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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


I'll wait. Marvel Unlimited is how I've dealt with their bullshit pricing. I went from picking up 8-10 monthlies to zero. I kind of want to follow the events real time, but that's absurd.

I don't recall seeing that. Guessing someone major dies, like in the predecessor. I don't get spoiler sensitive at all, so I might have read it and since forgotten. Can't afford to worry about spoilers when I'm six months behind everything. Hail Hydra!

The spoilers made me not want to read civil war 2
"How do we make a random issue seem important before we start telling the actual story."

Feels like a move to drive sales...TWO #1s in a month! I'm fine with that if they are setting stuff up for the ongoing. Sucks that the marquee book today was filler that did none of that.

Batman: Treading Water #1.

Very minor Green Arrow spoiler, but did anyone else wish he'd
kept his beard
? I realize they did it for iconic reasons.
I love All New Wolverine, what a great book.

Wasn't the new issue great? I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much but it's pretty much everything I love about cape comics. Legacy, crazy heroics, cool guest stars, compelling continuity, fun art. It's the whole package.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Has anyone been reading Outcast? I've been holding off on starting it just because I tend to prefer to binge-read Kirkman joints, but after watching the pilot I am getting the itch to read the comic to hold me over. Has enough stuff happened that it's worth my time or should I just not play Overwatch instead?

Oh the pilot already aired? Damn! Gonna have to check it out.


Action Comics #957 Twice Monthly (w) Dan Jurgens (a) Patrick Zircher, Tyler Kirkham, Stephen Segovia. With this issue, Action Comics returns to its original numbering, which ended at #904, mean that the Nu 52 books have been assimilated into the issue count.

Aquaman Rebirth #1 One-shot (w) Dan Abnett (a) Brad Walker, Jesus Merino, Phil Briones

Detectvie Comics #934 Twice Monthly (w) James Tynion IV (a) Eddy Barrows, Alvaro Martinez. Same deal as Action Comics, moving back to the old numbering, incorporating the NU 52 issues.

Flash Rebirth #1 One-shot (w) Josh Williamson (a) Carmine Di Giandomenico, Neil Googe

Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 One-shot (w) Greg Rucka (a) Phil Winslade

everything highlighted is what I want for next week. Not interested in lex luthor as a character so I gotta pass on Action comics.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Wasn't the new issue great? I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much but it's pretty much everything I love about cape comics. Legacy, crazy heroics, cool guest stars, compelling continuity, fun art. It's the whole package.

It's in the top 3 of Marvel books at the moment

I loved the latest issue, the jokes were great too haha


It's in the top 3 of Marvel books at the moment

I loved the latest issue, the jokes were great too haha

Hey you know what's weird? Citizen V still hasn't popped up in any of the new Marvel books. No mention of him anywhere as far as I know. I wonder what the hell happened there? He was all over the promo art.


Why you guys so angry today? :(

It's a comic thread tradition to have some drama. It used to happen when there wasn't a lot going on with comics though.

Omega Men isn't out till September? man it sounds really good so I might just get it from Comixology. I'd like to pick up Midnighter as well now that it's done, I think I only read the first issue.

I'd say its number 1 myself.
Civil War II was actually pretty good. I knew I was going to cave and start reading eventually, but not this soon. :( #TeamCarol

Out of the two Rebirth books I read, I think Arrow was definitely the better book overall, but I liked GL more simply due to the preferable subject matter.

I know the reasoning for Rebirth is technically because Manhattan is fucking with things, but this is clearly just an excuse to reboot everything as DC hopes to draw in new readers while keeping the option to reintroduce parts of the old New52 chronology.
I still say that Batman was a solid issue, but that's from a fan of Snyders run. I will also admit it did not live up to my crazy expectations I had yesterday. It had more of that Snyder feel good flavor when I was expecting that King smart and intellectual flavor.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hey you know what's weird? Citizen V still hasn't popped up in any of the new Marvel books. No mention of him anywhere as far as I know. I wonder what the hell happened there? He was all over the promo art.

He will show up when they bring back a Thunderbolts book. Oh wait >_>


Just finished reading Batman and all I can think was that's it. The issue it'sself didn't give me any indication of what Tom King will bring to the table. It felt like one of the Annuals or Interlude issues that Snyder was so fond of using to push Harper Row. The Calendar Man idea was pretty awesome but could have served to be it's own story ark instead of a one off.


