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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
tomorrows haul

Dark Knight
Teen Titans

Incredible Hulk Dale Kewon cover!
The Ultimates
Wolverine and the Xmen


Big haul for me tomorrow:

All Star Western #2
Aquaman #2
Daredevil #5
Flash #2
Incredible Hulk #1
Spaceman #1
Venom #8
Walking Dead #90
Witch Doctor #4
Wolverine & The X-Men #1
Justice League Dark #2
Followed by a couple of late entries:

Wolverine #17
Batman & Robin #1 & #2


Already decided to drop JLD. Sadly I'm firmly keeping the rest. :(
TheDiabolical said:

i'm really digging this series. thought i couldn't get into it without the main characters they used to anchor the XMen on for years.

the only thing i don't like is the Gargoyle looking character.

Oh wow, this is even more extreme and 'modern'. What title is this?
TheDiabolical said:
i'm really digging this series. thought i couldn't get into it without the main characters they used to anchor the XMen on for years.

the only thing i don't like is the Gargoyle looking character.

That's Ultimate X, which ended earlier this year after five issues and ridiculous delays, not the current Ultimate X-Men.
Chriswok said:
Oh wow, this is even more extreme and 'modern'. What title is this?

Ultimate X

Jeph Loeb / Arthur Adams

Shame I don't see the book continuing. Mainly because Arthur Adams can't produce the work for it. So even if it does march along without him, I'm out. :\

I'd say it's what a modern New Mutants might look like, if the New Mutants were less original.

Satchwar said:

i love Storm (she needs to be leading the X-Men because fuck Wolverine and Cyclops) but no

*high five*
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
But seriously, Storm won in Marvel vs. DC

I will hate you where you stand sir! >:|

The only good thing about Marvel Vs. DC was Claudio Castellini doing some art for it.

This probably explains why Claudio Castellini stopped drawing comics as well.


Satchwar said:

i love Storm (she needs to be leading the X-Men because fuck Wolverine and Cyclops) but no

Storm is a capable leader but her no killing at any cost belief is not realistic (or something I agree with)
The Take Out Bandit said:
I will hate you where you stand sir! >:|

The only good thing about Marvel Vs. DC was Claudio Castellini doing some art for it.

This probably explains why Claudio Castellini stopped drawing comics as well.

Cmon, you can't tell me that Wolverine beating Lobo wasn't hilarious.

Nesotenso said:
Storm is a capable leader but her no killing at any cost belief is not realistic (or something I agree with)

She's broken that rule quite a few times.


Wolverine and the X-Men #1
Review by David Pepose
'Rama Rating: 9 out of 10

Wolverine. He's the best there is at what he does. And what he does...

...Is teach?

Snikt, snikt, bub, class is in session, and who'd've thunk that the Ol' Canucklehead would clean up so well? Despite the heaviness of X-Men: Schism — and regular readers of this column will know I did not particularly like how that series turned out — Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo have delivered a fun, funny, and downright charming first issue of this all-new, all-different School for Higher Learning.

To me, I think the big win for Wolverine and the X-Men is that Jason Aaron has finally hit the right comedic balance, after some somewhat overdone attempts over in the main Wolverine book as well as Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine. Part of this has to do with pairing him with the right artist: Chris Bachalo doesn't just have an edge to his linework, but his cartoony, exaggerated features really helps play up the lightness of this script, tapping a very human, almost sitcom-style tone in Logan, Kitty and Hank's new venture. The result is a story that exudes possibility and optimism in a way that I haven't seen since Joss Whedon's first issue of Astonishing X-Men. To be honest, I'd say that it's even brighter — and that's a good thing.


There is a world of potential within this unlikely school, and if you thought Utopia was a bit too serious, you'll find Westchester to be a brighter, breezier fit. As far as first issues go, Wolverine and the X-Men passes with flying colors. Enroll now.


I haven't been following X-Men whatsoever since Messiah Complex (which was a very cool event with a shitty "ending", what else is new), but now I'm interested.


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Cmon, you can't tell me that Wolverine beating Lobo wasn't hilarious.

She's broken that rule quite a few times.

