Should I get out of the game?
Listening to this week's iFanboy podcast, a question came up about jumping off points that kind of struck a chord in me. Now has really never been a better time to get out of comics. Now, I don't really want to stop reading comics all together, but I'm wondering if now is an excellent time to switch to digital and trades rather than going to the shop each week. Thought I would ask comic-GAF about this, see what you all think.
A great majority of the books I read are disposable. In the last year (since I moved house and had to carry the fuckers) I'm realising that I'll never re-read 75% of the books I buy. They're ephemera, like saturday morning cartoons, or soap operas. I'd never record and store every episode of Eastenders, why am I keeping every issue of Batman like it's a valuable prize? I could probably go through my collection today and throw out all but a handful of genuinely brilliant comics. For instance, I have all of 52 in a box. I'm never reading that again, why am I keeping it around? I want to read the new Justice League series, but I know that I'm not really going to want to read it again afterwards, and I certainly don't need a paper copy.
So I'm thinking, why not move to digital and trades? It would save money, it would save space, and it would allow me to more easily drop books that I'm not enjoying. It does seem that most books I'd ever want to buy are in that format now, so I won't be missing much. And then for books that I know I'll love (like Batwoman, or anything by Snyder and Lemire), I could trade wait and have in a nicer format than the singles. Also, having a much reduced weekly expenditure will allow me to go back and buy trades for awesome, legendary series that I have missed in the past, like Preacher or Sandman or Hellboy or a dozen others.
There are of course a few problems with this approach. I'd have to wait to read the really good books. There is a big chance that I could be spoiled on the big stuff. I'll miss out on the weekly podcast/internet fun for the big books too. Of course, I could just double dip, get my top 5 favourite books digital and then buy them again in trade later on.
The comic OCD geek in me also recoils from this as well. Consider Sweet Tooth. I've been buying it in singles for 26 issues now, having the rest of it in trades would not only mean that I have to wait a year to see what happens next, but it also means that I'll have two different formats for it. The trades on my shelf will start at book 4 or something, how will people know that I've read the whole series? How will future achivists be able to find the start of the tale?? (I'm only half joking here, tragically... the archivists are probably my as yet imaginary children)
Another problem would mean I would be abandoning my LCS in a time of need for them. I'm a big customer, I buy a shitload from them, I think that it would be a bit of a blow if I stopped going there. But on the other hand they are a fairly shitty shop, their indie selection is paltry and they know next to nothing about the industry (to the point where a little 12 year old kid came in looking for an issue of a delayed book and they would have let him leave empty handed until I sold him on a couple of #1s). Deep down I'm a coward, I don't want to hae the "it's not you, it's me" conversation with them...
So yeah, that's where I am right now. I'd say I'm currently 65/35 in favour of dropping singles. What does funnybookGAF think about this?