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COMICS! |OT| March 2014. Longshot and Domino are hogging all the four-leaf clovers!

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Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm trying to branch out and try new Marvel. Reading some of the DC stuff lately has been a turn off. I went from loving characters to starting to love writers.

You ask me, that's completely normal and a good thing. I have a character that I'll tolerate shitty stories for *cough Animal Man cough* but for the most part, you'll gain more from comics if you follow the right writers for you. You'll also allow yourself to be exposed to more interesting characters and stories as writers like to play with different toys in the chest. Unless you like Scott Lobdell or Ann Nosensi, then you're in for a festering shitride and you deserve it all.


You ask me, that's completely normal and a good thing. I have a character that I'll tolerate shitty stories for *cough Animal Man cough* but for the most part, you'll gain more from comics if you follow the right writers for you. You'll also allow yourself to be exposed to more interesting characters and stories as writers like to play with different toys in the chest. Unless you like Scott Lobdell or Ann Nosensi, then you're in for a festering shitride and you deserve it all.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say we all have characters we'll follow regardless. You get so much more out of the hobby by following creators though. I love going to the library and just getting random stuff I've never read but I know the writer or artist.


So after listening to the most recent Wait What I sprung for a MU subscription and am looking forward to digging into all those years of runs I've missed.

Especially looking forward to trying to figure out what the eff Kang's story is.


It occurred to me that I had no idea what Kang/Immortus's deal was once I finished Uncanny Avengers. Also I think I spent most of Hickman's FF run thinking that Reed's dad was Kang because I remember reading a FF Marvel Encyclopedia that said Kang's real name was Nathaniel Richards, but apparently that's not the case??
You ask me, that's completely normal and a good thing. I have a character that I'll tolerate shitty stories for *cough Animal Man cough* but for the most part, you'll gain more from comics if you follow the right writers for you. You'll also allow yourself to be exposed to more interesting characters and stories as writers like to play with different toys in the chest. Unless you like Scott Lobdell or Ann Nosensi, then you're in for a festering shitride and you deserve it all.

Take Power Girl Power Trip that I just read. Big chested Kryptonian. Cartoony art which was the main draw. But Johns and Jimmy made a fun read with it.

Warren Ellis with some character named Moon Knight who I had no idea about.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm wasting my time and money sticking with things because I'm attached to a character.
It occurred to me that I had no idea what Kang/Immortus's deal was once I finished Uncanny Avengers. Also I think I spent most of Hickman's FF run thinking that Reed's dad was Kang because I remember reading a FF Marvel Encyclopedia that said Kang's real name was Nathaniel Richards, but apparently that's not the case??

It is but it's like an alternate universe version????!?!???

this is my problem

shit is so bonkers


Take Power Girl Power Trip that I just read. Big chested Kryptonian. Cartoony art which was the main draw. But Johns and Jimmy made a fun read with it.

Warren Ellis with some character named Moon Knight who I had no idea about.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm wasting my time and money sticking with things because I'm attached to a character.

Have you read any of Jeff Lemire's creator owned stuff? That's a fun rabbit hole to go down.
You ask me, that's completely normal and a good thing. I have a character that I'll tolerate shitty stories for *cough Animal Man cough* but for the most part, you'll gain more from comics if you follow the right writers for you. You'll also allow yourself to be exposed to more interesting characters and stories as writers like to play with different toys in the chest. Unless you like Scott Lobdell or Ann Nosensi, then you're in for a festering shitride and you deserve it all.
Scott Lobdell on Teen Titans might have been the thing that made me switch
It occurred to me that I had no idea what Kang/Immortus's deal was once I finished Uncanny Avengers. Also I think I spent most of Hickman's FF run thinking that Reed's dad was Kang because I remember reading a FF Marvel Encyclopedia that said Kang's real name was Nathaniel Richards, but apparently that's not the case??

