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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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I'm not the only one that saw Fear Itself as a dud. All those amazing pieces to play with and what we got was boring, with SHOCKING plot points there just for the shock value and no actual emotional payoffs or repurcussions.

I'm hoping that we can chalk it up to editorial pressure and not on Fraction. But who knows.


Bucky didn't deserve to die that way. He deserved better than to be killed by a Norsed-out Sin.

He should've died rerouting a nuclear warhead into becoming inert in space. Some full circle kind of shit.

Not like this...

Anyway, after Bandit wouldn't stop talking about Hawkman, I got Endless Flight. It's... okay, but I'm not seeing the brilliance yet. I'm only three issues in, though, so maybe that comes later.

the chris

krypt0nian said:
I'm not the only one that saw Fear Itself as a dud. All those amazing pieces to play with and what we got was boring, with SHOCKING plot points there just for the shock value and no actual emotional payoffs or repurcussions.

I'm hoping that we can chalk it up to editorial pressure and not on Fraction. But who knows.
I just think it's the fact that Fraction can't write anything that has to do with Thor at all. He even retconned Bor's death from Strazinsky's run to just dying peacefully in his sleep.
Since comixology has a $0.99 sale on Superman/Batmann through the end of the day, I was wondering if you guys had any reccomendations on good arcs to pick up. I already grabbed the Damien/Kara
issue and the Batman Beyond annual. Both were pretty cool, so what else is worth it?


I'm very interested in the Nocturnals books, but I'd like an idea of the in-book art first. Does anyone have samples? Bereton's cover art is generally fantastic, but can I expect the same out of the actual books? Also, it seems volume 1 is now hard to find and the hardcover fetches a premium price.
Spike Spiegel said:
Aren't there still a whole bunch of milking "Point One" issues coming out that deal specifically with the fallout from 'Fear Itself'?

Only three, and I don't think Marvel is promoting them as being part of the Point One initiative. Which is kinda odd.


So I got the initial Demon Knights issues and it's pretty cool, but seems to be going by really fast.
Also Yistin is a girl, right?


gketter said:

They have a website, iphone/ipad, and soon (or has) android apps. If you create an account with them it wont be tied to any one device but your comixology account.

Yeah comiXology has been great. They usually have some neat sales weekly, and besides the occasional hiccup, I haven't had many problems. Some series though, you'll have to go through the actual publishers app (Dark Horse, Image, IDW, etc).
As is often the case with his comic reviews, Paul O'Brien says exactly what needs to be said about Fear Itself #7.

Iron Man returns from Asgard with the special weapons that will empower some characters chosen entirely at random and turn them into variant action figures. There’s no discernible rhyme or reason to the characters chosen, and no real attempt to suggest a logic to it. With all the world’s superheroes to choose from, Iron Man chooses to power up the Black Widow, Iron Fist, Hawkeye and the Red She-Hulk? Why?

What we get here, though, is a massive random fight scene, where completely incongruous moments of hope are thrown in because somebody has vaguely understood that they’re thematically necessary. For its dramatic weight, it relies instead of the heroic sacrifice of Thor, but that’s weightless, because we know perfectly well he’ll be back soon enough.

It’s very pretty and all, but this was a dreadful story – partly because of the storytelling blunders that undermined key moments, but mostly because the plot itself is poorly constructed and lacking in drama. Instead of building logically to a climax, it seems to throw in vaguely climax-shaped things and hope for the best.
krypt0nian said:
Made a patsy out of Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Thor and pretty much everyone who thought it would be good. :(

Also post 853.

A patsy of Tony Stark? After what he had to do to beat The Serpent? Of all the criticisms of Fear Itself, this is absolutely the most ludicrous.


So I did my own research and found out Nocturnals is completely painted, which alone sold me on the series. Amazon didn't have the hardcover of volume 1 - seems hard to find nowadays - so I called a local comic store that happened to have a used copy for cheap. Drove down there and picked up used copies of Nocturnals: Black Planet and the Unhallowed Eve one-shot for like, $16. Just got home and ordered the V2 hardcover TPB off Amazon along with Metamaus, which I saw in-store.