Why does she give Cyke shit about it then ? Would have been hilarious if she sided with Logan since he restarted X-Force. Can't wait to see Hank's (who has been an asshole lately) reaction when he finds out.
Nesotenso said:
Why does she give Cyke shit about it then ? Would have been hilarious if she sided with Logan since he restarted X-Force. Can't wait to see Hank's (who has been an asshole lately) reaction when he finds out.

I have no idea actually. Probably because writers want to regress her to her status quo before Claremont gave her a Mohawk. You could probably argue that she only "bent" the no killing rule because both the characters she killed that I'm thinking of were brought back. The text makes it perfectly clear that her intent was to kill them though.


Blader5489 said:
I haven't been following X-Men whatsoever since Messiah Complex (which was a very cool event with a shitty "ending", what else is new), but now I'm interested.

I would recommend trying Uncanny X-Force from the beginning (Remender's run) if you haven't already.

Jedeye Sniv

So what happened to Chris Bachalo then? The earliest stuff I have by him is his Vertigo work on Shade and Sandman where he's very late-80s Vertigo, all woodcut lines and proportional characters.. And then the next stuff I have by him is his run on New X Men where his style was hyper kinetic and cartoony, on to the current day.

When did he swtich his style up? It's a fairly radical change, I'd love to know what his thought process was on it. Anyone know?


user-friendly man-cashews
Jedeye Sniv said:
So what happened to Chris Bachalo then? The earliest stuff I have by him is his Vertigo work on Shade and Sandman where he's very late-80s Vertigo, all woodcut lines and proportional characters.. And then the next stuff I have by him is his run on New X Men where his style was hyper kinetic and cartoony, on to the current day.

When did he swtich his style up? It's a fairly radical change, I'd love to know what his thought process was on it. Anyone know?
I'm not 100% sure but I think he started the style shift in Generation X with his return on #17.
Jedeye Sniv said:
So what happened to Chris Bachalo then? The earliest stuff I have by him is his Vertigo work on Shade and Sandman where he's very late-80s Vertigo, all woodcut lines and proportional characters.. And then the next stuff I have by him is his run on New X Men where his style was hyper kinetic and cartoony, on to the current day.

When did he swtich his style up? It's a fairly radical change, I'd love to know what his thought process was on it. Anyone know?

I definitely prefer his earlier stuff. Just an evolution, I'm thinking. He's still a great storyteller, though.
As good as his old vertigo stuff was and it was very good, you could hardly call it distinct. Now I see something he has done and can identify it right away as Bachalo.
favouriteflavour said:
As good as his old vertigo stuff was and it was very good, you could hardly call it distinct. Now I see something he has done and can identify it right away as Bachalo.

His work on Shade especially was far more appealing to me than his latest stuff though.

krypt0nian said:
I definitely prefer his earlier stuff. Just an evolution, I'm thinking. He's still a great storyteller, though.

I could not disagree more.

So far as visual storytelling goes, Bachalo is more meandering and incoherent that a good many artists currently working and I loved his Shade run.

Steampunk was atrocious. Terrible writing didn't do that book any favors though.

Bachalo is a great artist; but his current work has weak storytelling and a tendency to fall back on two page spreads that do nothing to advance the story.

favouriteflavour said:
As good as his old vertigo stuff was and it was very good, you could hardly call it distinct. Now I see something he has done and can identify it right away as Bachalo.


Bachalo's Shade run was very distinct and most recognizable by his scratchy nose lines. All of his characters had them for some reason. You may be confusing him with Mark Buckingham, who was a sh*t Bachalo clone back in the 90's.

We3 arrived at the liberry. HEAVEN OR HELL, QUIETLY GAF! LETS ROCK! >:|
Oh good you only disagree with the storyteller part.

If you had dissed Shade the Changing Man, I would have tracked you down and defecated on your stack of Kamandi singles.

Real talk.
krypt0nian said:
Oh good you only disagree with the storyteller part.

If you had dissed Shade the Changing Man, I would have tracked you down and defecated on your stack of Kamandi singles.

Real talk.

