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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

The only mini listed there that is never mentioned is TMNT/Ghostbusters. At least not that I can recall (there might have been one brief nod at one point). Everything else ties in.


TMNT #32.

wow it has been almost 2 years since I read a tmnt issue. feels good to be back. Good conclusion to the Barn arc. The barn is basically where the turtles go to heal/flee after a big fight. Now we go back into the city..

This was also the arc where the artist changed and each became super cartoony. I didn't like it. based off of current issue it goes back to the regular artist.

Mikey Motorcylced punch a giant bird ninja/5
Read all the Rebirth issues. Surprisingly, I liked Superman more then GL and Batman. Batman felt really short but was still pretty good.

Green Arrow started strong but was a bit too on the nose for me in regards to the social commentary. But I'm really excited to see where it goes.

The rest of my IST stuff got here today.

Not sure if I should do a re-read of BPRD: Hell on Earth or just start with volume 10, been a while since I last read it so I kind of forgot most of what's going on.
I've got an idea for a new comic:

Think Schindler's List but with aliens.
Starring Clint Barton, since he's really good at making lists.
Stop judging me for liking Mark Millar.

F U guys Terminator Salvation is a good movie.
Hey he's 3/3 with me. I really liked Huck, Old Man Logan, and Starlight.
They could off everyone in that book and not a single fuck would be given. I say that as someone who reads it.

Nitehawk #1 was good though.
HEY, I CA- oh who am I kidding. Only reason I jumped on that book is because Black Bolt is part of one of the main arcs.
Marvel has a hard time introducing new characters like Kamala Khan, Spider-Gwen, Jane Thor, Sam Cap, Captain Marvel, etc.
It's always bothered me that people say legacy characters aren't new characters, and act like they don't count. I love it when diversity in comics gets brought up, and people point to how that landscape is changing -- slowly, but surely it's changing -- and Kamala is brought up as an example. Then, people go "Oh Kamala doesn't count because it's a legacy and not an original character." Fucking goalpost moving. I get the point, but Kamala is Ms. Marvel in name only. Outside of that, everything about her is completely original.

Also, I get your point, but three of those characters you listed are from the silver-age and one is an alternate universe version of a dead character from the silver-age.
Strix is best Talon, though.
You know, I don't think I ever actually discussed this on here. So, random rant, but there actually one thing that's always bugged me about Watchmen. (Spoiling the ending of the comic, so I'll tag it just to be safe). Why the hell did
the genetically engineered space squid need to be psychic? Like, it's been a while since I read it, but that whole plot point was "the psychic backlash kills everyone in the city" or whatever, right? So couldn't it have just been some other, more grounded way of causing mass deaths? Like, this single plot point means that being psychic is a thing in the Watchmen universe (which is fairly grounded outside of Manhattan), and that it can be copied by cloning the brain, and then also that making the brain really big apparently amplifies the powers.
Always bugged the hell out of me, and I actually don't mind the movie changing it (though I've heard people raise valid complaints about what it was changed to as well, of course).
I liked the movie's version just fine and saw no problem, but I do understand the complaints.
No one is talking about Power Rangers Pink. I think this mini has legit potential, and I really like the new Pink Ranger costume. Takes place after Kimberly leaves the Rangers, has Mad Max references, and is written by the folks that brought us Gotham Academy. I don't know what more I want in comics. Loads of fun and well drawn.
Fuck I thought that dropped next month.
TMNT reading guide from fall 2015 official published by IDW. Yea if I was able to read 32 issue without reading the mico series I am sure I will be fine reading the next 23. It is cool of IDW to flesh out the tmnt universe with these tie ins though.
They're releasing bigger collections now, though. I picked up the first one called Shell Unleashed. Does that mean they'll collect the micro-series, too?
The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Vol. 4

Christ, this book series is so good. I don't want to give away too much, since a lot of people around here seem to be just getting into the series and reading through it now, so this is a fairly short review.