Also grabbed some Magic: the Gathering promo cards and, because they were having a sale on boxes, I grabbed one of Innistrad for shits and giggles. Good haul today, very happy with it. I love a comic book store with great selection & staff.
BenjaminBirdie said:
A patsy of Tony Stark? After what he had to do to beat The Serpent? Of all the criticisms of Fear Itself, this is absolutely the most ludicrous.

If you say so. I find his drinking to get things done at least as ludicrous. A simple pop for the crowd that was as forgettable as Bucky/Thor dying in a throw away panel. No weight, no emotion, no value at all.

Hey let's kill Thor again. At let last time it was given proper weight.

animlboogy said:
Every single event book suffers from these problems, no matter who is writing. Civil War was one of the better ones, and Secret Invasion had a great concept, but both books amounted to a bit of punching back and forth and no real weight to any of it.

They just make all of these into fight comics for whatever reason. The extremely poor reception of Final Crisis didn't help matters any. (Having read that as a complete trade with Superman Beyond included, I blame marketing. We should have known what that series was going to be, and Beyond should have been part of it from the start. It's seriously great if you're willing to really pay attention.)

Well that at least lets Fraction off the hook a bit for this stinker, and maybe Aaron for the lameness of Schism. Hopefully Marvel sees Spider Island as a model for future event books.


Just started getting back into comics, and have jumped onto the DC train a bit with the New 52. I've decided to follow Action Comics, Batman, and Green Arrow. I also picked up the first two issues of Batwoman, but while the artwork is stunning, I'm not quite sure what the story's about, and the book doesn't feel new reader friendly.


I've been a Green Arrow fan since I picked up the first issue of Kevin Smith's re-launch, and am now trying to go back and collect the Mike Grell and Dan Jurgens stuff. While the New 52 version of GA is very different from the classic old man with a beard, I don't mind. I'm enjoying just seeing the character kick ass and philosophize about righteousness and the sad state of popular culture today. I do hope the book will flesh out Oliver Queen's character, though. Right now, we know nothing about his motivation for doing what he does. I hope that once JT Krull is off the book in a month, the next team will rock it.


Action Comics is fantastic. For the first time ever, I am interested in reading a contemporary Superman book. No more perfect messiah, but a flawed and powered up super being meting out justice because he feels it's the right thing to do. It has more of a vigilante feel, and I love the working class overtones.

P.S. Daredevil written by Mark Waid is the best thing on the shelves right now. The pacing is smooth, the artwork is fluid and fun, Matt Murdock is smiling again, and there is a fantastic sense of adventure that has pervaded each issue so far.

Issue #5 on sale this Wednesday!
Wow! Color me surprised. Wizard World actually did a pretty nice job with Mid Ohio Con in their first year running it. Plenty of guests and they moved it from the bottom of the convention center to a new room with better everything.

Shook hands with a lot of my favorite indie creators and met a few mainstream guys.

Here's my haul:


And sketches:

Free Black Cat from Bonnie Lass creator Michael Mayne. GAF should check out his stuff it's fun and energetic and he has a kick ass Battletoads print for sale:


DAT HAKAN from Jay P. Fosgitt creator of Dead Duck and letterer for Guy Davis:





Phil Jimenez christened the book he co-wrote on Wonder Woman with a lovely Wonder Woman sketch for me. :3

I was sad to find Hooters in Polaris shopping center had closed down. :(

Ohio continues to hate pretty girls in booty shorts and endangered species. Which are pretty much the same thing in this dump. HAW!
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
I never understood the "don't criticize a comic book writer because he wrote something good in the past" line of reasoning myself

I never understand the "this writer wrote something I didn't like recently, now he is shit" reasoning either


Alucard said:
P.S. Daredevil written by Mark Waid is the best thing on the shelves right now. The pacing is smooth, the artwork is fluid and fun, Matt Murdock is smiling again, and there is a fantastic sense of adventure that has pervaded each issue so far.

