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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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Hell yeah! It's this time of the week again:


Avengers #18

Super small marvel haul. Can#t wait for Fear Itself to finally be over and the new X-Men stuff to start. Is Deadpool Max maybe worth a shot? I have to say that David Lapham is kind of a blind spot for me.
Oh man. Batman week. The first issue was great. Time to go see what else is coming out. I'll go with Justice League again since it was one of the better titles even though nothing much happened.

Batman #2
Justice League #2
Fables #110

Avengers #18
Fear Itself #7

Ugh, light week but three $4 books. I wish Amazon would start selling floppies. Then I could really take advantage of Prime.


HELLBLAZER #2004040404


JL is getting dropped like a steaming bad of shite if it hasn't picked up this week. There are better teams on Marvel I'd rather read.


Speaking of the Avengers. Being a virgin to them is it worth picking it up post Fear itself now they have a new team?
Spookie said:
HELLBLAZER #2004040404


JL is getting dropped like a steaming bad of shite if it hasn't picked up this week. There are better teams on Marvel I'd rather read.
Is Near Death a case by case book or is there an overarching plot?


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Is Near Death a case by case book or is there an overarching plot?

So far case by case, though there seems there will be overarching repercussions for what he has done. Very action orientated though.
Spookie said:
Ok I'll give it a shot then. :)

This is a pretty dece few months to get into DC or Marvel. Regenesis is clearing the Mutant decks, The New 52 on DC, Spider-Island is about to end, and Fear Itself ends tomorrow. New storylines everywhere!

For you! The reader!


BenjaminBirdie said:
This is a pretty dece few months to get into DC or Marvel. Regenesis is clearing the Mutant decks, The New 52 on DC, Spider-Island is about to end, and Fear Itself ends tomorrow. New storylines everywhere!

For you! The reader!

I've already read Schism followed by Regenesis so Uncanny X-Men, X-Force and Wolverine & The X-Men are on my list followed by Wolverine when Brian takes over. Got Amazing post SI on my list, already have Ultimate and going to try Avenging. Ultimates is now on my list since they are bundling together 1-3 in December.

It's costing me a bloody fortune! D:
Father_Brain said:
I'm pretty curious about the "It's Coming" Phoenix crossover, but I'm not paying six bucks for an anthology where every story serves only to tease/advertise a storyline that will play out elsewhere. I'd only buy it if Marvel had taken the hit and priced it at $1-$2, like DC's Brave New World one-shot from back in '06.

I'm exactly opposite. I'll grab it to see if anything sticks out for me. All the new stuff has to impress in the short stuff here or I'm not buying them.

When does it come out anyways?
comedy bomb said:
I'm exactly opposite. I'll grab it to see if anything sticks out for me. All the new stuff has to impress in the short stuff here or I'm not buying them.

When does it come out anyways?

November 9, three weeks from tomorrow.
Spookie said:
I've already read Schism followed by Regenesis so Uncanny X-Men, X-Force and Wolverine & The X-Men are on my list followed by Wolverine when Brian takes over. Got Amazing post SI on my list, already have Ultimate and going to try Avenging. Ultimates is now on my list since they are bundling together 1-3 in December.

It's costing me a bloody fortune! D:
Damn, those are all $3.99 books right?!


Reluctant-Hero said:
Damn, those are all $3.99 books right?!

I think so, I live in the UK so I'm looking at about £2.45 a pop with postage on top of that since I don't live near any comic book store. It would be more economical to have them delivered than go in to town on the train to buy them! :/


The return to Westchester gives me some hope, I really REALLY miss the old days of the X-Men when they were hiding more.
I hope at least to some point it gets back to that.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Rick! Remender! is on Secret Avengers with GABRIEL!! HARDMAN!!