To start off, we get a story involving the crew of the Lost Light doing a raid on a Decepticon base, during which Cyclonus and Rewind are critically injured. We learn about the offering of Innermost Energon, which is essentially when one Cybertronian loves another Cybertronian very much, they offer this as a symbol of the bond. We also learn that the reason Rewind is always on the front lines is because he's searching for a friend. After the battle, with Cyclonus and Rewind healed up, a bunch of the crew take Ultra Magnus for a night on the town, which leads to wacky shenanigans. Such as Swerve basically admitting he's depressed as he comes to the realization that no one likes him at all and that Tailgate was never on the original expedition he says he was, and that he's been lying this whole time, with only Cyclonus knowing his secret. Oh, did I say wacky? Ultra Magnus got drunk and they helped him out of the town. Oh, and they played the Nemesis game, which was fucking hilarious.

After that, we get a fairly lengthy arc that ties back to Last Stand, which I appreciated. Basically, Chromedome, Brainstorm, and Prowl were fucking with shit they shouldn't have been, and the Lost Light gets wrecked because of it.

As always, I really want to commend this series on managing to make a ridiculously cartoony property a believable and human story. Complete with EVERYTHING: Human drama, strong characters, epic battles, espionage, psychological thrillers, massive mythology and lore, and downright hilarious comedy bits. It so flawlessly flows from each of these, meshing them together. My biggest commendation to Roberts is, however, managing to balance such a massive cast of characters, giving strong development to so many. This particular volume focuses a lot on Chromedome, Rewind, Ultra Magnus, Tailgate, and Cyclonus, yet it still manages to keep the rest of the characters relevant. Giving them a sense of presence when, quite frankly, I feel like it's incredibly easy to lose track of these characters. That might just be me, though, since I'm reading the series in such a spread out manner. Honestly, Roberts should be writing an X-book.

At the end of the day, I'm still enjoying this series a lot, and it's everything I was hoping for when I started it.

P.S. Can I get a Whirl and Brainstorm buddy series? Fucking BONKERS.
I read a lot of comics today!

Civil War II #0, FCBD, #1 - First of all if you are planning to read Civil War II you really need to track down the FCBD issue. I can't even believe Marvel put CW II #1 on CMX without also throwing this up. Unlike Infinity FCBD, pretty much everything that happens in CW II spins out of this issue. You get flashbacks of these events, briefly, in CW II #1 but I don't think it's as effective. Fortunately it's not hard to find. Reading order should be #0 --> FCBD --> #1.

So far I am really impressed with this event. It's managed to distinguish itself very quickly from Minority Report and from the first Civil War. By the end of the first issue shit has gotten very real and the emotions on display are intense. I don't think I have ever felt so bad for
before. I just do not find him to be a very sympathetic character. But my heart broke for him a little here.

What's really impressive is how hard it is take a side. Unlike the first CW, during which Tony Stark became a mustache-twirling villain, each side has a good argument for their viewpoint. I honestly don't know who is in the right here, and I like that.

Doesn't hurt that it's fucking gorgeous. So many super heroes, each of them drawn with distinction, character and grace.

It could still crash hard! But so far this is a terrific event and I'm on board for a bunch of tie ins.

Daredevil #7 The last two issues of DD I have breathed a deep sigh of relief and gratitude upon reading. This book is SO much better. Most improved ANAD for sure. The mystery being developed here is actually really interesting, it's fun to have Elektra back interacting with Matt in a meaningful way since I don't even know when?? And finally we have
putting in an appearance, and we now know
he was, for some reason, immune to whatever trick restored Matt's secret identity. How does Foggy know but not Elektra? A bit of a headscratcher, that, when you consider their history. Seems our off-camera villain might know, too.
I have to say I am a bit relieved that
Elektra's daughter was a red herring.

Deadly Class #21 Wha...what? What???? WHAT?!?!

Deadpool #13 Yes I picked it up and no it was not worth it. At all. I was actually a bit excited when I opened the book and discovered that
Typhoid Mary
was in it. She's a favorite character of mine and she was a big part of the very first Deadpool/Daredevil crossover almost twenty years ago, which I loved (god I'm old). That's actually the story that lead to my lifelong love of Daredevil.