Here is what Hickman had to say about that:

ComicsAlliance: Jonathan, during the Great Hunt you had various of the Nathaniels mention they built Chronopolis and formed the Anachronauts, both achievements of Kang’s – not to mention the giant Rama-Tut sphinx head in the future we saw in S.H.I.E.L.D. Kang’s traditionally been Nathaniel Richards’s distant grandson, especially as recently reinforced in Allan Heinberg’s Young Avengers with the character of Iron Lad, but how much should we read into the idea that they might be one and the same?”

Jonathan Hickman: Well, this is one of those things where it gets a bit loopy, not just from the time-jumping nature of the years of existing stories, but also from the infinite number of variables I introduced (by dumping every Nathaniel in the Multiverse into the 616 universe).
So, here’s how the atemporal situation breaks down in my mind:
The Nathaniel Richards from S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Nathaniel Richards from my first issue (FF#570) is OUR (read NATIVE to the 616) Nathaniel. While the Byrne and Defalco version (not a victor of the Great Hunt and now dead as of FF#582) was not, he was, for a time, the most active Nathaniel in the normal Marvel Universe (as our Nathaniel was busy rewriting the future and OTHER THINGS).
All of this will become a bit more delineated when we meet (Bryne/Defalco) Nathaniel’s Reed at a later date. As for your primary question regarding Kang, yes, he is a distant grandson of a Nathaniel Richards — not ours… but the BEAST Nathaniel.
I probably should make a diagram of all this at some point. Hope that answers your question.

I want to buy a Guardians of the Galaxy book, what should I buy that isn't too expensive?

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1: Cosmic Avengers (Marvel Now) [Hardcover]

What is Marvel Now?
I want to buy a Guardians of the Galaxy book, what should I buy that isn't too expensive?

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1: Cosmic Avengers (Marvel Now) [Hardcover]

What is Marvel Now?

Marvel Now! is one of the recent "jump in" points they've been markting with lots of soft-reboots across the Marvel U, to make it easier for new readers. Kinda like New 52, but it didn't reboot continuity. Now there is the All New Marvel Now! with more series getting relaunched.

That's pretty much your only option for reading a physical Guardians of the Galaxy collection right now unless you want to fork out the dough. If you can wait until August, they are reprinting the iconic Abnett & Lanning run ahead of the GOTG movie premiere.
I would kill to see them on a Spider-Man series again. Loved their art in The Evil That Men Do and Marvel Knights.... :/

It's a DC project for sure. I really feel they are going to bring someone high profile in todo Catwoman since she will be the new kingpin of Gotham. You can't make her a big character in Eternal and continue to let Nocentti write the POS she does now. Lemire is even rooming with Scott Snyder this weekend.

Tim, I have read Trillium and I couldn't make it to the end. I heard his other stuff is really good though.
Marvel Now! is the latest "jump in" point they created with lots of soft-reboots across the Marvel U, to make it easier for new readers. Kinda like New 52, but it didn't reboot continuity.

That's pretty much your only option for reading a physical Guardians of the Galaxy collection right now unless you want to fork out the dough. If you can wait until August, they are reprinting the iconic Abnett & Lanning run.


Shouldn't they be reprinting now to cash in on movie hype?

I'll see what they have at the comic book store tonight

I just can't read comics on a tablet/computer, it's not the same =/


Take Power Girl Power Trip that I just read. Big chested Kryptonian. Cartoony art which was the main draw. But Johns and Jimmy made a fun read with it.

Warren Ellis with some character named Moon Knight who I had no idea about.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm wasting my time and money sticking with things because I'm attached to a character.

I think there's potentially more to lose being attached to a character. Something you love could be ruined... or at least marred.


It's a DC project for sure. I really feel they are going to bring someone high profile in todo Catwoman since she will be the new kingpin of Gotham. You can't make her a big character in Eternal and continue to let Nocentti write the POS she does now. Lemire is even rooming with Scott Snyder this weekend.

Tim, I have read Trillium and I couldn't make it to the end. I heard his other stuff is really good though.