Issue #5 on sale this Wednesday!

Daredevil, Uncanny X Force and all the Spider office books (Amazing Spider-man, Venom and Punisher) are my favorite books right now.


The Take Out Bandit said:



Phil Jimenez christened the book he co-wrote on Wonder Woman with a lovely Wonder Woman sketch for me. :3

i just have the paperback


Jedeye Sniv

Should I get out of the game?

Listening to this week's iFanboy podcast, a question came up about jumping off points that kind of struck a chord in me. Now has really never been a better time to get out of comics. Now, I don't really want to stop reading comics all together, but I'm wondering if now is an excellent time to switch to digital and trades rather than going to the shop each week. Thought I would ask comic-GAF about this, see what you all think.

A great majority of the books I read are disposable. In the last year (since I moved house and had to carry the fuckers) I'm realising that I'll never re-read 75% of the books I buy. They're ephemera, like saturday morning cartoons, or soap operas. I'd never record and store every episode of Eastenders, why am I keeping every issue of Batman like it's a valuable prize? I could probably go through my collection today and throw out all but a handful of genuinely brilliant comics. For instance, I have all of 52 in a box. I'm never reading that again, why am I keeping it around? I want to read the new Justice League series, but I know that I'm not really going to want to read it again afterwards, and I certainly don't need a paper copy.

So I'm thinking, why not move to digital and trades? It would save money, it would save space, and it would allow me to more easily drop books that I'm not enjoying. It does seem that most books I'd ever want to buy are in that format now, so I won't be missing much. And then for books that I know I'll love (like Batwoman, or anything by Snyder and Lemire), I could trade wait and have in a nicer format than the singles. Also, having a much reduced weekly expenditure will allow me to go back and buy trades for awesome, legendary series that I have missed in the past, like Preacher or Sandman or Hellboy or a dozen others.

There are of course a few problems with this approach. I'd have to wait to read the really good books. There is a big chance that I could be spoiled on the big stuff. I'll miss out on the weekly podcast/internet fun for the big books too. Of course, I could just double dip, get my top 5 favourite books digital and then buy them again in trade later on.

The comic OCD geek in me also recoils from this as well. Consider Sweet Tooth. I've been buying it in singles for 26 issues now, having the rest of it in trades would not only mean that I have to wait a year to see what happens next, but it also means that I'll have two different formats for it. The trades on my shelf will start at book 4 or something, how will people know that I've read the whole series? How will future achivists be able to find the start of the tale?? (I'm only half joking here, tragically... the archivists are probably my as yet imaginary children)

Another problem would mean I would be abandoning my LCS in a time of need for them. I'm a big customer, I buy a shitload from them, I think that it would be a bit of a blow if I stopped going there. But on the other hand they are a fairly shitty shop, their indie selection is paltry and they know next to nothing about the industry (to the point where a little 12 year old kid came in looking for an issue of a delayed book and they would have let him leave empty handed until I sold him on a couple of #1s). Deep down I'm a coward, I don't want to hae the "it's not you, it's me" conversation with them...

So yeah, that's where I am right now. I'd say I'm currently 65/35 in favour of dropping singles. What does funnybookGAF think about this?


I know this doesn't concern most GAF but here it is, the complete Don Rosa collection. My god it's magnificent!





FIN/SWE/NOR cases for the books.

GER cases for the books.

edit. german cover arts (probably same for the rest too since they all seem to use same layout):




Well I usually read trades with the exception of titles I consider a must read. MDCU has been a good investment as well. I don't think buying issues of Comixology or other official apps is for me though. Doesn't really feel that you own a copy.

Jedeye Sniv

Nesotenso said:
Well I usually read trades with the exception of titles I consider a must read. MDCU had been a good investment as well. I don't think buying issues of Comixology or other official apps is for me though. Doesn't really feel that you own a copy.