But they hardly draw on it at all. Worse yet, they seem to have...completely changed the details of Deadpool and
relationship? I don't remember it going down like that at all. Not at all. I mean, it was a long time ago, but it seems wildly different from what I remember.

The book isn't funny and the whole thing is a disjointed mess, an incredibly vapid tale spanning 80 pages. They had an incredible opportunity here to lampoon meaningless crossovers and not only do they not go for the throat, they don't go there at all. Is this even the same character I used to love in the '90s because it seems to me he would have been all over that shit. Joe Kelly (the author of that '97 crossover) is the only guy writing Deadpool right now who seems to know what he's doing. The art is really awful at times, too, the noses on Danny and Luke right on the cover make my head hurt. Terrible book. Glad I dropped it.

Doctor Strange #8: Kind of a stage-setting issue, I guess. I didn't have a strong reaction to it one way or another. It's a lot more "oh we are so fucked" which has been going on for awhile now...I mean, it's fine, but I think we all get it by now. The art is spectacular as always, Bachalo continues to prove that he's the perfect choice for this book.

Drifter #11: The cast of characters is starting to overwhelm me a little bit. Our protagonist
sits in a jail cell refusing to speak
for the entire issue so the focus is on the side characters. A lot of them feel underdeveloped and tend to blend together. There are a couple of stand-outs but either they need to bring more definition to the cast (admittedly there are a couple of nice moments where they do just that, but they have a long ways to go) or there needs to be a culling. Very little happens in this issue, still love the series but this was not its best showing. The end though with those
freaky alien dudes, Wheelers-or-whatever-the-fuck standing motionless all over the town
was fucking creepy and I am looking forward to seeing how this goes down.

East of West #26: Meanwhile in Hickmanland, here is a fully fleshed out cast of evil fuckers who are all evil in their own way and I love them. The scenes with
Death and the Hunter
were the highlight of the issue though.
That crazy sentient eyeball turning on the Hunter was fucking wild. I love that it offered to replace Death's missing eye and he told it to fuck right off.
Big things are gonna happen this arc, I feels it in my bones.

Extraordinary X-Men #10: Sometimes Humberto Ramos strikes me as a lesser Chris Bachalo. There is a lot of action packed into each panel of this book and much of it gets lost in the details and some confusing perspective choices. I dig
these Horsemen
though and I'm looking forward to the big fight next issue. Still no sign of any of the Apocalypse Wars books actually tying together which is still weirding me out. I feel like editorial just told all the X-writers to write their own Apocalypse story. Maybe it's leading to another event or something, I dunno, but it's a strange choice.

Going to try to read a couple more before I hit the sack - Green Arrow: Rebirth (which I'm hyped for) and International Iron Man #3 (which I'm thinking about dropping).



Tell me about this hardcover:


Is it the lead up to Secret WArs? Worth buying?

I have the SW hardcover and a couple of the tie-ins, but i'll buy this book too if it would "complete" the SW story.

Marvel Unlimited wants to save you from killing so many trees for mostly needless filler.

Guys, I'm doing it. I'm buying Digital Batman. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO!

Edit: Wait, Comixology Unlimited has IDW, Valiant, Boom, and Archie?! Does that man I can read TMNT/Transformers/Valiantgarbage with it? That would be super worth 6.99 a month.
I read a lot of comics today!

Extraordinary X-Men #10: Sometimes Humberto Ramos strikes me as a lesser Chris Bachalo. There is a lot of action packed into each panel of this book and much of it gets lost in the details and some confusing perspective choices. I dig
these Horsemen
though and I'm looking forward to the big fight next issue. Still no sign of any of the Apocalypse Wars books actually tying together which is still weirding me out.
I love how they just glazed over
Jean finally manifesting her Phoenix powers in the most anti-climactic way
, yet it's a huge deal in so many ways.
Edit: Wait, Comixology Unlimited has IDW, Valiant, Boom, and Archie?! Does that man I can read TMNT/Transformers/Valiantgarbage with it? That would be super worth 6.99 a month.

