Dixon's Jet
They want martyrdom? Good. The United States can help them with that. I hope that lots of ISIS soldiers died, and that this bombing spreads fear throughout their ranks.
Lot of hyperbole here. It's not like they dropped this on a town.
Its essentially a large bomb that doesn't penetrate but relies on a massive concussive force that can be amplified by canyons and caves. If you find an ISIS base spread over a large area in a canyon you drop this to wipe out the base. If you find that they are spread out in caves you drop this outside to allow the concussive force to go down the tunnels. This is used on cave systems that can't be penetrated by traditional penetrating weapons.
This was dropped on a cave complex.
The only other way to clear out an area like this is to send boots on the ground and hope they find all the hiding spots. I guess that is what people would prefer?
So, did Trump just browse through a military catalogue and pick a weapon of the day to randomly start using?
"I wanna destroy ISIS....can we drop this on ISIS?"
"Sir, that's a nuke."
"Sounds exellent, let's go nukular"
"Sir, that is highly inadvisable as we probably would be retaliated by every nuke wielding nation on Earth and cause the end of humanity."
"Okay, nukular option out, what is the next big thing on the list? Says MABA here. Make America Bomb Again?"
"Sir, it's MOAB, Mother of All Bombs."
"Even better, drop one, right now, let's destroy ISIS. Obama didn't drop one of these did he?"
"No Sir."
Fucking horrifying the thought what USA might do today, and I thought the drone attacks from the Obama administration was scary and I actually liked that President.
They are completely different though. Comparing blast radius with a nuclear weapon is a meaningless exercise.
No they won't... people seem to forget open air, underground, at sea nuclear weapons tests were routine for decades until the 70's and 80's. One nuke going off anywhere won't do anything beyond destroy whatever it was aimed at, cause radiation in the area, affect the surrounding atmosphere. Modern thermonuclear weapons are also precise and less yield than they can be to limit fallout and damage.
As for this weapon, again, it is an almost clean styke nuke. Nowhere close to the destruction and damage sure, but to have these level caves and mountains and possible enemy barracks instantly, nothing left living with little to no environmental effects is very deadly.
If every bomb dropped was on the news then that would be the only news ever on.Please explain how it's insane. Bombs being dropped is literal news.
This orange shitstain is probably thinks that military force is his last option to save his failing approval ratings.
Not thats still a big deal, but right now there is no claims of collateral damage.
People are trying to compare this thing to nukes or wondering why it isn't like breaking news everywhere which is insane.
CNN said:He added that the US did its best to avoid civilian casualties, but he did not elaborate on the damage.
My intentional was that the scenario would be a nuke being used as a weapon and not ajust a test.
It's a classy bomb for classy people. No radiation, so clean folks. Same blast radius.. just not as many dead.. but just as many maimed. So terrific, I tell you folks, Putin wishes he had these babies. They are all going to respect us again once we drop these Classy Bombs on them, just you wait.
Also our Atomb bombs are also classy.
Sorry the guy you're replying to scares me with his "the modern atomb bomb.. blablabla" all I read is :"Look how classy it is in killing people!".
If we spend half our resources on constructive things rather than on these compensating phallus symbols, we'd be on Mars decades ago.
We just killed 18 allies. You think US gives a shit? If you're brown you're a terrorist. The term civilian doesn't apply to people of that skin color
If a nuke ever goes off anywhere on this planet I'm going home immediately. Things will go ape shit.
Thank you so much for the truth and some common sense.
Well, the Fat Boy in Pyongyang is really pushing his luck it seems.
Maybe this was a test run.
The problem is not tactics, the problem is starting a second war in Irak while you still haven't finished the job in Afghanistan.
How is a bomb with a blast radius of a mile not considered a WMD?
Missles in Syria and bombs in Afghanistan now? What's on the menu for NK?
I doubt this has anything to do with ISIS.
Man the bomb is huge.
Man the bomb is huge.
North Korea does look ready to test an underground nuke.At this rate, I would not be surprised to see 'The Day of the Sun.'
They want martyrdom? Good. The United States can help them with that. I hope that lots of ISIS soldiers died, and that this bombing spreads fear throughout their ranks.
Obama admin gave top American general in Afghanistan permission to use MOAB against Taliban & ISIS in January 2016 https://t.co/CSckpXNpt5
So you're saying that weakening them will just make them stronger. I disagree. They need to be militarily crushed so that their Caliphate is utterly discredited. Kill them all.This bombing will just embolden them and play to their narrative.
It seems like these recent military strikes are softening the criticisms of Trump from at least a couple people that I know, and I hope that's not a general thing. A population that oohs and aahs over demonstrations of US military might combined with a leader that thrives on being admired and loved and with the power to flex that might is a seriously dangerous combination.
Weird that you want to mass murder people who think differently than youToo bad we can't drop it on Republicans
North Korea does look ready to test an underground nuke.
This bombing will just embolden them and play to their narrative.