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COMICS! |OT| January 2015. So many variants you'd swear it's 1995 instead.

I can't speak from a perspective of comic history and trends but, in my personal lists, the only other writer I would put up there with Moore and Morrison is Ellis.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'm such a fucking x-men fanboy, it's uncanny (badum tshh). I don't even care :p

Case in point, I'm loving All New X-Men (up to issue 10) and I liked the first 2 issues of the Spiral X-Force (what do we even call that, X-Force 2013?). I also liked Uncanny #1, although it's probably my least favorite, not sure I'm down with Cyke's faux-Malcolm X act, even tho I think the idea is great and I love that they did that with the character.

So yeah, "like" is as low as I'll go for X-Men books aparently lol
Sure, Tetrax is right that his work feels more scientific but I wouldn't count that as a negative. Not even close. Hickman IS is a master story teller but he's more than that.

Jonathan Hickman is a fantastic world builder. And I have a feeling he's just getting started.

I don't see it as a negative, just a different approach. Although my eyes glaze over when he's inventing whole new races in one panel, and all I can hear in that writing is The Skeleton Dance:

"The Incursions are connected to the Builders
The Builders are connected to the Mapmakers
The Mapmakers are connected to Thanos
And that's the basis of this plot"

I really want to like his stuff, I do. The only one I can say without hesitation that I am a huge fan of is The Manhattan Projects, because that world is already built, Hickman is just reassembling the Lego as it were. Fantastic Four is good, I really struggle to care about the FF in general though which is not his fault. East of West is incomprehensible muck and nothing will change my opinion on that.

I still like Avengers/New Avengers but I have soured on it. I'm an Avengers fan above everything else, Under Siege was one of the first comics I can remember reading, and I don't like things Hickman's done to the team. I'm not a fan of the giant roster, it looks cool on a cover, but what it actually boiled down to was Cap, Iron Man and a bunch of ORIGINAL CHARACTERS DO NOT TOUCH. I don't give a damn about any of them, and I was mad when they killed off Jack of Hearts. If Wistful Imperial Guard Science Girl and company got obliterated tomorrow I wouldn't care a bit.

New Avengers feels like it's cribbed from 80s wrestling booking at times. Form alliance, make cryptic statements before mission, mission fails while members throw barbs at each other, we pay to see them fight. Iron Man is Ric Flair, the Illuminati are the Four Horsemen and Captain America is Dusty Rhodes under a mask claiming to not be Dusty Rhodes. Simple plot, but it's buried under so much STUFF. I'm not saying I want my comics to be filled with double-page spreads or anything, but just cut down on the NAMES of THINGS filling pages. Enough with the "We called it the Agony of Retribution" or whatever.

The man can write build-up like no other though. The "We Were Avengers" issue is easily the best one in the whole run.
Hickman said in an interview a month or so ago he is taking a multi year break from Marvel to concentrate on his Image stuff.

This can only mean good things. I can save $$$ because I don't have to buy Avengers at fucking $3.99 $4.99, and I can still read Hickman books.


I'm such a fucking x-men fanboy, it's uncanny (badum tshh). I don't even care :p

Case in point, I'm loving All New X-Men (up to issue 10) and I liked the first 2 issues of the Spiral X-Force (what do we even call that, X-Force 2013?). I also liked Uncanny #1, although it's probably my least favorite, not sure I'm down with Cyke's faux-Malcolm X act, even tho I think the idea is great and I love that they did that with the character.

So yeah, "like" is as low as I'll go for X-Men books aparently lol

Keep reading Uncanny. It has some really great new mutants and those Illyana issues near the start were visually stunning.


Speaking of All new X-Men. I hadn't realized that it was Stuart Immonen doing the art for it. Sometimes I am really bad at noticing who is drawing what. But between this and All new Cap he deserves major props in my eyes. He has the perfect style for an X-Men book. I would now pick up a book just for his art. Thankfully I love all new Cap/X-Men.

Did I ever say how much I love young Iceman? He is such a loveable dork. Calling
X-23 Wolverine Clone because he does not know her name lol
. I will keep pushing my desire for an Eva x Bobby romance.
Welp, there goes another High Profile Writer.

"To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high."

There's always more. Always. There's probably some kid right now with an idea for an X-Men book or something that will blow us all away in a couple of years. When I got back into comics a few years ago I'd never heard of Rick Remender, and I thought Matt Fraction was the kid that got Brubaker some Starbucks while he worked on Immortal Iron Fist.