It's just the first volume or sometimes even just the first issue for each of them (with a few exceptions; they have the first four volumes of Lone Wolf & Cub I believe). It's not like Marvel Unlimited, it's for sampling books you might like to read further.

I also think it's worth noting that a lot of creators have expressed great displeasure at the unveiling of CMX Unlimited and are trying to get their titles pulled. This seems to be an especially big problem with IDW and Image, none of those creators were even told their books were going to be a part of the service. They found out when it launched. Joe Hill found out Locke & Key was on there when somebody tweeted him about it.

Looks like TMNT might not be on there but Transformers and Valiant definitely are. I don't see MTMTE on there though which is the one everybody has been raving about.

I love how they just glazed over
Jean finally manifesting her Phoenix powers in the most anti-climactic way
, yet it's a huge deal in so many ways.

I could not parse that scene at all. I could not tell if it was
manifestation of her Phoenix powers
just a weirdly drawn version of the TK powers she developed during the Trial of Jean Grey.
Absolutely bizarre that it passed without comment if it's the former.


It's just the first volume or sometimes even just the first issue for each of them (with a few exceptions; they have the first four volumes of Lone Wolf & Cub I believe). It's not like Marvel Unlimited, it's for sampling books you might like to read further.

I also think it's worth noting that a lot of creators have expressed great displeasure at the unveiling of CMX Unlimited and are trying to get their titles pulled. This seems to be an especially big problem with IDW and Image, none of those creators were even told their books were going to be a part of the service. They found out when it launched. Joe Hill found out Locke & Key was on there when somebody tweeted him about it.

Looks like TMNT might not be on there but Transformers and Valiant definitely are. I don't see MTMTE on there though which is the one everybody has been raving about.

Well, it did look too good to be true. I still have all of my Transformers Humble Bundle books to get through, so at least I have that.

I'm also now the proud owner of pixel versions of Batman 1-47, and annuals 1-4. My print comics will be very sad.
I could not parse that scene at all. I could not tell if it was
manifestation of her Phoenix powers
just a weirdly drawn version of the TK powers she developed during the Trial of Jean Grey.
Absolutely bizarre that it passed without comment if it's the former.

Her special psychic boost (she increases her TK by absorbing the psychic energies of others) was depicted as a full purple glow, and she only used it twice: Once during the Trial, and the second during the second encounter with the Future Brotherhood. This was very clearly the Phoenix. Even her personality shifted a bit. This will be the first time that the Phoenix has manifested in full form since AvX (not counting Future Xorn Jean Grey and Future Quentin Quire)
. My interpretation is that since
Logan stumbled upon it, it threw him off guard -- since seeing the Phoenix throws everyone off. However, he is not aware of what Young Jean can do, since this never happened in his timeline. Basically: He's used to the Phoenix and also has zero clue about the state of the Phoenix in the current timeline. Plus, Glob had no idea what the fuck happened anyway, and has probably never seen the Phoenix manifest. Aside from maybe the events of AvX or Battle of the Atom. Maybe.

Anyways, that's my take on it. Probably looking too much into it, since it was a small scene. I'm also really curious as to the
origins of these Horseman. Apocalypse usually picks specific Horseman due to their ability to survive. That's his thing. My issue is that this seems to imply that Evan or Warren fully assumes the mantle, then dies, then Colossus of all people takes it. Which is even more confusing.

I have to say, now that I talk about it, Apocalypse Wars has been interesting. This one more so than the other two, but both ANXM and UXM just started theirs. EXM has had theirs going for the past three issues.
Her special psychic boost (she increases her TK by absorbing the psychic energies of others) was depicted as a full purple glow, and she only used it twice: Once during the Trial, and the second during the second encounter with the Future Brotherhood. This was very clearly the Phoenix. Even her personality shifted a bit. This will be the first time that the Phoenix has manifested in full form since AvX (not counting Future Xorn Jean Grey and Future Quentin Quire)
. My interpretation is that since
Logan stumbled upon it, it threw him off guard -- since seeing the Phoenix throws everyone off. However, he is not aware of what Young Jean can do, since this never happened in his timeline. Basically: He's used to the Phoenix and also has zero clue about the state of the Phoenix in the current timeline. Plus, Glob had no idea what the fuck happened anyway, and has probably never seen the Phoenix manifest. Aside from maybe the events of AvX or Battle of the Atom. Maybe.

