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COMICS! |OT| March 2014. Longshot and Domino are hogging all the four-leaf clovers!

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I feel you. I definitely hesitated, and I had a massive fucking pile, but then I though about Zero and how the dude that writes that deserves my attention and 4 dollars.

I mean, how much was Ghost Rider? The art is fantastic, yeah, but it wasn't a Tradd Moore art book, it's a fucking story, where a writer has to do some actual writing and storytelling and not just recycle every bad cliche into a 22 pages.

Honestly I don't remember if Ghost Rider was $3 or $4. Not gonna lie, I totally bought as a Tradd Moore art book, plus hot rods are infinitely cooler than James Rhodes. Sure the story was generic as fuck, but I didn't buy it to have my mind blown by moving prose about flaming race car driver and his hot rod from hell.
where a writer has to do some actual writing and storytelling and not just recycle every bad cliche into a 22 pages.
20 pages guys, 20 pages. It's been more than 3 years already!

New ongoing:
Spider-Man 2099 by Peter David, and artist Will Sliney.
Yessss! PAD goes back to his original creation! I hope he makes an appearance in All-New X-factor.

Red Team issue 1 is free right now:

Now I demand everyone buy the TPB to make up for ignoring my first post on NeoGAF in the comics thread when I joined.
Quoting again for new page.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Somebody get Earth-2 Tim into this thread. I'd like to hear what he has to say about Ales Kot.


Honestly I don't remember if Ghost Rider was $3 or $4. Not gonna lie, I totally bought as a Tradd Moore art book, plus hot rods are infinitely cooler than James Rhodes. Sure the story was generic as fuck, but I didn't buy it to have my mind blown by moving prose about flaming race car driver and his hot rod from hell.

I agree with this.
Superior #30 really bummed me out. I'll probably read a few issues of Peter's book to see if it hooks me, but if not I'll comfortably drop it and stick with hawkeye, ghost rider, and deadpool.

Honestly I don't remember if Ghost Rider was $3 or $4. Not gonna lie, I totally bought as a Tradd Moore art book, plus hot rods are infinitely cooler than James Rhodes. Sure the story was generic as fuck, but I didn't buy it to have my mind blown by moving prose about flaming race car driver and his hot rod from hell.

Yeah, I thought it was great. It's got some great action, and that's really all a Rider book needs to be great, as long the plot isn't offensive I'm on board with the rest.
Caught up on all my avengers books.

NA feels like its going somewhere, still really like it.

Avengers + Avengers World feel dead in the water for me. Feels like they're just stalling until NA can catch up. :\ I want so much more from these books. I feel like pre infinity Hickman gave us a bunch of great one ofs about some lesser known characters and generally had some great to solid issues. Now it all feels like filler.


So Comics-GAF, I don't have a lot of money and when I do decide to allocate it to comics I normally just buy Batman Beyond, but I kinda want to reconnect with X-Men and Spider-Man after years of being away from them.

So what's a worthwhile X-Men story to check out that doesn't require I know what kind of fight Scott and Logan are having this year or have read all the stuff about the Young X-Men stuff? And what's a good Spider-Man to pick up? Neither has to be the current, ongoing stuff. If there was a recent past storyline I might check that out.

I really enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man back in the day, so if I could recapture that it'd be nice, but I'm averse to the idea of reading any nonsense with Spock in it.


Caught up on all my avengers books.

NA feels like its going somewhere, still really like it.

Avengers + Avengers World feel dead in the water for me. Feels like they're just stalling until NA can catch up. :\ I want so much more from these books. I feel like pre infinity Hickman gave us a bunch of great one ofs about some lesser known characters and generally had some great to solid issues. Now it all feels like filler.

Secret Avengers to be Best Avengers?

Jedeye Sniv

Just because it's not a zoom-boom-pow Geoff Johns comic doesn't mean things haven't moved forward. Like, over the course of the last two issues, they've learned a great deal about just how dangerous the Black Swan actually is, and in this last one, they found a universe where heroes have found a way to deal with incursions in a better way that doesn't destroy an Earth -contrast with the parallel earths where the Illuminati have gotten hella wrecked- but that seems to tie with the Black Priests. Loads of stuff.

Anyway, I didn't come here to defend a great fucking book, but to post this.


shit is gonna be crayyyyyy

What was their method for holding off the incursions, maybe I misread it. They blew up the dead earth, but I thought that was how they did it for all of them. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but I still think Hickman is spending too long telling us stuff that could be done a lot quicker. I thought the Swan issue was a bit muddled really, the stuff with her character has been "ooo you don't even KNOW how powerful I am" for so long that she's going to have to actually DO SOMETHING to get me to care again.

I'm a big Hickman supporter, but I think that sometimes he has to start catching all those balls he throws into the air.