I don't blame the writers though. If you've got a hit series at Image or wherever now, you're one good season of TV away from Kirkman money.
Do editors at Marvel or DC (or any other publisher) have any say in the creative process? Or are they a lot more hands off compared to Manga editors?


I can't speak from a perspective of comic history and trends but, in my personal lists, the only other writer I would put up there with Moore and Morrison is Ellis.
Yeah, Ellis is pretty amazing in my book.

Moore, Ellis, Kurt Busiek and Peter Milligan are probably my all-time favourites in Western comics.
Bendis could always write more books...

A move upstairs like what happened to Jeph Loeb is inevitable though. I can see him staying on X-Men as long as he did on Avengers, especially since he'll probably be allowed to do whatever he wants since there's no movie problems, at least none Marvel care about.

I get the feeling the whole story with the new omega mutant is going to be Ultimatum levels of bad. Like, when it gets adapted as X-Men 12: So Very Tired it will be an Age of Ultron problem where we're screaming at people not to read it.


I can't be the only one who likes Bendis. I really enjoy everything I am reading by him at the moment.

Is Immonen doing work for the Black Vortex crossover?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Keep reading Uncanny. It has some really great new mutants and those Illyana issues near the start were visually stunning.

Speaking of All new X-Men. I hadn't realized that it was Stuart Immonen doing the art for it. Sometimes I am really bad at noticing who is drawing what. But between this and All new Cap he deserves major props in my eyes. He has the perfect style for an X-Men book. I would now pick up a book just for his art. Thankfully I love all new Cap/X-Men.

Did I ever say how much I love young Iceman? He is such a loveable dork. Calling
X-23 Wolverine Clone because he does not know her name lol
. I will keep pushing my desire for an Eva x Bobby romance.

I LOVE the art in ANX, you say he does Cap also? Welp...one more for the queue then

I can't be the only one who likes Bendis. I really enjoy everything I am reading by him at the moment.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but the Bendis hate is something I'm still trying to figure out since starting reading again.


"To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high."

There's always more. Always. There's probably some kid right now with an idea for an X-Men book or something that will blow us all away in a couple of years. When I got back into comics a few years ago I'd never heard of Rick Remender, and I thought Matt Fraction was the kid that got Brubaker some Starbucks while he worked on Immortal Iron Fist.

I don't blame the writers though. If you've got a hit series at Image or wherever now, you're one good season of TV away from Kirkman money.
This can be true to some degree, but its still nice to have a couple of AAA-writers and artists in the portfolio.

I cant think of a AAA-Writer beside Waid who is Marvel exclusiv when Hickmann is gone. Some people would count Bendis but this guy can be great on stuff like Daredevil and Alias and utter garbage on X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers.

And DC has legends like Gran Morrision. I cant think of a single exclusiv Marvel writter who comes near this dude.

You all know that I am mainly a Marvel guy, so maybe my perspective is broken but when I look back a couple of years and see yearlong exclusiv writers like Brubaker, Fraction or now Hickmann leaving the company all the time, I get a little bit nervous...


Neo Member
I just finished the Doom Patrol omnibus. What a fun read that was, that last arc was awesome and Morrison leaves the series on such a high note. Such a great cast of heroes and villains and some of the best story arcs I have ever read. If you get a chance to read the series, do it.


I LOVE the art in ANX, you say he does Cap also? Welp...one more for the queue then

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but the Bendis hate is something I'm still trying to figure out since starting reading again.

He writes really terrible stories that go nowhere and everyone talks like Spider-Man, he writes a premise for a book without the substance to back it up. Have you read Secret Invasion yet? Avengers vs X-Men: The Chase for Hope? I see you like All New X-Men and i'm reading that in MU, it's masked in " oh hey this is harmless fun" but fuck all has happened in 25 issues. My enjoyment of Bendis directly correlates to how little i spend on it. Reading Bendis on MU is perfect.
I just finished the Doom Patrol omnibus. What a fun read that was, that last arc was awesome and Morrison leaves the series on such a high note. Such a great cast of heroes and villains and some of the best story arcs I have ever read. If you get a chance to read the series, do it.

Some of us on here read it for the first time very recently. So many great villains (and some very likable.) The Brotherhood of Dada has to be one of the greatest super-villain groups ever.


Bendis has talent in there somewhere, but I've never found it put to good use outside of Powers (and even that went sharply downhill after a while).


Miles-Man is great though. The new series had a rocky start but it's great now and the first series was great throughout.

