Wolverine and the X-Men #1
Review by David Pepose
'Rama Rating: 9 out of 10
Wolverine. He's the best there is at what he does. And what he does...
...Is teach?
Snikt, snikt, bub, class is in session, and who'd've thunk that the Ol' Canucklehead would clean up so well? Despite the heaviness of X-Men: Schism and regular readers of this column will know I did not particularly like how that series turned out Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo have delivered a fun, funny, and downright charming first issue of this all-new, all-different School for Higher Learning.
To me, I think the big win for Wolverine and the X-Men is that Jason Aaron has finally hit the right comedic balance, after some somewhat overdone attempts over in the main Wolverine book as well as Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine. Part of this has to do with pairing him with the right artist: Chris Bachalo doesn't just have an edge to his linework, but his cartoony, exaggerated features really helps play up the lightness of this script, tapping a very human, almost sitcom-style tone in Logan, Kitty and Hank's new venture. The result is a story that exudes possibility and optimism in a way that I haven't seen since Joss Whedon's first issue of Astonishing X-Men. To be honest, I'd say that it's even brighter and that's a good thing.
There is a world of potential within this unlikely school, and if you thought Utopia was a bit too serious, you'll find Westchester to be a brighter, breezier fit. As far as first issues go, Wolverine and the X-Men passes with flying colors. Enroll now.