I have a health update...and it's like 90% good news! Sorry I haven't updated you guys on what's been going on in awhile. It's been quite a rollercoaster and I figured I'd spare you all until we had a solid idea of what the plan is. I've really appreciated all the thoughtful PMs in the meantime, and I've tried to respond to all of them. Comicgaf really is the best.
Anyway. I've had two additional ultrasounds and a biopsy since I last updated you guys. It was a FNA (fine needle aspiration) biopsy after all, not a surgical one, so the problem node is still in there. The doc who did the biopsy only wanted to do the one...he said the other two of the biggest nodes becoming enlarged is quite common due to respiratory illnesses so he wasn't concerned about them.
The results came back benign! Which of course is fantastic news. But I had another follow-up ultrasound to check on its growth progress and yeah, it's still growing pretty rapidly, along with a few surrounding nodes. I met with my ENT doc last week to discuss our options, and we agreed to have a few of them taken out.
Surgery of course is always pretty crappy but this should be no big deal. I've already had neck surgery twice so I'm kinda...used to it I guess? And I don't have to have any radiation....no radiation beam, no radioactive iodine/isolation tank, etc. So I'm pretty happy with where we're at.
Anyway, still waiting for the scheduler from the hospital to call and get things set up. I'll let you guys know how the surgery goes.