Anyways, that's my take on it. Probably looking too much into it, since it was a small scene. I'm also really curious as to the
origins of these Horseman. Apocalypse usually picks specific Horseman due to their ability to survive. That's his thing. My issue is that this seems to imply that Evan or Warren fully assumes the mantle, then dies, then Colossus of all people takes it. Which is even more confusing.

I have to say, now that I talk about it, Apocalypse Wars has been interesting. This one more so than the other two, but both ANXM and UXM just started theirs. EXM has had theirs going for the past three issues.

That's a good take on things. You're probably right, that's probably what it was. It's just...weird. Like you said. It was such a non-event.


Just read Civil War II issues 0and 1. I actually enjoyed it for the most part. Reading the leaks before made me think this will be a dumb event, but I decided to check it out anyway and it turned out to be not too shabby. I do have some issues though.

My biggest problem was She-Hulk's characterization. In issue 0 I thought she was written very well and seemed to be set up to be on the "protect the future" side. Yet at the end of issue 1, when she seemingly dies, she tells Carol to carry on as planned. That just doesn't make sense to me. Felt like two different characters.
Although I do actually agree with Tony, I think knowing a threat like goddamn Thanos is coming warrants some sort of action. Though I guess you could Carol fucked it up by going in unprepared.
Also timeline wise, I guess this all taking place before the infamous Hail Hydra Cap moment? I wonder if we'll see more of Steve or if he'll disappear from now on.
It's also weird that the Xmen are involved when they got their own Apocalypse Wars situation going on.

Are you guys reading any of the tie in titles? What seems like it worth picking up? I am already reading Xmen and Uncanny Inhumans as regulars so I suppose I'll check out those tie ins. I was actually going to take Inhumans off my pull list cause it's been boring as hell but I might as well wait for the tie in first. It's a shame cause that first arc was actually really good imo.


Batman Rebirth #1
That is the dumbest color palette I have ever seen on a Batman or Robin outfit.
The reason the bat insignia is yellow is to have thugs aim for it since it's tough enough to withstand bullets, etc.
Not feeling
calendar man
as the villain for this story though.

Superman Rebirth #1
Rather dull setup issue.

Hellboy in Hell #9 & #10
Apparently I had forgotten to get in Hell #9 so I re-read it :V
Yeah #10 makes more sense now. Great art from Mignola, and it seems Hellboy's ready to gtfo of Hell soon.

All in all though in Hell #10 is pretty much the best book this week, don't see anything else noteworthy from the big 2.


The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Vol. 4

Christ, this book series is so good. I don't want to give away too much, since a lot of people around here seem to be just getting into the series and reading through it now, so this is a fairly short review.

To start off, we get a story involving the crew of the Lost Light doing a raid on a Decepticon base, during which Cyclonus and Rewind are critically injured. We learn about the offering of Innermost Energon, which is essentially when one Cybertronian loves another Cybertronian very much, they offer this as a symbol of the bond. We also learn that the reason Rewind is always on the front lines is because he's searching for a friend. After the battle, with Cyclonus and Rewind healed up, a bunch of the crew take Ultra Magnus for a night on the town, which leads to wacky shenanigans. Such as Swerve basically admitting he's depressed as he comes to the realization that no one likes him at all and that Tailgate was never on the original expedition he says he was, and that he's been lying this whole time, with only Cyclonus knowing his secret. Oh, did I say wacky? Ultra Magnus got drunk and they helped him out of the town. Oh, and they played the Nemesis game, which was fucking hilarious.