Jedeye Sniv

So Comics-GAF, I don't have a lot of money and when I do decide to allocate it to comics I normally just buy Batman Beyond, but I kinda want to reconnect with X-Men and Spider-Man after years of being away from them.

So what's a worthwhile X-Men story to check out that doesn't require I know what kind of fight Scott and Logan are having this year or have read all the stuff about the Young X-Men stuff? And what's a good Spider-Man to pick up? Neither has to be the current, ongoing stuff. If there was a recent past storyline I might check that out.

I really enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man back in the day, so if I could recapture that it'd be nice, but I'm averse to the idea of reading any nonsense with Spock in it.

Traditionalist eh? How are you wanting to read, trades or issues?

A good X-Men book I've been reading recently is X-Men Legacy, it's a 'solo' book about Legion, a character I didn't know anything about going into it but have grown quite fond of, and it follows his offbeat story. Really quite a good run and it's only 24 issues so it's not too daunting to read as one whole story.

Other than that, I would say that All New X-Men has been pretty fantastic all the way through, you should read it because it's good. Wolverine and the X-Men vol 1 was also fantastic stuff.

Ultimate Spider-Man has never really dropped a beat, you should just pick up on that where you left off. Great little book that just keeps getting better IMO.


Traditionalist eh? How are you wanting to read, trades or issues?

A good X-Men book I've been reading recently is X-Men Legacy, it's a 'solo' book about Legion, a character I didn't know anything about going into it but have grown quite fond of, and it follows his offbeat story. Really quite a good run and it's only 24 issues so it's not too daunting to read as one whole story.

Other than that, I would say that All New X-Men has been pretty fantastic all the way through, you should read it because it's good. Wolverine and the X-Men vol 1 was also fantastic stuff.

Ultimate Spider-Man has never really dropped a beat, you should just pick up on that where you left off. Great little book that just keeps getting better IMO.

I think if I could buy a whole storyline in one purchase that'd be how I'd like it. I mean, like I own the Dark Phoenix Saga, a collection of early Spider-Man stories, the Ultimate Spider-Man storyline where Peter faces Doc Ock and the Thrawn Trilogy and that's it.

I hear Miles is supposed to be a great character, but I'm sort of apprehensive about going back into the Ultimate Universe after so much of it went nuts. I heard there was a team up between 616 Peter and Miles, though? Was that any good?

Actually I've heard that after 616 had a chance to breath after all that OMD/BND stuff Spider-Man was actually fairly good for awhile, so if any of that was good I might be interested.

As to X-Men, much as I've made noise over the whole Cyclops thing in the past, I really wouldn't mind reading a storyline with him, Wolverine and the gang. I'm pretty vanilla in my "favorite Marvel characters" tastes, haha. I think Jean Grey and Hawkeye are probably the only somewhat not generic choices I have for faves. Otherwise Cyke, Wolverine, Spidey and the Human Torch for me.

Also: How did Hawkeye turn out? I bought the first two issues and I really liked the artwork and remember it being a fairly interesting, more down-to-earth in scale Super Hero setting. I wouldn't mind picking that up again, I think.
I think if I could buy a whole storyline in one purchase that'd be how I'd like it. I mean, like I own the Dark Phoenix Saga, a collection of early Spider-Man stories, the Ultimate Spider-Man storyline where Peter faces Doc Ock and the Thrawn Trilogy and that's it.

I hear Miles is supposed to be a great character, but I'm sort of apprehensive about going back into the Ultimate Universe after so much of it went nuts. I heard there was a team up between 616 Peter and Miles, though? Was that any good?

Actually I've heard that after 616 had a chance to breath after all that OMD/BND stuff Spider-Man was actually fairly good for awhile, so if any of that was good I might be interested.

As to X-Men, much as I've made noise over the whole Cyclops thing in the past, I really wouldn't mind reading a storyline with him, Wolverine and the gang. I'm pretty vanilla in my "favorite Marvel characters" tastes, haha. I think Jean Grey and Hawkeye are probably the only somewhat not generic choices I have for faves. Otherwise Cyke, Wolverine, Spidey and the Human Torch for me.

Also: How did Hawkeye turn out? I bought the first two issues and I really liked the artwork and remember it being a fairly interesting, more down-to-earth in scale Super Hero setting. I wouldn't mind picking that up again, I think.

Hawkeye is pretty great.

There is a cyclopes ongoing written by greg rucka coming out soon. it stars oringal 5 cyke and his dad going on space adventurers

Superior spider-rman has been a fun ride. Peter comes back next month in amazing.

jason Arron wolverine and the X-men was fantastic.(just skip the AvX issues)
also uncanny x-force if you havent read it yet
So Comics-GAF, I don't have a lot of money and when I do decide to allocate it to comics I normally just buy Batman Beyond, but I kinda want to reconnect with X-Men and Spider-Man after years of being away from them.

