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COMICS! |OT| April 2014. Truly, there is no shame in continuing to read awful comics.

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What character benefited most from Marvel Now and The New 52? Marvel's gotta be Hawkeye right but who is the New 52 one?

Depends. While has hasn't gotten the face time that the position would suggest, in my opinion, the fact that DC made Cyborg a founding member of the Justice League is significant.


Still without luck
That comixology news fuckin sucks :/

Ugh amazon, I thought you weren't evil bastards like everyone else.


I just sent a feedback email to Comixology, it may not change anything but I encourage as many people as possible to send their thoughts to them. I was polite and encouraged them to find some sort of proper solution here. Again, they may not listen but it is worth a shot.

This sort of reminds me of EA launching Origin and yanking some of their games off of Steam, I wish companies would consider both sides and find a solution.


Does anyone have any cool old issues they've bought for collection? I'm thinking of trying to get the original Nova issue 1 which is his first appearance and Uncanny X-men #129 which was the first appearance of Emma and Kitty.
What the fuck? I just got a $5 e-card from ComiXology.
Gonna get me MOAR SPIDERMAN~

Wait. What the hell is Original Sin #0?
Is that a new thing?


Read JLU. As a Canadian, I was a bit embarrassed by Lemire's little bits of Canadiana references. They just seemed too expected, too easy.
Same nonsense happened in Alpha Flight. No big deal I suppose, but just moderately stereotypical cringeworthy.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Read a few issues of Dynamite's Battlestar Galactica today because I love Dan Abnett. I wasn't dissapointed.

Read JLU. As a Canadian, I was a bit embarrassed by Lemire's little bits of Canadiana references. They just seemed too expected, too easy. Like someone writing a book set in England who feels compelled to add fog, cups of tea and 'Cor Blimey!'. I had expected something a little more subtle from Lemire.

And are we to assume
Animal Man and Stargirl are in a relationship?
That's the vibe I got.
Got no clue what youre talking aboot.

As for the relationship, one of the core characteristics of Buddy Baker is that he's a family man. No fucking way Lemire hinted at anything but a playful relationship.


I just sent a feedback email to Comixology, it may not change anything but I encourage as many people as possible to send their thoughts to them. I was polite and encouraged them to find some sort of proper solution here. Again, they may not listen but it is worth a shot.

This sort of reminds me of EA launching Origin and yanking some of their games off of Steam, I wish companies would consider both sides and find a solution.

Surely your complaint is at Apple. Email Tim Cook.

I really hate censorship, so I had been trying to buy everything (on either platform) through the website anyway, as I'm actively trying not to give App Stores any money if possible. The iOS experience is certainly clunky, but that's because Apple have made it that way by rent seeking on transactions that are nothing to do with them.

The Nexus 7 buying experience now is actually pretty shit hot...


I've always bought my comics from the Comixology website, mainly because creators get paid a larger percentage since Apple isn't taking a cut.

What's confusing is that the new app doesn't have a link to the website like the Dark Horse comic app does. Under More Books, Comixology boasts about its vast catalog, but then all I can do is paw at my iPad like a cat trying to get at a mouse in an aquarium.

You're not allowed to include such a link under the iOS developer rules. Apple must have cocked up and missed that it's there on the Dark Horse app.
FedEx driver was supposed to stop by after his route, and he never did. They're continuing to give me the run around :( Emailed IST to give them a heads up, but I hope the fact that it was signed by someone means they can track it down..

Same thing happened to me a few years back with like 1200 - 1300 dollars worth of computer parts. FedEx's attitude was ehhh his shift ends in a little bit, he'll go back when he gets a chance tomorrow or the next day. I raised holy hell. Made the person on the phone contact the FedEx guy and get him to turn his shit around. Dude was a total dick head when he finally showed up. Like fuck you asshole, how about I give 1300 dollars of your money to some random person.

I swear almost every package that's been shipped to me FedEx has either arrived late, been delivered to the wrong address, disappeared for a week, etc etc.

Fucking hate FedEx never use them if I don't have to.
Does anyone have any cool old issues they've bought for collection? I'm thinking of trying to get the original Nova issue 1 which is his first appearance and Uncanny X-men #129 which was the first appearance of Emma and Kitty.

I have the first Nova! I snagged it at SDCC a few years back for ten bucks I think lol. I also have the first Iron Fist, first appearance of Beta Ray Bill (Thor 337 IIRC), and the first issue of Spectacular Spider-Man.

My absolute favorite thing that I own is my Power Girl trade signed by Amanda Conner. My comic shop has a few extra trades signed by her that I want to get eventually, but Peej was a priority.
This month the last day is a wednesday. Will there be an extension of the deadline?
I was going to post about this Friday but forgot.

The new OT will go up on May 1st as planned, but because the last day of April is a Wednesday I am going to extend voting until Friday, May 2nd, so that people don't feel too rushed into voting for books just to make that deadline.


Aaron and Ewing are on this together, so I'm not worried.

Also, Marvel trolling DC just a bit with "100 Years Later" storylines.


Read a few issues of Dynamite's Battlestar Galactica today because I love Dan Abnett. I wasn't dissapointed.

Read JLU. As a Canadian, I was a bit embarrassed by Lemire's little bits of Canadiana references. They just seemed too expected, too easy. Like someone writing a book set in England who feels compelled to add fog, cups of tea and 'Cor Blimey!'. I had expected something a little more subtle from Lemire.

