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COMICS! |OT| July 2014. Lots of stores on the way to San Diego sell deodorant.

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Think I'm going to go ahead and drop She-Hulk. Just finished the latest issue; Wimberly's style is not my cup of tea, but more importantly Soule's writing isn't doing anything for me and these last two issues felt like a whole lotta nothing. If I keep buying it, I'd only be doing so for Pulido.

You are being super super nice about the Wimberly art. That's all I'm gonna say, in an attempt to be nice as well.
When you're saying "Hellboy 1-7," are you talking the Library Edition volumes or the TPB volumes? I'm going to guess TPBs since you also say "8-12" and there are only 6 Library Editions. Haha

Oh yea, sorry man, that's exactly what I'm doing, sorry >_< Obviously if you ever get to a point where you ar eunsure, just ask in here, I'm always very enthusiastically happy to help with Hellboy stuff and there's plenty of other big fans too.

But you miss out on awesome months where BPRD was like "Who is this Memnan Saa guy? And why is Lobster Johnson here?" and then an issue of Lobster Johnson comes out and says "I'm gonna fight Memnan Saa, crime lord!" and you're like "WHOALY SHIT!!!"

But really, these comics are the best damn comics. Just recently, BPRD went from insane Akira fight in the middle of Manhattan to two part scary ghost possession/1949 flashback, all while Abe is stuck in a Stephen King novel and Witchfinder is fighting like monster eels in Downton Abbey. They are basically every comic you would ever want to read.

Haha, that is the exact thing I was referencing when I mentioned the benefit of reading the Lobster book at the right time! In general though, those moments are extremely few, where there is a specific benefit to reading it right there and then before you move to another story. Often it's what happened to ______ or where did ________ come from (and they weren't really questions you were actively asking, because there is so much random insane shit, you tend to just accept until they give you a further meaning), so there's no real need to read it in the exact order when they were published, it's just a nice surprise when you get there and you realise it links in with that other thing from before. Like I said, the books never read like your only getting fragments, it's more that you realise there are answers to questions you never asked; the whole picture is just bigger than you thought it was. I've always found it a very comfortable experience to read by trade, especially once I realise d I din't have to jump between HB and BPRD constantly. Especially now there is so much, there has been a trade every month for something like 7 months. I wait 6 months on Saga, I get one book to catch up on if I'm lucky, I wait 6 mnoths on Mignola, I have a basket of 7-8 books or something haha!

That's pretty much been my Hellboy/BPRD experience. You don't need to read everything, and I've never felt lost or thought it was getting convoluted by just reading the occasional mini. Even though internal numbering suggest it's part of the big picture, when a miniseries is 1 of 5, I'm much more willing to commit short term to a mini than an ongoing.

For sure. And imo some of the very best collections are the ones that are "the crooked man and other stories" or "the pickens county horror and others". The little mini series add up to some AMAZING compilation books that are just plain fun to read, and you could never have read, nor read a HB or BPRD book again. Also, pancakes.

Man, you guys are making me want to check out Hellboy now. My only experience with the universe are the movies, but I could see myself digging the comics. .

Do it man! The more, the merrier. On the note of the movies, I was never a huuuge fan, despite being a massive Del Toro fan. I think the second movie got closer, but it's really hard to nail that tone of what Hellboy is and what makes it special. It truly is a comic book, it's already on the perfect medium.


I try to get back reading Earth-2, but Nicola Scott's art isn't easy for my eyes ugh... there's nice page here and there and nice detail, but I don't like the flow at all.

And this effing writing man...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm sloooooowly making my way through Hellboy. About to start Library Edition 3. I'm really kinda itching to get to the BPRD series.

I got around to reading Black Canary & Zatanna: Bloodspell this week. That was good fun, exactly what I want from a Paul Dini book. It'd be awesome if we could get something like this once every year or two. Something lighter that highlights secondary characters. I know he's got some Batman book in some form of development, but who knows what that will ever materialize.