I haven't read Trillium yet, so I dunno how it compares to his other stuff. Give Sweet Tooth a shot, it's pretty amazing and I think may be up your alley. Essex County is my favorite thing he's done to date, it's very slice of life stuff set in rural Canada. He also has the Nobody (a neat take on the invisible man), Lost Dogs (a man driven to his breaking point), and the Underwater Welder (a moving story of fathers and sons). I really think you'd like Sweet Tooth though.
jean has hidden kin somewhere that Charles knew about.

eh? She has a
sister that went missing decades ago. hasn't been seen or mentioned outside of a brief appearance in age of apocalypse.

same thing? or a totally new one?

upon further research, it's probably her sister, and sister's family.
Come on,
it's not going to be the kid. That doesn't even make sense. If anything it hinted Liz may be the goblin, but not the kid
. No offence, but I'd say your friend can't read.

I like the theory that
it's Otto's body (With either Peter's, Ock's or some weird mixture of the two's brain). Carly found the grave empty some issues back and gives the small chance of Spock surviving when all of this is over.

Has any comic brought you to tears?

There is this one issue of Transformers: More than Meets the Eye that leaves me bawling every time. It's actually one specific panel. Won't spoil which.
Locke & Key had it's moments too. There's also the Requiem issue of Batman and Robin.
I like the theory that
it's Otto's body (With either Peter's, Ock's or some weird mixture of the two's brain). Carly found the grave empty some issues back and gives the small chance of Spock surviving when all of this is over.

that's nonsensical, since
otto's body was literally falling apart, due to abuse. Every single organ and then some was on the edge of failure. Norman's body on the other hand disappeared from the hospital ages ago, and no one knows where it is. On top of that, Whoever it was that was fighting hobgoblin was doing so using norman's body, as the scars from when spider man impaled him on his own glider were clearly visible.


Question for those up to date with Remenders Captain America, how is the arc after dimension z? reading through it the now and not really feeling it and after watching Winter Soldier it would be cool to read a good Cap book.

Picked up the Bitter March which is really fun. Are there any other good Bucky stories worth reading when he was still brainwashed?


All these Original Sin Teasers looks extremly cool.

Come on,
it's not going to be the kid. That doesn't even make sense. If anything it hinted Liz may be the goblin, but not the kid
. No offence, but I'd say your friend can't read.

I hope so. But after seeing the Panel by myself, I dont belive it, too...
I would LMAO if little Normie was the Green Goblin. Like WTF


No Scrubs
All these Original Sin Teasers looks extremly cool.

I hope so. But after seeing the Panel by myself, I dont belive it, too...

Liz is the one with the mask, not Normie. There's no part of that panel that hints at Normie being the Goblin.

I would LMAO if little Normie was the Green Goblin. Like WTF

I know.

It makes no sense in the context of the story, the panel in question, or anything really. I have no idea where people are getting this shit from.
Question regarding Superior Spider-Man 30...

The Green Goblin is really Normie Osborn?

I agree with this theory. The
one panel he appeared in read as though he had misplaced the Goblin King's mask, not Liz. It seems obvious that she is a red herring.
I've read the arguments supporting it and I think it'd be a great reveal that ties directly into the premise of Superior Spider-man. The arguments I have read suggest that
Normie Osborn is somehow using Norman Osborn's body as the physical manifestation of the Goblin King. This means that the Spock's greatest enemy is a parallel of himself. "not-Spiderman/Peter Parker" versus "not-Green Goblin/Norman Osborn". If you consider the fact that one of the biggest themes of Superior Spider-man has been the question of identity, it makes perfect sense. There are other connections to be made in the fact that many of the villains featured so far have been assumed identities (ordinary civilians who have purchased the name rights) and someone else has been under the mask.
There is also the question of the Goblin King's response to the Hob Goblin's
criticism of Harry Osborn. I can't remember what issue the conversation occurred in, but the Hob Goblin makes a point of Harry Osborn's achievements as the Green Goblin. The Goblin King responds quite defensively, but does not actually mention what relationship he has with Harry; leaving it open to be interpreted that this is Harry's son reacting angrily to criticism of his father.
The biggest giveaway I think was when Spider-Man 2099 appeared and
saved Normie Osborn from Spock. Remember his spider-sense was reacting to Normie? Normie suggested something be done about Spider-Man. Imagine the irony if it was revealed that Spock had almost killed his greatest enemy unintentionally.

