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CNN: US drops its largest conventional bomb (MOAB) on ISIS target in Afghanistan

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They want martyrdom? Good. The United States can help them with that. I hope that lots of ISIS soldiers died, and that this bombing spreads fear throughout their ranks.


Lot of hyperbole here. It's not like they dropped this on a town.

Its essentially a large bomb that doesn't penetrate but relies on a massive concussive force that can be amplified by canyons and caves. If you find an ISIS base spread over a large area in a canyon you drop this to wipe out the base. If you find that they are spread out in caves you drop this outside to allow the concussive force to go down the tunnels. This is used on cave systems that can't be penetrated by traditional penetrating weapons.

This was dropped on a cave complex.

The only other way to clear out an area like this is to send boots on the ground and hope they find all the hiding spots. I guess that is what people would prefer?


Quoting this for new page and to counter kneejerk reactions.
So, did Trump just browse through a military catalogue and pick a weapon of the day to randomly start using?

"I wanna destroy ISIS....can we drop this on ISIS?"
"Sir, that's a nuke."
"Sounds exellent, let's go nukular"
"Sir, that is highly inadvisable as we probably would be retaliated by every nuke wielding nation on Earth and cause the end of humanity."
"Okay, nukular option out, what is the next big thing on the list? Says MABA here. Make America Bomb Again?"
"Sir, it's MOAB, Mother of All Bombs."
"Even better, drop one, right now, let's destroy ISIS. Obama didn't drop one of these did he?"
"No Sir."

Fucking horrifying the thought what USA might do today, and I thought the drone attacks from the Obama administration was scary and I actually liked that President.

yes, i think you've figured it out. trump just picks what he wants and presses the "make bomb" button and that bomb is made and then he presses the "explode here" button and it explodes there. it's really that simple

Also, a thank you to gamechanger87 for the educational and level headed post ♥


They are completely different though. Comparing blast radius with a nuclear weapon is a meaningless exercise.

No it isn't, I mean it isn't the same blast of course, but 1 mile blast radius still means that in that mile people get hurt and horribly injured. So it might not be burn wounds and radiation like with an Atom bomb.. or even as much damage as an atom bomb. It still is severed limbs and people dying.

So just like I say, "sooo classy!", I mean you're already falling for it!

Great No radiation and not as deadly. Whoopee... Just some maimed people and things like that. It's a classy bomb for classy people, it's fabulous, let's spray it in gold coloured paint folks.


Missles in Syria and bombs in Afghanistan now? What's on the menu for NK?

No they won't... people seem to forget open air, underground, at sea nuclear weapons tests were routine for decades until the 70's and 80's. One nuke going off anywhere won't do anything beyond destroy whatever it was aimed at, cause radiation in the area, affect the surrounding atmosphere. Modern thermonuclear weapons are also precise and less yield than they can be to limit fallout and damage.

As for this weapon, again, it is an almost clean styke nuke. Nowhere close to the destruction and damage sure, but to have these level caves and mountains and possible enemy barracks instantly, nothing left living with little to no environmental effects is very deadly.

My intentional was that the scenario would be a nuke being used as a weapon and not ajust a test.


This orange shitstain is probably thinks that military force is his last option to save his failing approval ratings.


Fucking hell 1 mile blast radius. Waiting on civilian casualty reports, I'm sure US did everything they could to minimise civilian deaths again.

This orange shitstain is probably thinks that military force is his last option to save his failing approval ratings.

We already know he thinks like this. He accused Obama of doing it over twitter.
Not thats still a big deal, but right now there is no claims of collateral damage.

People are trying to compare this thing to nukes or wondering why it isn't like breaking news everywhere which is insane.

CNN said:
He added that the US did its best to avoid civilian casualties, but he did not elaborate on the damage.

I mean the article in the OP implies there are civilian casualties. I can't imagine a scenario where they would not have been quick to tout the lack of any collateral damage if that were the case.


I will never understand the mentality that the use of large scale weaponry is something no one should worry too much about or that it's not noteworthy to consider just because there are far more devastating options that weren't used instead.


My intentional was that the scenario would be a nuke being used as a weapon and not ajust a test.

It's a classy bomb for classy people. No radiation, so clean folks. Same blast radius.. just not as many dead.. but just as many maimed. So terrific, I tell you folks, Putin wishes he had these babies. They are all going to respect us again once we drop these Classy Bombs on them, just you wait.

Also our Atomb bombs are also classy.

Sorry the guy you're replying to scares me with his "the modern atomb bomb.. blablabla" all I read is :"Look how classy it is in killing people!".

If we spend half our resources on constructive things rather than on these compensating phallus symbols, we'd be on Mars decades ago.
It's a classy bomb for classy people. No radiation, so clean folks. Same blast radius.. just not as many dead.. but just as many maimed. So terrific, I tell you folks, Putin wishes he had these babies. They are all going to respect us again once we drop these Classy Bombs on them, just you wait.

Also our Atomb bombs are also classy.

Sorry the guy you're replying to scares me with his "the modern atomb bomb.. blablabla" all I read is :"Look how classy it is in killing people!".

If we spend half our resources on constructive things rather than on these compensating phallus symbols, we'd be on Mars decades ago.

no he doesnt


he has better
We just killed 18 allies. You think US gives a shit? If you're brown you're a terrorist. The term civilian doesn't apply to people of that skin color

Not quite. The criterion is broader. All you need to be is of military age. That's enough to get you pegged as an enemy combatant.


