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CNN: US drops its largest conventional bomb (MOAB) on ISIS target in Afghanistan

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This is mostly a publicity stunt I'd say. A MOAB doesn't even remotely compare to the nukes used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, let alone modern nuclear weapons. It doesn't leave a mile wide crater like some places are suggesting.
Shit, man. I'm all in on eradicating ISIS but this is overkill. How much "collateral damage" will there be?

And I'm scared to even see how this MOAB bombing covered in US media with the way many of them masturbated over just cruise missiles.


...what do you mean they won't mention if Trump signed off on this or not

This move has to go through him anyway?.....right?


Lot of hyperbole here. It's not like they dropped this on a town.

Its essentially a large bomb that doesn't penetrate but relies on a massive concussive force that can be amplified by canyons and caves. If you find an ISIS base spread over a large area in a canyon you drop this to wipe out the base. If you find that they are spread out in caves you drop this outside to allow the concussive force to go down the tunnels. This is used on cave systems that can't be penetrated by traditional penetrating weapons.

This was dropped on a cave complex.

The only other way to clear out an area like this is to send boots on the ground and hope they find all the hiding spots. I guess that is what people would prefer?


I'd prefer non American Intervention...are you serious?




"@PressSec won’t say whether Trump authorized or was briefed on the MOAB use"

That's not abnormal, apparently Truman thought Hiroshima was just a military base and didn't even know about the second bomb or the third bomb that he stopped them from using when he found out about it. (according to radiolab / dan carlin).

Trump likely found out while watching Fox.


I find it really hard to not think about retaliation and just thinking "yeah we totally deserve to be blown the fuck up as well".


I imagine Trump murdered a lot people today that hate America with his weapon. I wonder how many new people he made hate America today, or even made some want to be radical now.

And this is the main problem with fighting in other countries and occupying them. The moment Bush Sr. sent all the troops for Desert Shield we were fucked and stuck over in that region for the long haul. How can you possibly stop a group that is made up of the populace you are supposedly there to protect without killing off the actual population? These types of war never end good if they do it all.


Forgot MOAB is an acronym for Mother Of All Bowies (the Busse knife company).


Professional Schmuck
The whole admin / tenure is going to make the Bush / Rumsfield / Cheney / Halliburton / Black Water days look like a hippy movement.


Not even Obama reported civilian casualties accurately and the media doesn't give a fuck.

You can't get rid of terrosists by bombing it. Every civilian that dies leads to new recruits.

This is only good for people who profit from war.

So we do what ignore it and pretend ISIS isn't already there? I'd rather no military involvement, but we already went there under false pretenses, fucked shit up, created a vacuum, Daesh filled it and now what we recognize them? Don't see how this problem is solved without military intervention but if you do see I'd like to hear your suggestion. I'd certainly have an issue with this if Iraqi military were not briefed about this happening, but if they were and the goals it set out for were accomplished....I don't see how it's anything but a win. But like i said in my earlier post I certainly want to see if there were any civilian casualties, that's the only thing that can make this move unjustifiable.


You have to multiply by 100 to get percentages btw. Your underselling this bomb by two orders of magnitude.

This is correct, but it would still take 90 of these MOAB bombs to approximately equal a 1KT yield, and 136 to equal the equivalent explosive damage of Hiroshima.
Edit: My bad, Hiroshima was 15kt, not 1.5kt, so that means you need 1,360ish MOABs to equal that.

It would take about 1.36 million of these bombs to equal some of the monster 15MT Thermonuclear bombs we've tested in the past, and 4.45 million of these bombs to equal the power of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuke ever dropped.

The cost of the Moab is a little over 300 million dollars.
fixed: It would cost 400 BILLION dollars to do the same damage as the Hiroshima bomb using this conventional explosive.

It would cost 408 Trillion dollars which is nearly 1000x the operating budget of the military to equal the equivalent 15MT blast.


When can you imagine it not being worse, what would have to change and how?

Going back in time and not starting the 2nd. Irak war?

I imagine things will get easier to deal for the local government when the caliphate is destroyed. Terrorism won't stop but it won't be as strong as it is now with ISIS funding and manpower. At least they'll be able to focus on the Taliban and the US can reduce their forces gradually.


So, did Trump just browse through a military catalogue and pick a weapon of the day to randomly start using?

"I wanna destroy ISIS....can we drop this on ISIS?"
"Sir, that's a nuke."
"Sounds exellent, let's go nukular"
"Sir, that is highly inadvisable as we probably would be retaliated by every nuke wielding nation on Earth and cause the end of humanity."
"Okay, nukular option out, what is the next big thing on the list? Says MABA here. Make America Bomb Again?"
"Sir, it's MOAB, Mother of All Bombs."
"Even better, drop one, right now, let's destroy ISIS. Obama didn't drop one of these did he?"
"No Sir."

Fucking horrifying the thought what USA might do today, and I thought the drone attacks from the Obama administration was scary and I actually liked that President.
Shit, man. I'm all in on eradicating ISIS but this is overkill. How much "collateral damage" will there be?

And I'm scared to even see how this MOAB bombing covered in US media with the way many of them masturbated over just cruise missiles.

I was just in the lunch room at my work and Fox news was talking about it, some guy said "hell yeah thats COOL!!" GO TRUMP."


No. I left, was a refugee and then got citizenship in the West years ago but.. how can I not sympathize when I hear such things. This is insane.

It is. I'm sorry, will always be sorry, for what my country has done to yours.

This is madness. What happens when this doesn't work to make trump more popular, like I'm sure he wants? What will he escalate to, and who will stop him?


This is correct, but it would still take 90 of these MOAB bombs to approximately equal a 1KT yield, and 136 to equal the equivalent explosive damage of Hiroshima.