I also have a complete run of Vertigo Shade the Changing Man. I earned my Bachalo wings. :p

Jedeye Sniv

krypt0nian said:
It's my favorite comics run...well ever.

Really? It is pretty good from what I've read, although I'm only 3/4 through the first trade and it's suffering in comparison to Preacher and Sandman that I'm also reading concurrently. Enjoying my early Vertigo binge recently, some of the best comics I've ever read. Preacher is the shit.

Back to Bachalo though, I approach his stuff as the work of two different artists it's so different. His old stuff is just fine and has really great creepy scratchiness but his new stuff is so fluid and fun to look at, it's almost moving on the page it's so kinetic.

Can you guys think of any other artists that have changed so dramatically in their careers? There can't be many. You get artists that grow and evolve but you rarely get them that do a complete about-face like this.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Really? It is pretty good from what I've read, although I'm only 3/4 through the first trade and it's suffering in comparison to Preacher and Sandman that I'm also reading concurrently. Enjoying my early Vertigo binge recently, some of the best comics I've ever read. Preacher is the shit.

Back to Bachalo though, I approach his stuff as the work of two different artists it's so different. His old stuff is just fine and has really great creepy scratchiness but his new stuff is so fluid and fun to look at, it's almost moving on the page it's so kinetic.

Can you guys think of any other artists that have changed so dramatically in their careers? There can't be many. You get artists that grow and evolve but you rarely get them that do a complete about-face like this.

Sandman is definitely up there. For pure imagination, it has my heart, while Preacher never jived with me at all. I just don't care about the welfare of any of the characters in Preacher.

Shade had characters that I connected with more than any other run of books. And for me that trumps anything. Bendis' Alias and Andreyko's Manhunter come close in that respect.

Without a doubt the funnest comic I've ever read. As much as you knew all the awesome stuff that was in there already? Doop? Glob Herman?

You are in no way ready



The Jean Grey School For Gifted Youngsters
The Best There Is At What We Do

The new X-Mens are finally out today? Definitely giving them a try. That cover tempts me for some reason. After today I'll see if I can trade wait or not.

And oh my god there's so much today. A lot of $4 books as well. Why in all questions in the world is Secret Avengers $4? And I still have last weeks Avengers to pick up.
VGChampion said:
The new X-Mens are finally out today? Definitely giving them a try. That cover tempts me for some reason. After today I'll see if I can trade wait or not.

Just that one. Trust me. New era of comics just started 90 minutes ago in Manhattan.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Front and center, baby! Also it's $3.99! It's like it's made of....



Yup, I'm out. I gave them enough money for the lamest* villains in ages. Not to mention the x-men jobbing for them. New era of comics indeed.

BenjaminBirdie said:
We finally agree on something!

You finally came to your senses about the Hellfire Kids*.


This week's true master:


Amaz Spidey 672 aka Spider Island is here to save comic book events.
Jedeye Sniv said:
Can you guys think of any other artists that have changed so dramatically in their careers? There can't be many. You get artists that grow and evolve but you rarely get them that do a complete about-face like this.

Michael Golden.

He had a wonderful style early in his career, but then some wanna-bes showed up so he kicked it into high gear and took his style to a new level.

Bill Sienkiewicz.

Another Neal Adams wanna-be until he started doing the fun stuff we see from him today.


I'm sure that WatXM is good, but that cover makes it look like a crappy magazine.

*TURN TO PAGE 15 for 15-MINUTE ABS!!!*

Jedeye Sniv

BenjaminBirdie said:

Without a doubt the funnest comic I've ever read. As much as you knew all the awesome stuff that was in there already? Doop? Glob Herman?

You are in no way ready



The Jean Grey School For Gifted Youngsters
The Best There Is At What We Do


Bought! Yay digital :D

Jedeye Sniv

Teh Hamburglar said:
Oh God...they're going to cripple Xavier again.

This time they should chop his legs off, just to really rub it in. TBH I don't understand the character of Xavier at all. I dip in and out of X-Men - sometimes he's walking, others he's in a chair. Sometimes he's the leader, other times he's missing or they hate him. No idea what's going on.
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