But this is kind of my point though. I don't really need to own a copy, with a very few exceptions. I'd be happy to pay 99c just to be able to read an issue, maybe a 6 month lisence for it or something. Lets face it, I enjoy reading OMAC, but I'm never reading it again. It goes in a box and is forgotten about.

What's MDCU?


Jedeye Sniv said:
But this is kind of my point though. I don't really need to own a copy, with a very few exceptions. I'd be happy to pay 99c just to be able to read an issue, maybe a 6 month lisence for it or something. Lets face it, I enjoy reading OMAC, but I'm never reading it again. It goes in a box and is forgotten about.

What's MDCU?

Digital seems the way to go for you. 99 cents seems to the magic price point for most people but it doesn't seem like we will get there soon. MDCU is Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.


I like reading older issues from the service but it takes significant time to upload newer issues. Read Immortal Iron Fist collection on the site. I primarily follow Marvel (along with indie books , image, vertigo etc.) so it works for me.
Jedeye Sniv said:
So yeah, that's where I am right now. I'd say I'm currently 65/35 in favour of dropping singles. What does funnybookGAF think about this?

I had the same thought, and I've only just gotten into comics. However the appeal of reading them day of release is winning me over for the time being. I'll give it a month or two and take it from there.

99c for a digital copy would have me converting to digital, providing for course it was same day as retail copy.


bodyboarder said:
Also that Don Rosa collection looks awesome, do I dare ask how much?
Around 560 euros for all nine books. Expensive as fuck but Rosa fans will go for it for sure.


Carcetti said:
I would love those Rosa books, but I can't justify sinking that much money into comics that I partly pre-own anyway :(
But it has them all, with original coloring and effects (aporoved by Rosa). Also nice big panels <3

bodyboarder said:
Expensive as fuck is right.

True, but the release window is wide. These will be sold in three book sets, each around 180€. First is out within weeks (depending on your region), second set 2012 March and third 2012 September. Also it's limited to ordered numbers, once the first set is out no more orders. There will never be second print of these books.
CiSTM said:
True, but the release window is wide. These will be sold in three book sets, each around 180€. First is out within weeks (depending on your region), second set 2012 March and third 2012 September. Also it's limited to ordered numbers, once the first set is out no more orders. There will never be second print of these books.

Even worse, no chance of them being cheap on amazon :(


CiSTM said:
But it has them all, with original coloring and effects (aporoved by Rosa). Also nice big panels <3

True, but the release window is wide. These will be sold in three book sets, each around 180€. First is out within weeks (depending on your region), second set 2012 March and third 2012 September. Also it's limited to ordered numbers, once the first set is out no more orders. There will never be second print of these books.
:/ i hope a few libraries get them.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Should I get out of the game?

Listening to this week's iFanboy podcast, a question came up about jumping off points that kind of struck a chord in me. Now has really never been a better time to get out of comics. Now, I don't really want to stop reading comics all together, but I'm wondering if now is an excellent time to switch to digital and trades rather than going to the shop each week. Thought I would ask comic-GAF about this, see what you all think.

A great majority of the books I read are disposable. In the last year (since I moved house and had to carry the fuckers) I'm realising that I'll never re-read 75% of the books I buy. They're ephemera, like saturday morning cartoons, or soap operas. I'd never record and store every episode of Eastenders, why am I keeping every issue of Batman like it's a valuable prize? I could probably go through my collection today and throw out all but a handful of genuinely brilliant comics. For instance, I have all of 52 in a box. I'm never reading that again, why am I keeping it around? I want to read the new Justice League series, but I know that I'm not really going to want to read it again afterwards, and I certainly don't need a paper copy.

