilians and troops and make those left suffering hate us more. We are not the world police.


It obviously did. I think the greater talking point is the use and acceptance of high yield thermobaric bombs. They will completely eradicate terrorist strongholds instantly with zero fallout or radiation. The pressure wave, heat and then explosion literally will eviscerate anything in like a millisecond. Tunnels, mountains, caverns, bases and barracks. Anything living dies sort of like a nuclear bomb but without the environmental damage. Cruise missiles, JDAM's, pale in comparsion.

ISIS will be defeated during Donald Trump's presidency. They have lost almost all of their control in Syria thanks to Russia and Assad, and Iraqi and Kurdish troops have invalidated them in Iraq. The issue is people equate ISIS with all radical Islamic terrorism now, so anything happens and ISIS claims responsibility when in reality, the walls have closed in and they are barely functioning any more than Al Qaeda is now.

Islamic based terrorism is not being defeated but ISIS and ISIL as we know it are. Some other group will just fill their vacuum when they do go.

It's kind of a game of whack-a-mole but you can't just let the mole sit there and gain power.


And bombing them is just gonna make things worse. How much have we bombed the middle-east and how good has the place become? What do you think civillians who got their families and loved ones killed by western bombings thinks about the west?

How do you think civilians who got families and loved ones killed by ISIS and other extremists organization feel? Do you think that people will stop dying if we stop bombing these places? Do you think these extremist organizations will stop hating the west if we just leave them alone? We are long past the point where we can just do nothing and the extremists leave still trying to attack the west. You leave these extremists to take over these countries and you giving stable areas to plan and fund attacks on the west and the people living in these extremists run areas will suffer. You think they won't resent the world for abandoning them?

I don't disagree that bombing alone won't solve the issue, but you are fooling yourself if you think plugging are ears and covering our eyes will help the situation.
You just can't defeat ISIS just by bombing them. You also have to destroy the ideas they have, they're super conservative ideas doesn't vanish by bombing them.

You fight extremism in the long term with soft power, by improving people's economic opportunities and overall sense of well-being, and by encouraging the development of civil society. You fight an illegitimate gangster state by destroying their resources and taking over their territory.


Some of the early posts in this thread are pretty cringeworthy.

Had the same thought. Tsar Bomb all over again.

Fun fact. Early on after WW2 and before better safety protocols were developed, generals also had some leeway and discretion over using nuclear payloads.
Theoretically? That level of release authority lasted for roughly the amount of time it took for a general to try using it, so in practice this wasn't true.


So, there's a huge jump in power from a MOAB to a nuke?

Huge jump.

11 tons

Vs kilotons (thousands of tons)

Vs megatons (millions of tons)


The blast from a MOAB is not even remotely comparable to the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 at the end of WWII.
Those were 15 kilotons ("Little Boy") on Hiroshima and 21 kilotons ("Fat Man") on Nagasaki.
Those were massively more powerful than a MOAB. but those atomic bombs today would be considered small "tactical" nukes.

The largest atomic bomb ever tested (before we get to thermonuclear hydrogen bombs, which are another huge jump) was the Ivy King shot. This was 500 kilotons


The most powerful hydrogen bomb the U.S. ever detonated was the Castle Bravo test (15 Megatons) and the largest H-bomb ever was the "Tsar Bomba" which the Soviet Union dropped from a plane (about 50+ Megatons). https://youtu.be/aMYYEsKvHvk?t=1m45s


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Defeating extremism in that region requires uplifting those areas out of poverty and providing widespread and strong education. It also require Saudi Arabia to fuck off. The first is possible through extensive investment of money and time. The second isn't going to happen. We are left with shitty options, wage war or ignore groups like ISIS who are plagues on humanity.
I still maintain naive hope that someone will come along that can forge a comprehensive long term plan involving US, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Saudi (if they won't fuck off, they can at least help) and all the other major players in the region. Something that rebuilds infrastructure, provides jobs, improves lives, and provides education to everyone. But the likelihood is just....


I don't disagree that bombing alone won't solve the issue, but you are fooling yourself if you think plugging are ears and covering our eyes will help the situation.

I never said a word that we should cover our eyes and ears. What we should do is not have soldiers on the ground and bomb them.


Just kill half of America? Sarcasm I'm sure. If not, you have some things you need to go over inside your head.

As for the OP. If they had reliable Intel this is the bomb to reek havok on underground tunnels.

Yup. Depending on the precision strike capabilities and penetration of the bomb itself, you could literally kill hundreds of fighters hidden in caverns, tunnels, mountains, underground by the pressure wave and chemical mixture that would spread rapidly. Very deadly bomb and changes nature of conventional bombing. If US is adopting this as a new policy, large terror groups thinking they are safe need to be worried especially in mountainous regions.



This might be the first time I've seen someone thinking ISIS is being defeated.
ISIS IS being defeated. But it's being defeated by the Obama doctrine, with local ground forces on the ground backed by US special forces, air power, and fire support. Various non-Syrian regime aligned groups have been chipping away at ISIS power centers in Iraq and Syria. Mosul has been half retaken by Iraqi and Kurdish forces, and the SDF and Turks are closing in around Raqqa. The Caliphate's days are numbered.

The real question is what happens after the Caliphate is destroyed. The Iraqis, Syrians, Kurds and Turks all have their own conflicts that have not been resolved, and there's still Saudi Arabia and Iran mucking about behind the scenes in their own Cold War. And an ISIS with no territory can easily revert to what it was before: another Al awards.
Defeating extremism in that region requires uplifting those areas out of poverty and providing widespread and strong education. It also require Saudi Arabia to fuck off. The first is possible through extensive investment of money and time. The second isn't going to happen. We are left with shitty options, wage war or ignore groups like ISIS who are plagues on humanity.
I still maintain naive hope that someone will come along that can forge a comprehensive long term plan involving US, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Saudi (if they won't fuck off, they can at least help) and all the other major players in the region. Something that rebuilds infrastructure, provides jobs, improves lives, and provides education to everyone. But the likelihood is just....
any plan like that would be shot down by the populace of said countries, with the very evident reason of "well, why the fuck aint you doing that here first?" given.

do completely agree with your position on what is required to tackle extremism, tho. The military option currently has a 16 year long track record of failures.


any plan like that would be shot down by the populace of said countries, with the very evident reason of "well, why the fuck aint you doing that here first?" given.

do completely agree with your position on what is required to tackle extremism, tho. The military option currently has a 16 year long track record of failures.

The failures date all the way back to 1946.
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