I had a chance to read Batman, Supergirl, Justice League, and Green Lantern Corps so far this week. Still need to get to Wonder Woman, Catwoman, and Nightwing.
Batman was just awesome, these are the kind of Batman stories I want. Synder is just fucking nailing it perfectly. Put this man in charge of all things Batman!
Supergirl was alright. Not sure I'm digging where I think the book is going, or the things they seem to be hinting at, we'll see though. I'm also sick of Super heroes fighting every time they meet each other in the DCnU. It has more story than the first issue at least, we'll see where they go with it. I thought the last version of Supergirl had finally really gotten it right. So for me this has a lot to live up to.
Justice League, again more story than last issue thankfully. I really feel like they're turning Superman into a bit of a prick in DCnU. He just comes off as such an asshole, I don't like it.
GLC, ohh hey look it's a secret hidden group that seems to have blades made of the same Will power force powering the GL's rings. Let me guess the guardians will pretend they don't know anything about them, and then in the last minute admit to them being an early fuck up.