So I'm thinking, why not move to digital and trades? It would save money, it would save space, and it would allow me to more easily drop books that I'm not enjoying. It does seem that most books I'd ever want to buy are in that format now, so I won't be missing much. And then for books that I know I'll love (like Batwoman, or anything by Snyder and Lemire), I could trade wait and have in a nicer format than the singles. Also, having a much reduced weekly expenditure will allow me to go back and buy trades for awesome, legendary series that I have missed in the past, like Preacher or Sandman or Hellboy or a dozen others.

There are of course a few problems with this approach. I'd have to wait to read the really good books. There is a big chance that I could be spoiled on the big stuff. I'll miss out on the weekly podcast/internet fun for the big books too. Of course, I could just double dip, get my top 5 favourite books digital and then buy them again in trade later on.

The comic OCD geek in me also recoils from this as well. Consider Sweet Tooth. I've been buying it in singles for 26 issues now, having the rest of it in trades would not only mean that I have to wait a year to see what happens next, but it also means that I'll have two different formats for it. The trades on my shelf will start at book 4 or something, how will people know that I've read the whole series? How will future achivists be able to find the start of the tale?? (I'm only half joking here, tragically... the archivists are probably my as yet imaginary children)

Another problem would mean I would be abandoning my LCS in a time of need for them. I'm a big customer, I buy a shitload from them, I think that it would be a bit of a blow if I stopped going there. But on the other hand they are a fairly shitty shop, their indie selection is paltry and they know next to nothing about the industry (to the point where a little 12 year old kid came in looking for an issue of a delayed book and they would have let him leave empty handed until I sold him on a couple of #1s). Deep down I'm a coward, I don't want to hae the "it's not you, it's me" conversation with them...

So yeah, that's where I am right now. I'd say I'm currently 65/35 in favour of dropping singles. What does funnybookGAF think about this?

I honestly say bail out man. It's only going to get harder.

I see like it like music. I went fully digital some years ago and will never go back to CDs. There's no reason to at this point. Sure you sacrifice something tangible but there's so much out there in regards to storage, that as long as you are relatively on top of things, there's no reason you should ever misplace your collection.
Now physical shit on the other is a bit easier to succumb to wear n' tear, misplacement, etc.

I've actually just started reading single issue comics with this new 52 launch more or less. Before that it was TPBs. I wouldn't have bothered if DC didn't have as competent of a digital distribution system as it does now. There were the dark days a couple of years back, but now it's really fucking solid.
Single issues are super rad and novel but let's not forget that they're also super disposible like magazines. I don't want a bunch of them lieing around my small apartment.

Oh and one more thing, let's not forget the convience factor of digital. I can't tell you how many times i've been standing in line somewhere (or the potty) and I've whipped out my iPod4 to read or reread an issue of something real quick.

I love what single issue's represent but then there's the reality of the situation.

I'll still buy TPBs of my favorite series though.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Another problem would mean I would be abandoning my LCS in a time of need for them. I'm a big customer, I buy a shitload from them, I think that it would be a bit of a blow if I stopped going there. But on the other hand they are a fairly shitty shop, their indie selection is paltry and they know next to nothing about the industry (to the point where a little 12 year old kid came in looking for an issue of a delayed book and they would have let him leave empty handed until I sold him on a couple of #1s). Deep down I'm a coward, I don't want to hae the "it's not you, it's me" conversation with them...


You don't need to tell them you're quitting comics with them to go digital.

Just say times are tough and you need to tighten your belt. It's common in comic shops. Comics are usually one of the first things to go when times get tough, so it's not a stretch.

It's certainly better than just walking away and never saying sh*t. Which I've done in the past; but I rationalized that as I went from dropping $100-150 a week on comics and merchandise in the early 00's; to being laid off and unable to pay to heat my home during the winter. I still maintained a SMALL pull list because I have books that I enjoy reading always and I still special ordered the rare single item.

It got to the point where the level of service I received was directly in proportion to the amount of money I was spending, and the final straw was missing issues of Savage Dragon, Blade of the Immortal (at the time still buying the floppies), and when they sold off an import Capcom artbook I special ordered through Diamond.