After that, we get a fairly lengthy arc that ties back to Last Stand, which I appreciated. Basically, Chromedome, Brainstorm, and Prowl were fucking with shit they shouldn't have been, and the Lost Light gets wrecked because of it.

As always, I really want to commend this series on managing to make a ridiculously cartoony property a believable and human story. Complete with EVERYTHING: Human drama, strong characters, epic battles, espionage, psychological thrillers, massive mythology and lore, and downright hilarious comedy bits. It so flawlessly flows from each of these, meshing them together. My biggest commendation to Roberts is, however, managing to balance such a massive cast of characters, giving strong development to so many. This particular volume focuses a lot on Chromedome, Rewind, Ultra Magnus, Tailgate, and Cyclonus, yet it still manages to keep the rest of the characters relevant. Giving them a sense of presence when, quite frankly, I feel like it's incredibly easy to lose track of these characters. That might just be me, though, since I'm reading the series in such a spread out manner. Honestly, Roberts should be writing an X-book.

At the end of the day, I'm still enjoying this series a lot, and it's everything I was hoping for when I started it.

P.S. Can I get a Whirl and Brainstorm buddy series? Fucking BONKERS.

Glad you're enjoying it, and I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the next 2 Volumes.
You've read Dark Prelude so you're good to go for the next 2 books. If you want you can follow Roberts on Twitter too-
CW2 #1 I can't tell if the side from Tony about a morality debate with Steve is Bendis having a knowing wink/critique of the OG Civil War or not...fun event so far. Not to say some bits fell flat or that occasionally Bendis felt like he was writing dialogue for a different artist but the ideas are fun.


So if I'm reading the chart right and wanted to get started on Turtles the first five volumes and the Heroes/Villains collections is right yeah?

MTMTE volume 1 is on sale on CMX this week (fairly meh sale otherwise on the TF books).


If people are going to use the MangaGAF method of reviewing, please follow Tizoc's method and spoiler tag anything that actually might be a spoiler. I've seen a bunch of (new) people use the MangaGAF review as a way to try and circumvent talking about week 1 spoilers and it's kinda shit.

Don't be kinda shit. Be fair.


If people are going to use the MangaGAF method of reviewing, please follow Tizoc's method and spoiler tag anything that actually might be a spoiler. I've seen a bunch of (new) people use the MangaGAF review as a way to try and circumvent talking about week 1 spoilers and it's kinda shit.

Don't be kinda shit. Be fair.
What is a mangaGAF review?


What is a mangaGAF review?

MangaGAF Review

It's short and sweet like this. Only here instead of saying "well that happened." Or something vague, we have people jumping to "I can't believe Snape killed Aerith."

How it should look here:

MangaGAF Review

It's short and sweet like this. Only here instead of saying "well that happened." Or something vague, we have people jumping to
"I can't believe Snape killed Aerith."

New faces have been using the MangaGAF review method to circumvent community poilcy on spoilers, and most of the reviews are people just commenting on every major beat on an issue.


MangaGAF Review

It's short and sweet like this. Only here instead of saying "well that happened." Or something vague, we have people jumping to "I can't believe Snape killed Aerith."

How it should look here:

MangaGAF Review

It's short and sweet like this. Only here instead of saying "well that happened." Or something vague, we have people jumping to
"I can't believe Snape killed Aerith."

Snape killed Aerith? fuck sake I'm still on disc 1.
$2.99 though guys, right?

*$5.98 per month for 42 pg issues.

Kirby Omnibus v1: Kirby does so well even with the "smaller scale" short tales. Loving the small 8-page stories. Just read what looks like his precursor to Thor.

Cerebus: Continues to be weird. I shall soldier on.

Also picked up Groo Friends and Foes v1 and JLA/Avengers from the library. Set for the weekend I think.

I also had some Babka for the first time ever. It is amazing!



CW2 #1 I can't tell if the side from Tony about a morality debate with Steve is Bendis having a knowing wink/critique of the OG Civil War or not...fun event so far. Not to say some bits fell flat or that occasionally Bendis felt like he was writing dialogue for a different artist but the ideas are fun.