That's another book with dope art.
I can't be the only one who likes Bendis. I really enjoy everything I am reading by him at the moment.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but the Bendis hate is something I'm still trying to figure out since starting reading again.

I think Bendis hate is blown out of proportion. The only issue I really have with him is that he often falls into some very formulaic writing patterns. It may be he's over-exerting himself by writing so many books that he can't be creative with them. He seems to do much better on the standalone books like Powers.
I can't be the only one who likes Bendis. I really enjoy everything I am reading by him at the moment.

Have really cooled on his X-Men. Nothing happens, it is like a bad Mutants & Masterminds mash-up campaign.

"Okay, so you're playing the original X-Men, but you've TRAVELLED BACK IN TIME to REBEL AGAINST THE WORLD YOU'VE CREATED! And now Kitty Pryde is your mentor, because I heart her."

I stuck with it until the end of All-Different. 21 issues of nothing.

Guardians is indefensibly bad. It is the equivalent of going to the 24-hour supermarket to buy a chocolate bar, and you buy the own brand Mister Choc Choc'n'Nuts because you've eaten all their stock of Snickers already.

I was a big fan of his first New Avengers run, at least until Civil War. He restarted the multiple teams stuff after that and it went to shit. Those issues of Mighty he wrote were ungodly bad, not helped by Frank Cho's plastic people art. I also loved Ultimate Spider-Man until
Peter came back
which is so dumb my mind can't even fathom how the same guy wrote the Ultimate Clone Saga and The World According to Peter Parker.

Man, I am ranty tonight.


Let's put Bendis on Sunstone.

That's like saying let's put Bendis on Saga or Sex Criminals. Sunstone requires Sejic. I don't think those books are what they are without their creators. Who could you swap in on Sex Criminals and get the same quality.

I haven't read his Guardians because you guys always say it's a steaming pile of shit.
That's like saying let's put Bendis on Saga or Sex Criminals. Sunstone requires Sejic.

I haven't read his Guardians because you guys always say it's a steaming pile of shit.

Bendis on Saga, good lord.

"I did some bad things. That makes me a bad person."
And then Lying Cat comes out with:
"It's not like you're a Yankees fan or anything AMIRITE?"

They'll have to get a truck to haul all the Eisners.
East of west is pretty simple for a Hickman book. The. Message is the key to the apocalypse the horsemen are trying to bring about. Death strayed fom the path and looking to stop it / get revenge


East of west is pretty simple for a Hickman book. The. Message is the key to the apocalypse the horsemen are trying to bring about. Death strayed fom the path and looking to stop it / get revenge

I tried reading East of West monthly and found it thoroughly frustrating. But it absolutely reads better in trades. Really good book though.
Well Marvel still has Remender. And Aaron as there two big superstars. OH yeah Gillen as well. But all three have all star image books so they can leave anytime they want.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I just finished the Doom Patrol omnibus. What a fun read that was, that last arc was awesome and Morrison leaves the series on such a high note. Such a great cast of heroes and villains and some of the best story arcs I have ever read. If you get a chance to read the series, do it.

Glad you liked it! It's one of my top three favorite runs of all-time. So incredibly good. That ending had me staring at the page for like 10 minutes.
Hickman said in an interview a month or so ago he is taking a multi year break from Marvel to concentrate on his Image stuff.

People say a lot things. I wouldn't necessarily believe it.

1) He could just be negotiating with Marvel. Maybe for money, maybe for a certain property He's a big X-Men fan. Maybe he's trying to get the X-reigns from Bendis and he's playing hardball- "nothing more from me unless you make me lead X-writer on the book of my choice".
2) He may think he means it (being burned out at the moment) but it could be that he finds he needs far less of a break than he thought and he's back on a Marvel book before the end of the year.
3) Maybe DC is wooing him pretty hard. I'm sure they would love to put him on Green Lantern or something.

I'll be truly surprised if he pulls a Brubaker in the long run.

This can be true to some degree, but its still nice to have a couple of AAA-writers and artists in the portfolio.

I cant think of a AAA-Writer beside Waid who is Marvel exclusiv when Hickmann is gone. Some people would count Bendis but this guy can be great on stuff like Daredevil and Alias and utter garbage on X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers.

Remender? Aaron?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh, right, so I just remembered I told BuddyJoe I'd post those unfinished Rafa comic pages from forever ago.

