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COMICS! |OT| January 2015. So many variants you'd swear it's 1995 instead.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Welp... bye
Johnny (for a while at least)
. That was, no pun intended, fantastic. The first few issues seemed so random, but the way Hickman ties all of it together (actually not all of it, there's still the supposed war Franklin warned about and the whole "hope lies with Doom" thing) is truly masterful. It must have been really impressive to read the original run for the year or so it lasted and constantly go "ah shit that's from that issue months ago". So yeah, even those seemingly filler issues, looking back, are all important, which is quite impressive. Up next, Future Foundation, but not today.

Oh and the half-silent last issue was amazing, especially the silent part. Kudos to the artist whoever it was


And now Power Girl!


I'm totally ok with the new Marvel Universe as I've said before, aka the "not reboot". I just hope they don't mess around with backstories too much (Keep Red Skull a real Nazi) unless it's to cut out stupid stuff and modernize things. I really don't care about Secret Wars though so I'll stick with my books and wait it out.

And I can't believe Hawkeye may not finish before the new run. I still maintain that the finale (" El Dorado") should be cheaper as a gesture of goodwill towards fans.


Weird. This is like the opposite of Axis. I swear everyone was super excited for Axis because it was the finale to Uncanny Avengers and Remender was writing. Then you know what happened next.


You mean its going to be the best Marvel Event of the decade? :D
Nah, just that everyone was super excited for Axis. Whether Secret Wars is going to be the best Marvel Event of the decade remains to be seen. It's just that either no one gives a fuck about Secret Wars or think this is going to be a trainwreck.


Ordered some hardcovers last week I've been eyeing. Have a package coming from InStock with Colossal Conan and Big Damn Sin City. That shit's gonna be heavy :lol
No I just finished pre-Future Foundation Hickman, I don't know what the Waid run is, or when it is to be precise

Begins at Fantastic Four vol. 3 #60 and ends at #524, the crown jewel of the run is the Unthinkable arc,which I think starts right before the issue #500 renumbering. It has a Doom/Valeria payoff I'm sure you would enjoy.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Begins at Fantastic Four vol. 3 #60 and ends at #524, the crown jewel of the run is the Unthinkable arc,which I think starts right before the issue #500 renumbering. It has a Doom/Valeria payoff I'm sure you would enjoy.

60 to 524? Yeah I'm not reading 450 issues of F4, I don't care who wrote it. No offense to F4 fans
60 to 524? Yeah I'm not reading 450 issues of F4, I don't care who wrote it. No offense to F4 fans

It was renumbered in the middle of his run, which only must be about 40 issues I would guess, as awesome as it would have been, they wern't on the book for the better part of 38 years.
I just want you guys to know, this feeling, it's the same one we had just before Flashpoint. Same thoughts and rationalizations.

When did this happen? I feel like I missed an issue or something.

She had a few scene cameos in Teen Titans #5, outside of her origin during Worlds' Finest.

At the end of issue #5 she
pushes Wonder Girl's Mom out of the way of a thrown garbage truck and gets crushed by it, only to reveal she is alright as she pushes it up off of her.


Does anyone else feel like the only way for Marvel to avoid the mistakes of DC is to forget having their cake and eating it but to do a total and complete reboot. Start absolutely everything from scratch again. New origin stories, first meetings. The works. A chance for everything to be all new. No "Oh this happened this way but this didn't happen at all and this guy did this differently" all over the place so nobody has a clue how anything went down.

Cut the cord and blow it all to hell. The closest DC came to that was the original Crisis but they didn't pull it off and have gotten worse and worse every time they tried it. If Marvel think they can do the same but get a different result I think they're in for a shock.

I wouldn't be surprised if the coy language Marvel are using at the moment is just to avoid a lot of fan raging about a total reboot before they've had chance to get secret wars out. They couldn't be stupid enough to make the same mistakes as DC could they?

It would explain why they've been clearing the decks a bit lately (Killing patch Nick, Logan and aging Steve). If we're getting all new ones in a few months then they're not going to get a better chance to tell those stories.


Until Secret War starts in September, we will still get a bunch of #1s. It makes totally no sense that they are just "coy" or what you are saying. Do you really think, that after Secret War, all these new Series will start again with #1? Wont happen. This would be completly stupid.

Its just a big, new and temporal status quo. Like Secret Invasion kick started Dark Reign and came to conclusion in Siege.

Secret War sets the up the new scenario, the aftermath will be the new Dark Reign and in 3, 4 years everything will be like always. Maybe some of the other characters will stay in Earth-616 but overall everything will be the same again.

2018 and 2019 will be the big Infinity Gauntlet Movie Adaption. I can totally see them doing a big Infinity Gauntlet centred Event around that time that will recreate all important universes.

Edit: I meant the new Status Quo starts in September. Sorry.


