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College Football 2013 |Week 4| #KARMA

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Blake Bell
Devin Gardner
Conner Shaw
Tyler Bray

Best would be Cam coming as a Juco QB.

Blake Bell wasn't bad in his debut, but I'd take Connor Shaw over the other three any day. He's not NFL "elite" material either, but he's a better player than Driskel. No question. Look at the success of either program in the last three seasons.

Just because Driskel's 6'4" 240 lbs. doesn't mean shit. That's the main argument I see in this thread over why Driskel is "NFL material". Yea, I'm all for FSU, but biased aside I don't see squat that impresses me to the point where he'll be successful in the NFL. Tebow's 6'2" 240 lbs. and look where he's at.

I'm sorry, but if anyone thinks Driskel is NFL ready, in his state of being right now, I have nothing to say to you.



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Bucknuticus is really trying hard to get that nickname to stick.
I'm really considering making him the only resident of my ignore list until Guiton graduates, such is my disdain for that nickname.


Apparently Bo Pelini really hated Nebraska fans in 2011. Wow.

All of that is just the prelude to Pelini's message for the Huskers' fans: "It took everything in my power to not say, 'Fuck you, fans. Fuck all of you.' Fuck 'em." After Sharpe says a lot of students had left at halftime, the woman starts to say that people did return to their seats. Pelini interjects: "Our crowd. What a bunch of fucking fair-weather fucking—they can all kiss my ass out the fucking door. 'Cause the day is fucking coming now. We'll see what they can do when I'm fucking gone. I'm so fucking pissed off."



In his defense, we have become really shitty fans. He isn't helping himself with the blow out losses but there have always been a large portion of fans that never liked him and always looking for an out. We like to tout "Greatest Fans!" but it's not true when it comes to adversity.

I hope he remains here as his new players are showing they're talented. I just can't pin our offensive struggles on the OC or on Martinez. The O has been really off this year and its one of those two if not a combination.



In his defense, we have become really shitty fans. He isn't helping himself with the blow out losses but there have always been a large portion of fans that never liked him and always looking for an out. We like to tout "Greatest Fans!" but it's not true when it comes to adversity.

I hope he remains here as his new players are showing they're talented. I just can't pin our offensive struggles on the OC or on Martinez. The O has been really off this year and its one of those two if not a combination.
Hasn't there always been a feeling that Bo really didn't fit Nebraska - he's too much of an asshole to fit the genteel crowd there?

Or am I just falling into stereotypes about super nice Nebraskans? My college room mate was the stereotypical nice Nebraskan.


Sailor Stevenson
In his defense, we have become really shitty fans. He isn't helping himself with the blow out losses but there have always been a large portion of fans that never liked him and always looking for an out. We like to tout "Greatest Fans!" but it's not true when it comes to adversity.

I hope he remains here as his new players are showing they're talented. I just can't pin our offensive struggles on the OC or on Martinez. The O has been really off this year and its one of those two if not a combination.

we aren't crappy fans at all. we're remarkably loyal to Bo.

We're fed up with the bad performances. Nothing more, nothing else.
Hasn't there always been a feeling that Bo really didn't fit Nebraska - he's too much of an asshole to fit the genteel crowd there?

Or am I just falling into stereotypes about super nice Nebraskans? My college room mate was the stereotypical nice Nebraskan.
As far as being welcoming and accommodating to visiting fans, we absolutely deserve the label of being great fans. When it comes to what happens on the field with our own team, we can be extremely fickle and demanding. Fans routinely leave early, even during big games if it's a one sided in either direction. The crowds for Husker games are usually pretty tame, mostly because a lot of (older) fans refuse to stand up or make any noise. It's an interactive experience yet a lot don't treat it that way. I partially understand why Pelini said ranted what he did concerning fair weather fans because it disappoints me as well.

The one part of the audio legitimately bugged me was the "we'll see what they do when I'm fucking gone, because the day is coming" (I'm paraphrasing) because there were a lot of rumors concerning him and some other jobs (like Miami) in the past couple of years. Those rumors must have been more concrete than he lead us to believe. Its hard to get behind and support someone if they don't want to be here 100%.

