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COD4 reviewed by OXM (so basically it's better than everything)

_leech_ said:
No, it's just really annoying seeing a game get a 10 and then get the "well, in retrospect it's not really a 10, but it's still really good" treatment a few months later. Makes it seem like everyone gets too caught up in the hype.

What other game has that happened to and which publication said that?


Bish loves my games!
Halo 3, Orange Box, COD4, Bioshock. All lots of 10/10s!

Super Mario Galaxy and Mass Effect still looming!

How many more 10/10 products can we handle?!


I am not surprised a bit by the 10/10.

The day before I started playing the beta I was planning on buying Halo 3 and that's about it as far as shooters go for the year. After the beta I immediately preordered Call of Jesus 4, contemplated not even paying off my Halo 3 preorder but did so anyway. Will probably trade Halo in once this game is out.

The gameplay (multiplayer anyway, going by the beta. hard to imagine it not topping Halo 3 in single player too) is just leagues better imho. The gameplay is perfect. The whole set up with perks and abilities for kill streaks just makes every match intense and refreshing.
PhlivoSong said:
What other game has that happened to and which publication said that?

Never in print, obviously, but you could go as far back as Toshinden on the PSX as the earliest example, or you could look at Perfect Dark Zero for a more recent one. Sometimes reviewers, fans, and users just get too caught up in the hype and I think games are being given 10s too liberally.


is PGR4 gonna be the first PGR I DON'T buy?!?!?!

How do they make 3 8.5+ games and fuck it up on the finale. I must play the demo tonight...
TTG said:
is PGR4 gonna be the first PGR I DON'T buy?!?!?!

How do they make 3 8.5+ games and fuck it up on the finale. I must play the demo tonight...

I don't think it's a matter of fucking it up, it's more that perhaps it isn't a sequel anybody really needed. My copy is in the post, so I'm looking forward to it, but I think it may be getting unfairly reviewed due to being number 4. I'm getting sick of certain franchises being able to barely change between sequels and be fine, while others get marked down for it.


Bebpo said:
FPS > * this winter.

True, but they deserve it. Shooters have been driving the market since this gen began. Depending on taste you could call Halo 3, Bioshock and Orange box 10.0 games. Maybe COD4 will be up there too. I'm thinking Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed have a chance, an outside chance, but a chance.


Dante said:
Gee...Ya think?

Number reviews are pretty much pointless now.

It's times like these I wonder if a 5 point scale would be better, atleast from 1 or 2 major sites.

Anything beyond a 9.0 is a matter of taste, IMO.


Bebpo said:

Halo 3 10/10, HL2 ep2 10/10, CoD4 10/10

FPS > * this winter.
Resistance is up to par with all those and bioshock , it has an awesome gameplay with robust multi-player , why it didn't get some 10s ? Sony haters ?


Not Wario
TheGreatDave said:
I don't think it's a matter of fucking it up, it's more that perhaps it isn't a sequel anybody really needed. My copy is in the post, so I'm looking forward to it, but I think it may be getting unfairly reviewed due to being number 4. I'm getting sick of certain franchises being able to barely change between sequels and be fine, while others get marked down for it.

Yeah, I didn't have a problem with Halo due to its feature set (same will apply for Smash Bros.) but, having played an extensive amount of the Beta, I'm curious as to how this is getting so much praise. It's great, by all means, but, besides all the character customization options, (which are, granted, awesome) it doesn't really feel different from CoD2. I also dunno if I can handle another mp shooter on top of Halo and TF2. Still, if the SP continues to earn such remarks, I'll check it out.


Atomspike said:
Resistance is up to par with all those and bioshock , it has an awesome gameplay with robust multi-player , why it didn't get some 10s ? Sony haters ?

Its not but ok.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
+ Multiplayer quality, quantity, and depth that rivals...nevermind, you know.

how can they say this? does it have gametype customization, a map editor, saved films? saying the multiplayer depth rivals halo is a pretty big claim
traveler said:
Yeah, I didn't have a problem with Halo due to its feature set (same will apply for Smash Bros.) but, having played an extensive amount of the Beta, I'm curious as to how this is getting so much praise. It's great, by all means, but, besides all the character customization options, (which are, granted, awesome) it doesn't really feel different from CoD2. I also dunno if I can handle another mp shooter on top of Halo and TF2. Still, if the SP continues to earn such remarks, I'll check it out.

Halo is just an amazing refinement, it may essentially be the same core experience but there's so much streamlining and new features in there that it doesn't feel like a rehash. I'm not saying COD4 is, at least they're attempting to do something new by changing the setting, but it seems reviewers have no problem with incremental updates to FPS games, where-as driving games, platformers, fighters or RPGs for example get marked down if they're seen as not offering much new. Which is completely unfair really.

sixthsubset said:
how can they say this? does it have gametype customization, a map editor, saved films? saying the multiplayer depth rivals halo is a pretty big claim

They're probably talking about the core gameplay. The beta offered a hell of a lot of depth and opportunity for customisation in creating your own class, more than Halo. In terms of features it's still lacking, but think about what "depth" is implying.