I just stopped going there. I didn't say sh*t. I was so mad.

Don't treat your cash cows like crap when they stop producing milk, because hopefully at some point they'll be back on their feet and giving you money. Unless you screw them. Then you take your business elsewhere.

Sorry, long jag.

I also agree with the space / waste issue. I don't need print copies of this New 52 crap. I'm just not pleased with the current state of digital media readers, lack of unified structure, pricing, and a number of issues that put me off of digital right now.

Marvel Digital Unlimited is still the best digital deal for me and more companies need to adopt that sort of Netflix model.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Should I get out of the game?

Listening to this week's iFanboy podcast, a question came up about jumping off points that kind of struck a chord in me. Now has really never been a better time to get out of comics. Now, I don't really want to stop reading comics all together, but I'm wondering if now is an excellent time to switch to digital and trades rather than going to the shop each week. Thought I would ask comic-GAF about this, see what you all think.

A great majority of the books I read are disposable. In the last year (since I moved house and had to carry the fuckers) I'm realising that I'll never re-read 75% of the books I buy. They're ephemera, like saturday morning cartoons, or soap operas. I'd never record and store every episode of Eastenders, why am I keeping every issue of Batman like it's a valuable prize? I could probably go through my collection today and throw out all but a handful of genuinely brilliant comics. For instance, I have all of 52 in a box. I'm never reading that again, why am I keeping it around? I want to read the new Justice League series, but I know that I'm not really going to want to read it again afterwards, and I certainly don't need a paper copy.

So I'm thinking, why not move to digital and trades? It would save money, it would save space, and it would allow me to more easily drop books that I'm not enjoying. It does seem that most books I'd ever want to buy are in that format now, so I won't be missing much. And then for books that I know I'll love (like Batwoman, or anything by Snyder and Lemire), I could trade wait and have in a nicer format than the singles. Also, having a much reduced weekly expenditure will allow me to go back and buy trades for awesome, legendary series that I have missed in the past, like Preacher or Sandman or Hellboy or a dozen others.

There are of course a few problems with this approach. I'd have to wait to read the really good books. There is a big chance that I could be spoiled on the big stuff. I'll miss out on the weekly podcast/internet fun for the big books too. Of course, I could just double dip, get my top 5 favourite books digital and then buy them again in trade later on.

The comic OCD geek in me also recoils from this as well. Consider Sweet Tooth. I've been buying it in singles for 26 issues now, having the rest of it in trades would not only mean that I have to wait a year to see what happens next, but it also means that I'll have two different formats for it. The trades on my shelf will start at book 4 or something, how will people know that I've read the whole series? How will future achivists be able to find the start of the tale?? (I'm only half joking here, tragically... the archivists are probably my as yet imaginary children)

Another problem would mean I would be abandoning my LCS in a time of need for them. I'm a big customer, I buy a shitload from them, I think that it would be a bit of a blow if I stopped going there. But on the other hand they are a fairly shitty shop, their indie selection is paltry and they know next to nothing about the industry (to the point where a little 12 year old kid came in looking for an issue of a delayed book and they would have let him leave empty handed until I sold him on a couple of #1s). Deep down I'm a coward, I don't want to hae the "it's not you, it's me" conversation with them...

So yeah, that's where I am right now. I'd say I'm currently 65/35 in favour of dropping singles. What does funnybookGAF think about this?

I've abandoned DC weekly. It's perfectly viable. It's all about what you like HAVE to read. DC is at a point where everything started over so there's literally no urgency to any of their books in terms of continuity and characters. Who gives a shit when I read whatever Batman is up to or whatever (Morrison's stuff naturally being in the exception). I've also severely whittled down my Marvel stuff to make fiduciary room for all the new Mutant books I'll be following.

Across pretty much every line, now is the best time to make this sort of decision.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
FoneBone said:
Fear Itself kinda felt like Final Crisis For Dummies.
Final crisis is final crisis for dummies. There wasn't any substance there either.