Cross-posting from the ANAD thread:
Moon Knight # 3: Smallwood's art continues to impress but the story fumbles halfway through by covering the "Moon Knight is insane, m'kay?" road once more after Warren Ellis retconned that so that it wasn't making a mockery of DID (he just suffered from brain damage while Khonshu occupied his fragile consciousness through four aspects). It's a shame because the last issue was great in continuing the "is this real or is Marc really insane" question that's been lingering over this entire time i.e. you don't need to be convinced, you just need to believe as opposed to this issue which at one point tells Marc to embrace his madness as it's his best quality. It's not bad by any means, but I get the feeling that this arc might not be for me. I'll keep reading it to see where it goes since I do want to see what this is leading up to, but i'm really hoping they don't go down the insanity route when the ongoing series starts after this five-issue arc.

Ms. Marvel #7: A highly enjoyable commentary on the "heroes fighting heroes instead of, y'know, the baddies" event Marvel is set to tackle again with Civil War II. Not much to say beyond it being a great done-in-one that criticizes the event it's meant to tie into. Kudos, Ms. Wilson!


Civil War II was actually pretty good. I knew I was going to cave and start reading eventually, but not this soon. :( #TeamCarol

Out of the two Rebirth books I read, I think Arrow was definitely the better book overall, but I liked GL more simply due to the preferable subject matter.

I know the reasoning for Rebirth is technically because Manhattan is fucking with things, but this is clearly just an excuse to reboot everything as DC hopes to draw in new readers while keeping the option to reintroduce parts of the old New52 chronology.

I feel like the big two don't even need excuses even more.

Marvel is going the best way of just outright saying that relaunches will be annualy.

Wait is Calendar Man not gonna be in the first Batman arc? Wow, huge waste. He was the best part of the issue.
lol nah it is was just a one shot. besides Bat's put the man in a cell within 22 issues. He is going to make a great fit for all star batman though
Civil War II was actually pretty good. I knew I was going to cave and start reading eventually, but not this soon. :( #TeamCarol

Out of the two Rebirth books I read, I think Arrow was definitely the better book overall, but I liked GL more simply due to the preferable subject matter.

I know the reasoning for Rebirth is technically because Manhattan is fucking with things, but this is clearly just an excuse to reboot everything as DC hopes to draw in new readers while keeping the option to reintroduce parts of the old New52 chronology.

Technically, they're more retconning in Manhattan for the reason why the New 52 went down the way it did. He's not making any changes now, thus the lack of a reboot.

I still say that Batman was a solid issue, but that's from a fan of Snyders run. I will also admit it did not live up to my crazy expectations I had yesterday. It had more of that Snyder feel good flavor when I was expecting that King smart and intellectual flavor.

That's just it, it was solid... and not a lot more.

Wait is Calendar Man not gonna be in the first Batman arc? Wow, huge waste. He was the best part of the issue.

Yeah, it's weird. I think they wanted to do something with the Rebirth name, literally tie it in to the bad guy, but it's sort of a shame they're not doing something more with him. Maybe later.

How was the art in the Green Lanterns Rebirth issue? I love great cosmic comic art.

I heard it was locked because of the echhi figures. lol

I like how there are 5th-hand legends about it.

Technically, they're more retconning in Manhattan for the reason why the New 52 went down the way it did. He's not making any changes now, thus the lack of a reboot.

But it's so weird because it reads exactly like a reboot. Clean-slate introduction to these characters. Hal Jordan is still a butthole, though.
Honestly I must be shit because I loved Green Lanterns too. It was a lot of fun.

It was the subject matter that tipped the scales for me. Sure GA was well-written, but in normal circumstances (Lemire run aside), Ollie isn't really a character I give two fucks about.


I like how there are 5th-hand legends about it.

But it's so weird because it reads exactly like a reboot. Clean-slate introduction to these characters. Hal Jordan is still a butthole, though.

Isn't that typically the idea behind relaunches, the two biggest I can think of are Hawkguy and Burnside Batgirl which both ignored the previous character developments for a clean slate for the most part.



Bishoujo Wonder Girl painted. November release:

They don't try to justify it, that's for sure.

Hmm I like it but have zero interest in the character. I'm waiting for the Jane Thor.

I heard it was locked because of the echhi figures. lol

Nah it was locked because some people were creeping the fuck out of the thread. Shame because it was fun before things got out of hand.
Isn't that typically the idea behind relaunches, the two biggest I can think of are Hawkguy and Burnside Batgirl which both ignored the previous character developments for a clean slate for the most part.

Yeah, I guess. Though Batgirl kept the same numbering. It was more of a rebranding in that case.

Hmm I like it but have zero interest in the character. I'm waiting for the Jane Thor.

That one and the Fem Loki are going to be amazing.


Shit! I forgot about Paper Girls. Messi got me hooked on that a couple night ago and I went through the entire first arc in about an hour. Classic comics IMO. Gonna read #6 tonight.

Holy shit though...Superman: Rebirth #1...my heart...this is too fucking good. Legit goosebumps.
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