Anyway, I've been trying to take a break from GAF for a few months but felt the need to comment on this. The whole situation on and off the field sucks a bag of dicks right now.


In his defense, we have become really shitty fans. He isn't helping himself with the blow out losses but there have always been a large portion of fans that never liked him and always looking for an out. We like to tout "Greatest Fans!" but it's not true when it comes to adversity.

I hope he remains here as his new players are showing they're talented. I just can't pin our offensive struggles on the OC or on Martinez. The O has been really off this year and its one of those two if not a combination.
I'm sorry but he would be facing the same pressures if he was at any other team and he was having these blowouts or collapses.

It is kind of salt in the wound though because it seems that all the rumors of him trying to leave might be true with his attitude there. Jokes on him I guess because with his performance so
far he isn't going anywhere better than Nebraska for now.


We're still nice people; just real quick to anger. Some of these people that are mad about what he said are the same people that never hesitate to shit on him, his staff or his players. Some of these losses are soul crushing but people have sent death threats to previous coaches for poor performances, while many others will shit on the team and still claim they're the best fans.

Whenever I get tickets to games I have to make sure they're not in the North stadium as I get frustrated being the only one in my section cheering with the fight song or getting noisy at any other time than 3rd and long just before the snap. People giving me dirty looks for trying to provide any sort of home field advantage.

Maybe I'm just jaded about how the fans are like Bo. He's stated multiple times that you can hear a pin drop in there at times, and not just during blow outs.

Edit: Pretty much agree with everything HalfBaked said


Sailor Stevenson
We're still nice people; just real quick to anger. Some of these people that are mad about what he said are the same people that never hesitate to shit on him, his staff or his players. Some of these losses are soul crushing but people have sent death threats to previous coaches for poor performances, while many others will shit on the team and still claim they're the best fans.

Whenever I get tickets to games I have to make sure they're not in the North stadium as I get frustrated being the only one in my section cheering with the fight song or getting noisy at any other time than 3rd and long just before the snap. People giving me dirty looks for trying to provide any sort of home field advantage.

Maybe I'm just jaded about how the fans are like Bo. He's stated multiple times that you can hear a pin drop in there at times, and not just during blow outs.

Edit: Pretty much agree with everything HalfBaked said

A FEW people. not all. SOME bad apples. many people are very happy to let Bo keep winning 9-10 games a year while losing 3-4.

Memorial Stadium only is hopping when it needs to be. It was totally rocking early in the UCLA game. Nebraska gets up or down big, and it quiets down a lot.

I do agree more people need to cheer, but we also have a very old fan base that's had its tickets for a very long time. The old girl still gets going just fine when she needs to though. I imagine many other stadiums around the country are the same. Washington was pretty darn quiet when we were blowing them out... UCLA was half empty. At least our fans show up, are respectful, and can be loud when the game calls for it


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Stick around, at least until the handful of Alabama fans here annoy you into giving up the internet.


As a Nebraska fan and someone who has lived in Nebraska all my life..

.. this is just an immature little drive by hit on Pelini. So what. Emotional after a game and thought he wasn't being recorded. Whoever released it was waiting to use it at an opportune time.

I can almost guarantee you every single Nebraska coach has sad something similar in private. You can't be that involved with a program and not have some sort of emotion.

and to be honest, sell out streak and all, Nebraska fans tend to masturbate about being Nebraska fans a little too much sometimes. Also even if the fans don't leave their seats during games, it's like the other team only has to make five good plays and then everyone is quiet for the rest of the game. Probably one of the worst fans at acting as the 12th man. Probably in part due to all the bluehairs still holding onto those eternal season tickets

The one part of the audio legitimately bugged me was the "we'll see what they do when I'm fucking gone, because the day is coming" (I'm paraphrasing) because there were a lot of rumors concerning him and some other jobs (like Miami) in the past couple of years. Those rumors must have been more concrete than he lead us to believe. Its hard to get behind and support someone if they don't want to be here 100%.