It would take about 1.36 million of these bombs to equal some of the monster 15MT Thermonuclear bombs we've tested in the past, and 4.45 million of these bombs to equal the power of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuke ever dropped.

The cost of the Moab is a little over 300 million dollars.
It would cost 40 BILLION dollars to do the same damage as the Hiroshima bomb using this conventional explosive.

It would cost 408 Trillion dollars which is nearly 1000x the operating budget of the military to equal the equivalent 15MT blast.
Same damage? Maybe, but a 1 mile blast radius is not that much smaller than Hiroshima, meaning many dead and injured, just means less mess. Great for TV like CNN were Trumpaloompa can act like he is sooo classy for not throwing an A-Bomb.
So, did Trump just browse through a military catalogue and pick a weapon of the day to randomly start using?

"I wanna destroy ISIS....can we drop this on ISIS?"
"Sir, that's a nuke."
"Sounds exellent, let's go nukular"
"Sir, that is highly inadvisable as we probably would be retaliated by every nuke wielding nation on Earth and cause the end of humanity."
"Okay, nukular option out, what is the next big thing on the list? Says MABA here. Make America Bomb Again?"
"Sir, it's MOAB, Mother of All Bombs."
"Even better, drop one, right now, let's destroy ISIS. Obama didn't drop one of these did he?"
"No Sir."

Fucking horrifying the thought what USA might do today, and I thought the drone attacks from the Obama administration was scary and I actually liked that President.

Yes, this is exactly how key military decisions are made. Totally this, you should base your entire opinion around exactly the above.
Holy hell. How long usually after this kind of attack do we hear of body count reports?

Not sure the public will ever get an accurate count since the target was a system of caves.

So, did Trump just browse through a military catalogue and pick a weapon of the day to randomly start using?

"I wanna destroy ISIS....can we drop this on ISIS?"
"Sir, that's a nuke."
"Sounds exellent, let's go nukular"
"Sir, that is highly inadvisable as we probably would be retaliated by every nuke wielding nation on Earth and cause the end of humanity."
"Okay, nukular option out, what is the next big thing on the list? Says MABA here. Make America Bomb Again?"
"Sir, it's MOAB, Mother of All Bombs."
"Even better, drop one, right now, let's destroy ISIS. Obama didn't drop one of these did he?"
"No Sir."

Fucking horrifying the thought what USA might do today, and I thought the drone attacks from the Obama administration was scary and I actually liked that President.

The MOAB is a specific type of weapon used for a specific type of target. Without getting into the humanitarian or political side of the decision, from a military standpoint, this is the weapon of choice for eliminating targets in an underground cave system. It wasn't chosen randomly, and Trump likely had little or nothing to do with the decision to use it outside of a possible "thumbs up" to the idea once a case was made before him.


Going back in time and not starting the 2nd. Irak war?

I imagine things will get easier to deal for the local government when the caliphate is destroyed. Terrorism won't stop but it won't be as strong as it is now with ISIS funding and manpower. At least they'll be able to focus on the Taliban and the US can reduce their forces gradually.

We didn't even finish off the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and then Isis popped up. Shit has literally only gotten worse.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes, this is exactly how key military decisions are made. Totally this, you should base your entire opinion around exactly the above.

They're referring specifically to Trump. I'm sure most all of the top brass at the Pentagon doesn't think like this, but in all likelihood this is the kind of calculus Trump would employ in making decisions like this knowing what we know about his irrational petty nature.


Weapon developed to attack enemy fighters in caves and tunnels was dropped on an ISIS tunnel complex. War is hell, but this doesn't seem like a misuse of resources.

If you are a moderate who has to live in the aftermath and perhaps knows some of the ISIS fighters personally, then you may very well feel differently. This attack may not be as terrible as we've done, but I think at the very least, if we are going to bomb the shit out of their country, we need to invest, heavily, in humanitarian aid.


Lot of hyperbole here. It's not like they dropped this on a town.

Its essentially a large bomb that doesn't penetrate but relies on a massive concussive force that can be amplified by canyons and caves. If you find an ISIS base spread over a large area in a canyon you drop this to wipe out the base. If you find that they are spread out in caves you drop this outside to allow the concussive force to go down the tunnels. This is used on cave systems that can't be penetrated by traditional penetrating weapons.

This was dropped on a cave complex.

The only other way to clear out an area like this is to send boots on the ground and hope they find all the hiding spots. I guess that is what people would prefer?

Good post
Yes, this is exactly how key military decisions are made. Totally this, you should base your entire opinion around exactly the above.

It's comical, but that is the basic structure of how it works.

The President is presented with a menu of options prepared by the military. The idea that Trump would choose the biggest option seems reasonable. The idea that Trump would be drawn to an option that Obama never chose seems quite likely.
Not thats still a big deal, but right now there is no claims of collateral damage.

People are trying to compare this thing to nukes or wondering why it isn't like breaking news everywhere which is insane.

Please explain how it's insane. Bombs being dropped is literal news.


If a nuke ever goes off anywhere on this planet I'm going home immediately. Things will go ape shit.

No they won't... people seem to forget open air, underground, at sea nuclear weapons tests were routine for decades until the 70's and 80's. One nuke going off anywhere won't do anything beyond destroy whatever it was aimed at, cause radiation in the area, affect the surrounding atmosphere. Modern thermonuclear weapons are also precise and less yield than they can be to limit fallout and damage.

As for this weapon, again, it is an almost clean styke nuke. Nowhere close to the destruction and damage sure, but to have these level caves and mountains and possible enemy barracks instantly, nothing left living with little to no environmental effects is very deadly.
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