And are we to assume
Animal Man and Stargirl are in a relationship?
That's the vibe I got.

Your vibe couldn't be further off. Buddy is a committed family man with a wife and kid, and Stargirl is a teenager. The only relationship you're going to see there is Buddy as a surrogate father figure.


Android tablet app was a worse experience than the iOS one, but I haven't tried the update today yet. Either way I wouldn't be too confident with Amazon caring much about the Android experience. They certainly had no problem not bothering with an actual tablet optimized app until now.

Regardless, I don't care about stupid apple/android crap, it's a shitty change, and particularly lame that they sprung it in people on the weekend with no warning. I'm sure that was deliberate. 30% won't matter much if I quit buying from them completely.


Same thing happened to me a few years back with like 1200 - 1300 dollars worth of computer parts. FedEx's attitude was ehhh his shift ends in a little bit, he'll go back when he gets a chance tomorrow or the next day. I raised holy hell. Made the person on the phone contact the FedEx guy and get him to turn his shit around. Dude was a total dick head when he finally showed up. Like fuck you asshole, how about I give 1300 dollars of your money to some random person.

I swear almost every package that's been shipped to me FedEx has either arrived late, been delivered to the wrong address, disappeared for a week, etc etc.

Fucking hate FedEx never use them if I don't have to.

I don't think I was pushy enough then, because they wouldn't budge :(

Sooo what's everyone doing tomorrow? Do we want to have a Skype meet up?
Yup I'm done with monthly comics with the Amazon change. Going full trades with the occasional "preview" copy for hot books.

Instead of losing 30% they are out of the full insane weekly cash I spend.

Not that Amazon will give two shits but I wrote them a letter with my Comixology info so they will know the extent of my wallet leaving the house.


The reactions to the comixology change are voting my mind. I've always bought my stuff on the web and synched it on the app, but then again I use a Kindle Fire and the Kindle app had always been about the steps behind the iOS and Android releases. Hell for probably about two years you couldn't even but DC stuff in the Kindle app, you had to purchase on the web, and it still doesn't show our honor sales.
The Amazon purchase was probably the best thing that could happen to me, the app I use might actually achieve feature parity!


To me...the major flub is that the first big thing to happen after this amazingggggggggg fantastic purchase of comixology by Amazon is removing a storefront that people like. They couldn't have started with something beneficial to comic readers? It's like Microsoft trying to get rid of used games/rentals and then say " but don't worry guys, good things are still coming!"
I've always bought my comics from the Comixology website, mainly because creators get paid a larger percentage since Apple isn't taking a cut.

What's confusing is that the new app doesn't have a link to the website like the Dark Horse comic app does. Under More Books, Comixology boasts about its vast catalog, but then all I can do is paw at my iPad like a cat trying to get at a mouse in an aquarium.

I always used the website due to:
1) Apple blocked Sex Criminal purchases in app
2) Its faster to add them all up in a cart format and purchase and there are times i want to buy large runs on sale but NOT auto download every purchase
3) TAX FREE!!!
4) They have bundles that are great value in the website version (ie: See Superior spidey bundle vs individual issue sale)
5) I buy comics when they reduce in price and the website
6) web store works well in the iPad browser.

So this change has no impact to me. I'm just annoyed they created a separate app that i have to re download my local library again
it doesn't really bother me, but i did always prefer using the iPhone app if i had itunes bucks. i made half of my purchases on the website, and the app definitely laid out the sales better and updated quicker. i'll deal, though


My brain was melting over the Angela thing, but seeing James Stokoe's Avengers cover turned that around quickly. :3

Also, Comixology is being a butt. :/

Sooo what's everyone doing tomorrow? Do we want to have a Skype meet up?

Might be difficult for me. I'm still dealing with a sore neck on top of both of my legs getting sprained, but I might get a little better by tomorrow.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I don't think I was pushy enough then, because they wouldn't budge :(

Sooo what's everyone doing tomorrow? Do we want to have a Skype meet up?
What time are ya thinkin, Cheska?
Digital pricing confuses me sometimes. Any reason to buy in Comixology over Amazon other than larger cut to creators?

Amazon Physical Copy/Kindle

Also is this bundle worth getting if I haven't read any of Superior Spiderman?

Yea the bundle is a great value if you are interested in doc ock. And the only other reason is its a different reader. I haven't tried the kindle version (i haven't heard good things) but the Comixology reader is the best in the business that i've experienced


Big Time is an excellent place to jump on the Amazing Spider-man :)

Sucks about comixology. :( I bought D4VE and Translucid #1 with my credit.


I'm late to the party but how does five years later play into DC titles?

Didn't the JLA already have a five year time skip?

What's happened to Blue Beetle since his series ended?

Excuse me for my brief shit fit but WHY IN THEE BLUE FUCK DID THEY RUIN TEEN TITANS?

DC is starting to fall off.

At least ultimate spider-man is still going strong.


Just heard about the Comixology news. I understand why Amazon did it but it really is disappointing as a consumer.

The removal of the store in the app really kills my impulse purchasing. I am much less likely to go browse the Web page than I am to go on the app store and buy a few books.

I understand the reason they did it also but it still sucks.
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