Wait, they're giving 616 Hawkeye his boring Ultimate non-costume? He's got one of the best costumes ever, I don't get why they keep messing with it. Just lock every artist in a room with no food and the Busiek/Perez run until they learn to draw it.
LiveFromKyoto said:
Wait, they're giving 616 Hawkeye his boring Ultimate non-costume? He's got one of the best costumes ever, I don't get why they keep messing with it. Just lock every artist in a room with no food and the Busiek/Perez run until they learn to draw it.

Just keep this in The Book for the next time these ninnies claim Marvel doesn't bend over to take it in the ass for Hollywood.

Put a reserve on the non-Loeb run with the boring art Rulk arc at the library. Writer sounded like he had good ideas on Word Balloon; but until I have cold hard evidence of this I'm not buying it.

We3 is nearing the top of my library reservations as well. WILL JEDI SNEVE BE VINDICATED?! :O
Uuugghhh debating if I should get Avengers tomorrow. Not sure how I feel about the team, though better than the generic team for the movie.
The Take Out Bandit said:
We3 is nearing the top of my library reservations as well. WILL JEDI SNEVE BE VINDICATED?! :O

Even if Morrison & Quitely aren't your thing, as an artist you pretty have to tip your hat to it as an exercise in storytelling. The art carries the whole thing.
LiveFromKyoto said:
Even if Morrison & Quitely aren't your thing, as an artist you pretty have to tip your hat to it as an exercise in storytelling. The art carries the whole thing.

GAF seems to forget, I dislike Quietly; but I recognize his skill.

My main beef is he's atrocious at drawing iconic characters. They're off model as hell and look like they're sculpted of oatmeal.

However when I see him drawing non-icons it doesn't make me want to vomit violently.

Also I still want to love Grant Morrison. He's funnybook Crapcom to me. He was great last gen, now this gen he's just burning up all the good will and crushing dreams.

Let it be known, tomorrow I head directly to the funnybook shop on lunch. DAT DRAGON!
The Take Out Bandit said:
Put a reserve on the non-Loeb run with the boring art Rulk arc at the library. Writer sounded like he had good ideas on Word Balloon; but until I have cold hard evidence of this I'm not buying it. :O

Do you mean Jeff Parker?


Jedeye Sniv

The Take Out Bandit said:
GAF seems to forget, I dislike Quietly; but I recognize his skill.

My main beef is he's atrocious at drawing iconic characters. They're off model as hell and look like they're sculpted of oatmeal.

However when I see him drawing non-icons it doesn't make me want to vomit violently.

Also I still want to love Grant Morrison. He's funnybook Crapcom to me. He was great last gen, now this gen he's just burning up all the good will and crushing dreams.

Let it be known, tomorrow I head directly to the funnybook shop on lunch. DAT DRAGON!

Well this is pretty much Morrison's Resident Evil 4 (or whatever the best Capcom game from last gen is), so you're in for a good time. And Quitely can draw the shit out of a dog, even if his people are mushy-faced. If you don't cry in #3 then you have severe issues with empathy, good sir.

Are you reading the re-release or the original. The new version has an even sadder moment at the end, I lost my shit twice while reading it.

Jedeye Sniv said:
Well this is pretty much Morrison's Resident Evil 4 (or whatever the best Capcom game from last gen is), so you're in for a good time. And Quitely can draw the shit out of a dog, even if his people are mushy-faced. If you don't cry in #3 then you have severe issues with empathy, good sir.

Are you reading the re-release or the original. The new version has an even sadder moment at the end, I lost my shit twice while reading it.


And an even sadder moment at the beginning.
haha well OK, sure its not doing anything, but if people are switching off this early, I don't know just made me wonder. Obviously nothing to worry about though!
Chriswok said:
haha well OK, sure its not doing anything, but if people are switching off this early, I don't know just made me wonder. Obviously nothing to worry about though!

For me it's just personal taste. Taking a step back I just realized the DCU is just fundamentally boring to me. Over the past few years they've taken a lot of pains to make it interesting (Infinite Crisis -> 52 -> Green Lantern Stuff -> Final Crisis) but when you strip all that away, as they've done, it's just revealed the uninteresting universe (to me) at its core.