Speaking of... just picked up:
* Nightwing, Vol 4
* Talon, Vol 2
* Velvet, Vol 1
Wow, why all the hate? His Earth 2 isn't amazing, but I don't think it's terrible. It's a 7/10 for me. And his Injustice is top tier! Seriously, the pacing in his conversations is amazing. Do you think he will be worse than the current Iron Man writer?
I just don't think this brah has any talent. He plays one not and it is not good. Look, Joe Keatinge wrote the worst comic Axel Alonso has had the pleasure of overseeing, but I give him props for his new Tech Jacket. If Tom Taylor can turn it around I will give him props. Bit he can't. Because he does not possess any story telling talent. He's like a little kid that screams and cries, throws Legos, shits his pants even though he is potty train, all the while to get his mother's attention as she watches The Bachelorette with headphones on, the lights off, red wine and the latest vibrating device from the Sharper Image. I can't be the one to give him that hug. I won't be.
Picked up Dark Engine because of the art, have no clue whats going on but female Turok killing dinosaurs in beautiful art is pretty good.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Awww yes! My drawing tablet just came in the mail! Prepare yourselves.

Oh yea, sorry man, that's exactly what I'm doing, sorry >_< Obviously if you ever get to a point where you ar eunsure, just ask in here, I'm always very enthusiastically happy to help with Hellboy stuff and there's plenty of other big fans too.

Okay, cool. No problem!
And thanks! I should be all good until I get into the BPRD stuff, then I'll probably need to ask for some clarifications regarding reading order if I want to get into the offshoot stories.

Wimberly is the Mark Millar Ann Nocenti of comic artists.

I feel like it's gotta be his inker or something that makes She-Hulk look so bad, because Prince of Cats looks so cool from the stuff I've seen on Google Images.


Quick rundown of the books I read this week:

Rat Queens #7
Shit's fucked up, looking forward to next issue's beatdown.

Robin Rises Omega #1
What exactly is this shard that Batman found and is in Damien's sarcophagus?
Bats being a dick can be so pointless and needless to see sometimes.

Wicked+Divine 2
Good issue, not much else to say.

Megaman 39
My book of the week, it's mainly an X series story taking place before the events of X1, and I loved the character interactions, even if its a spoiler, I'm posting it to get you shmucks to read it
That action scene in Rat Queens #7! Read all my books, nothing stood out as extraordinary or set itself away from the pack. Highlight was Robin Rises. WicDiv was good but was in world building mode. Rat Queens was good but some parts didn't gel. I don't think there was any book of the month contenders this week.
I feel like it's gotta be his inker or something that makes She-Hulk look so bad, because Prince of Cats looks so cool from the stuff I've seen on Google Images.
it's definitely the colors. I think his stuff looks awesome but even I couldn't get into those She-Hulk issues. I'm gonna have to check out that current Black Dynamite book, maybe that looks better
No idea why he's getting a backlash. The new Superman alone justifies him on Earth 2. In an age of ridiculous 'LOOK AT HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE' rubbish, he quietly has a black kid take up the Superman mantle without making it into a statement.

Yep. I feel the same way. Val is a character whom is going to be quite interesting to watch grow and develop.

Robin Rises Omega #1
What exactly is this shard that Batman found and is in Damien's sarcophagus?
Bats being a dick can be so pointless and needless to see sometimes.

It's from the first few issues of Batman/Superman (1-4 I believe).
Theoretically a weapon of some kind with the power to bring back the dead, amongst other things. Earth 2 Superman wanted to keep it to use it against Darkseid but our Superman destroyed it instead. It was something set up by an creature from Apokolips named Kaiyo.
Planning on catching up on Batman Eternal today.

Aaand just finished reading the whole volume in one sitting (which is pretty rare for me). That was really great. The story and art were both excellent, like you all said.
The jumping through time thing made for some really great pacing.
A couple of the highlights for me included the part where Thor is going around to all the different worlds investigating the missing gods (loved seeing the glimpses of new worlds drawn by Ribic) and the two different scenes with the librarian. His dialogue was hilarious. That utter contempt he had for Thor and his family was too funny.