Liz is the one with the mask, not Normie. There's no part of that panel that hints at Normie being the Goblin.

It makes no sense in the context of the story, the panel in question, or anything really. I have no idea where people are getting this shit from.

It actually makes perfect sense within the context of the story. Look at that panel again and read carefully what
There is also the question of the Goblin King's response to the Hob Goblin's
criticism of Harry Osborn. I can't remember what issue the conversation occurred in, but the Hob Goblin makes a point of Harry Osborn's achievements as the Green Goblin. The Goblin King responds quite defensively, but does not actually mention what relationship he has with Harry; leaving it open to be interpreted that this is Harry's son reacting angrily to criticism of his father.

It actually makes perfect sense within the context of the story.

Harry made an appearance in SSM? I remember him appearing in one of the final issues of ASM with his other son (Stanley?). Doesn't that kid also have double Goblin DNA?
Harry made an appearance in SSM? I remember him appearing in one of the final issues of ASM with his other son (Stanley?). Doesn't that kid also have double Goblin DNA?

No he hasn't, only mentioned. I think the last time he was seen was when he left
to raise Stanley.


No Scrubs
It actually makes perfect sense within the context of the story. Look at that panel again and read carefully what

I did read it and I seriously think you are looking at it wrong.

As Normie is coming into the room he is looking for something, Liz notices she has something out that she shouldn't and comments on it. Instead of helping Normie look for what he's lost she ushers him out, hiding a what she forgot to put away. She says she's doing it all for him, then in the last panel it's revealed that she was holding the goblin mask

We know Normie hates spider-man because he thinks he took his father away from him,
he thinks something needs to be done sure but he's in no position to do it. Liz lost her husband and her son's father, she may think that not only Normie, but she may be better off without spider-man around. Basically, she's getting rid of spider-man for him

Liz as the goblin would have the exact same themes you were talking about, while making actual sense. Everything you said could apply to Liz just as much as it could apply to Normie, so why rule out the woman who is in the position to make all of this possible. Especially when she's the one hiding
the goblin mask

She's got motive, means, and opportunity.
only has motive, how was he supposed to set any of this up? It'd take money, time and the freedom to move around. He's got none of that.
Lemire's next book is a Teen Titans Earth One OGN



Edit: What are these, films?
On the eve of Emerald City Comicon, DC Comics announced to retailers in Seattle plans for "Teen Titans: Earth One," scheduled for release on Nov. 19 from the creative team of writer Jeff Lemire and artist Terry Dodson. 2015 will bring a third volume of "Superman: Earth One," the from returning writer J. Michael Straczynski and artist Ardian Syaf, new to the series; and a second installment of "Batman: Earth One," from the familiar team of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. Plus, "Wonder Woman: Earth One" from Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette, remains in motion, though a release date has not been set.
The "Wonder Woman: Earth One" book has been out there in the ether for a while -- any update as to when readers may expect to see that one?

We're trying to put these books out almost to one a quarter. We're set to go with the "Teen Titans" book first, and as we watch the other books develop, we'll be able to put them on the schedule.

So not until 2015, at least?

DiDio confirmed plans for a third weekly series from DC that will tie into "Futures End" & "Batman Eternal"
Exactly. The only one Earth One book you'll see in 2014 will be "Teen Titans."

Jesus Christ what is taking Wonder Woman so long


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Well, I just ordered Colossal Conan and Breath of Bones from IST. With the 45% off Dark Horse this month as well as the 2% extra off from the Fear Agent purchase, I was convinced that it's now or never, and I kinda really wanted it.
So I'm going to be receiving four mega-oversized Dark Horse hardcovers soon. That should be a very nice pile of books. I'm so excited.

I ordered vol 1 a week ago and they haven't even picked and scanned it yet.

Odd. I just got confirmation today that my order with Vol 1 and 2 shipped. Maybe they shipped it and forgot to update their system or something? I'd probably send them an email and see what the deal is.
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