anyone try silk?
anyone try silk?
anyone try silk?
Soy or Almond?
Soy or Almond?
anyone try silk?
Its like tradewaiting.General rule of thumb: Wait for all Sony games to be PS+. Wait for all downloadable games that come out on PS4 to be PS+.
Since making this rule I've never broken it and it's paid off time and again.
Its like tradewaiting.
I don't mind if I bring Sony down. I have no attachment to them. In fact, Sony going out of business would be amazing to watch.
Guys I just can't join your statue lifestyles. I like to be able to play with my toy models. My starships can get into space fights, my heroclix can let me endlessly destroy Marvel teams with a Legion team, but a Harley bust ain't gonna do any of that.
I don't mind if I bring Sony down. I have no attachment to them. In fact, Sony going out of business would be amazing to watch.
I want to try Silk too. I've never read any Spider books so I think Silk and Spider Gwen are going to be as good a place to jump in as any.
So yeah, Silk was awesome and the art was wonderful. It had quite a bit in common with Ms Marvel, and was a fairly decent jumping on point for those who are going into the characrer blind. Definitely worth it in my opinion.
I can't grab my books til tomorrow, but is Batman and Robin still dominant this week?
3DS ups shipment tracking info hasn't been updated since it was delayed for weather yesterday morning.
they are playing my new 3ds.
Faith is not having to ask this question.
How many times was she and Peter irresistibly drawn together for hot Mary Sue nookie?
3DS ups shipment tracking info hasn't been updated since it was delayed for weather yesterday morning.
they are playing my new 3ds.
Not many. They're Writing it as a platonic relationship as of #1. Cindy Moon sounds like a porn star name though.
3DS ups shipment tracking info hasn't been updated since it was delayed for weather yesterday morning.
they are playing my new 3ds.
So everyone's getting a 3DS now? Whats the deallio?
I've been thinking about getting one... tax money coming soon.
Real talk, Hawkgirl is better than Batgirl.
Basically it's a ComicGAF status symbol. All the cool kids have one.
Which Hawkgirl v which Batgirl?
Batman & Robin was decent. Didn't blow my mind or anything and Damian was as insufferable as ever, but the art was good.
He's always going to be arrogant, but I like that the last issue had him take responsibility and step-up on the Aquaman issue.That was some great character growth.
Any Hawkgirl.
Any Batgirl.Not named Stephanie or Cassandra
Oh okay thanks.After Convergence, more accurately.
Nah. Rebrand, not reboot.
Now ask what that means![]()
DCAU Hawkgirl is the only Hawkgirl. Earth 2 Hawkgirl would be cool if she stopped using guns and picked up something proper like a mace or sword.
Oh okay thanks.
What does that mean?
That momentum went backwards. Won't get into the details of the issue, but I'm still expecting Damian to die again.
Who draws the best faces in the business? Terry Moore needs to be up there. I am partial but I'd say Sejic is up there.
will report back with impressions in oh 12 hoursanyone try silk?
So yeah, Silk was awesome and the art was wonderful. It had quite a bit in common with Ms Marvel, and was a fairly decent jumping on point for those who are going into the characrer blind. Definitely worth it in my opinion.
Silk was a pretty charming first issue. I was worried about Cindy being a mary sue based on everything I've read about her, but luckily that wasn't the case. It's also nice to see Pete being Pete. The art was really good too-- hopefully the creative team isn't just a bait and switch. Will stick with it.