Jedeye Sniv

The Take Out Bandit said:

You don't need to tell them you're quitting comics with them to go digital.

Just say times are tough and you need to tighten your belt. It's common in comic shops. Comics are usually one of the first things to go when times get tough, so it's not a stretch.

It's certainly better than just walking away and never saying sh*t. Which I've done in the past; but I rationalized that as I went from dropping $100-150 a week on comics and merchandise in the early 00's; to being laid off and unable to pay to heat my home during the winter. I still maintained a SMALL pull list because I have books that I enjoy reading always and I still special ordered the rare single item.

It got to the point where the level of service I received was directly in proportion to the amount of money I was spending, and the final straw was missing issues of Savage Dragon, Blade of the Immortal (at the time still buying the floppies), and when they sold off an import Capcom artbook I special ordered through Diamond.

I just stopped going there. I didn't say sh*t. I was so mad.

Don't treat your cash cows like crap when they stop producing milk, because hopefully at some point they'll be back on their feet and giving you money. Unless you screw them. Then you take your business elsewhere.

Sorry, long jag.

I also agree with the space / waste issue. I don't need print copies of this New 52 crap. I'm just not pleased with the current state of digital media readers, lack of unified structure, pricing, and a number of issues that put me off of digital right now.

Marvel Digital Unlimited is still the best digital deal for me and more companies need to adopt that sort of Netflix model.

Well, I did kinda tell them last week that I'm on the fence as to whatto do next, and they gave me the puppy eyes. It doesn't help that it's not a 'normal' comic store, in that the register staff are usually very nice little old ladies (parents of the store owner). Of course, this means they know dick about comics, but they are lovely.

If I quit the store, this will be the first time in (good god) 18 years that I don't go week in, week out. It'll be weird. But then again, I'll be able to buy digital comics on Wednesday with all the yanks and will be able to buy trades at half the price through Amazon without the guilt factor.

I'm cool with the digital readers though, been reading stuff on my iPad for the last month and it's easy as well. I have good eyesight and the colours look great. Not a single problem there. Plus I'm mainly DC, so I'm not too fussed about missing Marvel stuff. Will probably move to trade for all the ultimate books since they're kicking ass right now.

So, what's the ettiquette for dumping your comic store? How much notice should I give? I guess they've got orders for me going forward for a couple of months, although they're usually cool about me dropping individual books at the drop of a hat.

Can't believe I'm actually going to do this fellas. I'm excited/scared.

I think my digital pull list will actually be really small once I cut it down and consider the things I'd want in trade. Things like Animal Man and Swamp Thing and Severed are definite tradewaits for me, and Batwoman. I think I'd still buy Batman monthly, although I might trade that too. And then moving to trades will allow me to get caught up on stuff like American Vampire that much more easily. I guess I'd buy Morrison's stuff in both formats too... man, this is going to be a lot to work out...


Just gotta say the Nocturnals art is really fantastic. Flipped through Black Planet last night and it's just... wow. Big thanks to the OP for the recommendation. Can't wait to receive Volume 2.
Fapuan said:
Just gotta say the Nocturnals art is really fantastic. Flipped through Black Planet last night and it's just... wow. Big thanks to the OP for the recommendation. Can't wait to receive Volume 2.


Glad you enjoy it. It's a fun series with wacky characters.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Well, I did kinda tell them last week that I'm on the fence as to whatto do next, and they gave me the puppy eyes. It doesn't help that it's not a 'normal' comic store, in that the register staff are usually very nice little old ladies (parents of the store owner). Of course, this means they know dick about comics, but they are lovely.

If I quit the store, this will be the first time in (good god) 18 years that I don't go week in, week out. It'll be weird. But then again, I'll be able to buy digital comics on Wednesday with all the yanks and will be able to buy trades at half the price through Amazon without the guilt factor.