I think everyone has had that moment at some time in their life, even if you don't have a job to go to. When you feel like you're so wrapped up in things and holding them up, you start to think 'fuck them, let them watch shit fall apart if they get rid of me'. It's not "I want out".


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Tell me about it. I blame Cyan. Welcome back.

That's the truth. I'm not sure which is worse, all you Bama fans or the Gatas. :p
Putting aside my subjectivity, I think the new crop of Bama fans have actually been fairly well behaved, especially when compared to the new Gata fans like pxleyes.

Edit: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's that time of the week: http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2013/9/...horns-badgers-nebraska-cornhuskers-mack-brown

Edit the second:


:jnc The guy on the left lacking the coordination to join his buddies makes the .gif.


Man, I have no idea. Maybe a Husker fan can fill us in.
Won't load in my phone but the still frame looks like they are doing three and out (fingers) for defense and also the bones (arms crossed).

Although if this was in the second half then yes they were trying to fly away.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Won't load in my phone but the still frame looks like they are doing three and out (fingers) for defense and also the bones (arms crossed).

Although if this was in the second half then yes they were trying to fly away.

Thanks, I can see the three and out and the crossed arms, but they're also flapping their arms like they're mimicking some sort of bird.


Putting aside my subjectivity, I think the new crop of Bama fans have actually been fairly well behaved, especially when compared to the new Gata fans like pxleyes.

Edit: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's that time of the week: http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2013/9/...horns-badgers-nebraska-cornhuskers-mack-brown

Edit the second:


:jnc The guy on the left lacking the coordination to join his buddies makes the .gif.

Those Texas tears sure are bitter.

To the Nebraska fans talking about their fanbase, I can relate to that. A lot of old people still with season tickets at UGA so getting them to be loud for a whole game is rare. The South Carolina game was the loudest they've been since the 2008 black out game. Hopefully that continues, but they have North Texas this week so that will be a snoozefest. LSU will be a game that our crowd needs to be loud for again. Also, fairweather fans, we have tons of those. <Insert caller crying about UGA football here>


So, with the addition of Louisville next year to the ACC, they should realign the divisions as such:

Atlantic Division:
Florida State
Georgia Tech
North Carolina
North Carolina State
Wake Forest

Beast Division:
Boston College
Virginia Tech

Easier to remember, and better intra-division rivalries.


(FRI) Boise State @ Fresno State by 3
North Carolina @ Georgia Tech by 4
Wake Forest @ Army by 7
Pittsburgh @ Duke by 10
Houston vs. Rice by 13
Michigan State @ Notre Dame by 6
West Virginia @ Maryland by 3
Arkansas @ Rutgers by 6
Arizona State @ Stanford by 14
Kansas State @ Texas by 3
Missouri @ Indiana by 10
Utah @ BYU by 6

Go Cougars.


(FRI) Boise State @ Fresno State by 4
North Carolina @ Georgia Tech by 10
Wake Forest @ Army by 4
Pittsburgh @ Duke by 4
Houston[b/] vs. Rice by 4
Michigan State @ Notre Dame by 4
West Virginia @ Maryland by 7
Arkansas @ Rutgers by 14
Arizona State @ Stanford by 17
Kansas State @ Texas by 7
Missouri @ Indiana by 10
Utah @ BYU by 7

Hate it when Rutgers is picked, because it's my due obligation to homer out.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Putting aside my subjectivity, I think the new crop of Bama fans have actually been fairly well behaved, especially when compared to the new Gata fans like pxleyes.

Edit: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's that time of the week: http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2013/9/...horns-badgers-nebraska-cornhuskers-mack-brown

Edit the second:


:jnc The guy on the left lacking the coordination to join his buddies makes the .gif.

Think I've seen 2 or 3, but I'm usually pretty bad with names. Takes weeks/months of posting to get me to remember it. Or post as oftern as we in the "shameful amount of posts" level.

PS: Thank Jebus for vacation days, GTAV would have gotten me fired :lol Woke up late and missed the meltdown.