Glad you enjoyed it, I hope you keep reading the series.
No idea why he's getting a backlash. The new Superman alone justifies him on Earth 2. In an age of ridiculous 'LOOK AT HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE' rubbish, he quietly has a black kid take up the Superman mantle without making it into a statement.

That's probably up to DC to promote it, not him. Although I guess he doesn't make some of the public announcements that other creaters (Snyder, Remender, etc) do. Didn't DC promote a gay Alan Scott? Why wouldn't they promote Black Superman?

I just don't think this brah has any talent. He plays one not and it is not good. Look, Joe Keatinge wrote the worst comic Axel Alonso has had the pleasure of overseeing, but I give him props for his new Tech Jacket. If Tom Taylor can turn it around I will give him props. Bit he can't. Because he does not possess any story telling talent. He's like a little kid that screams and cries, throws Legos, shits his pants even though he is potty train, all the while to get his mother's attention as she watches The Bachelorette with headphones on, the lights off, red wine and the latest vibrating device from the Sharper Image. I can't be the one to give him that hug. I won't be.

Be honest. He is currently directly responsible for stalling your rise to superstardom isn't he? He has Didio's children in his basement, and now also apparently has a hold on Alonso too, in an apparent blackmailing scheme to prevent the change we have all been waiting for.

As for his story-telling talent, once again I point at Injustice. He is pulling from all corners of the DCU and making characters (for the most part) act as they should and interact as they should. Look at any of the Harley issues and tell me you aren't impressed by the dialogue.


Sovereign #2: I'm not liking how the story is structured, neither of the three story locations have my attention, but the world building has potential. Probably not getting the trade unless comics-gaf convinces me otherwise.


That's probably up to DC to promote it, not him. Although I guess he doesn't make some of the public announcements that other creaters (Snyder, Remender, etc) do. Didn't DC promote a gay Alan Scott? Why wouldn't they promote Black Superman?

Because his race is the least important thing about the character.

Yes it's great to have a non-white Superman, but the part I dig is that the character isn't some crass stereotype, he's just a superhero who happens to be black. Which is fantastic, and yet at the same time is awesome because no-one's making a big deal, in or out of the story, about the race.

And it's also great because Val-Zod is a damn fine character who is, to be honest, the best version of Superman DC's currently putting out. Just a nice guy who doesn't want to fight at all, but if you hurt people he'll throw down in a second.


Yes it's great to have a non-white Superman, but the part I dig is that the character isn't some crass stereotype, he's just a superhero who happens to be black. Which is fantastic, and yet at the same time is awesome because no-one's making a big deal, in or out of the story, about the race.

It's actually totally fine to announce and promote things like that, otherwise the only people who know are existing readers. What's weird is the negative attitude towards "making a big deal" about it.
Dropping Green Arrow after Lemire, WW going on a trial run after Azzarelo, dropping either Action or SM/WW or both, dropping both Amazing and Miles Spiderman, Sheltered ends at 15, Fatale is done at 25.

Making way for Wytches, Catwoman, Gotham Academy, Arkham Manor. Few more.

1st issues that will have to blow me away:

New Cap
Think I'm going to go ahead and drop She-Hulk. Just finished the latest issue; Wimberly's style is not my cup of tea, but more importantly Soule's writing isn't doing anything for me and these last two issues felt like a whole lotta nothing. If I keep buying it, I'd only be doing so for Pulido.

Yep. His best book is still Red Lanterns right now

It's no fun arguing with the c-list version of Messi, but keep those Nocenti jokes a-comin!


is Zombine the B-list version

lmao ouch


These Francavilla pinups are so so so good.