It was totally Bendis winking and nodding


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just read Plague of Frogs.

Amazing how much foreshadowing there was in previous books that you think little of but pay off in a big way later on.


Marvel Unlimited wants to save you from killing so many trees for mostly needless filler.

Guys, I'm doing it. I'm buying Digital Batman. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO!

Edit: Wait, Comixology Unlimited has IDW, Valiant, Boom, and Archie?! Does that man I can read TMNT/Transformers/Valiantgarbage with it? That would be super worth 6.99 a month.

the free trial is a steal. first volume of a lot of stuff is on there.

God dammit, stop the positive CW2 impressions. I'm being pulled to the dark side.
lol don't let them trick you.


YouSure I saw someone buy Frankenstein unchained earlier is it good? I'm going to dive hard into the Mignolaverse tomorrow.

Comixology please, you can't have a Unlimited best of on the UK site when we can't even subscribe to it yet.
Got round to reading Rebirth Batman and Superman. I liked both. Nothing that blew me away but I thought they worked OK as introductory issues before the full series' starts. The new Calendar Man is nightmare fuel.


YouSure I saw someone buy Frankenstein unchained earlier is it good? I'm going to dive hard into the Mignolaverse tomorrow.

Comixology please, you can't have a Unlimited best of on the UK site when we can't even subscribe to it yet.
Yea NA only atm


YouSure I saw someone buy Frankenstein unchained earlier is it good? I'm going to dive hard into the Mignolaverse tomorrow.

Comixology please, you can't have a Unlimited best of on the UK site when we can't even subscribe to it yet.

The app popping up fullscreen ads for Unlimited which then go "nope" if you click on them really bugs the living shit out of me. It's so rude.
One of my friends says Exiles is amazing, and lent me a copy. I'm not really feeling it.

It's not amazing all the way through or consistently. It certainly has portions that are much more enjoyable than others. It's a pretty long series, so naturally it's going to decline in quality in places.
Wait, Wednesday's Hellboy was the end!?

No :'(
End of In Hell. Other stuff is continuing. Mike wanted to take a year off to focus on painting so it's not like it's the end forever.

If you're liking Plague of Frogs you'll be happy to know that the beginning is by far the weakest part. They start off juggling all these different creators until Arcudi and Davis join in and it becomes amazing.
YouSure I saw someone buy Frankenstein unchained earlier is it good? I'm going to dive hard into the Mignolaverse tomorrow.

I picked it up but haven't read it yet. It's Mignola so it's probably good at worst.


It's not amazing all the way through or consistently. It certainly has portions that are much more enjoyable than others. It's a pretty long series, so naturally it's going to decline in quality in places.

I just really don't like Nocturne or Mimic. The powers they bring are redundant in my opinion.
That's a good take on things. You're probably right, that's probably what it was. It's just...weird. Like you said. It was such a non-event.
At least this book isn't monthly. Otherwise I'd go nuts
Glad you're enjoying it, and I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the next 2 Volumes.
You've read Dark Prelude so you're good to go for the next 2 books. If you want you can follow Roberts on Twitter too-
Yeah I'm pretty excited.


That's why I got the singles when they were on sale on Comixology. I figure they'll just do a library edition for the series down the line anyways.

I have all the rest of the series in trade, so I guess I'll wait til October. On the flip side, I guess that gives me ample time to reread the whole series leading up to it.


Today is dcbs shipment day, where i get ~12 comics, read walking dead and Invincible, and put the rest on the shelf. Batman Rebirth too, the hit comic everyone is talking about.


Why does he wear the mask!?
End of In Hell. Other stuff is continuing. Mike wanted to take a year off to focus on painting so it's not like it's the end forever.

If you're liking Plague of Frogs you'll be happy to know that the beginning is by far the weakest part. They start off juggling all these different creators until Arcudi and Davis join in and it becomes amazing.

I picked it up but haven't read it yet. It's Mignola so it's probably good at worst.
Yes! Finished plague of frogs and loved it. Roger <3

So is BPRD continuing? And Hellboy continuing sometime in the future?
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