So what's a worthwhile X-Men story to check out that doesn't require I know what kind of fight Scott and Logan are having this year or have read all the stuff about the Young X-Men stuff? And what's a good Spider-Man to pick up? Neither has to be the current, ongoing stuff. If there was a recent past storyline I might check that out.

I really enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man back in the day, so if I could recapture that it'd be nice, but I'm averse to the idea of reading any nonsense with Spock in it.

For X-Men pick up Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. For Spidey I would recommend picking up Ultimate Spider-man from whenever you left off, otherwise Dan Slott's run starting from Brand New Day onward is pretty solid.


I hear Miles is supposed to be a great character, but I'm sort of apprehensive about going back into the Ultimate Universe after so much of it went nuts. I heard there was a team up between 616 Peter and Miles, though? Was that any good?

Actually I've heard that after 616 had a chance to breath after all that OMD/BND stuff Spider-Man was actually fairly good for awhile, so if any of that was good I might be interested.

As to X-Men, much as I've made noise over the whole Cyclops thing in the past, I really wouldn't mind reading a storyline with him, Wolverine and the gang. I'm pretty vanilla in my "favorite Marvel characters" tastes, haha. I think Jean Grey and Hawkeye are probably the only somewhat not generic choices I have for faves. Otherwise Cyke, Wolverine, Spidey and the Human Torch for me.
The 616 Spidey and Miles team-up is a book called Spider-Men; it's one storyline (five issues) and it's really good. 616 Peter in the Ultimate universe is great. As for Ultimate Comics Spider-Man itself: it might be different from the mainstream universe but that's part of the charm really. Miles is a great character and the supporting cast is fun too.

And yeah, Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon all the way. It's the first four volumes he wrote and it's constantly great.

jean has hidden kin somewhere that Charles knew about.
Oh snap.

But it this a new book? Or is it already out?


I think if I could buy a whole storyline in one purchase that'd be how I'd like it. I mean, like I own the Dark Phoenix Saga, a collection of early Spider-Man stories, the Ultimate Spider-Man storyline where Peter faces Doc Ock and the Thrawn Trilogy and that's it.

I hear Miles is supposed to be a great character, but I'm sort of apprehensive about going back into the Ultimate Universe after so much of it went nuts. I heard there was a team up between 616 Peter and Miles, though? Was that any good?

Actually I've heard that after 616 had a chance to breath after all that OMD/BND stuff Spider-Man was actually fairly good for awhile, so if any of that was good I might be interested.

As to X-Men, much as I've made noise over the whole Cyclops thing in the past, I really wouldn't mind reading a storyline with him, Wolverine and the gang. I'm pretty vanilla in my "favorite Marvel characters" tastes, haha. I think Jean Grey and Hawkeye are probably the only somewhat not generic choices I have for faves. Otherwise Cyke, Wolverine, Spidey and the Human Torch for me.

Also: How did Hawkeye turn out? I bought the first two issues and I really liked the artwork and remember it being a fairly interesting, more down-to-earth in scale Super Hero setting. I wouldn't mind picking that up again, I think.

For spidey, you should check out the gauntlet and grim hunt. Dan slott's run on amazing spider-man is also worth checking out.
Adventures of Superman #11 was great this week: Another look at the idea of the Green Lantern(s) of 2813, Krypton's Sector. This one deals with the other Lantern of the Sector, aside from Tomar Re.
So after listening to the most recent Wait What I sprung for a MU subscription and am looking forward to digging into all those years of runs I've missed.

Especially looking forward to trying to figure out what the eff Kang's story is.



Parker was injured during the goblin attacks and suffered head trauma. No recollection of the past year or two- which he doesn't have anyway, thanks to Otto.

Simple. I take my checks via paypal, Marvel.

Edit: or-

why end it? Anna maria is an interesting character, and literally everyone else will have turned on Parker. He's going to be damn short on friends.

pun intended

I personally would not be too miffed if the 'Superior Spider-Man' was an amalgamation of Otto and Peter.

Solves tons of issues and lets them realistically ease the status quo.
Finally finished the batch of books I bought at the beginning of February and just put in my next order at cheapgraphicnovels:

Daredevil volumes 2-4
Thor: God of Thunder volumes 2-3
Indestructible Hulk volumes 2-3
Scarlet Spider volume 4
Saga volume 3
Superior Foes of Spider-Man volume 1

Soooo pumped for more Saga.


No Scrubs
I hope so. A friend just told me and I stood there with the mouth wide open. Even Dan Slott doesnt dare to do this.

Come on,
it's not going to be the kid. That doesn't even make sense. If anything it hinted Liz may be the goblin, but not the kid
. No offence, but I'd say your friend can't read.
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