Freeze, plz.
Sure, I get that--it's just when it's used the way it often is with Morrison, it's akin to an 8 year old poking a piece of sashimi for the first time and saying "eww, that's weird." It more comes off as people not wanting to use their higher functions and invest time and effort and passion into the literature they take in.
The Invisibles is very intimidating from the get because it's front-loaded with the most out-there arc, Arcadia. BUT, you seem like you like to dig around author's notes and actually put the pieces together, so that should benefit you. Just know that The Invisibles is where Grant Morrison put all of his ideas, all of his experiences, all of his unfiltered raw essence for a decade or so, so just go along, get lost, find your way, explore. Also, if you can get a hand on the original letters columns, do it. They're incredible insight into the man, and often hilarious, and sometimes Mark Millar and him have bro-love sessions back when they used to be True Detective-tight.
Also, he draws many, if not all, of his written comics, paneling them out, and all that stuff while writing. Think about that shit.