I'm sure people feel the same way about Marvel, though. It's just the comics I came up reading.
I really love the Secret Avenger power sets. Its a lot of potentially awesome characters that don't normally interact with each other doing Avenger-like things.

Is Steve leaving SA in the near future?
I suppose if you've really immersed yourself into it, it might be a bit draining to have it all taken away again. I only really grew up reading Batman, though the reboot did open my eyes that A LOT of crazy stuff happens to Bruce Wayne within a 5 year period. Guy can't take a crap without something happening.

Sort of spoils it in a way knowing its suppose to be 5 years.

Never really read Marvel, so I'm currently reading Ultimate Marvel in the 'perceived' chronological order... enjoying it though!
Chriswok said:
I suppose if you've really immersed yourself into it, it might be a bit draining to have it all taken away again. I only really grew up reading Batman, though the reboot did open my eyes that A LOT of crazy stuff happens to Bruce Wayne within a 5 year period. Guy can't take a crap without something happening.

Sort of spoils it in a way knowing its suppose to be 5 years.

Never really read Marvel, so I'm currently reading Ultimate Marvel in the 'perceived' chronological order... enjoying it though!

It's just the way comics work. There is no way all the things Spider-man (or any hero) does could have happened to anyone in his twenties. Unless he's having multiple adventures every day of his life. Time compression has always existed.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
Brahs anecdotal evidence my shop only had like four copies of Blue Beetle, it's going to be the first one canceled isn;t it? :(

Not sure I've ever considered him a 'Main Character' though, I mean OK, so I only ever read Batman (sometimes Superman), but I mean... who is this guy? He's a sidekick, right?

Jedeye Sniv

Chriswok said:
I suppose if you've really immersed yourself into it, it might be a bit draining to have it all taken away again. I only really grew up reading Batman, though the reboot did open my eyes that A LOT of crazy stuff happens to Bruce Wayne within a 5 year period. Guy can't take a crap without something happening.

Sort of spoils it in a way knowing its suppose to be 5 years.

Never really read Marvel, so I'm currently reading Ultimate Marvel in the 'perceived' chronological order... enjoying it though!

It's not 5 years though is it? It's more likely at least 8, maybe 10. In Justice League he's been in the costume for years and that comic is set 5 years ago.

Also, it doesn't matter. If you think about it for any more than 30 seconds it all falls apart anyway. But really Batman has been around for 80 years, think of it that way and it's fine. Time moves differently in paper universes.

Phoenix's Rage

Neo Member
Figured I would ask in this thread. What does GAF recommend for selling old comics? I have a decent amount of 90's era comics in mint condition that I would like to unload. Nostalgia isn't enough for me to want to keep them around. :-/


Just finished reading Catwoman #2. Personally I thought it was good stuff, but I can see people getting turned off by the Batman romance. There's still plenty of action to keep me entertained, and that ending :O
Phoenix's Rage said:
Figured I would ask in this thread. What does GAF recommend for selling old comics? I have a decent amount of 90's era comics in mint condition that I would like to unload. Nostalgia isn't enough for me to want to keep them around. :-/

If they're 90s comics you probably won't get anything for them. Shipping them will cost more than what you sell them for most likely. Unless you can sell them on craigslist or something. Comic stores usually don't buy 90s comics either.
Bought via Comics Conspiracy Comixolgy Store:

Justice League # 2 - For the price, this better be as good as the first

Catwoman # 2

Supergirl # 1 - Wanted something different to read

Passed on:

Batman # 2 - As I said, i'm still reading Pre-52 arcs and just felt disinterested when read Issue No.1 because of it, so I'll wait


Batman is so fucking awesome.

I always love seeing Bruce in action too.

EDIT: Ivan Reis' JL art makes me wish he was on Justice League.


I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
canceled Wonder Woman, Birds of Prey and Superboy......mad boring.

Avenging Spiderman looks good.
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