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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


That's okay, with The Massive, you just need to burn everything between the covers. :D

Lol. I was flipping through it a little while back and I don't know if I'll like it. We'll see.

That is a great series. One of my favorites in recent years. The companion series, Incrruptible, is not as ambitious, but is also very good. The two tie together but you can read either on their own without a problem.

Oh, cool, hadn't even heard of Incorruptible. I'll check that out.


I would like if some of you bloqs posted some of your statues.

lol.. I have made a huge mistake carry on.

never cared for statues too much but I feel tempted to buy this

Yeah, I thought about that one, too. Kinda pricey. Not sure about the quality, plus it's only 8" tall. TFAW has it for $90, though. About $107 after shipping.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Extraordinary X-Men #4 - books continues to be the most x-men ass x-men book in years, and I still cant explain why, theres just something about it that reminds me of the 90s. Sinister is up to his cooky shenanigans and he has colossus, magik and nightcrawler captive. Kurt seems to be batshit crazy, and its nice to see Jean avtually use her telepathy in sneaky ways. Also enjoying old man logan's interactions with the various members. Oh and its thenissue with the
stinger at the end which I remember folks freaking out about 6 months ago :)

I like this book, sorry Gaf.

Speaking of Logan, has he met Laura yet in any of their books or any x-men book?


Yeah, I thought about that one, too. Kinda pricey. Not sure about the quality, plus it's only 8" tall. TFAW has it for $90, though. About $107 after shipping.

yea the price verus size is the biggie :/. They always make the super detailed stuff the smallest. Never heard of TFAW so thanks for that. looking through their site now and seeing some wicked stuff.
yea the price verus size is the biggie :/. They always make the super detailed stuff the smallest. Never heard of TFAW so thanks for that. looking through their site now and seeing some wicked stuff.

Yeah, the only downside to that place is that they really fuck you over on shipping for statues. Sometimes Entertainment Earth will be a better deal because they always offer free shipping over $100.


Haven't played Overwatch for a week and started up a game just now:
Played as Soldier 76, 31 eliminations/4 deaths, 19 player kill streak, 14978 damage done, 13 final blows, 9 helix rocket kills, and 10 tactical visor kills.

Feels good man.
I didn't read comics tonight or watch Marco Polo.....i played Overwatch.

This is who i've become.

I know that feel. It was hard to put down Overwatch until I got that level 50 trophy. But what are you still aiming for? A star? TWO stars?

What happens when you hit 200? Do you get another star or does it turn into a gold star?


I know that feel. It was hard to put down Overwatch until I got that level 50 trophy. But what are you still aiming for? A star? TWO stars?

What happens when you hit 200? Do you get another star or does it turn into a gold star?

This is my new hearthstone, i like the characters, aesthetics,and the basics of the game when it's not 5 torb frustrating failing to take a point. Hearthstone if you get a bad match up you just play it out and grumble, at least this you can switch characters as you want. I just started playing Reaper.


Unconfirmed Member
anybody have impressions for:
Ultimates #8

power man and ironfirst #5

Ultimates 8 was Civil War II 0 and 1 from the Ultimates point of view. Pretty good, art's still top notch. Ms. America Chavez still vastly underused.

Pmif 5 was still really fun, and Jessica Jones wasn't a horrible nag. There's a Roshomon-y element. Good stuff.
edit: for anyone who doesn't know how tall the sixth gun deluxe editions are taller than absolute editions with the slip cover on.

I have some pretty tall books, though I try to avoid them if possible. The Umbrella Academy deluxe editions and Monocyte are pretty big. Not as bad as books that are short but wide. That's a big reason I avoid movie artbooks.


Ultimates 8 was Civil War II 0 and 1 from the Ultimates point of view. Pretty good, art's still top notch. Ms. America Chavez still vastly underused.

Pmif 5 was still really fun, and Jessica Jones wasn't a horrible nag. There's a Roshomon-y element. Good stuff.

ty will buy both. Jessica was definitely a pain in the first 4 issues which was kinda weird because I grew accustomed to her netflix version

I have some pretty tall books, though I try to avoid them if possible. The Umbrella Academy deluxe editions and Monocyte are pretty big. Not as bad as books that are short but wide. That's a big reason I avoid movie artbooks.
ahh I remember that special edition umbrella academy book. can't believe it is selling for such a high price


Comics-gaf overwatch ps4 crew is really failing me in that it does not exist, i presume everyone is waiting for competitive mode and boat girl skins.
So I bought all of the Jupiter's Legacy / Circle stuff from the Comixology sale. Cost me under $11. Not bad. I've already read the first trade, but I never read the second series.

I'm more interested in that than him being Doom Man. Victor stalking Tony has been pretty funny even if I still don't know why outside of it just being a whim of Bendis. He better get his own armor preferably made out of the skin of one of his enemies.
Well they're steering away from that. After the storyline leading up to and during Secret Wars, he went so far off the deep end. Now, after effectively getting everything he wanted, he's basically been given a clean slate and a fresh start. It'd be nice to see him go in a new direction. At least for a little while.
He reminds me of Peter Parker in that sense.
I suppose. I haven't read enough Spider-Man to argue otherwise, but I can't remember being outright depressed after reading anything Spidey.
Season 2 of Arrow is worth checking out, but otherwise it's not so great.