I'm cool with the digital readers though, been reading stuff on my iPad for the last month and it's easy as well. I have good eyesight and the colours look great. Not a single problem there. Plus I'm mainly DC, so I'm not too fussed about missing Marvel stuff. Will probably move to trade for all the ultimate books since they're kicking ass right now.

So, what's the ettiquette for dumping your comic store? How much notice should I give? I guess they've got orders for me going forward for a couple of months, although they're usually cool about me dropping individual books at the drop of a hat.

Can't believe I'm actually going to do this fellas. I'm excited/scared.

I think my digital pull list will actually be really small once I cut it down and consider the things I'd want in trade. Things like Animal Man and Swamp Thing and Severed are definite tradewaits for me, and Batwoman. I think I'd still buy Batman monthly, although I might trade that too. And then moving to trades will allow me to get caught up on stuff like American Vampire that much more easily. I guess I'd buy Morrison's stuff in both formats too... man, this is going to be a lot to work out...

I admire you, man. I don't think I'll ever fully stop weekly comics. I haven't missed a New Comics Day in like 25 years?

Jedeye Sniv

BenjaminBirdie said:
I admire you, man. I don't think I'll ever fully stop weekly comics. I haven't missed a New Comics Day in like 25 years?

Well I'll still be buying weekly, I just won't need to leave the house to do it :p I think I only buy maybe 4 marvel titles and maybe 8 indies, all of which will be better read in trades. DC is the only company where I get twitchy if I'm not caught up. I am totally gonna miss Batwoman until the trade comes out though, that's my no 1 book so far and it would read like shit in digital.

Also, isn't it kinda disturbing how attached us comics guys are to our purchasing routines? It's going to be weird for me not to make the Saturday trek to the next town over.

Jedeye Sniv

FoneBone said:
I'm going digital-only, but while I'd save money, I just don't have the patience for tradewaits.

It's funny, there was an article on iFanboy by Tom Katers last week that also affected my thinking. The crux of which is that the great books will always be there and you won't even miss the bad books. Patience is something that comics fans need to learn, it would probably save us a ton of money in the long run.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Silly question for the digital folks, what are you consuming them on?
Usually on my laptop, but some nights, I'll pull them up on my phone while riding the bus.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Well I'll still be buying weekly, I just won't need to leave the house to do it :p I think I only buy maybe 4 marvel titles and maybe 8 indies, all of which will be better read in trades. DC is the only company where I get twitchy if I'm not caught up. I am totally gonna miss Batwoman until the trade comes out though, that's my no 1 book so far and it would read like shit in digital.

Also, isn't it kinda disturbing how attached us comics guys are to our purchasing routines? It's going to be weird for me not to make the Saturday trek to the next town over.

It's really "bad" living/working in the city. Midtown opens at 8 AM so I've already read at least two books before most people are even awake.
DC trades take ages to come out. Marvel gets them out quicker and their monthly prices are higher so I find them far easier to trade wait. Win-win.

I do get a few DC books on the iPad as the colors pop better there (OMAC and Justice League) but everything else is a floppy purchase, with a trade double dip if I end up loving it.


I am still torn between the digital and paper world here.
Nothing is like the tangible real thing, but having a huge run on my Transformer to read whenever, anywhere is also great.
I wish they would come up with a solid plan for buying the paper copy and getting the digital.
Right now they do it with a book here and a book there.
I would pay a dollar more per book if it had a digital code with it.
Hex said:
I am still torn between the digital and paper world here.
Nothing is like the tangible real thing, but having a huge run on my Transformer to read whenever, anywhere is also great.
I wish they would come up with a solid plan for buying the paper copy and getting the digital.
Right now they do it with a book here and a book there.
I would pay a dollar more per book if it had a digital code with it.

I would say paying extra is just silly.

If you're buying the book, you're covering their costs. I'd rather they polybag the issues at the same price, print a DLC code somewhere in the book; done.

Paying extra is not appealing in the slightest.

Ultimately though I'd rather see digital comics take to the Netflix model.

Gobs of content, one low monthly price.
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