They aren't perfect obviously, but here they are. Oh, and also, page one was inked and page two was just rough sketches, if that wasn't obvious. But yeah, since it's never going to be completed and BuddyJoe asked me ages ago to post them, here (and in full size, for better or for worse):

And here's Rafa's brief synopsis of the story this was going to be a part of (I hope Rafa doesn't mind me posting this, but I think it's just brilliant and the world needs to know about it even if I wasn't able to make it a reality):

This first character is suffering from PTSD since childhood. He basically lived the movie Air Bud. Only this dog took his spot on the team. Everyone loved this dog, it was the most natural thing in the world. We are going to tell this story. I've already written it.
People say a lot things. I wouldn't necessarily believe it.

1) He could just be negotiating with Marvel. Maybe for money, maybe for a certain property He's a big X-Men fan. Maybe he's trying to get the X-reigns from Bendis and he's playing hardball- "nothing more from me unless you make me lead X-writer on the book of my choice".
2) He may think he means it (being burned out at the moment) but it could be that he finds he needs far less of a break than he thought and he's back on a Marvel book before the end of the year.
3) Maybe DC is wooing him pretty hard. I'm sure they would love to put him on Green Lantern or something.

I'll be truly surprised if he pulls a Brubaker in the long run.

Remender? Aaron?

Yeah those would be it along with Gillen since Gillen is writing Darth Vader.

I think the problem is Marvel doesn't want to push them as there big name creator like they did with Bendis due to the fact that all of them can just leave due to there success in Image. Afraid of another Brubaker and probably Fraction incident occurring.


Guardians is indefensibly bad. It is the equivalent of going to the 24-hour supermarket to buy a chocolate bar, and you buy the own brand Mister Choc Choc'n'Nuts because you've eaten all their stock of Snickers already.
Man, I am ranty tonight.

Well, at least I can agree with this.

And I wasn't arguing with you, I was just stating why I liked Hickman when it comes to whatever I mentioned.
I tried reading East of West monthly and found it thoroughly frustrating. But it absolutely reads better in trades. Really good book though.

It feels to me like that's the case with a good number of Image titles. Especially ones having to do with science, for some reason. East of West, Manhattan Projects, Black Science, and Low are all great books that are better read in trade format.
I think Bendis hate is blown out of proportion. The only issue I really have with him is that he often falls into some very formulaic writing patterns. It may be he's over-exerting himself by writing so many books that he can't be creative with them. He seems to do much better on the standalone books like Powers.
I think Bendis is a very good to great writer who has had a great lot of responsibility at Marvel since he busted on the scene. He's usually writing 3 concurrent titles at least and is one of the architects for the grand overall direction of the Marvel universe for past decade.

He's also helped develop some really good artists under his titles. The guy that's most like Bendis is Geoff Johns. He's got similar responsibility but at DC. I think both of them probably don't have as much time to refine their work as they would like.
And here's Rafa's brief synopsis of the story this was going to be a part of (I hope Rafa doesn't mind me posting this, but I think it's just brilliant and the world needs to know about it even if I wasn't able to make it a reality):
Oh my god that synopsis.

It's brilliant


Bendis really suffers in dialogue though. The guy can make stuff more or less interesting but man, he doesn't have to have to every character share the same damn voice.

Geoff Johns writes a compelling Sinestro.


Oh, right, so I just remembered I told BuddyJoe I'd post those unfinished Rafa comic pages from forever ago.

They aren't perfect obviously, but here they are. Oh, and also, page one was inked and page two was just rough sketches, if that wasn't obvious. But yeah, since it's never going to be completed and BuddyJoe asked me ages ago to post them, here (and in full size, for better or for worse):

And here's Rafa's brief synopsis of the story this was going to be a part of (I hope Rafa doesn't mind me posting this, but I think it's just brilliant and the world needs to know about it even if I wasn't able to make it a reality):

Interesting synopsis. Would read it. Needs a new artist though. That looks like something drawn by an 8-year old.
Oh, right, so I just remembered I told BuddyJoe I'd post those unfinished Rafa comic pages from forever ago.

They aren't perfect obviously, but here they are. Oh, and also, page one was inked and page two was just rough sketches, if that wasn't obvious. But yeah, since it's never going to be completed and BuddyJoe asked me ages ago to post them, here (and in full size, for better or for worse):

And here's Rafa's brief synopsis of the story this was going to be a part of (I hope Rafa doesn't mind me posting this, but I think it's just brilliant and the world needs to know about it even if I wasn't able to make it a reality):

Yes, that is awesome! I really like the structure of the panels, don't give up on drawing brah.

Thanks for posting this.
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