The crossovers in Season 2 of the Flash were not so good. The first one was just another attempt to get viewers of one show to watch the others. It almost felt like wrestling in that they tried to get the other show's star over.

The second one was mostly to set up Legends of Tomorrow, and it did a decent enough job of that, but didn't particularly work as a Flash episode.

Otherwise Flash has been pretty consistently great, I think.
Dropped Flash like a bad habit after that bullshit
"We have to go back to Earth 2!" Couldn't deal. Especially after Patty and the time travel episode to visit Reverse Flash.
Hmm tamer than those. It just caught me off guard pretty early on. It's weird seeing Millar grow out of his bullshit. No gang rapes or horrible shit in this book. I can honestly say I enjoy most of what he's been coming out with recently.

Think I'll buy Huck seeing as some of it is on sale.
Huck is so bueno.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is an absolute treat to read every month. It's a shame it doesn't sell better, it's just so much fun.
I dropped it after the fourth issue, I think, because it felt like the book was being cutesy for the fuck of it and I couldn't deal. At first it was good, but then it felt like it was going no where.
I can't stop laughing at this.
Extraordinary X-Men #4 - books continues to be the most x-men ass x-men book in years, and I still cant explain why, theres just something about it that reminds me of the 90s. Sinister is up to his cooky shenanigans and he has colossus, magik and nightcrawler captive. Kurt seems to be batshit crazy, and its nice to see Jean avtually use her telepathy in sneaky ways. Also enjoying old man logan's interactions with the various members. Oh and its thenissue with the
stinger at the end which I remember folks freaking out about 6 months ago :)

I like this book, sorry Gaf.
I'm glad you agree with me. I still wish Emma was in the book instead of Jean.
I watched Independence Day: Resurgence.
Was it stupid fun?
ty will buy both. Jessica was definitely a pain in the first 4 issues which was kinda weird because I grew accustomed to her netflix version
Just read Alias bruh
Hmm.... Sillymonkey was on to something. This Marco Polo series on Netflix is good stuff.

Now I have an itch to buy the new Romance of the Three Kingdoms game coming out in a couple weeks.
The Mighty Avengers #30
Continuing the storyline of the Inhumans and the Unspoken arc in Dan Slott's Mighty Avengers, we have the most ridiculous of issues. Essentially, the Young Avengers and a few of the New Avengers (Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Jessica Drew, and Clint Barton) team up with the Mighty Avengers as back-up for fighting the Unspoken. They also recruit members of the Avengers Resistance, including Tigra, Rage, Gauntlet, Justice, and some other motherfucker. Hercules does a bunch of ridiculous shit, not the least of which is attempting to get Norman Osborn's team to help out. Jarvis is super stoked about having a full mansion again, and Quicksilver and Clint sass eachother. We also learn that the Unspoken's true motivation is to use the Slave Engine to remake the Earth so that Attilan will accept him again. Oh, and Hank Pym is the Scientist Supreme. He grew out of reality, talked to Eternity who informed Hank of how powerful he is. Basically, Hank sciences to the point of magic, which saved Eternity from some sort of cosmic cancer, simply by forming an Avengers team. Then Hank comes back, is creepy with Jocasta, and then decides he's going to save everything. Zero fucks given.

This was fucking sweet/10

Li Kao

So I didn't really read comics yesterday, because I had some catch-up sleeping to do, primarily.


Marvel Zombies (2015) #1
Elsa Bloodstone + Shotgun + Zombies. Totally what I wanted from it. Just some silly nice to look at fun.
Only nitpick, on a broader level: in the case of some characters, be it because they are maybe less developed or because I have bad luck and just read the wrong issues, the deja-vu is a little tiring. Yes, I know that Elsa was bred by the psycho alpha male version of Buffy. And it's cool, just... could we stop bringing this up every time Elsa shows up in a comics ?

Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies (2015) #1
Less enthusiastic about this one. At a base level I'm less interested in the zombies vs robots shtick, then the storytelling is more convoluted. We start with a nice zombie survival scene then the thing takes a sharp turn and introduce
steampunk Hank Pym
. I don't give a fuck about
steampunk Hank Pym
Nothing really bad either, I don't regret reading it.

Hey kids, Comics: Marvel Zombies (2015) #1
Hey kids, Scimoc: Thanks fuck, nothing !


Rebirth is so good

Comics are good right now man. DC's the strongest it's been in forever, Marvel has some fantastic books in an overall disappointing ANAD campaign, and Image is Image. This is my favorite hobby 100%.

Can't wait for ANAD to be over though. To me it feels like DC You if it was successful.

Bring on Marvel NOW Blade please.


What's going on with the Transformers books? Stuff is getting rebooted?

Not a reboot, just a renumbering after a big crossover event. Which is stupid, but ce la vie.

More Than Meets The Eye was always designed to have "seasons" of 24 issues (ish), and they're just ending Season 2 now, so the renumbered book will be the start of Season 3.
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