Donie's right, you don't have to make things complicated w/ the Mignolaverse... I just have the preference of reading it all in publication date order (by arc, not issue) because it keeps each title fresh. Once or twice a year I decide to reread everything over again, and the constant variety of reading in that order keeps me from getting title fatigue. It also ensures those few moments (where aspects from one title bleeds into another) always hit you the way they're supposed to.

For example, I personally think that starting BPRD after Hellboy: The Conqueror Worm is the most powerful way to go about it... and there are a few other occasions (though, I could count them on one hand) where reading certain events in a specific order gives you that extra OOMPH that I don't like missing out on.

With that said, the beauty of the universe is that you can read it in almost any (logical) order and never feel like you're missing out on something. I love that. However you read it, you'll enjoy it immensely... and I'm a little jealous that some of you have the opportunity to experience it all for the first time.

edit - Oh, and don't bother with any of the Weird Tales issues unless you read everything and desperate for more. They are all non-canon and of wildly varying quality.


Interesting to see some animosity towards Tom Taylor. I've started reading the Injustice comic after having it in my backlog, and it's amazing to see how well he handles multiple characters. Like, I'm enjoying his take on things and the personality traits our heroes demonstrate in this series more than I have in the Justice League.
This is probably a question asked a fair bit, so sorry in advance:

I need some advice about Transformers comics, there seems to be several different publishers and lines, I have no idea where to begin.

This is probably a question asked a fair bit, so sorry in advance:

I need some advice about Transformers comics, there seems to be several different publishers and lines, I have no idea where to begin.

No worries, bruv. All questions are welcome. I hear that the modern IDW Transformers is very good. I haven't read any so i can't help, but this post from Tizoc a few weeks ago maybe could http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=119169032&postcount=220
One of my favorites.

Fucker needs to stop drawing every little thing he sees on the internet and make more Black Beetle books though.

I don't know what it is with Francavilla, but some of his work just looks awful to me, like that Guardians of the Galaxy issue he did....But then shit like Black Beetle and these pin-ups - amazing.


I just do not get this costume. It is just so unlike Barbara as we have come to know her.

Would have made more sense for Stephenie.

I think it really comes down to a misstep on DC's part... this is how she should have been rebooted for the New 52 in the first place, and they seem to agree since they're willing to ignore anything they need to in order to make this new version happen. Either way, I say bring it on... I'm so excited for this book.

Francavilla is my favorite


Is it weird that it bothers me when artists don't draw the zipper line down the bat symbol on her chest?


I think it really comes down to a misstep on DC's part... this is how she should have been rebooted for the New 52 in the first place, and they seem to agree since they're willing to ignore anything they need to in order to make this new version happen. Either way, I say bring it on... I'm so excited for this book.

Her house burned down in a fire, and leather was on sale at JoAnn Fabrics. It all makes perfect sense.


I think it really comes down to a misstep on DC's part... this is how she should have been rebooted for the New 52 in the first place.

Agreed, but I still do not like the fact that they intend to distance her even more from the bat family.

I really hope that of Harper, Stephanie and Carrie one of them comes into their own as an ACTUAL member. I am tired of the boy's club shit.
I just do not get this costume. It is just so unlike Barbara as we have come to know her.

Would have made more sense for Stephanie.
It actually looks kinda decent there but the cowl and combat boots are awful.

I just feel a bat character walking around in average looking clothes defeats the purpose of the theme.
Agreed, but I still do not like the fact that they intend to distance her even more from the bat family.

The bat family is DEAD. That was the entire point of Death of the Family. At least in theory. DC can't make up their minds what they want to do these days.

I really hope that of Harper, Stephanie and Carrie one of them comes into their own as an ACTUAL member. I am tired of the boy's club shit.

Harper and Stephanie seem like they'll be sidekicks at this point. I wonder if Harper is going to get partnered up with
Red Robin
, as that seems to be what's happening here. Also, has Carrie even been reintroduced in the New 52 yet?


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Speaking of Hellboy, I just read Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand and it was very good.

Self-contained story, great writing and art, good atmosphere. What's not to love?
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