What is the reasoning behind this death by a thousand paper cuts method. We either need to go all in or just stop wasting our time.


Aftershock LA
Fucking horrible.

This administration is a god damned nightmare and a disaster all rolled into one. I can't say I'll ever forgive the people that put this douchebag into office. They're all complicit in this shit show.


Going back to the French Indochina and subsequent Algerian war to the present , has military intervention ever been a successful counter insurgency method?

edit: I'm under the impression that the main lesson from those wars is that it is impossible to defeat insurgents by killing people



Are you seriously implying that that thing is as classy as this one? I mean seriously, it doesn't even have gold spraypaint on it. It by far is not as terrific. Again Putin wishes he had these babies ;).

(I don't keep up well with weaponry, but that was what I mend, if we spend half our resources on constructive things we would have been on Mars for decades by now. But "fuck that, let's blow some shit up!" prevails again :(. Amerika to Isis to Zimbabwe, so many men blowing shit up, starting to believe the Scum manifesto really is the answer :D.).


Well, the Fat Boy in Pyongyang is really pushing his luck it seems.

Maybe this was a test run.

Kim is a fat turd that puts people in concentration camps.
Kim also starves his people to get an extra cake himself.
Kim thinks his own firecrackers more important than the well being of his citizens.
Don't be like Kim.

Barry was an African American President who wanted to give healthcare to millions
Barry also wanted to raise the minimum wage so people could eat.
Barry planned on a slight tax increase to maintain roads and make sure everybody could have a slice of the cake.
Barry also wanted to make his firecrackers smaller, so that his citizens could have a better well being.
Be like Barry!

Any questions? Or do you really still want to be just like Kim?


The problem is not tactics, the problem is starting a second war in Irak while you still haven't finished the job in Afghanistan.

I would argue that that job is an impossible accomplishment. American intervention is routinely emphasized to have radicalized and motivated these groups to attack us in the first place.


How is a bomb with a blast radius of a mile not considered a WMD?

WMD typically means a weapon that has no control over who is being targeted, just anyone and everything in a large surrounding area is going to be affected by such a weapon.

That is why Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear weapons are what are mainly considered to be WMDs.

There are many other weapons that can be classed as a WMD, such as cluster bombs, Napalm, The MOAB, and such, but you would be hard pressed to have countries agree to classifying those weapons as WMDs as it would mean they won't be allowed to use it.

EDIT: I do wish Neogaf would calm down though, while this bomb does have a significant radius, it is all the more reason it wouldn't be used if too many civilians are in the area. I will not say there will be no civilian casualties, but we are likely not looking at large amount of civilians being in vicinity of this strike.

This bomb is perfect for sending the blast into cave systems and causing tunnels to collapse as well. Anyone in such a cave system hit with this bomb would likely die a very quick death.

The only reason I would say this is news worthy is due to it being the first time U.S has used it in combat and the sheer radius of it. Knowing this, I doubt any general in U.S (with a brain) would use this weapon with knowledge that many civilians would die to it, it would be way too publicized.


Local people I'm reading on Facebook commenting on this freak me right the hell out. If your reaction to news that we just dropped a bomb that could level the city you live in is "Great! We need more of those!" or "Haha I wish that everyone I don't like was there too!" then you don't deserve a place in civilization.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
trump just compared his two pointless bombing runs with all eight years of military and security activity in obama's presidency.


And people are wondering why there's a refugee crisis and some people going radical...

Stop bombing the middle-east dammit. It's jsut going to make things worse. Im not surpised at all if this will create more terror in the west.


It seems like these recent military strikes are softening the criticisms of Trump from at least a couple people that I know, and I hope that's not a general thing. A population that oohs and aahs over demonstrations of US military might combined with a leader that thrives on being admired and loved and with the power to flex that might is a seriously dangerous combination.


It seems like these recent military strikes are softening the criticisms of Trump from at least a couple people that I know, and I hope that's not a general thing. A population that oohs and aahs over demonstrations of US military might combined with a leader that thrives on being admired and loved and with the power to flex that might is a seriously dangerous combination.

Well, the rest of the world will lose more and more respect for the USA, but then we can just go back to what we thought of the USA during the Bush Jr. years and take it even lower :). At least he was funny, this new one is... just .... scary.


Unconfirmed Member
Unless I am missing something, there seems to have been no pressing need to drop such a fuckton unexpectedly.

Seems to me that with the unexpected missile strike in Syria and the MOAB 'tunnel killer' bomb in Afghanistan, someone might well be signalling to NK in a not very subtle way.

I hope that fat knobhead in NK backs down. I think a pattern has been established in the past week that the US will use heavy ordinance for any provocation.

I am starting to get fed up of waking up to daily news about bombs.


This bombing will just embolden them and play to their narrative.

ISIS is being defeated thanks to conventional bombings right now. If you want to argue that terrorism won't disappear if only violence is used against it then I agree (but the last time I argue that the US could use something like a Plan Marshall for Middle East I was called a fool :/ ) but here we are talking about the caliphate, a state that won't exist unless it has territory under its control.

Maybe we should tell to the Peshmerga and the iraki forces that they should stop their offensives because it will only "embolden" ISIS.
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