_leech_ said:
Never in print, obviously, but you could go as far back as Toshinden on the PSX as the earliest example, or you could look at Perfect Dark Zero for a more recent one. Sometimes reviewers, fans, and users just get too caught up in the hype and I think games are being given 10s too liberally.
OXM did a little bit of back-peddling on their first 10 (Fight Night Round 3), saying that 11 is now the perfect score, and it'll never happen.


Bebpo said:
Bioshock is quite good, but it can't hang with these 10/10 monsters ;)

Actually Bioshock did get a 10/10 from OXM. Is this UK OXM, cause I just got the Halo 3/Bioshock issue?


beerbelly said:
No Bioshock? tsk tsk.

He said this winter. Which means he should have omitted The Orange Box and Halo 3. Unless he does not know what winter entails.

The game is going to be so awesome!
TheGreatDave said:
They're probably talking about the core gameplay. The beta offered a hell of a lot of depth and opportunity for customisation in creating your own class, more than Halo. In terms of features it's still lacking, but think about what "depth" is implying.

i disagree. i'm not going to go into it because this isn't halo vs. cod4, but in playing the beta, i wouldn't describe the class system as "depth." i'd call it a failed attempt to add depth to a game that's core gameplay has little. maybe i'm wrong, but i think it says alot when i can compete with seasoned veterans of cod2 & cod3 with a default assault class and no experience with any console fps but halo. idk, i'll give it another go when it comes out.
Another top tier game I'm picking up day one. My backlog is sick at this point, I'm only toe deep in Halo 3 and I'm got Bioshock and The Orange Box waiting in the wings. Add COD4 and Mass Effect, and I'm practically good till this time next year!


What? GTFO... I don't agree with that review on CoD4 online rivaling "you know what - Halo 3"

Just the limited Beta alone shows that CoD4 online will slap H3 like the red-headed step child it is... Will beat it like a rented mule... *insert other lame analogy*... No comparison here folks, seriously...


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Originally posted by SLUFAN on IGN.



+ Awesome moments on literally every mission
+ Multiplayer quality, quantity, and depth that rivals...nevermind, you know.
- A few frustratingly tough areas on the higher difficulty levels
? What's the story behind the epilogue level? IW won't say

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men


+ Gripping, large-scale heists
+ Genuinely absorbing story (oh yeah!)
- Lotsa rough edges, especially incomplete co-op and multiplayer
? What kind of magic could IO make if it ditched itss janky Glacier engine for Unreal 3 (who gives a damn?!?)

Other scores:

Orange Box: 9.5
GHIII: 8.0
PGR4: 8.0
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 08: 8.5
Conan: 6.5
NBA2K8: 8.5
How is this a negative? Games today are so damn easy, it makes me physicaly ill.

Games should be so hard you have people jumping out of windows in frustration. From the 5th floor.
Atomspike said:
Resistance is up to par with all those and bioshock , it has an awesome gameplay with robust multi-player , why it didn't get some 10s ? Sony haters ?

Wow I've never heard so much blasphemy in my life...Resistance isn't even in the same hemisphere as Bioshock.......Either you didn't play the game or you played it with some thick ass Sony glasses on.
So basically I have to get Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and COD4 for Christmas. Jeez, I just got Halo 3. I must say 2007 has been a stellar year for the 360.


MWS Natural said:
Wow I've never heard so much blasphemy in my life...Resistance isn't even in the same hemisphere as Bioshock.......Either you didn't play the game or you played it with some thick ass Sony glasses on.

Or maybe the game is that good? * shock*

the official thread didn't reach almost 300 pages for nothing you know


GenericPseudonym said:
So basically I have to get Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and COD4 for Christmas. Jeez, I just got Halo 3. I must say 2007 has been a stellar year for the 360.

Eh, it's a great ending to the 360, PC, and PS3 this year... More-so, ONLINE games... Warhawk, TF2, UT3 (pc), and CoD4, and maybe Crysis... It's a great year for online shooters to say the least...
GenericPseudonym said:
So basically I have to get Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and COD4 for Christmas. Jeez, I just got Halo 3. I must say 2007 has been a stellar year for the 360.

Yeah it's definitely the home console for games this holiday with the console exclusive games and multiplatform game edge it generally sports.


MWS Natural said:
Wow I've never heard so much blasphemy in my life...Resistance isn't even in the same hemisphere as Bioshock.......Either you didn't play the game or you played it with some thick ass Sony glasses on.
yeah right ! blasphemy! this is why it has sold almost 3 times more than Bioshock , and it's on a single platform .
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