I won't be surprised to see Iowa State on the meltdown next week after the Tulsa game. There's the potential for our first 0-3 start in a long time.


(FRI) Boise State @ Fresno State by 4
North Carolina @ Georgia Tech by 7
Wake Forest @ Army by 4
Pittsburgh @ Duke by 5
Houston vs. Rice by 10
Michigan State @ Notre Dame by 6
West Virginia @ Maryland by 15
Arkansas @ Rutgers by 7
Arizona State @ Stanford by 10
Kansas State @ Texas by 18
Missouri @ Indiana by 6
Utah @ BYU by 5


Sailor Stevenson
yeah, the tradition in the student section would be to Throw the Bones (Blackshirts symbol/gesture) with three and out on your hand... they are turning it into a bird. That was the happy part of the game.

I'm on the group that thinks it's time to make a change at Nebraska, but I thought that before this week and game.

I just don't think Bo can keep a team even keeled or adjust well. He's great when he has exceptional talent, but he hasn't surrounded himself with a staff that I'd consider to be exceptional (JP, Ross Els, Barney Cotton can all GTFO), and our recruiting, while better now, is still a disaster.

Personally, I think he's a tough SOB who at heart is a good guy. But he's also a Youngstown dude and that comes with a rough edge.

I just don't think in year 5 you should get blown out by 7-5 teams, or in year six be starting true freshmen linebackers and getting blown out at home by 38 unanswered points after an 18 point lead.

Now that Eichorst is in power, we won't have an arbitrary budget cap when coach searching this time, so I think there are some solid options for Nebraska out there. Give me a coach who tirelessly recruits and surrounds himself with a world class staff, and let's see where it goes.

Chris R

(FRI) Boise State @ Fresno State by 10
North Carolina @ Georgia Tech by 4
Wake Forest @ Army by 8
Pittsburgh @ Duke by 8
Houston vs. Rice by 8
Michigan State @ Notre Dame by 4
West Virginia @ Maryland by 10
Arkansas @ Rutgers by 8
Arizona State @ Stanford by 14
Kansas State @ Texas by 10
Missouri @ Indiana by 8
Utah @ BYU by 10

Why so many ACC picks :( Also, that Friday game is going to be a great one I think, 35+ points on both sides I bet.
Congrats on USF somehow not making ESPN's Bottom 10.

Can't say the same for the Big 10 Conference, though. :(

Texas was #5 last week and #10 this week, but the #5 spot is always reserved for a good team (or conference) that had a bad week. The rest of the bottom 10 is for actual bad teams. So for Texas to be #10 instead of #5 is a huge drop. We're in the "real" bottom 10 now.


BYU LB Spencer Hadley has been suspended indefinitely for a team rules violation. Team rules would be different than Honor Code, so I have to wonder if we'll see him back or not. That's a HUGE blow to the BYU defense, allowing teams to focus even more on Kyle Van Noy as a far less experienced player will be in Hadley's position.


yeah, the tradition in the student section would be to Throw the Bones (Blackshirts symbol/gesture) with three and out on your hand... they are turning it into a bird. That was the happy part of the game.

I'm on the group that thinks it's time to make a change at Nebraska, but I thought that before this week and game.

I just don't think Bo can keep a team even keeled or adjust well. He's great when he has exceptional talent, but he hasn't surrounded himself with a staff that I'd consider to be exceptional (JP, Ross Els, Barney Cotton can all GTFO), and our recruiting, while better now, is still a disaster.

Personally, I think he's a tough SOB who at heart is a good guy. But he's also a Youngstown dude and that comes with a rough edge.

I just don't think in year 5 you should get blown out by 7-5 teams, or in year six be starting true freshmen linebackers and getting blown out at home by 38 unanswered points after an 18 point lead.

Now that Eichorst is in power, we won't have an arbitrary budget cap when coach searching this time, so I think there are some solid options for Nebraska out there. Give me a coach who tirelessly recruits and surrounds himself with a world class staff, and let's see where it goes.

Justin Wilcox is a terrible coach and you should definitely not consider hiring him for even a second. Please pass that on to your AD.
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