Until Secret War starts in September, we will still get a bunch of #1s. It makes totally no sense that they are just "coy" or what you are saying. Do you really think, that after Secret War, all these new Series will start again with #1? Wont happen. This would be completly stupid.

Its just a big, new and temporal status quo. Like Secret Invasion kick started Dark Reign and came to conclusion in Siege.

Secret War sets the up the new scenario, the aftermath will be the new Dark Reign and in 3, 4 years everything will be like always. Maybe some of the other characters will stay in Earth-616 but overall everything will be the same again.

2018 and 2019 will be the big Infinity Gauntlet Movie Adaption. I can totally see them doing a big Infinity Gauntlet centred Event around that time that will recreate all important universes.

Secret Wars starts in April.


Why would it be stupid? Just because Marvel have never done it before? I'm confused. I'm not saying it'd be the best thing for them or guaranteed to succeed but if you're saying Marvel don't do "stupid" things I think you must have missed some corkers over the years :)


The new Status Quo with the new Universe starts in September.

Sorry. edited it.

Ah gotcha. Yeah I think it's just going to be small continuity changes to everything. Like Iron Man wouldn't have been injured in Korea, it will be Iraq now or something.


Ah gotcha. Yeah I think it's just going to be small continuity changes to everything. Like Iron Man wouldn't have been issued in Korea, it will be Iraq now or something.

I think that would be the most disappointing thing they could possibly do.


I fully expect big changes. A return of Age of Ultron Ultron, some heroes from other universes, some 616er getting pushed out. I just dont expect them permanent.

I'm not saying it'd be the best thing for them or guaranteed to succeed but if you're saying Marvel don't do "stupid" things I think you must have missed some corkers over the years :)

Well, when it would be a Reboot we would likely have gotten informations that we can expect a lot of new #1 this year.

I hope Tom Breevort explains this stuff a little bit more this evening on his Tumblr.
I just want Pete to be happy

Seriously. Parker is the best god damn hero in the Marvel Universe. Bastard deserves some happyness. I almost want to become a comic book writer, and work my way up the ranks just to get a run on Spider-Man and not turn his life into complete shit.


These last few F4 issues are so good, I'm starting to understand the Hickman hype. I can't wait to read his stuff on characters I actually care about (I'm not shitting on these books but you know what I mean).

Quick question, is this happening before or after Annihilation? Because Annihilus just showed up and Nova turns him inside out in Annihilation, and I know I know death in comics doesn't mean much, but I was just curious
It takes place after Annihilation and all of that Marvel Cosmic run. iirc it picks up some plot threads from that run, especially some Inhumans stuff.


And now Power Girl!

I still don't like how Wonder Girl looks totally like a pornstar :| So lewd. No teenage girl wants to look like this, yo.

I like how no matter where on the internet I go I see these huge headlines "THE MARVEL UNIVERSE IS ENDING!!!" and people are freaking out, then I go back here and you people are like "yeah, no, it's not ending at all, chill".

Could anyone tell me anything about Morrison's Annihilator? Is it part of some franchise? Is it getting a trade anytime soon? Ongoing, limited? There are 4 issues on Comixology and it's been getting surprisingly little attention for a Morrison comic, methinks. Shoul I put my money into this?
If you think Wonder Girl looks like a pornstar, you should see what the teenage girls and women around here wear at the mall in the summer time. Outside of it being tight Wonder Girl's outfit is almost prudish in comparison.


If you think Wonder Girl looks like a pornstar, you should see what the teenage girls and women around here wear at the mall in the summer time. Outside of it being tight Wonder Girl's outfit is almost prudish in comparison.

Lol it doesn't even have to be the summer around here. I'm fine with all of it.
Wonder Girl is a full body suit minus the cleavage at this point. Just cover it up and avoid any of the drama. She is pretty low on the list of characters I objectify at this point so it wouldn't personally bother me.

But seriously. Just pull the top up a bit


Could anyone tell me anything about Morrison's Annihilator? Is it part of some franchise? Is it getting a trade anytime soon? Ongoing, limited? There are 4 issues on Comixology and it's been getting surprisingly little attention for a Morrison comic, methinks. Shoul I put my money into this?

I think only myself, JC, and Filthy Slug are reading it. It's a six issue limited series and according to Amazon the hardcover drops in May. The story is pretty meta and great, and as per usual Frazier Irving's art is jaw droppingly good.


user-friendly man-cashews
I think only myself, JC, and Filthy Slug are reading it. It's a six issue limited series and according to Amazon the hardcover drops in May. The story is pretty meta and great, and as per usual Frazier Irving's art is jaw droppingly good.
I'm reading it too and yeah it's great.

It has that particular Morrison vibe of having a pretty obvious message while at the same time feeling smart, it's subtle while being everything but.
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